Be alone in the world

Chapter 1021 Bullying to the door (, please subscribe to the monthly ticket!)

"The Demon God Emperor knew that I was coming, and most of the time was that the Great World Honored One secretly ordered someone to inform him, but the Demon God Emperor should know that I practiced to prove the truth by myself, and I have a strange feeling with the body of the ancestor god. He still set the place of the decisive battle with me in the tomb of the ancestor god. Is he too stupid or too confident?

Ye Xu couldn't help but be curious and said to himself, "Or, the demon emperor has learned the divine power of witnessing the Tao from the body of the ancestor god? I'm afraid this may be bigger..."

The great power of witnessing the Tao with the body is juxta with the treasure, which is known as authentic. There are many strong people who have cultivated the Taoism with treasure, but there is only the ancestor god who has proved the existence of the Tao with the body.

Ye Xu frowned slightly. If the demon emperor had realized to prove the truth by his own body, he was afraid that his strength would definitely be better than the Great World Honored One. His body was even stronger than Ye Xu himself!

His heart was like a mirror, and he suddenly understood the thoughts of the Demon Emperor. Most of the Demon Emperor has understood the fur of the Tao by himself, and he can also improve his qi and blood with the help of the induction of the ancestral god, but he did not understand it deeply. If he can fight with Ye Xu in the tomb of the ancestral god, All kinds of magical skills were understood in the war, surpassing Ye Xu in one fell swoop, testifying to the body, and killing Ye Xu on the spot!

"Demon God Emperor, you are worthy of being the Demon Emperor who rules the heavenly tomb, but this time, I'm afraid your abacus will fail!"

Zegong Shenjun and Luo Sheng Shenjun led many demon gods and followed Ye Xu to Daluotian. Daluotian was in the center of the tomb and needed to pass through many ** heavenly tomb worlds. When Ye Xu passed through these worlds, he saw an emperor-level demon god and many god-level demon gods under his command, which was so amazing!

"The god of Kun Palace came to welcome the emperor under the order of the god emperor! The emperor is already in the tomb of the ancestor god, waiting for the emperor for a long time!"

"The god of Kan Palace welcomes the emperor of Yuxu. Please move to the tomb of the ancestor god!"

"The god of the mountain palace welcomes the emperor of Yuxu. The emperor of God made an appointment with the emperor to fight against the tomb of the ancestor god, and asked the emperor to move!"

"The new god of Qiangong, welcome the emperor of Yuxu!"


Such a big show is obviously to give Ye Xu a power. The Demon Emperor is creating momentum. He ordered many strong men under his command to welcome him all the way, giving Ye Xu unparalleled spiritual pressure and waiting for the tomb of the ancestral god. When facing the Demon Emperor. It will meet the most explosive attack of the Demon Emperor, defeating and killing Ye Xu in one fell swoop!

"The Demon Emperor has completed the eight palaces?"

When Ye Xu approached Daluo Tian, he saw that there were no less than 20 emperor-level demons behind him. I was very surprised. In the eight palaces of the Demon God Emperor, there were a total of eight gods, among which the god of the palace was hammered by the emperor of Duanjing. The god of the earthquake palace died in the tomb of the ancestor god. The god of Qiangong is now under the command of Ye Xu, and there are only five palaces left in the eight palaces.

Now the demon emperor completes the eight palaces, and the masters of the eight palaces are all emperor-level demon gods, and their strength is extremely powerful!

The Demon Emperor not only has eight palaces, but also has formed twelve gods. They have also come to welcome each other. They are also the strength of the emperor. These gods are the strongest at the emperor outside Luo Tian (bookstore, the fastest update Now they are all subdued by the Demon Emperor!

Daluotian is the core of the heavenly tomb and the highest ruling institution, but in addition to Daluotian, there are countless strong people. Some extremely ancient demon gods do not obey the rule of the demon emperor. For example, the Shadi God King and the Jade Immortal God King, which Ye Xu subdued on the An emperor-level strong man.

"In the past, although the Demon God Emperor was the nominal ruler of the heavenly tomb. But there are still many strong people who do not accept his rule, and now the Demon Emperor has proved the Tao with magic, and his strength has soared. No one dares to resist him, and the heavenly tomb has been unified by him!"

In the past. Although there are many strong people in the heavenly tomb, they are all scattered sand. Separately, but if today's tombs are unified, it will be a greater force than the ruins of the Buddha's thirty-three days!

In contrast, the strong of the nine heavenly world, except for the three giants of Ye Xu, Dihui and Tianhou, the other middle and high-level forces are far inferior to the Buddhist world, let alone the heavenly tomb.

"I will release the world tree in the jade tower, cover the nine days, and benefit hundreds of millions of people. Anyone can use the world tree to understand the Tao, enter a deeper realm, and understand the deeper Tao and reason. In the future, the achievements of all sentient beings in the nine heavens will certainly not be inferior to the heavenly tomb and the Buddhist Ye Xuxin said.

He stepped into the sky of Daluo in one step, and more than 20 emperor-level strongmen behind him and many god-level demons followed closely, like stars holding the moon, surrounded Ye Xu and went to the tomb of the ancestral god.

This is the second time that Ye Xu has come to Daluotian. His status is different from the last time. The last time Ye Xu came here, he was just a small role chased by the emperor, and his strength is at most comparable to that of the god king. Now he is one of the most powerful beings in the world, only the Demon Emperor and the Only then can you stand shoulder to shoulder with him!

