Be alone in the world

Some views on pig's novels... It's purely a personal opinion.

Author: Chunyang Unsullied Witch

Walking alone in the world has also read so many chapters and express my personal opinion.

First of all, I feel that the pig writes novels like a master of Tai Chi. He never wears heavy makeup on some details of the fight. In fact, the details of the fight do not have much meaning in the first place. He only describes the scene at that time, giving people an immersive feeling. Finally, the most dangerous scene is finally flying in the middle of The smoke goes out.

Then, at the end of another story and the beginning of the bridging stage of another story, the pig will give a very, very reasonable transition, which seems to be understated, but in fact it is like tailor-made.

Next, the pig will add some funny elements to the story. Unlike other fairy novels, it is full of fighting monsters, upgrading, and explosive equipment. For example, the magical habit of the underlord's ancestors, the invincible IQ; for example, the dirty words of Xiaotian; for example, the lies of burning bags to children... These things are not possible in reality, but when added to the novel, it not only will not make readers disgusted, but also can attract more attention.

Next, pigs will also describe some characters that do not appear too much vividly, such as most people's favorites - our dear suzerain, such as Chu Chu's touching little phoenix, Qiao Qiao, such as the little witch who can't give up her eyebrows... In fact, if you think about it, they don't have many opportunities to appear, not as good as Xiaotian, but we just like them.

In addition, the pig will often leave a lot of suspense for everyone, so that the reader can guess his own world, and no one guesses correctly in the end. For example: Boss Xiang...

Finally, I would like to mention one thing that I am not satisfied with: the heroine and supporting actresses have too few appearances...

This is my personal opinion. If you have any other opinions, please publish them below. Let's exchange! C