Be alone in the world

Chapter 784 Refining the divine ancestor demon seed (, please subscribe to the monthly ticket~)

The wisp of the incarnation of the Ba Shenzu was wrapped in a martial god. In the blink of an eye, it flew away from a million armor and landed straight into a valley to put down the Ba Wushen.

"God of War, you are the son of the God King, my son. Do you encounter a little setback and be depressed like this?" Ba Shenzu's face was angry, his eyes fell on Ba Wushen, and his voice rumbled.

Ba Wushen's eyes regained a touch of brilliance and said gloomy, "Dad, my kendo, the heart of the sword, were completely smashed by that man. My Tao, in front of his Tao, is simply nothing"

"If the kendo is broken, then we will reunite the kendo and make it into steel until it can't be broken by others!

If the heart of the sword is broken, then refine the heart of the sword and let your heart be broken by no one!"

Ba Shenzu shouted and shouted deaf: "You are the son I value most. Among my more than 300 children, you are the most like me. Like me, you don't follow the path of predecessors, trying to create your own way.

This setback is not a good thing for you. As long as you can make a comeback, your future achievements will be greater!"

"Dongshan rises again, refine the heart of the sword, reunite Kendo..."

Ba Wushen's eyes are getting brighter and brighter. He clenched his fists heavily and said loudly, "Yes, hundreds of steelmaking is soft around the fingers! My kendo is too strong. If I can understand the truth of softness, the combination of yin and yang, and the combination of strength and softness may not be inferior to that man! I will definitely rise again, go to the man again, and defeat him with my sword!"

"This is the son of God, the son of my god ancestor!"

Ba Shenzu laughed and said, "However, you don't have to avenge yourself. The boy fought hard with me and was hit hard. I planted my Taoism and consciousness in his [body] with the magic method! Soon, he will become an external incarnation for his father, and then you will have an opponent who can sharpen yourself at any time until you defeat and kill him!"

"Is there a place in the creation gate who wants to see me?"

Ye Xu sat on the back of the roaring dog and was slightly stunned. He had a bad relationship with the Zorochemical Gate. As soon as he entered the heaven, he made a scene at the Zorochemical Gate and disturbed the princess to take a nap.

The incarnation of the creator's door master, and even used the help of the creation door to use the magic method to chase and kill for thousands of miles, almost leaving him and the Dark Sky Demon Lord, and he was almost destroyed by her.

"The master of creation obviously does not mean revenge. Do you want to see that my existence is the princess of creation or the king of creation?" Ye Xu was suspicious.

"Naturally, he is the god king."

Feng Suiyun smiled and said, "The God King opened the Creation Gate. After Brother Ye, who lives in the Qingyang Palace, left, the God King sent his will to let my mother fight with you into jade and silk. If you have time, please go to the Creation Gate. The God King wants to see you in person."

Ye Xu frowned. He had never met the god king of creation. Naturally, it was impossible to have a friendship with the god king. Maybe the god king of creation had never heard of himself. How could he want to see him for no reason?

"Does the King of Creation want to see me out of kindness or malice?"

He secretly thought in his heart that the roles of the god king are all the strong among the strong, who rule the heavens and are high above the top. Their every move and every word and deed are far-reaching and not meaningless.

Ye Xu has seen the backhand of the emperor's god king, with a layout of hundreds of thousands of years. When the emperor of heaven's order was just over, his emperor's wisdom was born and he went against the sky, which can be said to be an old-fashioned plan.

Although the God King of Creation is not as good as Di Hui, he is also an old fox-like figure. It is impossible to summon Ye Xu for no reason. If he goes there rashly, he may fall into the game of the God King of Creation and inadvertently become a pawn used by him.

"Whether the God of Creation wants to see me in good faith or malice, I'm afraid I don't even have the right to speak in front of him, let alone an equal dialogue. If you don't want to be a chess piece of the god king, you can only have a character who can compete with the god king. I'm afraid it's too early to see the god king now.

Ye Xu thought of this and said with a smile, "Brother Feng, if I don't plan to go to the Zohua Gate, will the Zorogate forcibly go there?"

"Of course not. In my mother's sense, although Brother Ye is extraordinary, he is still a little too weak for the Wuzu God King. If Brother Ye doesn't want to, he will forcibly take him. However, the God King said that he must not be rude to Brother Ye and treat him with courtesy.

Feng Suiyun smiled slightly and said with concern, "Brother Ye, I'm afraid you will be hit by the split with the god king, right? Although the divine ancestor god king is a wisp of split, it is not the Holy Emperor who can resist. The divine ancestor is proficient in demons. If his Taoist lines invade Brother Ye's [body], it will turn into a demon seed. Even the Holy Emperor does not have the ability to drive it out, which is bound to leave you with indelible scars. Why don't you go back to the gate with Feng after leaving this place and ask my mother to take action, which will definitely wipe out the demon seed of the god's ancestor.

He said seriously, "Brother Ye, I'm afraid you don't know anything. Without the means and strength of Wu Zu, I'm afraid Brother Ye's injury will accompany him for the rest of his life, and it will be difficult to improve his cultivation after that.

Even, your injury is likely to get worse and worse, and eventually you will be eroded by the magic seed of the god king, turning you into a split of him!"

His words are not exaggerated. There is a world of difference between the Taoist pattern of the Holy Emperor and the Taoist pattern of the God King. The King of God understands the road of heaven and earth, which is the king of the gods. Even a trace of Taoist pattern cannot be understood by the Holy Emperor.

