Be alone in the world

Chapter 987 Yuanshi Ancient Road (Call for Subscription!)

As soon as Di Hui left, Tian Yaoji immediately summoned many god kings of the Juntian Heavenly World and said in a low voice, "Send troops immediately to capture other heavenly worlds!"

Many god kings in the Juntian god world were half taken away by Dihui, and the other half were left to guard the Juntian. When the god kings heard the words, they couldn't help but be shocked. The god king of Dajia said in a low voice, "Military division, your majesty has left the nine heavenly world Most of the other emperors also left their hands to guard the major heavens!"

Tian Yaoji giggled and said, "Other emperors will naturally stay behind, but don't worry, I already have a good chance of winning!"

Seeing that she said this, the god king and others did not dare to violate it. They immediately summoned the major forces under their command and, under the coordination of Tian Yaoji, took the lead in marching to the heavenly world without the emperor's guard!

When the army drove into the world of the gods, Tianyao Jiqing scolded and immediately sacrificed a chess game. It was the Tianji chess game that Dihui refined for her. After the polishing of Dihui, it has now been upgraded to the level of the emperor's soldiers.

"Kings of Gods, listen to my orders and deceive the sky!"


The sky chess game took off into the sky and turned into forty-nine heavenly paths, blinding the sky!

Tian Yaoji sat in the middle army, her beautiful eyes flashed, and she said in her heart, "Your Majesty, now you must have entered the ancient road of the Yuan Dynasty, the King of Yuxu God, the Queen of Heaven, these two are clever. When you enter there, there will inevitably be a big trouble, but with me here, I can help

Beyond the nine days, a vast breath fluctuated. I saw a round of big sun rising slowly, and infinite firepower fluctuated. In the big day, there was a big sun pure Yang Palace. Many god kings in the Haotiantian world were sitting in the palace, and hundreds of millions of divine lines crackled, and under this round of Fly everywhere.

Then, another Sumi Mountain rose from the world of hatred and turned into thirty-two groups of heavens. The Lord of hatred sat on the top of the mountain, surrounded by countless gods, demons and gods and kings.

Another golden rainbow flew over and turned into a golden bridge. In the endless void, an old man rode a green cow and walked slowly on the bridge, but the speed did not have to be slow.

There is also Emperor Duanjing, ** riding the dragon, the fire dragon shakes its head and waving its tail, and flying to the depths of the void.

After a while, the Eternal Emperor led many god kings of the Yantian Heavenly World to come, with a momentum like a rainbow.

Eighteen golden wheels of merit rose behind Dihui, buzzing and turning. A god king sat in it and went to the depths of the void. There was also a magnificent building ship rising from the sky. The queen sat in it, laughing with many god kings under her command. She became the lord of Xuantian and had subdued all the god

In addition, there is also a strong breath. Although it is not as good as the six emperors, it is not the same. It is amazing that there are many hidden god kings in the heavenly world, and they also want to go to the sitting place of the Yuanshi Heavenly King to try their luck.

Each of them has an imitation of the Mira Heaven and Earth Tower, and deduces the heart of the Yuanshi Heavenly King from the imitation. Although it is incomplete, it is enough to make them feel the true orientation of the Mira Heaven and Earth Tower.


A magnificent portal suddenly appeared. I don't know how much time and space this portal is distorted. In the eyes of others, it looks extremely huge and can almost fill the world!

But what's more surprising is that the portal is floating behind a person, and the man's figure is also extremely huge, hundreds of millions of miles high, like the oldest god.

"Yuxu God King, your little conspiracy one after another, which really surprises me!"

The building ship came, driving side by side with the reincarnation Tianmen. The queen's queen lay obliquely on a dragon couch, looked at the man in front of the reincarnation Tianmen with a smile, and said with a smile, "God King, be careful not to make it self-defeating, but you have been robbed of

"My mother misunderstood me."

Under the reincarnation gate, Ye Xu lay obliquely on the throne. Feng Yanrou snuggled under the throne, leaned against his shoulder, and smiled, "This is really not my conspiracy."

The queen's queen smiled and said, "If you don't say anything secret, why do you have to be modest? Your strategy is also to be praised in this palace. With the help of the hands of the Demon Emperor, the Great World Honored One, and many emperors of the emperors and gods, you have opened up the ancient road of the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty and entered the place of sitting. You have practiced the heart of the first king of the Yuan Dynasty. You have evolved for The tower, with the help of the power of this strongest treasure in history, killed the Demon Emperor and the Great World Honored One in one fell swoop, eradicated other emperors, wiped out everything, unified the heaven, the heavenly tomb and the Buddha world, and achieved supreme hegemony!"

Ye Xu's face darkened and sneered.

Feng Yanrou said curiously, "Sir, what the queen said, is it really the master's mind?"

Ye Xu smiled bitterly and nodded and said, "It's almost the same. It's just that I'm not as cruel as the queen thought. I have to kill all the Demon Emperor and the Great World Honored One. In fact, I just want to kill other emperors first and unify the heaven..."

Feng Yanrou had a cold war and said to himself, "If the master really uses this kind of conspiracy, he can indeed wipe out all the forces in the nine heavenly world and achieve the emperor of heaven. Unfortunately, he was taken the lead. I'm afraid that the man's appetite is going to sweep away all obstacles and rule the heavenly grave, the heavenly world and the Buddhist world, just like what the queen said! It's just that who is the person who spreads imitations of the Mira Tower everywhere?

Her beautiful eyes flashed, and she knew that Ye Xu had already guessed the identity of the man, but she didn't know who the person in Ye Xu's heart was.

"Yuxu God King, although your abacus is good, you are now single, and you can't say that you will die before you can get out of the game."

