Favorite wife

Chapter 110: Walking by the sea

Xiao Manwei, who was lowering her head slightly and rubbing her painful temples, raised her head and waved her hand and said, "It's okay. It should be because I didn't sleep well at night. Just take a break and you'll be fine!" As she spoke, she picked up the cup in front of her and took a shallow sip of water.

"But Sister Wei, I don't think you look well. Is there really nothing wrong with you? Why don't you go out to eat later? How about I bring you a room? Ye Zhu frowned worried, with a little unknown emotion on his handsome and sunny face.

Xiao Manwei shook her head. Such a thing happened as soon as she arrived today will only make others think that she is in her own home, so she is particularly superior. She doesn't want to be misunderstood by others, let alone spoil everyone's interest because of her own affairs.

"I'm really fine, I'm just tired." She said that she was slightly fascinated by her eyes and felt that her painful head had just recovered a little. Taking a deep breath, Xiao Manwei's face obviously eased a lot and said, "Ye Zhu, let's go out. It should be time to have dinner!"

She said that she would stand up first, and Ye Zhu could not continue to stay here, so she simply stood up and went to the living room. As soon as I arrived at the hall, I saw more than a dozen people sitting around the hall. Xiao Manwei smiled faintly and said, "Come to this restaurant. The food should be almost ready!"

When I arrived at the restaurant, I saw the neatly arranged meals on the table. The dishes were exquisite and delicious, which made people salivate. Everyone was also very hungry and immediately gathered around the table. The food is made by the housekeeper and others who guard the villa, so the degree of exquisiteness can be seen.

"Sister Wei, I really envy you more and more. I can find such a rich and handsome husband, as well as such a good house and servants!" Xiao Li said with his eyes shining, as if he had made up his mind to find a rich man.

Xiao Manwei shook her head gently and said, "It's not because we are rich that we are happy, but because we both really care about each other." When she said this, her eyes were full of gentle smiles, as if the opposite was the person she loved.

Female colleagues are envious, and even male colleagues envy Xiao Manwei. However, what they envy is not that she can marry a handsome and rich man, but that she can have such a big house. However, among this group of envied people, Ye Zhu is the only one missing.

He just sat quietly in the chair and stared down at the plate on the table, but he didn't want to eat at all. Xiao Zhang beside him quickly said, "Ye Zhu, don't you have an appetite?" She looked at him with concern, but he just shook his head slightly and turned sideways to avoid her concern.

Xiao Zhang was gloomy, but he still forced to smile and said, "You can tell me anything. I will definitely support you!" Xiao Manwei naturally saw this scene, but she didn't say anything, but just continued to observe quietly.

A group of people sat together. Xiao Li stood up first and said, "For our success, for Sister Wei's hospitality, and for such a beautiful seaside scenery, let's drink!" Xiao Li is a cheerful person, so it is very suitable for enlivening the atmosphere.

Xiao Manwei stood up with a faint smile and raised the wine glass in her hand to cheer.

Xiao Zhang said, "Yes, yes, Sister Wei is so beautiful here. Let's drink to the beautiful scenery here!" Everyone responded together, and Xiao Manwei was also happy for everyone's happy atmosphere now. A beautiful little face smiled like an apple.

"We, don't toast for the scenery here, nor for my hospitality to you. We should toast for ourselves who have worked hard, and for the successful completion of our tasks!" Xiao Manwei raised the wine glass in her hand, and the red ** swayed in the glass, making her skin whiter.

Ye Zhu, standing opposite her, lost his mind for a moment. This is the first time he has seen Xiao Manwei, so sexy**. I couldn't help swallowing my saliva and scolded myself in my heart that I was not promising. Then he smiled with relief and said, "Yes, cheers to ourselves!"

A group of people will respect this and that for a while. When the food on the table is almost eaten, everyone will be a little drunk. Xiao Manwei drank less because of Gu Yiheng's advice, but only drank a few glasses of red wine. Ye Zhu drank a few more cups because he was in a bad mood.

The originally healthy complexion gradually showed a little pink, and his eyes were a little drunk.

Xiao Manwei stood up and shook her dizzy head, looked at her colleagues who were lying on the table and fell asleep on the chair, and sighed helplessly. Seeing that Ye Zhu was staring down at his glass of wine, he couldn't help frowning and said, "Ye Zhu, stop drinking. They are all asleep. I'm counting on you to help me send them back to the room later!"

Xiao Manwei said that she had reached out to grab the wine glass in Ye Zhu's hand. When her fingers touched Ye Zhu's hand, she obviously felt that his whole body trembled involuntarily. When she looked at it seriously, there was nothing left.

