Favorite wife

Chapter 114: Designed by Shu Qingwen

Her voice was soft and greasy, which made Gu Yiheng, who listened to the phone unconsciously feel a little hot, and her voice was much lower, but she still coaxed her patiently and whispered, "Good wife, I'll stay with you at night! OK?"

Hearing that he had said so, Xiao Manwei also knew that she could no longer be entangled, so she said reluctantly, "Well, good afternoon, husband! I love you!" Hanging up the phone, she lay down in a daze for a while and then fell asleep. Gu Yiheng, who was on the other end of the phone, was not sleepy at all. He stared at the phone in his hand and wanted to run to see her now.

"Ding Dong! Ding Dong!" With several doorbells ringing, Gu Yiheng got up from ** and opened the door impatiently. When he opened the door, he was stunned and saw Shu Qingwen standing outside. Shu Qingwen wore a white chiffon skirt today, which is a little similar to Xiao Manwei's white chiffon skirt.

"It's you. What's the matter?" His voice was indifferent and alienated, and his eyes also looked at Shu Qingwen, who lowered her head and looked shyly without any emotion. Shu Qingwen was stunned. When she raised her head, her eyes were already dim with tears. She sobbed, "I texted you after leaving that day. Why didn't you reply to my text message?" They have been waiting for you for a long time, but I haven't seen your reply.

Gu Yiheng turned around and walked to the living room and said coldly, "I'm not familiar with you. I don't need to reply to you." He said that he had sat lazily on the sofa, but he didn't even bother to invite Shu Qingwen to drink a glass of water.

Shu Qingwen, who came in behind him, was full of grievance and said dissatisfiedly, "Who said we were not familiar with each other? I'm a good sister who grew up with Manwei. Even according to this, you can't say that it has nothing to do with me!" She also followed Gu Yiheng to the living room.

Seeing that Gu Yiheng didn't mean to ask her to sit down at all, she had to sit on the sofa and said, "I heard that Manwei is on a business trip, so I came to see how you are doing! After all, a man is at home, and many things are not as careful as a woman!" She looked around the room with a pair of eyes and found that the room was clean and dusty.

Originally, she thought that he would mess up the room alone at home, and then she could naturally say that she would help him clean up the house, and then flowed down openly. Unexpectedly, he cleaned up the room so well that even the things were arranged in an orderly manner.

Shu Qingwen naturally doesn't know. Generally, it is Gu Yiheng who does housework at home, and even cooking is all taken care of by him! Seeing that there was nothing she could clean up, her face was a little hung up, and she was afraid that Gu Yiheng would drive her away. She hurriedly said, "I didn't expect you to clean up the room so neatly at home alone!" I really admire you!"

With that, she still pretended to be admirable. With his eyes slightly opened, Gu Yiheng said lightly, "If you just say this, then you don't have to!" He said that he was already a little impatient, because he didn't sleep well yesterday. Now his head hurts a little, and he is naturally in a bad mood.

Being said so indifferently by Gu Yiheng, Shu Qingwen felt that her face was burning. She was thinking about what topic could make him happy or interested. After a long time, a figure suddenly jumped to her heart.

Xiao Manwei! Maybe only Xiao Manwei can interest him!

Thinking of this, she didn't care about anything and quickly said, "Of course not. I want to tell you about Manwei's past and what happened when she was a child. I feel that the more I know, the better the relationship between the two people together can get better and better, so I came here without permission!" She said with a faint smile on her face, but more embarrassing.

Gu Yiheng was interested as soon as he heard about Xiao Manwei, but he didn't like to be gentle to people other than Xiao Manwei, so he still said coldly, "Then tell me!" He said that he had leaned back slightly and leaned on the sofa.

Seeing that he was really interested in Xiao Manwei's affairs, Shu Qingwen felt a slight pain in her heart, took a deep breath and said slowly, "Then let's start with what happened when Weiwei was a child!" Weiwei was very naughty when she was young, just like a little boy. For this, she was often told by her uncle and aunt! It's just that she said that's her character, and she likes to be free. As she spoke, she looked up at Gu Yiheng, and saw that he was listening to her carefully, and his beautiful eyes were full of gentle feelings.

With an awkward smile, she cleared her throat and continued, "Later, I don't know whether it was in elementary school or middle school, Weiwei changed, becoming more and more like a girl, and slowly tied her long hair. And more than that, even the appearance is getting more and more beautiful. Later, she became the class flower of our class, and many boys liked her! It's just that she is usually very smart, and she becomes a little slow to respond to men's and women's affairs!"

Gu Yiheng nodded with consent and said with a smile, "I have a deep understanding of this!" He said that this seemed to recall the time when he and Xiao Manwei first met, but this stupid girl was particularly slow to respond to this kind of thing! Shu Qingwen saw Gu Yiheng's smile, and some struggle flashed in her eyes, and then said, "There was another time when a boy wrote a love letter to her directly, but Wei Wei took it to the office to tell the teacher."

As she spoke on one side of her face, she saw Gu Yiheng raise her beautiful eyebrows and wondered, "Why?" What she was waiting for was his words. When she heard this, she quickly said, "Actually, I was also a little strange at that time, and then secretly went to Weiwei after class to ask. At that time, the boy was also handsome in our class. Why did she give the love letter directly to the teacher?"

"Guess what Weiwei said?" Shu Qingwen said and leaned over, approached Gu Yiheng and asked with a smile. Gu Yiheng became interested because of Xiao Manwei's matter and immediately asked with a smile, "What did Weiwei say?"

