Be alone in the world

Chapter 807 Cannibal (, please subscribe to the monthly ticket~)

When Ye Xu and the other two came to the heavenly tomb, they only felt a depressing breath coming. The heavenly tomb is a world of death. The relics left after the death of the ancient world, the breath of death from it can even make people with slightly weaker cultivation fall into the five declines of heaven and man, and die of decay.

Outside the heavenly grave, many strong people in the heavenly world were ready to enter the heavenly grave. Ye Xu glanced at it and saw warships floating in the air, emitting terrible fluctuations, trying to blow through the space barrier of the heavenly grave and drive into it.

The barrier of Tianxu is unimaginable, which is many times larger than the nine heavenly world plus three thousand worlds. Only the barriers here are the weakest, so most of the masters who try to enter Tianxu choose to break through the barriers here and enter it.

There are still many subtle gaps in the walls of the heavenly tomb, which are connected in all directions, and there is a passage in the wizarding world, from which you can enter the heavenly tomb.

"The Xuantianpi family, the Gu family, the Lu family, the He family, these heavenly families joined hands to come to the heavenly tomb. It seems that they are ready to explore the heavenly tomb for treasure hunting."

Fu Xilai glanced away and said with a smile, "In addition to these big families, there are also many scattered small forces, which are estimated to be scattered."

Feng Suiyun nodded and said, "These are all the medium forces in heaven. There have been strong people such as the Wuzu God King in the ancestors, leaving a background, but the descendants are not so competitive, the family has declined, and it is not as prosperous as before. These families must have entered the heavenly tomb with great fanfare in order to search for the wealth in the heavenly grave, obtain resources and accumulate capital.

Ye Xu said curiously, "Isn't there a big family in heaven?"

"Of course there is. Yantian Zhurong family, Xuantian Gonggong family, Haotian Shaohao family, Cangtianju Mang family, and the Houtu family of our Juntiantiantian world are all big families left by the Emperor of Heaven. They are giant and have a strong background, and emperor soldiers as the treasure of the town. It's much deeper than the background of Qingxuan Shenfu, which is better than my Qinghuamen and Brother Fu!"

Feng Suiyun smiled and said, "In addition, there is also the Xuanyuan family of Xuanyuan Emperor. The branches and leaves are huge, and the gods are full of kings, and the background is stronger than the other five major families. However, after the emperor was proclaimed emperor, the Xuanyuan family was suppressed and silent for more than 200,000 years, but it should not be underestimated. It is said that there is also a god king in Xuanyuan's family, but no one knows how. These emperors are highly respected. Even the emperors of all dynasties have been respectful to these families and will not touch them easily.

Ye Xu couldn't help sighing that there are so many major forces in the world.

Although the Qi family, the Gu family, the Lu family, the He family and other families have fallen, they should not be underestimated. This time, many masters have been dispatched, including the top emperors like Murong Ganhua, and even brought ancestral soldiers.

Ye Xu can feel those warships. Not only did the throbbing of the ancestral soldiers like heaven and earth, but there were also many extremely powerful existences, and his heart was suddenly stunned.

"The realm of the Holy Emperor can be said to be a huge watershed. There is a world of difference in the achievements obtained by practicing different mental methods. Murong Greedy Cultied to the Holy Emperor, but his mind was too inferior. Achievements are not top-notch. If it is a god-level mind. The imperial-level mental method, cultivated to the level of the absolute emperor, will definitely be many times stronger than Murong Greedant!"

Heaven has always been the stage of the top strong. There are countless mental methods left behind, and there are also countless strong people.

Ye Xu never thought that he could sweep all the holy emperors at the level of the witch emperor.

"The ninth grade of the Holy Emperor is just the beginning of the realm of the Holy Emperor, after achieving the ninth grade Holy Emperor. That's the real beginning! If Prince Lingxiao cultivates to the realm of Murong's greed, it will be enough to keep pace with me! If his accumulation reaches the point where he can open the door and jump out, he can beat me!"

Ye Xu's eyes flashed and his heart said, "If I practice the imperial heart method that is better than the Taoist scripture created by Emperor Haotian, then I have no choice but to retreat. But if I make up for the thirty-three days, the eighteenth floor of hell, I will refine the Taoist door. All the holy emperors in the world, even if they practice the mind created by the first king of the Yuan Dynasty, will not be my opponents!"

"If I unite the Taoist door and become the Holy Emperor, I can really face the witch ancestor!"

The strong people of several major families such as the Qi family have begun to sacrifice their ancestors. With the power of the ancestral soldiers, he forcibly bombarded the barriers of heaven.

"It's open!"

Above several warships, there were cheers from the masters of several major families. Ye Xu and the other two looked up and saw that the barrier of the heavenly tomb was blown open by the ancestral soldiers. At the edge of the hole, countless rhymes were entangled, consolidating and expanding the entrance of the cave, so that the heavenly tomb barrier could not heal.

On the other side of the cave, you can faintly see a dilapidated world. A fiery red sun floats by. This scorching sun is full of holes and almost extinguishes. It makes people look at it, but they only feel spectacular.

That's the heavenly grave!

Many scattered repairs outside the heavenly grave suddenly surged and flew to the entrance of the cave, but they planned to take the opportunity to enter the heavenly grave to search for treasures and resources.

They don't have enough strength, and they don't have such treasures as ancestral soldiers. They can't open the heavenly tomb, so they can only sneak in when several major families open the heavenly tomb.

