Be alone in the world

Chapter 1011 Five Banners Town Demon (please subscribe to the monthly ticket!)

Yuanshitian demon was caught off guard. He was covered on the top of his head by the emperor above the green lotus. Suddenly, his head exploded with a bang, and then the green lotus hit him, crushed his body, turned into countless magic thoughts, and gushed everywhere.

The Great World Honored One, the Queen, the Demon Emperor and others finally took the opportunity to get out of the Jade Dynasty Sword Gate and looked around. They couldn't help but be horrified. They didn't care about staying here, but took the opportunity to escape, hoping to fly away and leave this place of right and wrong as soon as possible!

"Now it involves the battle between the Yuanshi Heavenly King, the Yuanshi Heavenly Demon and the Qing Emperor. Although we are the emperor of the testimony, I'm afraid we can't stand at all in the face of these most powerful perverts from ancient times to the present!"

The Great World Honored to recite a Buddha's name, and the Buddha's light was released. He rushed out of the surface of the earth and no longer tried to collect the Mira Heaven and Earth Tower. He left in a hurry and said to his heart, "I have enough benefits, but it's not a loss if I can't get the

The queen and the demon emperor rushed out of the ground one after another, and they also roared away and rushed out of the tower of the Mira.

"In the place of the King of the Yuan Dynasty, most of the treasures have been searched. This time, I also got a few treasures for 33 days. After going back, I can go to the tomb of the ancestor god to see if I can organically subdue the body of the ancestor god and get the inheritance of the Tao!"

"The Emperor Yuxu is still there. The two strong men at the level of Taoism are fighting. I'm afraid it's difficult for him to get out!"

The queen looked back and said to her heart, "Well, after I go back to this time, I can kill the emperor's wisdom, win the throne, and let the battle of the god king to seize the emperor completely come to an end!"

In the bottom of the clear sky, in the rolling dead breath, the voice of the demon of Yuanshitian came, and he said lightly, "Qinglian, I am invisible and intangible, life and death. If you are still alive, I will naturally give you three points, but now you have already died. With you, you can't hurt me!"

The dead air is rolling, boundless. The clear sky of the Yuqing Realm is composed of a pure road. At this moment, it is actually eroded by the dead air, and the road is disintegrated!

This evil spirit is dead, and can even pollute the emperor's unsullied body, making the emperor and such a strong man grow into demons and fall to death!

Above the green lotus, the blue light was permeated. The emperor sat upright, like a god, but he couldn't see his face clearly. He said in a low voice, "Yuanshi Heavenly Demon, I once had an appointment with you. Within millions of years, you can't go out of the dark side of heaven. Why do you

The dead spirit rolled and gradually condensed into shape, showing a huge face. He laughed and said, "Now it has been a million years, and the appointment of the day is naturally invalid."

"Has it been millions of years?" The emperor muttered.

Ye Xu was shocked. From the dialogue between these two, he learned a secret. In the later years of the Qing Emperor, there was definitely a fierce battle between the Yuanshi Heavenly Demon and the Qing Emperor. This fierce battle must have ended with the failure of the Yuan Shi Heavenly Demon, and finally made a vow not to leave the dark side of the heavenly world for

The demeanor of the Qing Emperor can be seen!

"Yuanshi Tianmo, I can suppress you in my life, and after death, I can naturally suppress you with the help of Yuanshi Tianwang's thirty-day treasure!"

The emperor sitting on the green lotus is also a virtual shadow. It is not that the Qing Emperor really lived until now, but that he left his treasure here, guarded the Yuqing Hall, and said with a smile, "I had already expected that you would come here to collect the Mira Heaven and Earth Tower and turn all the worlds into chaos. I also Kill you, but it's not troublesome to trap you for a period of time. What's the children's flag during the Qingming Festival!"

I saw a big flag rising from the back of the emperor above the green lotus, shooting down with a bang, and falling into the rolling dead spirit.

The flag shakes, the hunts, and the boundless light spreads around, eroding the evil spirit to death. This kind of scene is like Ye Xu's display of Qingming to suppress the heart demon, exorcise the inner demon, and calm the heart, but the power is not the same!

He Tongqi during the Qingming Festival is exactly the nemesis of the Yuanshi Heavenly Demon, but the Yuanshi Heavenly Demon is too strong. With this thirty-three-day treasure alone, it is impossible to completely suppress him, let alone refine it.

"Chiming and Yangqi!"

"The flag of Xumingtang!"

"Guanming Duanjing Banner!"

"Xuanming Celebration Flag!"


Behind the virtual shadow of the emperor above the green lotus, a big flag flew up, shot down, and fell into the rolling magic gas one after another. On the other hand, the big flag churned endlessly, and then the green lotus fell and pressed over the five flags, completely suppressed the magic gas, allowing the magic gas to roll, and it

"It seems that the Qing Emperor has received more than one incarnation of the Emperor of Heaven, but there are five of them!"

Ye Xu was shocked. He really admired the Emperor of Heaven a million years ago. The Qing Emperor must have expected that sooner or later, one day the Yuanshi Heavenly Demon would not be able to hold back, trying to collect the Tower of the mirator of the World and the world. Therefore, he made the arrangement early and collected the five flags in the treasure Backhand, suppress the Yuanshi Heavenly Demon!

This method is almost as magical as he placed his soul in the fruit of the world tree, which is impossible to conceive!

"Qinglian, how long can you suppress me?"

The voice of the Yuanshi Heavenly Demon is still coming, and his voice is on all directions: "Now you have already died, but you have left a few mana to stop me at all. When I get out of trouble, all these five flags will fall into my hands. Even if it is your treasure of Taoism, it will belong to me!"

