Be alone in the world

Chapter 1046 Generous Sad Song (Subscribe! Call for subscription!)

In the red sky of the Taiqing realm, the Taixu Emperor of the Taiqing Dynasty was besieged by hundreds of emperors, including even the evil thoughts he cut out by himself. At this moment, he was already bruised and in danger. The Qingyan god king under his seat and many god kings in the Taiqing realm had already died in battle

He is old, his body is in decline, his qi and blood are not as vigorous as before, and his cultivation consumes too fast.

The old emperor shouted violently, and his blood was suddenly extremely vigorous. He stimulated the Taiqing divine mirror, and the divine light above his head swept away all the magic atmosphere. Where the divine light swept through in the mirror, an emperor's evil thoughts turned into ashes in the mirror light!

Taixu Emperor laughed and urged a clear and micro-certification seal to promote his cultivation to the peak state. The road roared, the qi and blood were more victorious, and the mirror light was more like the scorching sun. The light swept the whole Taiqing land of the red sky. All the emperor's evil thoughts struggled in

"If I could be tens of thousands of years younger, I might be able to prove this war. Unfortunately, I'm old..."

When the power of the Taiqing mirror reached the limit, it suddenly fell back quickly. The Qi and blood of the Taixu Emperor was exhausted, and his face was withered. He muttered silently.

His body stood on the spot, and the god was majestic. After a while, the emperor, who was lucky, boldly came forward and gently touched the body of the old emperor. He saw the body of the Taixu Emperor shaking and fell to the ground, but he had exhausted all his cultivation and died of qi and blood.

Many evil thoughts of the emperor surged like a tide, drowning him and tearing the old emperor to pieces!

Heroes are late.

As soon as the Taixu Emperor died, the Qingtian Qingtian, which he sheltered, suddenly had no defense. I saw many emperors' evil thoughts in all directions, washing the blood of all the people in this heavenly world.

"Ancestor, if you want to resurrect, I can't stop you. But do you know that I wish Rongshi's secret skills to affect your soul fragments in heaven and earth, so that countless children can have your motogami, and have made great achievements?

The dragon turned into Sanskrit, a fierce battle ended, and it was in a mess everywhere. The sea evaporated, the Heavenly River was cut off, and the boundless sea of fire burned all the stars in the sky.

Duanjing Tianlong Emperor knelt in the sea of fire. Coughing up blood, he looked up at the god and demon-like figure. The figure held the magic tablet, and there was no emotion flow in his eyes.

Emperor Duanjing struggled to get up. However, Zhu Rong's true body has been broken, and his cultivation has been consumed cleanly. He smiled miserably and said, "If you come back to life, my Zhu Rong's family will be pulled away by you, and there will be no place to be buried!" Ancestors. Do you really want to exterminate your bloodline?

Emperor Zhurong's eyes flashed, and the magic tablet in his hand was suddenly suppressed. When it was shaken in the air, it was pressed on the top of Emperor Duanjing's head. Then he put away the magic monument, turned around and left: "The disaster is coming. Only after breaking up can we usher in an unprecedented prosperity. I built the Zhurong family. It will also be destroyed by me. After I am reborn, marrying a wife and having children will naturally continue my bloodline..."

"Ancestor, you are really evil, and you don't have the little humanity..."

Emperor Duanjing exhaled his last breath, his body suddenly burst, and the raging fire burned his body clean.

In the thirty-three days of the world, there were many killings and disasters. At every moment, countless heroes died tragically, and a great emperor who guarded for thirty-three days fell one after another.

Wuji Anzu Emperor was still struggling to support him. Suddenly, he only heard someone singing in heaven and earth. His singing was heroic and sang: "... The sky is shaken by drawing a knife out of the sheath, and the sun, moon and the stars are suddenly rising! The sea water stood on the ground, and the dew wind was three inches of yin wind. Lu's rhinoceros intercepted the dragonfly in the water, and the dragonfly fled in horror!"

The song is getting more and more desolate, which is refreshing. It is the voice of the Emperor of the Qiangong, which is loud and widely heard.

"How many generations of people have been beaten? Skeletons are full of blood. Millions of heroes cry with a knife head, and the universe kills and fucks at the bottom of the wrist..."

The voice of the Qiangong Emperor suddenly stopped, and the hero came to an end.

The Xuanyuan family in the immortal world has turned into a ruin. I saw a bright and touching girl sitting on the ruins, ignoring many evil thoughts and demons. In the starry sky in the distance, there was the dilapidated Zhou Tianxing Palace, which was a deep dead silence. The girl sat in the ruins and sang in a low voice.

"The sleepwalking immortal, it is clear that it has passed the nine heavens... The vast and clear spirit, the plain clouds are ethereal and boundless, and the forest is like Chaoyuan, and the golden boy and jade girl are announced. At that time, the Great Light Covered the Purple Golden Lotus. The ballads are sung, the heavens are happy, and all of them are proud and forgetful. Liu Xia drank, the peach gave the banquet, and stayed in succession..."

The evil thoughts and demons poured in, and the girl's eyes flashed, and the two divine lights in her eyes penetrated the sky, shooting directly at the bullfight, shining on the heaven.

"A big disaster is gone, the corpses are everywhere, and the skeletons become mountains... Do you remember, Panhuang's ancient tomb, you and I hold each other..."

When the divine light and the gentle and low singing in her eyes could be transmitted to the Daluotian, the divine light suddenly dimmed and the song was cut off.

"Brother, Xuanyuan Ruyue has also entered reincarnation. Aren't you moved?" In the Daluo Tianyuxu Palace, the middle-aged man asked.

"Brother, this catastrophe is just a preview of the witch fairy disaster."