The queen giggled and said, "I really want to collect the three treasures of the Emperor of Heaven before I get the Mira Tower!"

Ye Xu's face did not change his color. He smiled and said, "Tianhou, if you don't die, I'm uneasy. Maybe I got the three treasures of the Heavenly Emperor and took the lead in having the cultivation strength of the Heavenly King!"

The faces of the two were full of smiles. They seemed to be good friends for many years. After a long separation, they met again and said something from the bottom of their hearts, but the front of the words was murderous, and they couldn't wait to do it immediately.

At this moment, he suddenly heard the voice of Di Hui and said with a smile, "You two, there is a lot of danger on the ancient road of the Yuan Dynasty. There is not only the arrangement left by the King of the Yuan Dynasty, but also the demon emperor of the heavenly tomb, the great lord of the thirty-three ruins of the Buddhist world, and Only by working together can we go all the way!"

Ye Xu laughed and said with a smile, "What Brother Dihui said is very true."

The queen also restrained her murderous spirit and said with a smile, "Then give Brother Dihui a face first, stay in the place where the Yuanshi Heavenly King sits, and I will kill you!"

While talking, in the void in front of him, there were suddenly continents, green mountains and green water, exuding vitality, and even the fluctuation of life. Countless star domains revolved around these continents, which made the three of them a little surprised.

As we all know, nine days away is extremely lonely and desolate. It can be said that there is no grass. I don't know how many great people have gone beyond nine days to find a new habitat, but they often die in the endless void.

It's really incredible that there are continents here.

These continents and star domains are connected in a straight line, leading to unknown places.

Ye Xu stared at it, and his heart suddenly shook. He lost his voice and said, "These continents and star domains are the footprints left by the King of the Yuan Dynasty!"

The Empress Dowager and Dihui tightened their hearts and hurriedly looked at them. They saw that the shapes of these continents were like human footprints, stepping on the void and imprinting their own footprints under the eternal imprint!

The King of the Yuan Dynasty was too strong. When he was exhausted, he walked out of the nine heavenly worlds and walked to the depths of the void step by step. Presumably at that time, the road in his body had begun to disintegrate. It was these dissipated avenues that formed such a magnificent scene as the Yuanshi

"The time and space here are very unusual. I can feel that the speed of time has accelerated by many times. It should be the vision formed by the road uninvoluntarily emitted by the King of the Yuan Dynasty!"

Di Hui looked solemn and said in a low voice, "Be careful, everyone!"


The extremely heavy power of the road suppressed Ye Xu and others, and suppressed them into a continent in the front!

The road is invisible, and each road is as heavy as a heaven, which makes them have to fall into the continent below.

In fact, with the strength of Ye Xu and others, they can resist the heavy pressure of these roads and get out, but if you want to find the place where the Yuanshi Heavenly King sits, you can only step on the footprints of the Yuanshi Heavenly King and move forward all the way, otherwise it is impossible to get there.

The queen's beautiful eyes flashed, looked around, and suddenly giggled and said, "Yuxu God King, the mountains and rivers here are beautiful, so let's do it."

Ye Xu smiled and said, "Okay, just do it here."

Di Hui frowned and said, "Are you still going to fight? You two, on the Yuanshi Ancient Road, we should work together..."


A jade tower suddenly rose into the air, fell down, and fell to Dihui!

Di Hui was shocked and shouted angrily, "Yuxu God King, what do you mean?"

Before he finished speaking, the queen waved the power of the emperor of heaven and attacked him, with great power!

"You two dare to join hands to deal with me! But I don't have a false reputation! Nature Avenue Clock!"

Di Hui was furious, the eighteen meritorious golden wheels buzzed, and a simple and magnificent Hongzhong soared into the sky. A loud noise shattered countless time and space, all turned into chaos, and ran around!

His strength is also extremely strong, and he is also the best among the emperors, especially the natural road Zhong, the treasure of proof left by the Xuanyuan Heavenly Emperor, which is connected to his bloodline and increases his strength out of thin air!

However, when he met Ye Xu and the two perverted strong men of Tianhou, he was immediately defeated and was suppressed by the two in a few rounds. Ye Xu sacrificed the jade tower and suppressed the natural road clock. In the reincarnation gate behind him, a heavenly emperor came down and surrounded the jade tower for a week. He smiled and said, "Brother Dihui, don't be angry. Your potential is too big for me to rest assured. I simply suppress you here for a hundred years now."

The queen also had a road incarnations down, urged the building ship, and worked with Ye Xu to suppress Di Hui. She laughed and said, "The road incarnation of the two of us can only suppress you for a hundred years. After a hundred years, all the dust will be settled, and it's not too late

Di Hui roared and urged the bell of the natural road to rampage. He could not break the suppression of the two people. Suddenly, he woke up: "The military master asked me to go to the Yuanshi Ancient Road and opened the kit she gave me. I don't know if there is any trick in the kit? I only care about resolving the feud between the two of them and forget about it..."

He hurriedly took out the kit. When he opened it, he saw a small note in it, which said, "Your Majesty, be careful of the Jade God King and the Queen of Heaven. The two of them will definitely sneak up and suppress your majesty!"

Di Hui's face turned black, but he saw that there was a kit in the kit. He hurriedly opened it and saw a note in it. Di Hui glanced at it and was immediately relieved. He saw that it said: "If your majesty is suppressed by them, there is no need to worry. I will help your majesty unify

"The military strategist is really clever... huh? There is also a kit in it!"

When he took out the third kit and opened it, his face was extremely solemn, and he saw only a few words on it: "Quick return, unify nine days, prove the emperor!"

————The second update is coming, call for subscription~~~~~