Above the green lotus, the figure of the emperor was deaf and sat still. He recited the Hongmeng Qinglian Sutra. All kinds of visions rose and fell one after another, suppressing the magic gas. The boundless magic gas was still shaking endlessly, constantly eroding the five flags and the Hongmeng Qinglian.

The voice of the Yuanshi Tianmo continued to come, and he said with a long laugh, "Qingdi, you didn't expect that I would have a helper!" The emperor has entered the Yuxu Hall and collected the six reincarnation fragments there!"

Ye Xu's eyes swept away and saw that the emperor's son Shang, who had been accompanying the Yuanshi Heavenly Demon, had really disappeared. He should have entered the Yuxu Hall.

"The Hongmeng Qinglian Sutra recited by the Qing Emperor, his Hongmeng Avenue, has been cultivated to the extreme, but it is much more exquisite than my Hongmeng Avenue, which can be confirmed by each other and filled into my Panwang Kaitian Sutra."

Ye Xu's heart moved. The Qing Emperor's chanting seemed to suppress the Yuanshi Tianmo, but for him, it was a rare opportunity. Under mutual proof, he could improve the Panwang Kaitianjing.

"It's just that the emperor's son Shang has entered the Yuxu Hall. Now I have no time to listen to the enlightenment here and listen to the emperor's speech in person..."

In the reincarnation gate, an emperor walked down and sat outside the Yuqing Hall and listened to the Qing Emperor's ecdote, but Ye Xu himself pushed open the door of the Yuqing Hall.

When this door was opened, an ancient and distant atmosphere suddenly came. The huge breath of six reincarnations, which shrouded the three worlds of heaven and earth, can no longer be hidden!

He took a long breath and strode into the Yuqing Hall.

"Nanhua Emperor, I'm coming to see you..."

He was in a heavy mood and could hear his footsteps and heartbeat. On the reincarnation of the heavenly gate, the beautiful eyes of the princess of creation also showed excitement, and tears flashed. Her father, the Emperor of Nanhua, went through thousands of hardships and sent the broken soul of the taboo to this place, in order to bring the taboo back to life, so he took his own life.

"What is that?"

On the reincarnation gate, a god emperor suddenly got up and looked straight at the depths of the Yuqing Hall. The space in the Yuqing Hall was infinitely vast, and the stars flew in it, converging into a huge galaxy!

However, everyone's eyes were amazing, and they soon found that these stars were not real stars at all, but a huge and friendless witch treasure, emitting amazing throbbing!

"A lot of imperial soldiers!" Even if he is as strong as the god of Qiangong, he can't help but lose his color and shout.

How spectacular should it be that countless divine soldiers gathered here to form a huge galaxy?

With so many divine soldiers, all the strong people above the witch ancestors in the heavenly tomb of the heavenly world are armed, and they can't even consume 1% of these witch treasures!

The King of the Yuan Dynasty actually hid a huge treasure house here!

Qiangong Shenjun, Duanjing Emperor and others could no longer stand it. They explored their hands one after another, used their magical power, and captured these divine soldiers floating in the air. Even the Taixu Emperor, a good man who had no quarrel with the world, couldn't help taking action to subdue one or two imperial soldiers.

"The first king of the Yuan Dynasty left so many treasures, is it to prepare for the future battle of witches and immortals?"

Ye Xu looked around. Even in the era of the strong, there were not so many gods and emperors. Only when the strong from ancient times to the present came back to life one by one could it be possible to use so many magic treasures.

When the six paths are restored, an ancient immortal was reborn, but the rules of heaven and earth have not been changed. They are still witches, so they still need to take advantage of the witch treasure. Only after leveling out the strong existence of the ancestral gods and refining the world can the prosperity of the fairy court be restored!

With so many treasures, even Ye Xu couldn't help but be moved.

His body suddenly shook, and the reincarnation gate flew up and fell. The two doors opened with a bang. Suddenly, a huge gravitational force came, sucking up the divine soldiers one by one, and fell into the door one after another.

On the reincarnation of the heavenly gate, the gods and emperors were overjoyed and stood up one after another, staring at the swarming imperial soldiers, and constantly grasping their hands to collect the treasures they liked.

In just a moment, everyone gained a lot, but the treasures they collected were really insignificant compared with the many imperial soldiers swallowed by the reincarnation Tianmen. This reincarnation Tianmen almost swept away a large star field in a few breaths.

Ye Xu left the reincarnation gate here and walked straight to the center of the galaxy. There, countless huge six reincarnation fragments floated quietly and scattered on the ground. Among the fragments, it was a big tree, which was very similar to the world tree.

When he walked in, he saw that the divine tree had withered, the leaves had withered, the branches had dried up, and the road had already been lost, but Ye Xu could still feel the unusual smell of the road flowing on the world tree.

That's the rule of immortals.

"Is this the world tree that supports the three worlds of heaven, earth and people in the fairy court era?"

Ye Xu's heart moved, and his heart was full of doubts: "Why did this world tree wither? Is it the five declines of heaven and man caused by the doomsday disaster... No, if the doomsday disaster causes the world tree to wither, this divine tree will have disappeared and disappear long ago, and the King of Yuanshi has no way to find the seeds of the world tree..."

He was eager to find out, and suddenly he only heard the voice of an emperor: "Emperor Yuxu, it's time to end the feud between you and me!"

Ye Xu looked at it in a voice and said with a dumb smile, "Di Zishang, stop it. By the way, have you found your father's body?

————Today's second update, please subscribe, ask for a monthly ticket!!