Favorite wife

Chapter 159 People who can be companions when they are lonely

Huo Yifeng accompanied Ding Ding every day, pushing the wheelchair and shaking in the community when he was free.

"Huo Yifeng, if you do this, I will become old, weak and sick." Dingding pouted and said.

Huo Yifeng smiled dotingly, "Now I'm sick. Be good. Where do you want? I'll take you there."

"I want to go back to sleep. Go back." Ding Ding gave him a helpless look. In the past few days, everyone in the community knows the new neighbor. The woman is a disabled, and the handsome man is angry and affectionate. How many people are really jealous.

"Good." Huo Yifengjun always had a happy smile on his face.

Gu Yicheng stood behind the tree not far away and looked at the harmonious two people. The bag in his hand was tight, but he still didn't walk over. He turned to the car. Dingding is now taken care of, and he is well taken care of. Why should he go there?

As soon as she entered the apartment, she heard a sound inside and looked at the kitchen. Liu Mingyu was cooking in an apron. Her movements were very strange. She could see that she should not have done anything about these things before, but it was not surprising. She was a career-type white-collar worker with a book next to her and a serious face, which warmed Gu Yicheng's heart. Of.

Turn off the fire and accidentally broke a bowl. Liu Mingyu hurriedly squatted down to pick up the fragments, "Ouch!" The white porcelain piece cut through the finger and the blood flowed out instantly.

"Mingyu." Guyi City rushed over, grabbed her hand, carefully cleaned it, and found a Band-Aid to help her stick it.

"City, am I stupid? I can't even cook." Liu Mingyu's face was lost, and his eyes were full of tears.

"It's okay, Mingyu, no one is perfect. Since you don't like cooking and don't have to study for me, we can hire an aunt or a part-time worker to go out to eat." Gu Yicheng gently stopped her in his arms. The woman was willing to be with him, change for him, and completely belonged to her own.

"City." Liu Mingyu's voice sounded softly, and she did not have the momentum of a strong woman at ordinary times, and turned into a little woman.

"Mingyu." Liu Mingyu gently twisted her body, which seemed to be very unintentional but accurately provoked the desire of Guyi City.

"City, don't." This trick is called indulging. Zhao Yuanbo taught that a man who really wants to live with you will not want his woman to be too proficient in **, so he will think about how many men you have had, and it will be different to come out to play.

Gu Yicheng's big hand has tightly grasped Liu Mingyu's abundance, "Will Mingyu always be with me?"

"Will, I will, City, I love you."

At nine o'clock, the two of them packed up and were a little hungry.

Liu Mingyu couldn't eat half of his dishes, so they went out to eat together.

Liu Mingyu chose a home-style restaurant near the apartment. The one that used to be frequented by Guyicheng and Dingding. When he walked to the door, Guyicheng frowned almost invisibly. Seeing Liu Mingyu's happy face, he still followed him in.

The boss greeted Gu Yicheng warmly, "Mr. Gu, please. Didn't Miss Ding Ding come?" Dingding is smart and cute, and he can chat well with the boss, but he hasn't seen him for a while, and the boss still misses him a little.

"She moved away and doesn't live here anymore." Gu Yicheng explained awkwardly.

Liu Mingyu lowered her eyes.

The boss was also a smart person. When he saw that something was wrong, he immediately asked him. He handed over the menu and asked them to order. It was past nine o'clock. There was basically no one in the restaurant, so the boxes were closed, and the two sat in the lobby.

"His shredded pork with Beijing sauce is delicious, and the fish-flavored eggplant is also delicious." Ding Ding said excitedly to Huo Yifeng.

The familiar voice at the door made Gu Yicheng's body tremble and unavoidably. The world is really small. Gu Yicheng wants to slowly forget the feeling that he once had in his heart, but they met unexpectedly at such a time. They really have a tacit understanding.

"Miss Dingding is here." The boss greeted me warmly.

"Yes, I'll bring new guests for you." Ding Ding smiled like a flower. Obviously, his legs were well. He held Huo Yifeng's hand. The man looked so mature, steady and handsome, and his whole body exuded a momentum that people dare not approach, but with a faint smile on the corners of his mouth, he looked at the little woman beside him, as if she were his whole world.

"What a coincidence, Mr. Gu is also here." The boss struggled for a moment and still said something.

Dingding's smile was a little embarrassed, but it recovered quickly. "What a coincidence, you are also a capitalist." She joked as usual.

Gu Yicheng hurriedly put away his embarrassed mood and met Ding Ding's eyes, "Is the injury healed? Is it okay not to eat so late?"

Liu Mingyu looked at Ding and Huo Yifeng without a trace. This man is not simple and obviously loves the woman in front of him, so is his crisis much smaller? So she smiled politely at Huo Yifeng and Ding Ding. She is a smart woman who knows when to speak and when to smile.

"Well, in fact, I ate it in the evening, but I'm hungry again. I may be too idle recently. I'm always sleepy and hungry every day. I can get out of the slaughter in a few days." Dingding laughed at himself.

"How many people sit together?" The boss asked in time.

