Favorite wife

Chapter 112: Someone who is jealous

It's just that I can stay by her side in the future, and all my depression is much less. He took the square scarf happily, put it in his hand and looked carefully, and saw two butterflies embroidered on it crookedly. However, it is not so much a butterfly as an unknown creature.

"Is this...?" He looked at the two unknown creatures in his hand with a puzzled face and looked at her with a smile. Xiao Manwei, who was lowering her head, trembled all over and raised her head and said shyly, "Butterfly! It's easy to see!"

She pointed her finger at the two unknown creatures and said, "This is the butterfly's wings, this is the butterfly's tentacles, this is..." She lowered her head and looked at her leaf bamboo in a trance for a moment.

Because the two were too close at this time, he could clearly smell the faint smell of body fragrance on her body. The fresh smell wrapped around his nose, making him trance.

When she came to her senses, she looked at him angrily and said dissatisfiedly, "My sister's brother was still distracted if she didn't listen. Humph, how can I deal with you?" She pretended to be threatening. In fact, a pair of quirky eyes had already betrayed her idea, and the thick smile in her eyes clearly told Ye Zhu that she was just teasing him!

Thinking of this, naturally, he can't show weakness. Ye Zhu quickly said, "I know, this butterfly-like unknown creature is embroidered by my sister, right?" He suddenly guessed the answer, which made Xiao Manwei, who was already domineering, suddenly wither. This was indeed embroidered by her, and she wanted to embroider a handkerchief for him as a birthday gift because she saw that Gu Yiheng's handkerchief was a little old.

However, what I originally thought should be an easy thing, but it can't become that kind of beautiful in my own hands. Even to be precise, it's a little reluctant to look at it. But she just likes challenging things, so she doesn't know how many times she has practiced to embroider a handkerchief.

Finally, she embroidered a satisfactory one. Although it was much worse than the kind of handkerchief she bought, it was good for her new learning. After giving the handkerchief to Gu Yiheng, she chose only this piece of the remaining waste for a long time, so she did not throw it away, but took it with her.

Because I don't use a handkerchief on weekdays, this handkerchief has never been used. Now that I have to recognize this younger brother, I naturally have to give him some gifts. It's just that I don't have anything on me now, and I can only send this after thinking about it. Although it doesn't seem to look good, it is embroidered by myself!

Just looking at the funny look in his eyes now, I can't say it for a while. I can only say awkwardly, "What's the matter? If you don't like it, just give me back!"

How could Ye Zhu return it to her? When he was about to hide his handkerchief in his pocket, he raised his eyebrows and said with a bright smile, "Sister, there is no reason to bring back something for others!"

Xiao Manwei saw that she couldn't grab it, so she didn't continue to grab it. She just said with a calm face, "This square scarf is... I got it from the embroidery master. You have to take good care of it!" Because she turned her back to him, she covered her mouth and smiled secretly.

Ye Zhu, standing behind her, looked at Xiao Manwei's thin shoulders trembling, and a smile flashed in his eyes, but he still said honestly, "Well, I know. I will keep it well!" Xiao Manwei immediately gave herself a hundred likes with satisfaction after receiving such a good brother.

After walking on the beach for a while, Xiao Manwei looked down at the watch on her wrist. The pointer showed that it was about the early morning. She looked sideways at Ye Zhu, who was walking with herself and said, "It's getting late. Why don't we go back first!"

Ye Zhu nodded, but he himself is fine, but Xiao Manwei still has a lot of things to do tomorrow, so if she doesn't sleep well at night, she will have no spirit the next day. Thinking that she was dizzy before she came out, and she was a little sorry that she had dragged her here with her for so long.

"Ye, go back, I feel so tired too!"

The two walked back talking and laughing all the way. Xiao Manwei also picked up several Bakers on the way. She put the shell in her hand and smiled brightly as flowers.

Ye Zhu said puzzledly, "Sister, why are you so happy when you pick up a few shells?" Although the shells in her hand are very cute, there is no need to laugh so happily! Just like a child who ate candy, he was really puzzled.

Xiao Manwei looked at the small white shell in her hand and said, "This can be used to make a wish. As long as you tell the shell what you want to say, the shell will help realize your wish!"

Ye Zhu sweated slightly and said with a smile, "Sister, these are all things that deceive little girls. They are all deceptive!"

"I know, but people always have fantasies!" She took it for granted and didn't take Ye Zhu's words in her heart at all.

It was very late when the two returned to the villa. Xiao Manwei whispered in a low voice, "Good night, brother!" Ye Zhu also said, "Good night, sister!" After saying good night to each other, Xiao Manwei separated. Because she didn't want to disturb her sleeping colleagues, she didn't turn on the light, but just groped and returned to the room with her memory little by little.

