Favorite wife

Chapter 294 Worry

"What are you thinking about? Our son's kindergarten is well managed, and the bad guys won't find loopholes." Gu Yiheng gently comforted Yaya, looked at the Sichuan characters on her eyebrows, and gently flattened her fingers, "Good boy, leave everything to me."

"You must take good care of your son."


"If something happens to the two of them, I won't live."

"You are not allowed to say this." Although he was a little jealous of his son's favor, it was not the time to care about these. Besides, isn't that his own son? He finally put the girl to sleep. Gu Yiheng kissed her on the forehead and slowly closed his eyes.

I was speechless all night and had breakfast, and the two babies were a little surprised when they went to school.

Why did mommy pull them and not let go?

Gu Yiheng looked at it and finally had to come forward, "Wife, go on. They are going to be late today."

"Ah, I see. Let's go." The girl nodded, and the two little ones rushed out at once. Behind her, the girl had decided to go to the company early. Today, she would not see the two of them off, but when she saw the two small figures running to the car, she suddenly felt a reaction.

He raised his feet and walked out, "Husband, I'm going to send my son to school."


In this way, the driver was driving, and Zhang's sister-in-law saw him off, but he directly changed to Gu Yiheng to drive. Yaya sat in the back seat to send her two sons to school. The car drove out far away. Zhang's sister-in-law smiled. The relationship between his wife and husband is really good.

The two won't say anything in front of their son's words. Yaya just repeatedly told the two little ones along the way that they must not talk to strangers and die no matter what her problems are. As long as your father, your mother, the driver and Mrs. Zhang come to pick up people, they are determined not to walk and talk to strangers.

She not only said it over and over again, but also made the two little repeat several times in a row.

In the end, the two little ones were about to cry, and Yaya let them go.

At the gate of the kindergarten, Yaya and the teacher repeatedly told him. Fang Yi reluctantly returned to the car. Next to him, a teacher laughed, "What's wrong with this parent? The child was not sent here the first day. As for such reluctance."

Xiaobao stared at the other party, "Don't talk about my mommy."

Dabao raised his little fist, "Teacher, you are a bad person. I don't like you anymore."


Well, for such a sentence, the teacher who offended the two children smiled. As for the child, she doesn't care about them. Unfortunately, she forgot that the two children in front of her were not ordinary children, but the children who made the director and head teacher have headaches.

In this example, during the lunch break, the teacher found that his tea had become chili water.

And when he opened the drawer to get something, a mouse rushed out.

I didn't scare her to death.

He fell directly to the ground and his face turned white. But when he came to his senses, the young teacher in his early twenties cried angrily. He was a fake mouse!

Do you still need to say who is the prank?

The director immediately turned black, but thinking about the person behind the two children... He sighed and looked at the young female teacher, "You, looking at a person who is usually very clever, how can you get along with those two children?"

" Director, woo-woo, I said casually. Look at my arm, it's scratched." The female teacher is really angry. No matter how much money you have, I don't ask to borrow money from you. I'm here to be a teacher. How can I bully people like this?

"Okay, okay, don't cry. I'll give you two days off. Have a good rest at home."

"You don't know those two children. They are children. They are just little devils."

The director also turned black, "It's done. Do your job well in the future and talk less. Don't you know that the disaster will come from your mouth?" The director stared at the little teacher. Really, I'm looking for trouble. If he provokes the two little demons, can he still let them make trouble in the garden?

The young teacher walked out of the director's office aggrievedly and bumped into a child head-on.

Before she could see it clearly, the baby under the ground cried.

"Wow, the teacher hit someone, woo, the teacher bullied people."


When the young teacher saw the people crying on the ground, he directly squatted underground and cried.

She knows it's wrong. She won't mess with these two little demons anymore, okay?

When the director came over, he couldn't laugh or cry when he saw this scene.

Do you think your teacher is crying against a child?

It's outrageous!

said two big words, quickly coax the small one. It doesn't matter. The director directly endured humiliation and cut the city and surrendered. When the conditions were reached, he watched Xiaobao jump away like a ghost spirit. The corners of the gardener's eyes twitched and twitched, and he was fooled by this boy again!

Back to the classroom, Dabao greeted him, and the two brothers hid on one side and muttered.

"How about it?"

"It's done. He won't talk to Mommy."

Dabao was relieved, "That's good. Did the teacher cry?"

"Well, brother, I think she cried pitifully."

"Who told her to say mommy? If you pity her, don't call me brother."

"I just said it casually."

Dabao patted his brother's face, "You are still young. You will learn more from him in the future."

This made the head teacher who happened to pass by and heard it occasionally almost fall.

Learn from you, you are only a minute or two bigger than him!

Of course, the disturbance in the kindergarten will not reach Yaya's ears. In the past two days, there have been more things in the company, and she is very busy. What was going to open early in the morning will be moved to noon by her. There are many things to do at noon, and she has no time for lunch.