Outside the tomb of the ancestral god, more than a hundred god-level demon gods guarded the door of the ancestral god, waiting for Ye Xu's arrival. Zegong Shenjun and others crossed the surging Tianhe River one after another, standing behind the gate of the evidence, standing on both sides of the road, on both sides of the Tianhe surging Tian

The ancestral god did not prove the Tao with a treasure. His gate of the Tao is not a treasure of the Tao, but a half-tification treasure. It has not been taken away for millions of years, but because the gate of the Tao is connected to the big tomb inside, taking away the gate of the Tao is equivalent to taking away the tomb of the ancestral god , and take away all the Tianhe River.

No one has ever had such a huge mana, not to mention that the body of the ancestor god can not be shaken by anyone, which shocked the strongest existence that can be tied with the first king of the Yuan Dynasty. The ancient ancestor god is revived. Under one blow, I'm afraid that the emperor will be slapped!

"Please move!"

Many gods and kings shouted and shook the Tianhe River. This most spectacular river from ancient times to the present has even been cut off by many demons!

Ye Xu smiled, stepped forward, walked straight to the door of the road, and stopped.

Zegong Shenjun's eyes flashed and laughed and said, "Emperor, are you afraid that you dare not enter the tomb of the ancestral god to fight with my god emperor?"

Luo Sheng Shenjun smiled and said, "The emperor came from afar and entered my heavenly tomb. Isn't it to compete with the emperor to win or lose? My god emperor has been waiting in the tomb of the ancestor god, I'm afraid the emperor won't come!"

"Will I be afraid of the Demon Emperor?" Ye Xu laughed hoarsely.

Many demons shouted: "Since you are not afraid, please invite the emperor to enter the tomb!"

Ye Xu shook his head and smiled, "Why should I enter the tomb of the ancestor god? When I came to Tianfen this time, I had a great plan. I really had the intention to fight with the Demon Emperor. However, if I can't fight with the Demon Emperor, I will be very happy.

Zegong Shenjun and others stared at the magic eyes together. I don't know why he said so.

Ye Xu made an appointment with Tianhou and Dihui in March. After that, he made a scene in the Buddhist world, fought against the Great World Honored One and the Buddhas, and then turned to the heavenly tomb. Isn't it to compete with the Demon Emperor?

"Gentlemen, I'm afraid there is some misunderstanding between you and the demon emperor. I went to the Buddhist world to borrow something. The Great World Honored One didn't give it to me, so I grabbed it. In fact, as long as the Great World Honored One was willing to lend it to me. Naturally, I will accept his favor. I came to Tianfen Da Luotian this time. It's not that he has to have a bad time with the Demon Emperor, but he is really a little frightened.

Ye Xu smiled and looked at the faces of many demons for a week, and put everyone's expressions into his eyes. He laughed in a low voice and said, "Actually, I came here for another purpose, which is to borrow something from the Demon Emperor. However, since the Demon Emperor has entered the tomb of the ancestor god. It also saved me a lot of money..."

His voice was extremely light, but the scope of transmission was extremely far away, and even the demon emperor, who was at the core of the tomb of the ancestral god, heard it clearly!

"Yu Xu, what tricks do you want to play?"

The voice of the demon emperor suddenly came from the depths of the tomb of the ancestor god, like thunder, word by word, rumbled and exploded. His speed was extremely fast, and he fell one word. When the next word was spit out, it had already shuttled through hundreds of millions of miles, and quickly approached the door of the Tao!

"God Emperor, you will definitely not lend me what I borrowed from you, so I have to apologize first!"

Ye Xu laughed loudly. Suddenly, the sleeves were displayed, and the reincarnation gate fell and landed with the gate of the Tao, blocking the tomb of the ancestor god tightly and impenetrable!

The Lord of the Eight Palaces, such as the Lord of the Eighth Palaces and the Twelve Gods, were shocked and angry. They shouted one after another and attacked the reincarnation gate. Try to break this door and get out of the tomb of the ancestral god!

However, Ye Xu's power and defense of the reincarnation of Tianmen have long surpassed the treasure of the emperor, and has almost reached the level of treasure. Even more than 20 emperors and many god kings can't shake this door at all!

As for breaking the door of the ancestor god's testimony, you can't even think about it!


In the reincarnation gate, another magnificent portal appeared. In the infinite time and space of the reincarnation gate, a heavenly emperor, a demon emperor, a three-thousand-person emperor and hundreds of millions of gods and demons stood, urging this portal one after another. The simple gate roared open, hundreds of millions of dragons gushed out of The road in the door of the Taoism forced Zegong God and others to retreat, and even forced some god kings to fall into the Tianhe River. With a scream, they were crushed by the Tianhe River, and the washed bones were gone!

This portal is the Dragon Hanxiao Gate in the treasure of 33 days. Once it is urged, it will bring the first disaster of the dragon and Han to the world!

"All get out of the way!"

The violent magic suddenly hit, forcing the Zegong God and others on the road to prove the Tao. It was the demon emperor who roared out from the deepest part of the tomb of the ancestral god and suddenly sacrificed a jade seal. It was the jade seal that bombarded the reincarnation Tianmen and the Longhanxiaomen!

The collision of three strongest treasures, shaking violently, almost breaking the ancient road behind the gate of the Tao!

"Yu Xu, no gallbladder, do you dare to fight with me?" The Demon Emperor bombarded continuously, but he couldn't break the Dragon Hanxiao Gate and the Reincarnation Gate for a moment, and a bad feeling suddenly rose in his heart.

"God Emperor, two months later, nine days away, Ye is waiting for you. But now, I have to borrow something from the God Emperor.

Ye Xu's voice came from outside the three portals. The Demon Emperor was stunned in his heart. Suddenly, he saw the Tianhe River cut off, and he suddenly broke into a cold sweat: "Doesn't he want to collect Tianhe... Shit, it's Da Luo Tian!"

The Demon Emperor sweated coldly and immediately guessed the purpose of Ye Xu's move: "He wants to uproot the Daluo Tian in my grave and take it for himself!"

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