Favorite wife

Chapter 279 Tricky

Fang Lin's beer bottle burst and blossomed on her head, and the gurgling blood slowly flowed down from her forehead in an instant. She moaned and fell outside the villa, and the whining quickly attracted Gu Yiheng.

Fang Lin smiled bitterly, "Mr. Gu, I just... was beaten by a group of debtors..." After saying intermittently, Fang Lin finally fainted.

Gu Yiheng sent Fang Lin to the hospital and kept raising his hand to look at her watch. I don't know how long it took, the door of the emergency room opened, and the doctor pushed Fang Lin's operating bed out with a warm smile.

"It's not a big deal. I stitched more than a dozen stitches, and now it looks much better." Fang Lin handed it over to Gu Yiheng, and the doctor instructed Gu Yiheng to pay attention.

"Yes, as the patient's husband, you must help the patient change the gauze..."

"You misunderstood. I'm not Miss Fang's husband." Gu Yiheng interrupted the self-righteous doctor and solemnly corrected the matter.

The doctor laughed and glanced at Fang Lin, who was still in a coma, with strange eyes. How did the woman tell him that Mr. Gu was her husband when she was just sent in?

Forget it, things between men and women have nothing to do with themselves. The doctor quickly drifted away and left a lot of mess to Gu Yiheng.

He looked at Fang Lin in front of him with a headache, and finally only sighed and pushed her back to the ward. Now Fang Lin is unfamiable in the United States. It seems that he has to hire a nurse for her.

There was the smell of disinfectant in the white ward. Gu Yiheng returned to the ward after calling Yaya and found that Fang Lin had sat up. He quickly came forward to hold her, "Be careful, don't get hurt."

Fang Lin looked up gratefully at Gu Yiheng, "Mr. Gu, you are so kind. Thank you for saving me."

Gu Yiheng raised his thin lips slightly, "Now that you are awake, it's time for me to go back. Miss Fang, take good care of yourself." There is no intention to stay and continue to be a good person.

How can Fang Lin let him leave now? If he leaves like this, won't the sacrifices he made be versatile? At this moment, Fang Lin reached out and grabbed Gu Yiheng's sleeve and looked at him pitifully.

"Do you really want to leave me here alone? I knew that no one would be sincere to me..." She cried with pear blossoms and rain, as if she had been abandoned by Gu Yiheng.

Normally, Gu Yiheng would have been comforted softly, but today, he just stared at Fang Lin coldly, with a hard-hearted look.

Fang Lin's crying gradually became less and finally became silent. Why do you look at me like this?

Gu Yiheng laughed and said, "Miss Fang, the acting should stop here. I heard from the doctor that the wound on your head seems to have been smashed by yourself. I don't know if Miss Fang will give me an explanation.

Fang Lin was stunned. Which doctor ruined her plan so nonsense? She grasped **'s quilt with an aggrieved expression on her face, "How can I be so cruel to myself as a woman? Does Mr. Gu also believe such ridiculous remarks?

Gu Yiheng did not believe such ridiculous remarks, but he saw that Fang Lin was indeed not a good woman. Why did she appear in the Gu family and why was she attacked outside the Gu family's house?

Now he is entangled in the hospital and almost didn't follow him back to his ancient family to recuperate. For so many years, there have been many women around him like crucian carp crossing the river. How could he not see Fang Lin's intention at a glance?

Gu Yiheng stretched out his hand and wrote a check and threw it to Fang Lin. Then he smiled and said, "I have paid the medical expenses for you. The rest is compensation. Miss Fang will take good care of her health. I hope that next time I see you again, there will be a flower protector around you."

There are probably only so many things he can do. As for the rest, it's none of his business.

Gu Yiheng drove back home and was about to plant a small sapling in the garden with her child. He looked at it for a long time, and a gentle smile gradually surged up. Then he got out of the car and walked towards the mother and son with flowers in his arms.

"Mommy, Daddy is home." Dabao raised his little head and smiled at Yaya with a pure and harmless smile.

Ya turned her head and looked at Gu Yiheng holding a large bouquet of blooming roses in her arms, as if a burning flame made her happy.

"For you." Passing the flowers to her, Gu Yiheng habitually reached out and hugged Yaya, "Ya, let's go back to China."

Although the United States is good, it is not peaceful. Gu Yiheng vaguely feels that something may happen if he stays any longer.

"Good, good! Finally, I can go home!" Dabao and Xiaobao clapped their little hands and jumped excitedly. In their hearts, only the house in City A was their real home.

Yaya also had this intention for a long time, so she nodded and agreed.

Just as Gu Yiheng packed his bags and planned to take Yaya back to China, a letter changed their fate again.

Ya held the letter high and woke him up, and her cheeks were red like a delicate rose. She excitedly pointed to the letter and said, "Xiaodong has written to us again!"

Gu Yiheng opened the envelope at a glance and immediately smiled, "Xiaodong seems to be doing well." The letter still expressed his miss for them, and then told them that he was now in the East Side of New York.

It seems that Xiaodong's father has a certain identity in New York. Gu Yiheng put away the letter and saw his wife's happy appearance and immediately laughed, "Do you want to see Xiaodong?"

Ya smiled like a flower, "Since we are going to leave, why don't we meet him?" I haven't seen you for a long time. Xiaodong should have grown a lot.

If his wife has this intention, Gu Yiheng naturally wants to satisfy her, so the two decided to make some cakes that Xiaodong usually likes to eat, and then choose a day to visit him.

