Favorite wife

Chapter 86 A long time ago.

After Xiao Manwei left the hospital, she took a taxi to the court. When she went there, it had been a court session for a while. Xiao Manwei simply didn't go in and stood outside the door to watch the trial inside.

Zhao Qian stood there with a blank face. Xiao Manwei sighed helplessly. She couldn't bear to look at it any more, but she didn't want to go back to the hospital. If Gu Yiheng saw her like this, she would be worried.

Xiao Manwei walked aimlessly on the road with her bag. Since she married Gu Yiheng, she has rarely been so lonely. Whenever she is, Gu Yiheng has accompanied her and comforted her.

Xiao Manwei thought as she walked. It's great. It's good to have Gu Yiheng.

Xiao Manwei wore high-heeled shoes and walked for a while and felt a little pain in her injured foot. She looked at the street and casually stopped a taxi. After getting into the taxi, the driver turned around and asked, "Girl, where are you going?"

Xiao Manwei didn't know where to go. She thought for a moment, smiled and said, "Go for a stroll."

The driver nodded and drove slowly. I don't know if the driver has the hobby of talking to people. After a while, the driver said, "The girl is in a bad mood?"

Xiao Manwei was stunned, shook her head and said, "No."

"You girls, you like to sit around in a car and quarrel with your boyfriend when you are in a bad mood?" The driver said again.

Xiao Manwei smiled, but said with a little bitterness, "I quarreled with my good friend."

"Oh! My good friend quarreled, and it will be over soon. The driver comforted Xiao Manwei when he saw that she was a little depressed.

Xiao Manwei nodded and looked out of the window. Suddenly, she was stunned. She said, "Driver, stop at the car in front of me. I want to go down and walk."

The car stopped quickly. Xiao Manwei paid for it and got out of the car and looked at the place in front of her.

This is her university.

Last time I came with Gu Yicheng, Gu Yiheng was still in it and proposed to her.

Thinking of this, Xiao Manwei was in a better mood. She walked into the campus with a brisk step. Now it is summer vacation, and there are fewer students in the school.

Xiao Manwei remembered many of her and Zhao Qian's previous things in college. At that time, the school was curfew at eight o'clock, but Xiao Manwei and Zhao Qian especially liked to eat bean curd brains at the school gate, but the bean curd brains did not come out after eight o'clock, and they went out of the small door of the school after 8 p.m. every night.

When she went out for the first time, Xiao Manwei was very scared. Zhao Qian pulled her and comforted her and said, "Don't be afraid. I'm here."

The guard room of the school is not far away. It's no wonder that Xiao Manwei is not afraid.

Zhao Qian encouraged her: "For the sake of bean curd, let's risk it."

Xiao Manwei immediately firmened her eyes and ran out quickly with Zhao Qian. Later, she became bolder and more convenient to run. However, later, the school's curfew was postponed to 10 o'clock, and the tofu brain at the school gate was also placed all day long.

Xiao Manwei always felt that later, it didn't seem to be as good as before.

Xiao Manwei quickly walked to another door of the school. The tofu brain at the door was still placed. Xiao Manwei walked over and said, "Let's have a bowl."

The aunt who sells bean curd still remembers her and said, "Oh, have you come back to your alma mater?"

Xiao Manwei nodded, and the aunt quickly made a bowl and put it in front of her. She asked doubtfully, "Why is it only you?"

Xiao Manwei buried her head and took a sip and said vaguely, "She is busy today and can't come."

"Oh, you two usually come together, but I'm not used to suddenly coming alone." The aunt said.

Xiao Manwei still lowered her head, and big tears fell down, with a smile in her tone: "Don't worry, I will bring her next time."

It was very late when Xiao Manwei returned to the hospital. She also went home to take a shower to make herself look energetic. By the way, she also took some clothes for Gu Yiheng to change.

Xiao Manwei pushed open the door of the ward. Gu Yiheng, who was leaning against the window reading, raised his head, smiled at her, and said with reproach, "Why are you just back now?"

Xiao Manwei saw him leaning against the window and still opening the window. She quickly came over, closed the window and scolded, "You still blow the wind. Be careful not to catch a cold."

Gu Yiheng looked out of the window reluctantly and said, "It's finally raining. I'll blow the wind to breathe."

"No." Xiao Manwei refused him coldly and said, "Go lie down now."

Gu Yiheng narrowed his eyes and said, "I'll listen to you, wife."

Gu Yiheng sat **. Xiao Manwei smiled. Just as she was about to speak, she heard Gu Yiheng say, "Wife, did you go to court today?"

Xiao Manwei's hand shook, raised her head in surprise and said, "How do you know?"

Gu Yiheng narrowed his eyes slightly. Did this woman think he was a fool?!

He sighed and said, "When will you be so kind?"

There is deep helplessness and pity in the tone.

