Favorite wife

Chapter 281 Amnesia

When Yaya was looking for Gu Yiheng all over the world, she didn't know that Fang Lin had quietly quit her job in a western restaurant and bought two plane tickets back to China.

She pushed her luggage contentedly and shouted at the man who was in a daze in her seat, "Honey, it's time to go!"

The man slowly turned his face and stared at her blankly, but his handsome face had a coldness that no one could compare with.

"Honey, we can finally leave the United States and go back to China to live happily." She hugged the man with a happy face and leaned against his arms and said softly, "When we return to China, shall we have a wedding immediately and get married?"

The man was a little stunned and then wondered, "Didn't you say I was just your boyfriend?"

Fang Lin blinked her eyes and replied cunningly, "Yes, but we have been engaged for a long time. Let's get married quickly this time to avoid long dreams."

The man lowered his head and suddenly raised his head again and asked blankly, "What's my name?"

A gentle smile appeared on Fang Lin's face, "Weizhuo, your name is Fang Weizhuo."

Fang Weizhuo lowered his head helplessly. Not only his name, but also many things he didn't know. For example, he didn't know what his relationship he had with this woman named Fang Lin. He didn't know his age, identity and family background. The first woman he had seen since he woke up was Fang Lin.

At that time, he seemed to have had a car accident, but Fang Lin did not vaguely tell him how the car accident happened. She said she didn't want to stimulate him anymore, but Fang Weizhuo wanted to remember that memory instead.

When all the memories in a person's mind are deleted and there is only a blank space, the painful feeling is really crazy.

Fang Weizhuo was awakened from nightmares more than once. In his dreams, he walked alone in the long corridor. In the dark night, the whole world was so silent that it was terrible.

He asked himself if he really wanted to live such a confused life, but Fang Lin kept comforting him. One day when he remembered her, his condition would always improve.

With all kinds of helplessness, he had to return to China first with Fang Lin. After all, he didn't know anyone except Fang Lin.

However, Fang Lin said that he was her boyfriend. Why did he feel so strange when he looked at her, as if he had never really fallen in love with her?

Although Fang Weizhuo was very skeptical of this statement, he had no choice but to find any evidence.

Maybe everything is true, but he forgot it himself. Fang Weizhuo secretly comforted himself.

"Let's go, it's time to board the plane." Fang Lin took Fang Weizhuo's hand happily and boarded the plane.

He suddenly looked back at the crowded airport and felt that he had left something here.

"Weizhuo, let's go." Fang Lin urged.

Fang Weizhuo finally boarded the plane with Fang Lin.

The plane roared away from the United States, flew to China, away from New York, and farther and farther away from the woman who was still struggling to find him.

In Qiu's villa, Yaya rushed to the bathroom again because of nausea and vomited. Qiu Ming came forward and patted her gently on the back, "Is it better? I have invited a doctor for you. Please follow the doctor's instructions later.

Ya smiled bitterly, "Thank you."

Qiu Mingji didn't care and said, "Who told you to be a relative that Xiaodong cares about?"

Ya barely went to the doctor in the hall for examination. During this period, she had figured out that she could no longer be depressed. She would cheer up as soon as possible and find Gu Yiheng.

staring silently at the girl in the living room, Qiu Mingji suddenly noticed that his sleeves had been pulled. He lowered his head, and Xiaodong was standing beside him and looking at him timidly.

For a long time, Xiaodong has refused to be very close to him. It is the first time for him to take the initiative to come to him like now.

He couldn't help bending down, "Xiaodong, what do you want to say to me?"

After hesitating for a while, Xiaodong suddenly said, "Do you like my mommy?"

Qiu Mingji was stunned, then smiled and touched Xiaodong's head slightly. "You don't understand the adult world. I just... sympathize with her."

Xiaodong didn't say anything, but his bright eyes were clearly condemning Qiu Mingji for lying.

Qiu Ming continued to ask Xiaodong to do his homework and let him go. If Xiaodong hadn't asked just now, he thought that maybe he would never have thought of that problem. Does he like Yaya?

Since Xiaodong's mother died, Qiu Ming has devoted all his energy to business and has hardly considered any woman.

He fixed his eyes on Yaya, who whispered softly with the doctor. She was different from the bright women around him. She had a small melon seed face, pure and bright skin tone, and beautiful big eyes full of gentle eyes. Looking at any of the same facial features alone, she was not excellent, but these five The combination of officials constitutes her beauty.

It's amazing. Why didn't he realize that Yaya was so beautiful before?

"Thank you, doctor. I will take good care of my body. I hope I won't bother you to come here next time." Yaya sent the doctor to the door and smiled.

Seeing that the other party has gone far away, Yaya turned around and smiled at Qiu Mingji. "I've been disturbed by Qiu's house during this period. I decided to go home and live today. Mr. Qiu, you have done enough for me. I am very grateful. I hope you don't rush to stop my decision. That house has memories of me and Yiheng. I want to go back there. Wait for him."

Qiu Mingji nodded, "I'll take you back."

Ya knew that Qiu Mingji was a very persistent man. Even if she insisted on not doing it, the other party would insist on giving her away, so she nodded and agreed.

