Favorite wife

Chapter 288 Unexpected Encounter

It was a pure accident that Qiu Ming came to urban A. He had already dealt with all the things in New York, just to be able to go back to China to meet Yaya. I don't know if Yaya is doing well, and I don't know if there is any news about Gu Yiheng's whereabouts.

The door of the Gu family was closed. Qiu Mingji sat quietly in the car, with a pair of eagle eyes staring at the Gu family. As soon as he returned to China, he began to find out the address of the Gu family. It was only a short distance from the airport, but his inner expectations did not go out for a moment.

I haven't seen him for a long time. He really misses Yaya.

After waiting for a long time, there was no movement at the door of Gu's house. The driver beside him couldn't help saying, "Sir, isn't it the right place?"

"No, if Yaya lives in it, she will definitely appear." He said affirmatively.

Just as the driver yawned and was about to fall asleep, he suddenly heard a milky sound from outside the car.

"Hey, your car is in front of my house." The driver was thrilled, looked out and saw a little boy with big black and white eyes looking at him.

He impatiently pushed the door and was about to drive the child away when he was suddenly stopped by Qiu Mingji.

He slowly got out of the car, bent down and raised the child high above his head, and smiled softly, "Dabao, do you remember me?"

Dabao stared at him with wide eyes and suddenly bent his eyes cutely and smiled, "Uncle Qiu! Is Brother Xiaodong back?"

Qiu Mingji put Dabao down with a smile and said gently, "Brother Xiaodong is studying in New York. He hasn't come back yet. Dabao, where's your mommy?"

Dabao pulled the corner of Qiu Mingji's clothes and dragged him into the house enthusiastically. "Uncle Qiu, my mommy is reading in the garden with my father. Mommy will be very happy if she knows that you come to see her."

Qiu Mingji was stunned for a moment and stopped, "You just said...Daddy?"

"Yes, Dad is also there." Dabao looked curiously at his uncle, who had obviously become complicated, and didn't understand why he seemed to look a little disappointed.

Qiu Mingji understood that Gu Yiheng, who had disappeared for a long time, came back. He finally came back. Obviously, Qiu Mingji hoped that Gu Yiheng could come back, but why does he feel so sad now?

"Dabao, I won't visit your father and mother. Go back and tell them that Uncle Qiu will come to visit them when he has time, okay?"

Without waiting for the big treasure to squeak, Qiu Ming left in a hurry.

"It's strange, why did Uncle Qiu walk so fast?" Dabao looked at Uncle Qiu's back in a daze.

Dabao scratched his head, and then ran happily to Gu Yiheng and Yaya, and said crisply, "Daddy and mommy! Uncle Qiu just came, but he left again!"

Gu Yiheng raised his eyebrows slightly and looked blank, "Which uncle Qiu?"

"It's Xiaodong's father, Uncle Qiu in New York." Dabao answered solemnly.

Ya knew that Gu Yiheng couldn't remember this person at all. She immediately smiled and reached out to hold Gu Yiheng's hand. "It's just an ordinary friend." She silently apologized to Qiu Mingji in her heart.

Ya is not dull. During that time in New York, she knew how good Qiu Mingji was to herself, but she always had only her husband in her heart and didn't care about the rest of the men.

Qiu Mingji is good to her, maybe she can only report it in her next life.

Gu Yiheng noticed that Yaya's mood seemed to be a little depressed and couldn't help looking down at his wife, "Yaya, is there anything you hiding from me?"

Since the loss of memory, Gu Yiheng began to become **, and his ability to gain insight into people's hearts became more and more amazing. However, Yaya knew that she could never tell Gu Yiheng the truth.

Let all this go with the wind. Yaya smiled and blinked at Gu Yiheng, "Where do I have? You are more careful again."

Gu Yiheng gently imprinted a kiss on her forehead and did not continue to ask.

When Yaya got up to make coffee, Gu Yiheng suddenly put away his book and stared at his son who was playing with his brother and asked in a low voice, "Baby, is Uncle Qiu handsome?"

Dabao nodded and replied sincerely, "Of course! Uncle Qiu is so beautiful!"