Seeing that he really wanted to hear it, Shu Qingwen stopped talking about it and said with a smile, "Wei Wei said that the boy was a hooligan!" Gu Yiheng heard this gently "Oh" and heard Shu Qingwen continue to say, "I asked her why she said so. Wei Wei actually said that the boy wrote in her letter: I want to hold your hand, kiss your lips, and touch your long hair! You don't know, when Weiwei said the atmosphere on her face, I laughed so hard!"

Gu Yiheng also laughed in his heart when he heard this, but he endured it, but the smile in his eyes could not be covered up. In this way, the two kept talking about Xiao Manwei for more than two hours, and Shu Qingwen stood up and left when Gu Yiheng had a task to go out.

Gu Yiheng watched her take two steps and wondered whether to stop her. For a long time, he couldn't help saying, "Do you have time tomorrow?" Shu Qingwen, who didn't want to leave, moved step by step, thinking about why Gu Yiheng didn't stop her. Just when she was desperate, she heard Gu Yiheng's voice like a god.

I was immediately happy, but I didn't dare to show it on my face. I bit my lips and suppressed the joy in my heart and turned around and said, "What, is there anything else?" When she just talked about Xiao Manwei, she deliberately talked about the wonderful parts, so she bet that Gu Yiheng would definitely stop her, but she didn't expect to be really stopped!

"Ye, I want to ask you to come here to see me if you have time tomorrow. I want to know more about Vivi, okay?" Without the indifference just now, Gu Yiheng exuded the charm of a mature man, which made Shu Qingwen standing in the distance tremble all over after seeing it, and a handsome little face turned red.

He lowered his head and thought about it, and looked embarrassed. After a long time, he said, "Well, I have time tomorrow afternoon. How about you?" Gu Yiheng happened to have nothing to do tomorrow afternoon, so he nodded and said, "Well, let's do it tomorrow afternoon!" With that, she had taken the lead in opening the door and looked at Gu Yiheng's back leaving the car. Shu Qingwen slightly raised the corners of her mouth and smiled proudly.

I was busy all afternoon. When I had dinner in the evening, Xiao Manwei felt even more dizzy. She just took a few bites and lost her appetite and sighed. She didn't want to delay everyone's affairs because of herself, so she stood up and said, "I still have something to do. Let's eat slowly!" With that, I planned to go back to the room, but as soon as I walked out a few steps, I felt dizzy, and the things in front of me were spinning.

She secretly gritted her teeth and wanted to stabilize her body, but the harder she tried, the more she felt dizzy. The weak body fell back, and everyone's exclaim came from his ears, "Sister!" Sister Wei!"

Originally, when Xiao Manwei stood up, Ye Zhu saw that something was wrong with her, but she was afraid that she would be angry with herself like this morning, so she didn't say anything. I just watched her go out and stand still, and her body was still shaking slightly. At that time, her whole heart lifted up. When she was about to come forward to help her, she was already unsteady and fell down.

He picked up Xiao Manwei who fell to the ground, and his whole heart hung up with her. He quickly said, "Go and ask the housekeeper to call the doctor, and then go to those ice bags." Her head was so hot that his hands on her forehead couldn't help trembling.

Seeing the urgency of the situation, everyone was still in the mood to eat. They stood up one by one and followed Ye Zhu's orders. It's just that Zhang Yue stood aside and looked at the anxious Ye Zhu, and her eyes couldn't help but be blocked by his figure. If only the fainted person would be himself! So can he hold himself so gently?

Thinking of this, Xiao Zhang couldn't help but be a little disgusted with Xiao Manwei. Seeing that everyone was busy, he simply sat in a chair and continued to eat. Ye Zhu held Xiao Manwei in her arms and felt that her whole body was very hot. She really ignored herself and could take the initiative to find her! Now it's good that she is so sick that she doesn't know it at all!

Thinking of this, Ye Zhu blamed himself even more and said in a low voice, "Sister, don't be fine!" With that, she walked to her room with Xiao Manwei in her arms. Fortunately, the living room is covered with carpets, and there is no danger even if the soft carpet falls. If it weren't for this carpet, would she have hurt her head just now? The more he thought about it, the more he blamed himself. He frowned all the way.

When I came to Xiao Manwei's room, the window of the room was still open, and the cool sea breeze blew the white curtains slightly. Ye Zhu sighed. It seems that she didn't close the window and went to bed last night, so she got sick and had a fever! Really, I can't take care of myself at all.

He muttered softly, and put her gently on **. Looking at her frown painfully because of fever, he sighed and put some cold hands on her forehead to try. It was still hot!

Just as she wanted to pull her hand back, Xiao Manwei had reached out and grabbed his hand and rubbed it on her face.

Xiao Manwei was confused and felt uncomfortable with the burning feeling on her body. Suddenly, she felt a cool thing covering her forehead. The burning feeling suddenly disappeared a lot. She wanted to freeze for a while, but she didn't expect the cold thing to leave. Although I didn't have the strength in my hand, I still grabbed the cold thing.

It's really comfortable to put that thing on your face! A smile gradually appeared on her face, and she was proud that she had just grabbed the cool thing. Ye Zhu, who was being held by her hand, looked at the smile on Xiao Manwei's face and couldn't help shaking her head helplessly, pulling a chair by the bed and sitting down, allowing her to hold her hand in her arms.

Looking at her red and depressed little face and delicate red lips because of fever, he couldn't help swallowing his saliva, but he was reluctant to look away. That...the ice bag has been... brought!" Xiao Li, who was rushing this way with an ice bag, suddenly couldn't say the words in front of him and stammered.