A few days later, Gu Yiheng drove his wife and children to the East District and stopped in front of a chain restaurant.

Gu Yiheng went to get the cake after the car. Yaya took the children to look at everything around him. At this time, a red locomotive roared at Yaya. Yaya subconsciously dodged it. Suddenly, there was also a sound of the locomotive passing by behind him. The man in the car obliquely pulled Yaya's bag and suddenly pulled Yaya's eyes. I watched my handbag being robbed by the people in the car.

She was furious and immediately took off her high heels and hit the other party's head. Of course, she didn't hit it. Yaya jumped angrily. Gu Yiheng also rushed over, but the two people who started the car had long disappeared.

"My wallet is in my bag, damn it!" Yaya looked at Gu Yiheng with regret.

He put his hand on Yaya's shoulder, and Gu Yiheng comforted him softly, "It doesn't matter. It's okay."

It is normal for gangsters to be robbed in this area of New York. Yaya thought that in case the other party had a gun in his hand, it might be more dangerous. Now she just lost a wallet and immediately calmed down.

When she opened the door and walked in, Yaya was attracted by the open layout of the restaurant. The appearance of a simple and quaint Chinese restaurant with low and gentle jazz music, and the beautiful waiter shuttled between the guests with plates and served softly.

After looking around, Gu Yiheng finally looked at a busy man at the front desk. The man's tall and deep eyes were a little icy blue, and his side face lines felt like a beautiful man.

At this moment, he is mixing wine and looking happy.

Gu Yiheng walked up, supported the bar with both hands, and just looked at the man. The man seemed to be surprised, and then looked at Gu Yiheng, and both of them saw appreciation from each other's eyes.

"Excuse me, are you Xiaodong's family?"

Qiu Ming raised his head in surprise, "Are you?"

"Gu Yiheng, Xiaodong's adoptive father."

Qiu Mingji immediately stretched out his hand and said enthusiastically, "Hello, I heard of you from Xiaodong's mouth. I'm Qiu Mingji, Xiaodong's father."

Ya and Gu Yiheng were stunned at the same time. It turned out that he was Xiaodong's biological father.

The three people sat together around the table and asked doubtfully, "Since you are his biological father, why have you never looked for him?"

Qiu Ming lowered his head and was silent for a moment, and then smiled gently. "There are some reasons that can't be explained, so after he was born, I sent him to a nursery for safety. Later, when I found him again, I found that a long time had passed, and the nursery was no longer there. Fortunately, you took him in the end.

"So, did you send someone to our house to take Xiaodong away?" Yaya's face sank slightly. This person was so rude that she sent someone to their house to take Xiaodong away without permission.

Tyu Mingji shrugged his shoulders with apologetic face, full of American style.

At this point, it is meaningless to worry about who is right and who is wrong. Yaya and Gu Yiheng looked at each other and asked to see Xiaodong. Qiu Mingyi readily agreed. At present, he ordered the employees of the restaurant to deal with the matter and led them to their home.

The car was parked in front of a luxurious villa, and the housekeeper rushed out and opened the door enthusiastically. "Mr. Qiu, Master Xiaodong is studying hard."

Yaya reached out and held Gu Yiheng's hand and smiled at him with relief. Fortunately, Qiu Mingji was very kind to the child.

Walking along the door, in the purple and red flowers, neatly dressed Xiaodong was seriously learning painting under the guidance of the teacher. He looked down at the fallen leaves on the ground and copied them one by one. The teacher nodded with approval. Seeing Qiu Ming coming, he immediately stood up to say hello and was stopped by him.

Yaya and Gu Yiheng walked behind Xiaodong. On the drawing board, a bunch of blooming daisies were blooming beautifully. Yaya couldn't help touching Xiaodong's head. Xiaodong turned his head in surprise and jumped up in surprise at the first glance.

"Mommy!" He jumped into Yaya's arms and couldn't help but feel sore. He thought that as long as he was strong, he would not cry, but now he knew that when he saw close people, the feeling of sadness and grievance could not be controlled at all.

"Daddy and Mommy, you finally came to see Xiaodong! And Dabao and Xiaobao!" He bent down and hugged his two younger brothers, and his eyes were red and swollen with excitement. What could be compared with the warmth of gathering at this time?

Yaya bent down and said softly, "You are doing well. You and your father can rest assured, Xiaodong, come on in the future and live a good life, okay?"

Xiaodong nodded desperately, "Xiaodong will listen carefully to every word Mommy says."

Ya stretched out her hand to hold Xiaodong's little hand. Although it was cold, it made her feel a little warmth. This child has unmatched perseverance and courage that adults can't match. It seems that she and Gu Yiheng did not adopt him in vain.

Qiu Mingji, who had been quietly looking at Xiaodong, said jealously, "This child is still closer to you. I have brought him to the United States for so long, and he has never been so intimate with me."

Xiaodong lowered his head silently, and the joy just now suddenly disappeared.

Gu Yiheng noticed that the atmosphere suddenly became strange. His dark eyes stared at Xiaodong and whispered, "Xiaodong, tell Daddy, how are you doing here? If it's not good, Dad will take you away at any time.

A smile appeared on Xiaodong's childish face, "I'm doing well, really."

Qiu Mingji smiled and said, "With your supervision, how can I be bad to Xiaodong?"

Yaya led Xiaodong reluctantly. A group of people came to the living room. After greeting each other about some topics, Qiu Ming ordered them to send them to the guest room to rest, and Xiaodong also returned to his room to rest.