Xiao Manwei picked up the apple on the table and took a bite. She said vaguely, "I'm not kind. If I'm kind, I'll let her go."

Gu Yiheng stretched out his hand and rubbed her hair and said, "You fool."

Xiao Manwei suddenly jumped into his arms, and a muffled voice came out of his arms: "Yiheng, I miss you."

Gu Yiheng's eyes became deeper and deeper, and his voice was hoarse and whispered to comfort her: "What are you thinking? Am I not by your side?"

"Well..." Xiao Manwei closed her eyes and said, "You are by my side, and I miss you very much."

Xiao Manwei's tone was nostalgic, and Gu Yiheng hugged her tighter and enjoyed the tranquility and tranquility of this moment.

The next morning, Xiao Manwei stood stupidly at the door of the T City Military District and looked at the pian. She sighed in her heart that she didn't hold it yesterday and actually promised Gu Yiheng to bring him the documents.

Can he work like that?!

How dare you make a trick on her!

And she was really fooled!

"sister-in-law!" A man ran out of the military region. Xiao Manwei recognized Gu Yiheng's guard. Another guard was now at the door of the hospital, and no one dared to pass by the door of Gu Yiheng's ward.

The guard ran all the way without holding an umbrella. Xiao Manwei handed him the spare umbrella and said, "Let's go."

The guard waved his hand and said, "No! Sister-in-law, I'll take you in."

It's good to be young.

Xiao Manwei said silently in her heart and followed the guard in. She was also familiar with where Gu Yiheng's office was. The guard stood at the door and said, "Sister, please go in."

Xiao Manwei nodded and walked in.

Gu Yiheng's office is very clean, which is not much different from what she saw outside last time. This guy is really obsessed with cleanliness!

Xiao Manwei went to the table and opened the drawer. Suddenly, she was stunned and looked at somewhere on Gu Yiheng's table.

Those are three photos, one is the wedding photo of her and Gu Yiheng, the other is a photo of her bachelor's uniform when she graduated from college, and the other is a photo taken by Gu Yiheng when she graduated from the military academy, which still looks very green.

But how could there be a picture of her at that time on Gu Yiheng's table?

Xiao Manwei was puzzled. She didn't think much about it. She took out the documents in the drawer and looked at the photos on the table, Gu Yiheng at that time.

There was a green beard at the corners of her mouth, which looked particularly young and invincible. Xiao Manwei looked at it, looked out, bent down like a thief and quickly kissed Gu Yiheng's face at that time, and immediately straightened up.

Cough, what just happened.

No one saw it.

Nothing happened.

Xiao Manwei went out with the document in her arms and said to the guard, "Let's go."

Xiao Manwei originally wanted to go back to the hospital directly, but when she passed by the woods, she suddenly wanted to go in and have a look. She hadn't been there for a long time. When Gu Yiheng's illness recovered, she must drag him here with Yiyang and Qin Ning.

Xiao Manwei held the document and thought so. It was raining in the sky, and a fresh breath came to her face with the smell of summer. Xiao Manwei walked slowly.

The shadow of the tree in front suddenly moved, and Xiao Manwei hummed doubtfully. She didn't know who would be here at this time.

In front of her is the small stream. Xiao Manwei was a little nervous. In the wilderness, she couldn't escape if she met a bad person. She took a few steps boldly and couldn't help calling out when she saw the people by the stream: "Yi Yang?"

The people by the stream also turned around when they heard her voice. Yi Yang held half a cigarette butt in his hand, and there was already a cigarette butt on the ground at his feet. He was not surprised to see Xiao Manwei at all, but smiled lonelyly: "Yi Heng has already brought you here."

Xiao Manwei frowned and said, "Why are you here and smoke so much?"

Yi Yang took a deep breath of smoke and said, "It's quiet here. Yiheng and I have said that we should bring the woman we like here. I haven't had time yet..."

Xiao Manwei knew that he was worried about Qin Ning, and it was not easy to blame him, so she sat down beside him.

Yi Yang looked at the distance in a daze and said, "Sister, I feel very sorry for Qin Ning. I used to be very bad to her and always bullied her, saying that she looked like a man. Qin Ning fought with me. I didn't let her fight with a woman at all."

Xiao Manwei didn't say anything, just listened quietly.

Yi Yang lay back and looked at the sky and said, "When I graduated from college, there were two places to study abroad in the school. One was given to me and the other to Qin Ning. I didn't want to go abroad at that time. Moreover, there was a person who needed more than me, so I gave up. I didn't expect Qin Ning to give up."

"Because she likes you." Xiao Manwei said quietly.

Yi Yang smiled bitterly and said, "Yes, she likes me. I don't know. I scolded her for being stupid, but she didn't quarrel with me that day and even cried. I just don't know what she cried. Now it seems that I'm stupid."