Ding Ding asked to take a look at Huo Yifeng. This man has to clean up and sit with others when he goes out for dinner. Will he be willing?

Who knew Huo Yifeng's generous smile and nodded.

So the two sat opposite Gu Yicheng and Liu Mingyu.

"I'm sleepy and often hungry. I have a good sister, and then I was pregnant after the examination." Liu Mingyu looked at Ding Ding with a smile and said jokingly.

Dingding's smile is frozen in the corners of his mouth. No, no, no, he thinks that his physiological period is indeed a few days late.

Huo Yifeng's eyes lit up and quickly took out his mobile phone. "Prepare for the hospital immediately. Let's go for a check-up after dinner."

"No, it won't be. You can check it tomorrow. Don't be in such a hurry." Dingding's little hands were a little cold. She never thought that she would have Huo Yifeng's child. She has always had contraception. Maybe she forgot to take the medicine last time. Dingding thought about it.

"Let's take a look. Don't worry." Huo Yifeng said gently, but his heart was full of hope. If Dingding had his own child, the agreement between them would be invalid, and Liu Dingqi would definitely let Ding Ding give birth to a child.

Gu Yicheng's heart suddenly fell. Although he knew everything, the scene in front of him was still difficult for him to accept. Fortunately, the boss served at this time.

Dingding and Gu Yicheng had no appetite. Huo Yifeng carefully picked up vegetables for Dingding, and Liu Mingyu also virtuously picked up vegetables for Gu Yicheng. After eating a meal for half an hour, Dingding couldn't eat any more and was taken by Huo Yifeng to the hospital for examination.

After Gu Yicheng checked out, he returned to the apartment with Liu Mingyu. The two walked one after the other, and the atmosphere was indescribably awkward and depressed. Finally, Liu Mingyu said sadly.

"City, if you like Dingding, you should work hard."

"Mingyu." Gu Yicheng's body stiffened and stood in place. His performance was so obvious that others could see it. So did Dingding also find his emotions?

"City, the eyes of loving someone are gentle. You see Dingding and the men around her look at her the same." Liu Mingyu said sadly that she wanted to make this man feel guilty about her. Only guilt can completely retain a man, even if it is not his heart.

"Mingyu, you are very**. I do have a crush on Dingding, but she cares and loves the man around her. We are just friends, and I also want to forget that good impression. Will you help me, right?" Gu Yicheng looked at Liu Mingyu and said seriously.

"City, as long as you want, I will be by your side. Even if I'm just a companion when you are lonely, I don't care. Sometimes loving someone is so humble." Liu Mingyu said that tears fell unconsciously.

"Mingyu, I won't humble you. I will let people know that you are my girlfriend. We are dating and will get married in the future." Gu Yicheng said solemnly, yes, she was his lonely companion at the beginning, so if she was destined to be lonely all her life, it would be good to have someone to accompany her.

"City, thank you." Liu Mingyu rushed into Gu Yicheng's arms, and his small shoulders trembled slightly, looking very moved. However, Gu Yicheng will not know how proud Liu Mingyu was when he talked about the marriage. She can finally wait until the moment she enters the room. She finally has the capital to fight with Xiao Manwei. They are all the sons of the Gu family and the daughter-in-law of the Gu family. She doesn't believe that she can't win Xiao Manwei with her cleverness.

Ding Ding was pulled to the hospital for examination by Huo Yifeng. Naturally, the best doctor was also pulled up in the middle of the night and drew blood. The two quietly waited for the examination results in the VIP ward. Huo Yifeng got up nervously and sat down for a while. Ding Ding looked at him helplessly, "The pregnant person is me. What are you nervous about?"

"My child's father is me!" The low noise of Huo Yifeng came.

Ding looked up at him. The man was actually very good. Although it was cold and did not affect his beauty, it was just that she didn't want to have children without love.

"You didn't ask me if I would be born." Ding Ding's voice was not loud, but the original joy that hit Huo Yifeng's heart disappeared and replaced with a strong gloom.

"Then will you give birth?" Huo Yifeng squatted in front of Ding Ding and looked straight into her eyes.

"I don't know." Dingding subconsciously avoided his eyes, "Will the child be happy without love?"

In the past, her father and mother had love together, and she lived a happy childhood. Later, her father died of illness, and her mother followed him. She also believed that her parents must be the happiest in heaven, and she and Huo Yifeng in front of her, if it were not for her brother's illness, they would still be people from two worlds.

Huo Yifeng was silent, and Ding Ding's question was difficult for him to answer. He knew that she did not love him and did not love him, which was very sarcastic.

When the result came out, both of them looked nervously at the doctor and were not pregnant, which may be caused by recent drugs.

The two inexplicable people breathed a sigh of relief.

Xiao Manwei has been very busy recently. All the procedures of Purple Rose's film have been approved. With Wu Tian's help throughout the whole process, all the procedures seem very simple. But entertainment is like this. If you want to entertain the public's attention, you will naturally be noticed. As a judge of the model dream and the producer of Purple Rose, Xiao Manwei has been filmed recently, especially when she and Wu Tian often have a tacit understanding between them, so the gossip came out like this.