Be alone in the world

Chapter 634 Holy Blood Demon (Please subscribe to the monthly ticket~)

The demon lord and Feng Yanlu disappeared in the sky in the blink of an eye. Ye Xu stood in place and thought for a moment, and couldn't help feeling a little sad.

This time, the saints have explored the Tang Emperor's Mausoleum in Yin Ruins. They are planning to open the road to heaven and enter the heaven. If it is an ordinary period, they may succeed.

However, the opening of the road to heaven involves the struggle between the emperor of heaven and the two giants of today's emperor. Although the saints are powerful, in front of these two giants, they are simply like ants, and in the end, they are killed and injured.

This time, several saints died, and even the Ming Emperor of the Han Dynasty died tragically under the Wuluo ancestor. Without the holy place where the holy lord sits, I'm afraid it will definitely attract the cove of other forces. This is what the demon lord said about the bloody storm.

In addition, the bloodline of the emperor's reputable god king also rushed into the world of witchcraft, and two patrol angels chased and killed them. I don't know how many heavenly demons took the opportunity to make trouble in the lower world. Ye Xu can imagine that for a long time in the future, I'm afraid that the world of witch

At this time, the Holy Lord must return to his holy places, otherwise he may be coveted by other forces and occupy the Holy Land, so the Demon Lord will be so anxious to return to the Heavenly Demon Palace.

\"\'I don't know if the Lord of the Xia family, Master Baoguang, Master Yuzhen and others have died? Or was it hit hard? \"

Ye Xu's eyes are shining, and these three saints have hatreds with him. If these three people are seriously damaged, he doesn't mind falling into the well.

\"\'The demon lord has returned to the Heavenly Demon Palace. These three saints must also return to their respective holy places. With my current strength, it is far from breaking into a large holy place alone and killing the Holy Lord. \".,., He had to give up the idea. This is indeed the best time to get rid of Yuzhen, Baoguang and the Lord of the Xia family, but his strength has not reached the level of killing the Lord. Even the Lord who has been hit hard can't do it. He can only miss this good opportunity.

Ye Xu's current cultivation. It has reached the peak of the celestial phase, and only eight heavenly emperors can enter the three immortal realms and achieve immortality!

However, I'm afraid that even if it is the immortal period of the three immortals, it can't compete with the Holy Lord head-on, because the power of the forbidden treasure is too great, and the power of the witch emperor's forbidden method. It's incredible that even the Holy Lord can kill it easily!

The Holy Lord controls the forbidden treasure, which is invincible in the world of witchcraft. There is almost no possibility of falling.

\"\'The building wood was destroyed, and most of it was captured by the Wuluo ancestor, but half of the fragments were scattered in the world of witchcraft. This and the fragments of the divine object, for others, are born to refine forbidden treasures, which will definitely attract the competition of many people! For me, it is even more important! He sacrificed the beautiful mountains and rivers. His mind swept this map and immediately swept the hundreds of millions of miles of mountains and rivers in the mainland of the Middle-earth Shenyuan. Search for the place where several pieces of wood fell.

The wood fragments fell from the sky, like the stars hitting the Shentao mainland, causing a great change in the geography of mountains and rivers. It is not difficult to search for such a place.

Ye Xu's mind moved slightly, across the sky, thousands of miles in an instant. It didn't take long to come to the world of witch wilderness, broke into the Middle-earth Shenhong, and went straight to the nearest place where the wood fragments fell.

This piece of wood fell on a plain in the Tang Dynasty. The thousands of miles of plains has turned into a huge pit at this moment. The building of wood is really huge. Although it is a fragment, falling from a high altitude is like a star falling from the sky, destroying thousands of miles of mountains and rivers, and the damage caused is as terrible as a forbidden treasure!

This is a thousand-mile plain. There are many people living, how many wizards, and even many witchcraft sects. At this moment, they are all destroyed in the impact caused by the falling of the wood fragments!

\"\'Heaven and earth are not benevolent, take everything as a ruminant dog.......,.\"

Ye Xu was so sad that he didn't have time to think too much, so he immediately went to the place where Jianmu fell. I saw the place where the wood fragments fell, although it destroyed thousands of miles of mountains and rivers. But then the boundless breath of wood essence emanated out, only in this huge pit. Countless trees have risen one after another, and the huge trees are towering in the sky, as if they have grown for hundreds or even thousands of years, full of magnificent breath of life.

At this moment, there are still many masters of the Tang Dynasty who rush to this place, and most of them also want to take this divine object for themselves.

\"\'The Tiance Mansion is doing business here, idle people, etc., all avoid it!. \"A big witch rose to the sky, shouted loudly, and heard the four fields.

Many masters of the Tang Dynasty couldn't help frowning when they heard the words, but Tiance Mansion symbolized the majesty of the Tang Dynasty, and they were unable to resist and had to leave.

Most people have left. The big witch of Tiance Mansion caught a glimpse of Ye Xu before he left. He couldn't help frowning and sneered:\". Tiance Mansion is doing business, why don't you leave? Do you want to die? \"

Ye Xu turned a deaf ear and continued to walk to the place where the building fell. In the world, there are not many big witches who can compete with him. This and everyone come out of the outstanding old antiques. In the Tang Dynasty, only when the Tang Emperor comes out can he retreat. The others are just local chickens and dogs.