Both of them were speechless along the way. I don't know how long it took, Qiu Mingji suddenly said, "You shouldn't have any friends in New York. If you don't mind, I can help you. If you have anything, you must be the first to think of me."

Ya said a few absent-huh. She knew that Qiu Mingji was a righteous person, but during this period, he was a little too gentle to herself, which made her feel uneasy.

After all, Yaya is also an adult and understands what this seemingly ambiguity represents.

Seeing that her home was about to arrive, Yaya insisted on getting off the bus across the road. She jumped out of the car, waved her hand to Qiu Mingji, and then ran away quickly.

Qiu Mingji looked at her back through the car window and felt sad.

Yaya ran home breathlessly. As soon as she opened the door, she was suddenly scared by an oncoming wild cat. She stepped back a few steps, covered her heart and looked at the window of the curtains floating. I don't know what happened. The house was turned upside down, and it seemed that the thief had come in.

Yaya suddenly remembered the original love token of herself and Gu Yiheng. An expensive rhinestone necklace was still in the drawer and immediately rushed to check it. The drawer was empty and there was nothing.

Yaya angrily picked up the phone to call the police. It doesn't matter if anything else is stolen, but this necklace is her favorite thing. How can she lose it?

The police quickly came in to collect fingerprints and footprints and left. Yaya sat on the ground and silently lowered her head and cried.

She missed Gu Yiheng and the children and cried for a long time. She touched the phone and called home. Across the ocean, the voices of the two babies were still so sweet.

"Mommy! My brother and I miss you so much! We miss Daddy, too! By the way, Mommy, you must tell Dad that my brother and I have learned to skate, and now we can skate by ourselves without leading the coach!"

Dabao talked to Yaya about the progress of himself and his brother, but he couldn't hear Mommy's voice on the phone. He repeated doubtfully, "Mommy, are you unhappy?"

Yaya forced her tears and smiled, "No, Mommy and Dad are very happy. After a while, when the things here are done, we will go home to play with you, okay?"

Dabao and Xiaobao answered loudly: "Okay! Then mommy and dad must come back early!" He cleverly kissed Yaya on the phone, and the two brothers finally put the phone down.

Dabao climbed down from the sofa with his calves and rushed into his room quickly. Xiaobao followed and asked curiously, "Brother, why are you running so fast?"

Dabao stared at his younger brother, "Stupid! Didn't you hear that Mommy is in a bad mood? I want to find out Xiaodong's contact information and call him to ask.

At the other end of the phone, Yaya put down the phone in frustration. She didn't intend to cry, but as soon as she heard the child's child's voice, she couldn't help it.

But it was precisely because of this phone call that Yaya told herself again that she must be strong. No matter how much time it takes, she should treat herself well and let the bill be reunited.

So the next day, Yaya printed countless leaflets for finding people and went to the street to send them to every pedestrian who passed the scene of the car accident.

Secretly, two people in black have been staring at Yaya, and one of them whispered, "Go find a few brothers and help her send it."

"However, the boss said that we can't reveal our identity, we can only secretly protect her from bullying." Another hesitated.

"The boss still said that he can't make Mrs. Gu tired. Are you going or not?" Seeing that the other party was about to kick down, the man rushed out in a panic.

"Madam, I think you are working so hard. Why don't I send some for you?" The man in black stood in front of Yaya and said gently.

Yaya smiled and was about to hand the list to his hand. Suddenly, her movements stiffened. She seemed to have seen this person in Qiu Mingji's store?

"Thank you, but I don't need help." She withdrew her hand and continued to issue the order blindly.

The man returned sadly and was ridiculed by his companions. His companion ran to Yaya again, "Mrs. Gu, are you looking for someone? Can I help you?"

Yaya smiled and pointed to her companion hidden behind the bushes, "Are you with him? Go back and tell your brother that I don't need help. If you appear again, I can only call the police.

As soon as the man heard that Yaya was ready to call the police, he immediately ran faster than the rabbit.

No one noticed that a car was parked in the dark, and the man in the car stared at everything in front of him and clenched his hands tightly into fists.

Ya handed the list to a black man. After taking the list and glanced at it casually, the black man was attracted by Yaya's beauty. He grabbed Yaya's arm with a smile and a molesual expression.

Yaya roared, "Let go of me!"

The black man did not mean to let go at all. Instead, he turned his head and called his accomplices. Seeing that he was about to put his hand on Yaya, an oncoming stone hit the black man's head.

The black man immediately glared at the visitor, but retreated silently when he saw the cold eyes of the other party.

"Are you all right?" Qiu Mingji rushed up and took off his coat and put it on Yaya.

Yaya had a pale face and shook her head with lingering heart. She said tiredly, "I'll go home first."

Tyu Ming followed her silently. Since she didn't want to be disturbed, he became a silent follower.

It was gloomy and there was a light rain. Yaya's long hair was wet by the rain, and she was so cold that she trembled. Qiu Ming couldn't stand it anymore. Suddenly, he stepped forward and hugged Yaya in her arms.