Ye Zhu did not resist. He honestly asked Xiao Manwei to take away the wine glass in her hand and said with a smile, "Sister Wei, let's go to the seaside. I'm a little dizzy now, just in time to blow the sea breeze to wake up."

Xiao Manwei originally said that she would agree to go to the seaside with him and tell him about the workflow or something. Now that he asked, there was no reason to object, so he immediately nodded and said, "Well, let's send these people back to the room first and then go out together."

Although there is an air conditioner to control the temperature in both the living room and the room, who will not catch a cold on the south side of the table. Xiao Manwei looked at Xiao Zhang, who was sleeping sweetly with the red wine bottle in her arms, and said, "I'll send the girls, and you will be responsible for the boys!"

She said with a smile, and her beautiful eyes bent into the shape of a crescent moon, as if she were a heroine in a TV series. Ye Zhu, who was still a little dizzy on the opposite side, couldn't help but be slightly stunned when he saw such Xiao Manwei, and then smiled in response, "Well, just follow what Sister Wei said. Why don't we watch who the game faster!"

He just wanted to stay with Xiao Manwei as long as possible, so he casually found a reason.

Looking at his slightly childish smile, she unconsciously nodded, and the playful temperament in her heart was also evoked by him. Unconvincedly, he replied, "I must be faster than Ye Zhu!" The loser has to promise the winner. Don't go back on it!" After saying that, he had carefully helped Xiao Zhang to walk to the second floor.

Ye Zhu, standing on the first floor, looked at her slender figure supporting Xiao Zhang with great hard work, and couldn't help feeling a warm current in his heart, as if it were flowing quietly in his heart like a spring.

Looking at the sleeping men on the table, he frowned and devoted himself to work. When Ye Zhu finished it, Xiao Manwei still had a little Li left to fall asleep with a wine bottle in her arms. He sighed angrily, but he was also willing to gamble and say, "I lost."

Ye Zhu came back from her angry expression and said with a smile, "Sister Wei, in fact, you are also very capable. You can take care of so many people with such a thin body!" Ye Zhu said sincerely, with a pair of beautiful eyes staring into Xiao Manwei's eyes.

When the eyes of the two eyes met, Ye Zhu only felt that his brain was buzzing, and his mind was full of Xiao Manwei's faint smile. Forced to suppress the throbbing in his heart, he took a deep breath and said, "Since Sister Wei has lost, let me take her back to the room!"

Ye Zhu said that he had taken Xiao Li from Xiao Manwei's hand and looked at the saliva full of saliva. He took a deep breath and picked her up horizontally and sent her back to the room. Xiao Manwei stared at the back of the two people and secretly felt that there was a play. Maybe her mistakes can really make them together!

When I think about it, the sense of achievement in my heart is getting bigger and bigger. When Ye Zhu sent Xiao Li back to the room, he saw Xiao Manwei curling up on the sofa holding the remote control and watching TV. Standing on the stairs, he quietly looked at her attentively and only felt that this feeling was very warm.

I don't know how long it took before I heard her muttering in a low voice, "Why haven't you come down for so long? Isn't it really a dry fire, is it?" Biting potato chips, Xiao Manwei smiled like a stolen fox. Ye Zhu, who was standing not far from her, felt nervous after hearing this and found that it was impossible for him to decide with her!

She already has a husband, and she saw it herself! Why do you still hold unrealistic fantasies? He frowned and hesitated for a long time. He smiled at himself as if he had thought about something, and then said, "Sister Wei, are you waiting? I just went to each room to see if there was any vomiting or the air conditioning temperature in the room was inappropriate.

There was a reason casually. Ye Zhu slowly came down the stairs step by step, and each step seemed to weigh a thousand pounds. His feet seemed to be filled with lead. He wanted to get close to her, but he didn't dare to approach her. I'm afraid that this approach will never be imagined again.

Xiao Manwei, who was lowering her head with the potato chips, heard Ye Zhu's gentle voice, raised her head and smiled and said, "Yes, didn't it make me wait for a long time!" As compensation, should you let me go, and then the bet will be cancelled!" She said with a smile, just as a joke.

Ye Zhu smiled happily and unconsciously felt much better. Maybe this is why he likes her! This woman has the ability to change people's hearts. Her smile can infect people, just like a poison that can't be quit. As long as she has tasted it once, she can't let go of the taste.

is safe in his heart, but things have come to this day. He also knows that he and she are impossible, and then smiled and said, "Sister Wei is not going to play tricks. I'm willing to gamble and lose!" He blinked a pair of beautiful eyes, as bright as the stars in the night.