Seeing that he did not leave, the witch of Tiance Mansion saw that no one left for Jianmu. He couldn't help but be furious. When he saw Ye Xu's face clearly, he couldn't help but have a cold war and dared not speak again. He said to himself, "It turns out that this killing god is coming. It' ...However, this man is my public enemy of the Tang Dynasty. Not only Li Tianwang, but also His Royal Highness, the King of Qin, the King of Cheng, and the 28th Army, almost all died in his hands. Your Majesty must be notified as soon as possible.\"\"

He summoned a person immediately and ordered him to return to Chang'an as soon as possible and report to the Tang Emperor.


Ye Xu had come to the sky of the huge pit. With a soft sound, he noticed that the boundless spirit of wood essence was mixed with the wild atmosphere of evil, which was the opposite of the breath of life in the wood building.

This evil breath is full of the desire to destroy everything, madness, irritability, greed, cruelty, and inhumanity, as if it can seduce all the negative desires in people's hearts and make people degenerate into demons!

\"\'Kill! \", the master of the Tang Dynasty who just rushed here to find the wood-building fragments has been eroded by magic at this moment, turned into a demon, killing each other, and several people died in the blink of an eye!

\"\'Is it possible that the demons of heaven fell with this tree and came here? \"

Ye Xu's eyes swept away and saw the bottom of the huge pit. The wood fragments were about a hundred miles long and straight in the middle of [in]. They were as towering as pillars, with green branches and green leaves, and still bright. They seemed to fall from thousands of miles high without any damage, not even a leaf.

On the surface of the building wood, there are blood rivers flowing slowly along the tree. The blood rivers are like waterfalls, flowing upwards in retrograde. These blood are colorful, blue and purple, red and green, and even a golden blood river, emitting a fluctuation comparable to that of the emperor.


In a river of blood, countless tentacles shot out, piercing the big witches of Tiance Mansion who came to look for treasure one after another. These tentacles beat like blood vessels. In a few breaths, these wizards were sucked dry and turned into human skins!

\"\'Hehe, human beings in the lower world, inferior life, I really want to eat them all........\"\"

A red blood river first flowed to the top of Jianmu, squirming like serous, and gradually condensed into a demon with two horns and blood wings.

This is a demon of heaven. It has the characteristics of demons and demons, emitting the magic spirit of the sky, and there seems to be no real shape, but a demon bred in a mass of plasma.

Ye Xu frowned slightly, smashed the tentacles that came to him with his fingers, leaving a drop of blood in the palm of his hand, and he was shocked:\". This drop of blood contains a very powerful force...,.\"

He stared at the drop of magic blood in the palm of his hand. He could feel the extremely powerful power from the blood of condensing this demon. This power makes people shudder and seems to demonize anyone.

Ye Xu even saw that this drop of blood, like life, was trying to break his skin and drill into his body.

\"\'This drop of blood should not be the blood of the witch emperor. The blood of the witch emperor can't have such terrible energy. It can only be the blood shed by the holy emperor, or even the witch ancestor after being injured. From this blood, such a strange demon was born.\"

Moreover, Ye Xu is sure that the owner of this group of blood must be a master of refining demons and demons, otherwise his blood can't have demons and demons!

There is even a legend that when the ancient Buddha was injured, a drop of golden blood would breed gods.

If Ye Xu cultivates to a strong enough realm, his blood will also be mixed with the forbidden mental method he has practiced. If the blood flows out, it will breed demons!

\"\'The demons who escaped from heaven are really strange. \".\"

Ye Xu shook gently, and this drop of blood shattered and smashed the magic in it. Looking up, he saw that the demon at the top of Jianmu had condensed into shape, emitting a horrible and suffocating demon spirit, splitting the jar with a strange smile, and looked at him.

\"\'A small human being can shatter the holy blood. You are very strong. You must have a chewy taste! \"The demon laughed, shook his wings, and came to the top of Ye Xu's head, waved his claws to grab Ye Xu's forehead!

His strength is almost comparable to that of the immortal world. He shatters the void with one claw, his face is ferocious and horrible, his arrogance is dripping, and even the sky has become blood-red!

\"\'It turned out to be a demon breeding in the blood of the Holy Emperor. If the Holy Emperor came, I would naturally retreat from Sanshe, but it was just a mass of holy blood and wanted to fight with me, Ye Shaobao. It's really a joke! Ye Xu stood still and grabbed it. His palm was like a towering blue sky When he grabbed it, he grabbed the heavenly demon in the palm of his hand and squeezed it with a slight force. He only heard a soft sound and crushed it!

Ye Xu's mind moved, and his palm suddenly turned into a fire hell. The magic flame burned, burning the magic in this holy blood, leaving only extremely pure energy!

\"\'Good thing, if this ball of holy blood breaks into the wizard's body, after refining, I'm afraid it can easily change the wizard's qualifications, improve the wizard's cultivation, and let his blood contain a trace of the holy emperor's blood! Ye Xu was overjoyed and put this group of holy blood into the first floor of The holy blood directly enters the body of the bear.