"Well, a group of rats! Our family, the Gu family and other families have joined hands and worked hard to open the heavenly tomb. You rat generation actually want to fish in troubled waters and take advantage of our achievements!"

Suddenly, there was a cold hum on top of a warship, and a peak holy emperor suddenly appeared above the warship. With a ferocious smile, he urged the ancestral soldiers on the warship. Suddenly, the charm filled the hole and crushed dozens of people!

"What? There is a scattered cultivation, and there is actually a holy treasure made of amber fairy jade! If it falls into your hands, it will be a violent thing!"

The Holy Emperor suddenly saw a man sacrificing a blue and white moon bottle. A full moon gushed out of this treasure bottle, blocking the wisps of Taoist rhyme. Unexpectedly, it was not shattered by the ancestral soldiers. He couldn't help but be greedy. He urged the ancestral soldiers of the Qi family with all his I grabbed the moon bottle and laughed.

"Good baby, the amber fairy jade is the material for refining ancestral soldiers. In the future, after I become a witch ancestor, I can use this thing to refine my ancestral soldiers!"

On top of several other warships, the masters of the Gu family, the Lu family and the He family also urged their own ancestral soldiers to slaughter those who tried to take the opportunity to enter the heavenly tomb and plundered these scattered objects.

Seeing this, how dare he come forward and hurried around to dodge.

Feng Suiyun and Fu Xilai's faces remain unchanged. Obviously, this situation is commonplace. Ye Xu sighed and said to himself, "The wizards in my three thousand world are all full of yearning for the heavenly world, but they don't know that they have worked hard to fly up to the sky, and the end Let others slaughter..."


Suddenly, a black wind blew from the grave in the passage, and only the buzzing sound sounded from the wind. It roared past and went straight to the four warships, and the four warships were flooded in an sudden.

"Mosquito! A lot of mosquitoes!"

The screams of the disciples of the four great families came from the warship. Ye Xu looked up and saw that the black wind was purely composed of black-pressed mosquitoes, roaring. The smallest mosquitoes was also bigger than a steed horse, and the big one was more than ten meters long, with eight-legged pointed mouths. In an instant, Suck!

A disciple of the Gu family is already the peak emperor. As soon as he sacrificed the treasure of the emperor to protect his body, he saw a mosquito flying over and spreading his wings. With a sneer, he cut his emperor's treasure flat. His sharp mouth stabbed into the man's heavenly cover and sucked hard. The emperor's There is only one human skin left!

More mosquitoes rushed over, crawled densely on a witch emperor, pierced the body of the witch emperor, and then buzzed up, leaving a human skin to search for other targets!

These mosquitoes are so pervasive that most of the disciples of the four families died in an early moment. Only the Holy Emperor can resist the bites of these mosquitoes!

The elites of the four great families have been exhausted. One holy emperor sacrificed the holy treasure, constantly suppressed and crushed, and smashed the mosquitoes. However, there are countless giant mosquitoes from the heavenly tomb blown by this strong wind, and they can't be killed, and even the holy emperors can't resist.

"Are these mosquitoes the creatures in the heavenly grave?" Ye Xu was stunned and felt strange. He just thought about it.

Some huge mosquitoes even suck the forbidden treasure, first spit out a stream of mucus. Where it is sprayed, even the forbidden treasure will rot into water in an instant. As soon as other mosquitoes rush up, they will suck it up in an instant.

The corrosiveness of this kind of mucus is terrible. Even if the holy treasure is sprayed, the power is greatly damaged, and the traces of the Taoist lines will melt!


The holy emperor who took the blue and white moon bottle suddenly let out a scream. The moon bottle was melted by the mucus of mosquitoes. The dense mosquitoes rushed to him all over his body. Even his holy door was full of mosquitoes and sucked the traces on the holy door!

The door quickly dissipated and was sucked up by these mosquitoes. These mosquitoes flew up to find other targets, leaving only a scarred holy emperor's skin!

Ye Xu was so creepy that even the Taoist marks of the Holy Emperor and even the Taoist door were devoured alive. The creatures in these heavenly graves are really terrible!

The dense mosquitoes are buzzing, and the place where they pass is simply an inch of grass. Even the warships of the four major families have been bitten by mosquitoes one by one, breaking into big holes and dilapidated!

The four great families were beaten and maimed by a group of mosquitoes, with heavy casualties, and 70% of them died!

"I dare to make trouble in front of my husband and eat my disciples!"

On one of the warships, the Taoist rhyme flowed and shattered the mosquitoes one by one. I saw the Taoist rhyme flowing and spreading everywhere, opening with a sound, like a big net, killing all the mosquitoes and killing them as much as possible!

"It's so strong!"

Ye Xu was stunned. On the warship of the Qi family, two young women helped a trembling old holy emperor to walk out of the warship. The old holy emperor was ready to go, his qi and blood declined, and could die at any time, but his cultivation was extremely strong, far more than ten times stronger than other holy emperors, even more than !

"Friends of the three families, since the heavenly tomb has been opened, let's go in." The ancestor of the Qi family said tremblingly.

The four warships slowly sailed into the tomb and disappeared. Ye Xu's eyes flashed and said with a smile, "Brother Feng, Brother Fu, let's go in!"

————Every night, when the pig code word is eaten by mosquitoes, it's depressing, these gadgets can't be extinguished~ Ask for a monthly ticket, subscribe, ask for the first subscription of the chapter of VIP~~(To be continued)