Even his son said so, it can be seen that Qiu Mingji must be a handsome man. Gu Yiheng suddenly felt a little sour in his heart. How can his own son feel that other men are handsome?

Gu Yiheng felt that it was necessary to clarify this matter, so he picked up Dabao and asked solemnly again, "Take a closer look. Do you think Daddy is handsome?"

Dabao finally realized that something was wrong with Dad, so he smiled cunningly, "Daddy, are you jealous?"

Cough, in a word, he is indeed his son.

Gu Yiheng snorted and pretended not to hear it, but sighed in his heart, and there was a little more hostility between men to Qiu Ming, who had not yet met.

At dinner, Yaya saw that Gu Yiheng was absent-minded and couldn't help coming over and asked curiously, "Does the food taste good?"

Gu Yiheng suddenly put down his knife and fork, looked at Yaya when he wanted to speak, and then said, "Ya, there is something I want to ask you."

Yaya knew that Gu Yiheng had always disliked to talk to him seriously. Now that he was like this, it means that something big was going to happen, so Yaya also put down his knife and fork and looked at Gu Yiheng with some anxiety.

"Say it, I'll listen."

"Does Qiu Mingji like you?" He stared straight at Yaya, with a pale face.

Yaya was stunned. How would she answer this question?

"Do you just need to answer me or not?" Gu Yiheng continued to ask that he had never been so persistently wanted to get an answer. Originally, he wanted to pretend that he didn't know anything, as long as he quietly accompanied Yaya.

But he hates the feeling of being empty in his brain.

There is nothing, no memory, and no details that he and Yaya have walked through, and his heart is not at ease for a moment.

"It doesn't matter." Yaya avoids the heavy and light. "Yiheng, today is the dish I cooked myself. You should eat more..."

Gu Yiheng gently put down his chopsticks and said lightly, "I have found someone to check that Qiu Mingji was born in New York as a gangster. Do you know?"

Yaya's movements stopped. For a long time, she raised her head faintly, "Why did you find someone to investigate him? Don't you believe that I am innocent with him?

Gu Yiheng shook his head, "I believe you, but I don't believe him." He is Yaya's husband. How can he watch a man with the back of the underworld walk beside Yaya?

With a bang, Yaya got up and left coldly.

Gu Yi glanced at the dishes on the table and suddenly felt dull and in a very bad mood.

Ya rushed into the room, closed the door angrily and leaned against the wall. She admitted that she had indeed become a fuss, but she also had many questions in her heart.

For example, why does he never ask her if she is curious about the life he disappeared?

He also refused to tell her the details of living with Fang Lin.

"Madam, sir said he was going out for a walk and told you to go to bed tonight." Outside the door, the servant whispered.

"I know." Yaya stubbornly turned around and sat on the sofa. If she didn't come back, she wouldn't come back. What's the big deal!

Just when Yaya was angry, Gu Yiheng was drinking silently in the bar. The bartender turned around and handed Gu Yiheng another bottle of red wine. Seeing him one cup after another, he couldn't help kindly persuade him: "Mr. Gu, it's not good for your health to be drunk like this. You'd better go home first."

Gu Yiheng drank a cup silently, and then picked up his coat. It was getting late. He should have gone back earlier, and he shouldn't have worried again.

When he walked out of the door, the light was dim. Gu Yiheng lowered his head and lit a cigarette. When the fireworks were out, he glanced outside faintly and suddenly caught a glimpse of a woman curled up in a ball, squatting on the ground and crying silently.

At this time, there was a light rain in the sky. He quickly walked up and stood in front of her, "Miss, what can I do for you?"

The woman glanced at him with a wary face and turned back a few steps. "Who are you? Don't come over. Be careful. I'll call the police.

Gu Yiheng couldn't laugh or cry. It was the first time he met such a vigilance woman.

"I just want to help you. If the lady doesn't need help, just pretend I didn't say it." He turned around carelessly and was about to leave when his sleeve was suddenly grabbed by the woman.

She said timidly, "I... my wallet was stolen."