I almost fell twice on the way and hit my forehead once. When she finally returned to the room, she pouted her forehead and said, "I thought I had good luck when I picked up a white and tender brother, but now it seems that I have returned it back!" As soon as I turned my head, I saw that the prompt light of the mobile phone on the table kept flashing.

Xiao Manwei now remembered that she forgot to bring her mobile phone. She quickly came to the edge of the table, took her hand on the table and opened it. Eleven text messages and 23 un Answered the phone. All of them were called by Gu Yiheng. Xiao Manwei's heart trembled. I don't know if she would be very anxious if she couldn't get through to call herself?

Thinking of this, she called him quickly, and the phone at that end was answered almost immediately. This made Xiao Manwei's already uneasy heart even more uneasy. He must be very anxious!

"Honey, where have you been? Why haven't you answered my phone and didn't even reply to my text messages? Are you busy?" As soon as the mobile phone was connected, the person opposite asked several questions in one breath, and Xiao Manwei's eyes turned red again.

She sucked her nose and said, "No, I just went out for a walk with my colleagues. I must take a good look at such a beautiful sea view! I just forgot the time when I played. Do you have a mobile phone with you, so I'm sorry! I called you as soon as I saw the prompt when I came back!"

Xiao Manwei explained that a small face was wrinkled because she was worried. The person opposite didn't say anything for a long time, and the silence made her afraid that he was really angry. After a long time, the room was unusually quiet, and only the clock on the wall was ticking.

"Why did you go back to your room now and play until the early morning? It seems that you don't know how to take care of yourself if I'm not by your side! Also, who went out with you, male or female? Gu Yiheng on the opposite side said helplessly. His wife is like a child. She can't take good care of herself at all. She is really worried about where she can be alone.

"Husband is fine. I just went out for a walk with my friends! And we walked by the sea near the villa and didn't go far. As for whether it is a man or a woman, that... is a boy. But don't worry, it's my brother!" Xiao Manwei said softly to the phone.

"Brother?" ** Capturing this word, Gu Yiheng raised his beautiful sword eyebrows slightly, and there was some pressure in his voice.

However, Xiao Manwei didn't feel it at all. She still smiled and said, "Yes, when I first went out, I recognized him as my younger brother. He was a very good boy, the boy you saw at the door of the company during the day!"

There was another silence. Gu Yiheng recalled the people he saw this morning. Which handsome and sunny boy was it? There was a sneer on the corners of his mouth. This morning, he saw that the boy looked at his wife in the wrong way. Originally, he was just suspicious, but he didn't expect it to be true!

It's just... The little woman who is super slow to respond to emotions probably doesn't see other people's feelings clearly! What kind of brother do you stupidly recognize? Thinking of this, Gu Yiheng's mood suddenly felt much better. He believed that his wife would not like others, and he believed that with her slow reaction to emotions, I'm afraid the boy who admired her would suffer!

Gu Yiheng's smile, which was the biggest reward for his rival, gradually deepened, but he said unhungrately, "Why do you just recognize your younger brother without telling me? It seems that my wife doesn't care about me as a husband at all!" His voice was aggrieved, which made Xiao Manwei's heart on the other end of the phone follow.

hurriedly said, "I didn't mean to. I didn't decide until I went out tonight. I reported it to my husband as soon as I came back!" So, honey, have you eaten well at night? What if you still don't go to bed and can't get up tomorrow morning?

Xiao Manwei changed the topic in time and was frightened. She is still very clear about her husband. She usually treats herself very well, but in fact, she is a dark person in her heart! If he is provoked, he will have no good fruit to eat! Thirty-six tricks, it's better to change the topic!

as smart as Gu Yiheng. Xiao Manwei, his natural way, is changing the topic, but she doesn't expose her and follows her words: "I have good food tonight, but I haven't answered your phone. I'm very worried, so I can't sleep. If you can't get up tomorrow morning and delay things, it's all your wife's toll!"

"Well... that's not what I asked you to wait for!" Xiao Manwei muttered softly, as thin as the sound of a mosquito. However, he was clearly heard by Gu Yiheng. The corners of his mouth aroused an evil arc, and his charming voice seduced him, "Wife, what did you just say?"

Hearing Gu Yiheng's gentle voice, Xiao Manwei couldn't help trembling all over and took a deep breath and said, "It's okay. I just said nothing!" He thought he could muddle through, but he didn't expect Gu Yiheng to say, "But I heard it!"

Xiao Manwei wanted to tell him at that time, since you heard it, why did you come to ask me?