Ye Xu's heart surged into his heart, suppressed the emotion of the god of his heart, and said in a low voice, "If you are succeeding by the Yuanshi Tianmo and resurrecting all the strong men from ancient times to the present, the evidence of the fairy court will be resurrected one by one, and the ancestral gods,

"I want a big war to lay the peace of 56 billion years!"

"I'm moved, but I can't move. As soon as I move, I will become a chess piece in the chessboard, no longer a trader, so that I lose the whole game!"

"Their death has no meaning!"

"The Emperor Wuji Tanzu also went."

The middle-aged man looked at the infinite sworn to the sky from afar, and saw that the infinite emperor was divided by thousands of emperors. He said sadly, "Now, there is only the last level of morality and emperor wisdom. The defeat turned into victory, and it was when Di Hui fell.

Yuqingjing (bookstore fastest update Qing Weitian.

Di Hui and Tian Yaoji stood hand in front of the Jinluan Hall, shook their bodies, and took back the 18 golden wheels of merits and virtues. Among the golden wheels, there are 18 treasures of proof of Taoism, and the power permeates the jade clear realm.

I only saw the Qinglian Demon Emperor, the Puxian King Buddha, the Zhurong Demon Emperor, the Xuanyuan Demon Emperor, the Gonggong Demon Emperor, the Jumang Demon Emperor, the Cangtian Demon Emperor, the Xuantian Demon God, and the evil thoughts of the demon emperors in many heavenly tombs, one after another, urging a treasure of the

There are also hatred for God, the emperor of the great sun, the eternal emperor, and the evil thoughts of the ancient dead emperor. It is dense, with hundreds of thousands of tricks, occupying the clear sky of the jade and Qing Dynasty, and waiting around the Jinluan Hall. The dead spirit is heavy, and the magic is turbulent.

This is a doomsday catastrophe, the last battle of the three worlds of the Emperor of Heaven, the most powerful heavenly court, only the level of Emperor Hui is left, many other emperors of the heavenly world have given their lives, the eighteen layers of hell presided over by the Demon God Emperor have fallen, the vein For a piece of scorched earth, Di Hui is the last shield of the three worlds!

"Dihui, now that Yuxu Tianzun has abandoned you, you have become an abandoned son, why resist?"

The evil thought of hating God turned into laughter and said, "Yuxu's temperament is cold. In his eyes, you are just a chess piece to use. Although you have earth-shaking talent, there is only one end after all!"

The evil thoughts of the eternal emperor incarnate and said with a smile, "You are the moral emperor. After giving up your life to complete reincarnation, when the reincarnation runs, you will still be reborn. What you really want to die is just those mortals and unverified wastes. It has nothing to do with you. Why don'

Tian Yaoji laughed hoarsely and said sarcastically, "You are all dead people. Naturally, you want to resurrect and obtain eternal life with the help of reincarnation. However, if you come back to life, the hundreds of millions of people will be completely scattered. They don't think so! If you get eternal life for yourself, you will have to ask others to die completely. My majesty just can't see it, so even if you fight to die, you will be stopped here!"

The Qinglian Demon Emperor smiled and said, "Who in this world doesn't want to die forever? Yuxu is like this, Yuanshi is like this, and so is the ancestor god. Di Hui, you are very talented. If you live with me for a lifetime, you must be my biggest enemy. Yuxu takes you as a shield and a chess piece. Don't you have the heart to resist?

"I am not for Yuxu, but for the people of the world. Yuxu said that there is nothing wrong. If you come back to life, there will inevitably be a disaster of witchcraft that is thousands of times more tragic than the current catastrophe! Only by eliminating you can we get the peace of the world!"

Being the emperor's mind, the golden wheels of merit rotated one after another, and a meritorious emperor emerged, holding the treasures of merit and virtue, with one voice and a low voice: "For the peace of 5, 6 billion years..."

Tian Yaoji was valiant and said in a low voice, "For the peace of 5x billion years..."




The virtual shadow of the gods and Buddhas flashed, and the golden light of merit shone on the universe in the sky, sweeping away all evil thoughts!

Another golden bell sounded, deafening hair, red lotus industry fire, burning the magic body, golden Buddha, removing the magic atmosphere, merit and virtue measuring the square inch of the hearts of heaven and earth, torturing the soul, the evil Buddha questioning all the deep sins, the golden wheel shines on all sentient beings, and the pagoda suppress

Eighteen treasures of meritorious virtues, eighteen meritorious emperors, together with Dihui and Tian Yaoji, killed tens of thousands of evil thoughts incarnations, the breath is unparalleled!

"Good, good. Di Hui, this is a battle that you must lose!"

At the beginning, the sage king Buddha praised the Buddha's name. As soon as his body moved, the golden Buddha was as great as heaven and earth. He welcomed God's wisdom and Tian Yaoji, and shouted, "You go against the sky and don't know the current affairs. You are destined to have this disaster. Blood wash reincarnation

"Blood washing reincarnation, cast six paths!"

The evil thoughts of the Qinglian Demon Emperor and a deceased emperor shouted in unison, and the evil thoughts of a deceased emperor swarmed in a tide, flooding the world, drowning Emperor Hui and Tian Yaoji!

From a distance, Yuqingjing Qingtian, the supreme holy place in the heavenly world, seems to have become a battlefield of Shura. The black-pressured magic gas turns into a black ball with a diameter of hundreds of millions of miles. Among the black ball, from time to time, there are bright lights of merit, shining in the

All kinds of treasures and all kinds of demon gods appear in the black ball from time to time, showing the most powerful combat power and the most violent and violent attacks in ancient times!

A loud shout, a loud fight, a loud sound of the collision of the treasure of the Taoist, shaking the heavens and the earth!