Favorite wife

Chapter 273 Smart Cute Baby

Just as Lin Siming was looking for two lost children and Yaya, Yaya's two precious children were squatting in the small garden of the Lin family and quietly looking at the movement in the house. The two chubby bodies were close to each other, and their clever eyes looked around.

Although Dabao, as his brother, was dissatisfied with Mommy's laziness and giving himself and his brother such a random name, he obviously received and got used to the name under the imperceptibleness of Yaya. At this moment, he patted his brother's head very casually, "Xiaobao, I said we're right. Uncle Lin is really not a good person.

Xiaobao touched a lollipop from his pocket and pouted regretfully, "It's a pity that I only took a lollipop when I left. Brother, shall we go in and steal some food and take it away later?"

Dabao nodded approvingly, "Yes, it can't be cheaper than Uncle Lin." Originally, they, like Mommy, thought Uncle Lin was a good person, so when Yaya entrusted them to the Lin family, she was even happy that she didn't have to do homework under Mommy's supervision.

Who would have thought that when Dabao and Xiaobao were running around playing games in the Lin family, they actually found pistols and some black masks in the drawers of the Lin family.

After Dabao and Xiaobao were in a daze for a moment, they immediately thought of those scenes on TV.

So the two have been hiding in the small garden of the Lin family since morning, watching the servants anxiously look for them under their eyelids.

If it weren't for the conditions, Dabao would have wanted to take a hammock in the garden and play quietly with his brother.

I don't know how long it took, when Dabao and Xiaobao looked around warily, the servants ran out one after another, as if they had received an emergency order from the community.

It turned out that Lin Siming lost his temper with them because he couldn't find Yaya and asked them to go out to find the two children immediately and must bring back the twin brothers.

Seeing that everyone rushed out, Dabao picked up a stone from the ground and threw it not far away. No one, and they immediately ran out excitedly.

"Brother, we can get food! We'll go to mommy after we get the things!"

Dabao held his brother's hand solemnly, "Be careful."

Xiaobao smiled and said, "Don't worry." Without saying a word, he ran to the refrigerator in the kitchen and bumped all the biscuits and chocolates and other snacks into his pocket. Dabao looked around, took a pair of handcuffs, a wig, hat, and some money.

After the two brothers almost got it, they finally quietly climbed out of the dog hole in the yard, and the two small figures quickly disappeared on the road.

After walking a few steps, Dabao suddenly grabbed Xiaobao and said seriously, "No, we can't just leave like this. What if Uncle Lin runs to harm others again?"

Xiaobao blinked his eyes, "What do you think the elder brother should do?"

Dabao clapped his hands with a smile, "How about we burn this bad guy's house?"

The two little children did what they said and turned back in an instant.

Before long, a huge smoke enveloped the whole residential area. The surrounding residents opened the window curiously and found that the Lin family's villa was on fire.

Not long after, fire alarms and reporters came one after another. After the firefighters put out the fire, the Lin family was almost swallowed up by the raging fire. The reporter reported the fire excitedly with a microphone, but the real perpetrator, the two children, had already escaped.

Lin Siming pushed through the crowd and rushed to his house. In the dark, all the money and guns he had hidden in the house were gone. His efforts for so many years have been spent on this villa, but now, because of the fire, his house is gone?

He felt wronged and desperate. At this moment, Lin Siming grabbed the policeman's clothes with a blood-red look in his eyes. "Tell me, who burned this house? Who did it?"

Maybe he roared too much, or he was too sad. For a moment, Lin Siming only felt dizzy, so he soon fell into a coma.

Gu Yiheng, who arrived in New York on the first day, was lucky enough to enjoy this scene in the crowd, but he didn't want to see the burning of his neighbor's house. He looked at the house near Lin Siming's house, which was Yaya's residence in the United States.

Before he came, he had made a clear look at the details of Yaya's neighbors. Obviously, he knew what kind of person Lin Siming was. He heard that Yaya had never come back since she left with Lin Siming.

And his two sons don't know where they have gone. Anyway, all he has to do now is find Yaya at the first time and save his precious son. As for punishing the bad guys, it is secondary.

So Gu Yiheng came forward and smiled at the reporter, "Guys, this is my friend. Can you let me take him away?" He reached out to stop the reporter's camera and took away the dead dog-like Lin Siming.

Gu Yiheng lived in the presidential suite of the Hilton Hotel. He made a special trip to prepare a house for Lin Siming, who was seriously traumatized, so that he could have a good rest.

He was sitting at the bar drinking quietly when he heard a hoarse voice, "Who are you?"

Gu Yiheng looked back and saw Lin Siming's messy hair on his head like a bird's nest. It seemed that he had been hit hard and his lips were cracked.

"I heard that you know a woman named Yaya?" Gu Yiheng put down the glass and asked gently.

Lin Siming looked at him warily, "Who are you?"