The secretary knew that she was busy and ordered takeaway, but she just waved her hand.

The secretary knows and doesn't have time to eat.

I took it out directly and gave it to another colleague. It's not that I didn't have such a habit before. The boss in it is usually easy to talk, but when he really works, he doesn't recognize it. Sometimes he is so busy that he doesn't even have time to drink water.

This is true, and several secretaries know it.

At noon, she used the time to have a video conference. Yaya said that as they ate, Yaya leaned her body against the chair, drank a mouthful of water to moisten her throat, and looked at her as if she hadn't heard it, but in fact, she remembered who said what you said, whose opinions were feasible, and whose work efforts declined.

When the meeting is over and the statements are concluded, she will point them out for you one by one.

Such a boss will directly ignore her gender.

Most of the men under Yaya were in charge. At first, they were not unconvinced and provocative.

But what about the result?

If you are not given three or two rounds of uniform by Yaya, it is to be righteously dismissed by her.

What's the use of leaving you in the company if you can't meet my requirements?

Up to now, there are almost all the words in the company.

But strangely, everyone was convinced of her.

Because she really paid, and the rewards and penalties are clear.

It's yours, I will never lose you.

It's not yours. Don't even think about it. If you really think about it, it's wrong!

At the end of the meeting, taking advantage of the five-minute break, the secretary quickly handed over a cup of coffee and brought a small box of cakes by the way. "Boss, this is what Mr. Gu just sent. Mr. Gu told me that you must eat it. Otherwise, I can't give it to you."

Yaya looked at her with a smile and said, "Brick it here."

She was really not free just now. Now she is free. Why can't she get along with herself?

I glanced at the secretary and looked at the time. She told me, "Remind me to pick up my son at five o'clock."

"Boss, don't worry, I will."

Ten minutes later. Yaya was dressed in a suit and skirt, with her hair tied behind her back and a jade hairpin. She appeared at the desk in the large conference room before she sat down. Several people were welcomed at the door, and one of them smiled and stretched out his hand to her. "Dear Yaya, it's glad to see you."

"Hello, Wells, nice to meet you, too."

The two shook hands, had a pleasant conversation in English, and went straight to today's topic. After several hours of verbal battle, Wells finally shook his head with a smile, " Yaya, you are so awesome that I have nothing to say, so I have a happy cooperation."

Yaya raised her eyebrows and said, "We are a win-win situation."

Wells smiled and stretched out his hand to Yaya, "How about celebrating our happy cooperation? How about treating you to dinner and celebrating with red wine?"

"Will, your Chinese is getting more and more fluent." Yaya looked at Wells with a smile. Although she smiled, she apologized, "It's okay to celebrate, but not tonight."

"Why?" Wells was puzzled and his doubtful eyes fell on Yaya. "Don't you want to celebrate our happy cooperation on such a beautiful night?"

"Will, I'd love to, but I have an appointment tonight."

"Ah, it turns out that the beauty has an appointment."

Yaya laughed, "Will, you still know that the beautiful woman has an appointment."

"That's right. I have learned Chinese from the professor." Will smiled proudly, raised his thick eyebrows, and looked at Yaya with a little regret, "May I ask who is lucky to be the flower protector of such a beautiful woman as you tonight?"

Yaya blinked and smiled, "My son."

"You, son? Do you have a son? Wells looked at Yaya with an incredible face.

"Yes, it's still two."

Will praised his heart and made an exaggerated sadness, "Oh, I'm hurt."

On one side, the secretary came forward, "Boss, it's almost time."

"Okay, I'll be there in a minute." Yaya got up and smiled at Wells, "I'm really sorry, Will. I'll treat you some other day."

"Then I'll wait for the invitation of the beautiful Yaya."

It's already 5:20 to walk to the underground parking lot.

Yaya is a little anxious. The kindergarten leaves at six o'clock, and it will take half an hour for the car to drive there. This is still no traffic jam. If there is no traffic jam, I'm afraid there will be enough time. She quickly drove the car out and go straight to the direction of the kindergarten.

But the car just left and the red light came on in front of it.

After two more streets, there is really a traffic jam.

Yaya was a little anxious, but the car in front of her didn't move. Seeing that time passed little by little, her heart became more and more anxious. Finally, she couldn't help calling the head teacher at 5:40. The teacher was very easy to talk and asked her to come slowly with a smile. She would look at the two children.

I hung up the phone, but the car in front of me still didn't move.

There is a traffic police dredging, as if there was a car accident not far ahead.

She called Gu Yiheng again, but no one answered, and no one answered.

Ya was bored in the end. If Gu Yiheng was in front of her at this time, she would probably bite it. In the end, she directly called Gu Yiheng's assistant. Yaya frowned when she heard the assistant's words. Gu Yiheng didn't go to the company at all in the afternoon?