Only the witch had this means and strength to wipe out the divine Taoist lines.

Feng Suiyun's eyes were poisonous and old. He saw that Ye Xu fought against Ba Shenzu with the witch seal. He was extremely damaged, and his own cultivation was bound to be eroded by the Taoist lines of the god ancestor. Therefore, he was so determined that Ye Xu would follow him back to the Creation Gate.

"It's just a little hurt, and it's not difficult for me."

Ye Xu smiled and suddenly unfolded the world of the king of the world. He saw that the three thousand worlds of the thirty-three-day world surged out. His cultivation was insufficient. He forcibly used the witch seal, and almost slapped his whole body's cultivation with one palm. At this moment, his major worlds had shrunk

He fought against Ba Shenzu, and the scars left by Ba Shenzu in his [body] were suddenly exposed. In the world of King Pan Kaitian, the thin Taoist lines wandered and collided everywhere, destroying the Taoist lines of his three thousand worlds, which was extremely fierce!

These Taoist lines are constantly growing themselves. The texture is getting thicker and thicker and more complete. Finally, it turns into a demon seed and becomes a god ancestor royal court. The figure of Ba Shenzu appears in the royal court, and his mouth keeps devouring Ye Xu's Taoist lines and Taoist marks, turning his cultivation into his own!

This is exactly the horror of the God King. A wisp of the Taoist pattern of Ba Shenzu fights with Ye Xu, and then left his magic seed in his [body], constantly copying and devouring. In the long run, Ye Xu's cultivation is bound to be completely swallowed up by Ba Shenzu and become an external incarnation of

"Kid, you use that type of god king-level seal. The power is too strong. Now that you have little cultivation left, you'd better obediently become my puppet."

Ba Shenzu's demon seed stood in the throne of Shenzu, laughing, opening his mouth, and constantly swallowing the Taoist lines and Taoist traces in Ye Xu's three thousand worlds.

"Good, good! There are so many Taoist lines and Taoist traces, and your Taoist lines are so rich that even I feel surprised. There are some truths that even I have never thought about! After devouring your Taoist marks, maybe I can make the god's ancestor go a step further and win the emperor!"

Ba Shenzu's magic seed transformed by a wisp of Taoist lines devoured the Taoist lines and traces of Ye Xu. He only felt that all kinds of truths surged into his heart and turned into all kinds of enlightenment. Even if he was the god king, he had never seen some truths, had never heard of them, and couldn't

"Evouring me? Ba Shenzu, you are dead! The vein of immortals!"

Ye Xu's mind moved slightly, the jade tower floated in the air, and the veins of immortals fell from the building like dragons. Ye Xu opened his mouth and sucked, and the whale swallowed the veins of immortals into his abdomen like a long rainbow, turning into rolling cultivation!

Feng Suiyun's eyes were round, and he couldn't speak for a long time. He swallowed the whole fairy vein. With his strength, he could also do it, but it took a few days to come to Jing.

After swallowing two or three, he couldn't stand it. It took him nearly a month to digest it and become his own cultivation.

But Ye Xu swallowed as much as eight, and was devouring the ninth spiritual vein!

In the blink of an eye, Ye Xu swallowed the veins of twelve immortals into his abdomen and refined them on the spot!

This shows that Ye Xu's cultivation speed is hundreds or thousands of times that of times!

"If you want to devour me and turn me into your external incarnation, I will refine you first!"

Ye Xu's Panwang Kaitian world has expanded rapidly, and the Taoist lines are getting thicker and thicker and thicker. Compared with the wind and clouds, I am the holy emperor of the three grades. The Taoist lines and Taoist marks are extremely thick, but compared with Ye Xu's Taoist lines and Taoist marks, they are even worse

Ye Xu's Panwang Kaitian world, opening up space in the small Yuan world, and the three thousand worlds have expanded crazily, forcing the wind to retreat with the clouds.

"Ba Shenzu, can you refine a trace of my Taoist lines now? I can easily crush you!"

Ye Xu sneered, and the three thousand worlds collided, bursting out a glow, squeezing towards the god's ancestor Wangting, and squeezing the royal court like an egg. The wisp of incarnation of Ba Shenzu was squeezed out without even having time to hum!

A trace of the divine consciousness of Ba Shenzu was abruptly smashed by Ye Xu. His wisps of Taoist lines were directly refined by Ye Xu, swallowing up all these Taoist lines and refining them for himself!

"Wonderful, really wonderful! The Taoist tattoo of Ba Shenzu actually has the thirty-three-day Taoist tattoo that I dreamed of!" Ye Xu's spirit was refreshed, and he saw that the wisps of Taoist lines were integrated into the world for thirty-three days, although very few,

But it is enough to make a big step forward in his cultivation!

"Ferk, freak, with the cultivation of the witch emperor, he really killed a wisp of divine consciousness of the Ba Shenzu, refined the divine king's Taoist lines, and even devoured it!"

Feng Suiyun stared at Ye Xu like a monster. The demon seed of the god's ancestor is a great skill in heaven. I don't know how many masters have been killed, and even several wizards have been poisoned and refined into an incarnation by him!

"If it were me, I could only return to the creation gate immediately and ask my mother to take action, otherwise it would be a big problem, and even become the external incarnation of Ba Shenzu, but this person easily devoured the Taoist lines of the god king. Is this the reason why the god king summoned him P>