Gu Yiheng frowned and thought, "The creditor?" He was thinking about entuing the man in front of him into his trap. As for the matter of this man cheating Yaya, he will settle accounts together.

Lin Siming originally thought that Gu Yiheng and Yaya must have a close relationship, but at this moment, Gu Yiheng's attitude is not the same. So he finally relaxed, snorted, and sneered, "I've already said that this woman is not a good thing. No wonder so many people hate her. She has disappeared a long time ago. I heard that she got into the car with a group of men and never came back." He made up a lot of words and didn't notice Gu Yiheng's increasingly pale face.

barely suppressed his anger, and Gu Yiheng deliberately pretended to be careless and smiled, "I heard that you are looking for this woman. I want to cooperate with you and find her out. You don't have a place to live now, and I'm not familiar with this place. How about our cooperation?"

Lin Siming is looking for such a good opportunity. He will never give up Yaya and will never give up looking for it! When you find the first thing, it is to put her out!

The vicious plan in Lin Siming's heart is in Gu Yiheng's eyes. At this moment, he can't wait to kill this damn man now, but Gu Yiheng tries to suppress his anger and disgust. No, he can't. There are plenty of opportunities to avenge Yaya, but now, absolutely not.

In this way, Lin Siming stayed in Gu Yiheng's hotel, and Gu Yiheng also sent someone to look for two babies. How did he know that the two babies he was worried about were sleeping peacefully in Yaya's apartment.

In fact, except that Mommy is not at home and doesn't know if she is safe, the rest of the life is still very happy. Dabao plays with Mommy's computer, searches for video teaching on how to cook, and tries to step on the stool to cook for himself. Xiaobao stares at the refrigerator much higher than himself. He also stepped on the stool to open the freezer and took out the steak little by little.

"Brother, I want to eat meat." Xiaobao swallowed a mouthful of water.

Dabao sighed, touched the meat with his little hand, and looked sad, "I'll try my best."

Outside the room, Gu Yiheng frowned and smelled the fragrance from the room. Is it his illusion? Yaya is not in this apartment. Where on earth did the fragrance come from? He looked around vigilance and then took out the key and opened the door of the room.

Lin Siming is still in the hotel, and he can take this opportunity to take a look at Yaya's house.

"Brother, someone is coming, boo." Xiaobao jumped off the stool quickly, got into the wardrobe with Dabao, and stared at the movement outside with his breath.

The sound of calm footsteps sounded in the hall. Gu Yiheng glanced around and hung photos of the whole family on the wall. Yaya and the children laughed happily. Now Gu Yiheng knew how much he missed Yaya and the babies.

He reached out and gently touched the smiling faces of the three people in the photo, and suddenly turned his head to the kitchen. In just a few minutes, he was sure that there was someone in the room!

Gu Yiheng was shocked by the messy appearance in the kitchen. He hurriedly ran to the rooms and glanced at it, and finally stopped in Yaya's bedroom. He took a breath and suddenly opened the door of the wardrobe. He saw two twins hugging each other tightly and curled together looking up, and his big watery eyes stared at him innocently. .

"Wow... Dad, you finally came to us. I thought Daddy didn't want us... Whoo-woo..." Dabao and Xiaobao rushed into Gu Yiheng's arms together and cried out of breath.

Why doesn't Gu Yiheng feel sad? He hugged his sons and coaxed softly, and the corners of his eyes gradually turned red.

Dabao sobbed that Lin Siming was a bad person and told Gu Yiheng that his house had been burned by his son, and he had no choice but to touch the proud little faces of the two children.

At this moment, he found that his sons had already grown up, and it seemed that they all underestimated the children.

He rolled up his sleeves and cooked a rich dinner for the children. Seeing his sons eat happily, he was finally relieved. Anyway, he can now relax half of his heart.

Half of my heart is always hanging. When can I find Yaya?

The people sent by Gu Yiheng soon sent the surveillance video of the gunfight in New York that day. After careful inspection, he finally confirmed the case. Lin Siming was the absolute mastermind, and Yaya was just a barrier he used to cover his identity.

Gu Yiheng sent this video to the police station. He believes that the police in New York will give Lin Siming the punishment he deserves. Yaya is not in his hands. Where is the cover?

Yaya, who is cared for by everyone, is also worried about her own children, but now, she can't easily get out.

Yaya stared at the man standing at the door of the bedroom with some frustration, "Mr. Song, what on earth do you want to do? If you are really a good policeman, you should take me back to reunite with your son now!"

Song Yun looked at the indifferent Yaya with a faint face and her heart moved slightly. That day, she suddenly broke into his life. Originally, he was very surprised and just wanted to get rid of the burden as soon as possible, but now it seems that he seems to like each other a little.

Maybe Yaya is so feminine that Song Yun has lost the most basic ethics of a policeman.

At the turn of the ghost, he actually looked at Yaya and said seriously, "Anyway, your relationship with your husband is not good. Why don't you divorce him and marry me?"