Gu Yiheng saw that she was beautiful and looked only in her early 20s. His heart suddenly softened. He reached out and took out his wallet. As he drew a few bills, he said, "This money is your fare. Take it well."

When the woman saw the money, her face suddenly brightened. Suddenly, she reached out and grasped his wallet tightly, and then ran out with an arrow.

He was stunned for a moment and subconsciously wanted to chase it. A truck suddenly drove towards him, powerless, and Gu Yiheng was suddenly hit by the car and flew out.

It was dark in front of his eyes, and Yaya's face flashed in his mind in an instant, and then he fell to the ground softly.

Gu Yiheng had a long dream. In the dream, there was the past of him and Yaya, the appearance of his love with her, the appearance of quarrel, and the appearance of cold war slipped in front of him one by one. He seemed to... recover his memory...

Someone has been crying in his ear. He opened his eyes with effort and saw the red and swollen girl in front of the hospital bed. He couldn't help laughing.

"What are you crying about? Fool..." Yaya held back her tears, but she couldn't help wiping the tears on her face. "I'm just worried that you will leave me and the child..."

He smiled in a low voice, then reached out to hold Yaya's hand, stared at her pale face for a long time, and then whispered, "ya, I remember."

Yaya looked at her in astonishment, "Really?"

He nodded and smiled, "I remember everything that happened between you and me."

Yaya couldn't help covering her mouth and crying silently.

Maybe for her, this is what she wants.

Her husband recalled his lost memories, so the trust between her and him should be returned, right?

"I also remembered the acquaintance between Fang Lin and me, as well as Xiaodong and Qiu Mingji..." He swallowed a mouthful of saliva and said with difficulty, "I misunderstood you, and I admit my mistake to you."

This car accident did not have a great impact on Gu Yiheng. Instead, it was blessed by misfortune, and all the people of the Gu family were naturally very happy.

Ya hummed a song to prepare dinner for Gu Yiheng and was ready to take it to the hospital for him to eat. The food in the hospital always did not meet Gu Yiheng's appetite. She made some desserts at home according to his appetite and went out in a very good mood.

Just as he was about to go out, the servant suddenly came to her mysteriously, "Madam, the young master, please go to the garden."

Garden? Needless to think, the two little naughty bastards must have made trouble again. Yaya walked to the garden and didn't know whether the light at home was broken or something. She always felt very quiet around.

"Dabao, Xiaobao, you two little troublemakers, come out quickly!" As she walked in, she looked around carefully.

When she stood in the middle of the garden, the lights around her suddenly lit up. She looked at the figure of a person in the flashing light. The man walked slowly towards her with a cake and finally stood still in her wet eyes.

"Do you remember what day it is today?" The man who should have been in the hospital stood in front of her at this moment and asked softly.

She suddenly thought of something and immediately smiled, "Ah, it turned out to be my birthday."

A lot of things have happened during this period. She is not in the mood to think of her birthday at all. Gu Yiheng smiled and said, "Quickly make a wish to the candle."

After Yaya closed her eyes silently and made a wish in her heart, she opened her eyes and blew out the candle.

Gu Yiheng put down the cake, turned around and hugged Yaya in his arms, and said softly, "Thank you for your hard work these days, Yaya. No matter what happens in the future, I will accompany you."

Ya leaned in his solid arms and sneered, "Suddenly became such sweet words, did you do something bad to make me feel guilty?"

Gu Yiheng raised her chin and smiled gently, "There is a bad thing, but I'm about to leave."

Before the words fell, Yaya suddenly shouted softly, and then hugged Gu Yiheng's neck and was picked up horizontally by him. His eyebrows were full of smiles, "You are mine tonight."

Ya blushed, buried her head in his arms, and let him hold herself and approach the bedroom.

Gu Yiheng put Yaya on **. In the dark, he reached out to unbutton his shirt, and then lay down with her in his arms. Suddenly, he heard a childish scream.

Gu Yiheng suddenly jumped up and saw a small figure jumping up.

"Daddy and Mommy, you are about to crush me!"

Gu Yiheng couldn't laugh or cry, and pulled out the big treasure and Xiaobao hidden in **.

"Bad boy, what on earth do you two want to do?"