Favorite wife

Chapter 311 Two Women

Seeing Yaya staring, Liangbao pulled the quilt directly to her head.

means that you are asleep.

Yaya was speechless. She stared at Liangbao and hummed in her nose, "Are you asleep? OK, then take your time and I'll go." Yaya turned off the headlights directly, leaving only an orange night light and going out.

The two treasures quit, and Xiaobao lifted the quilt, "Mommy, don't go."

"Mommy, tell a story." This is Dabao. The two little guys pouted and looked at the girl who turned her head and walked out. Her big eyes rumled with grievances, "Mommy is bad. She's good at telling stories, but she doesn't tell."

Yaya raised her eyebrows, "Didn't you say you were asleep just now?"

"Where do we sleep? We just lie down for a while."

Xiaobao echoed Dabao's words and said heavily, "Yes, we just lie down."


Yaya looked at her two sons and rolled her eyelids.

Who do you follow? You and Gu Yiheng don't seem to be so thick-skinned, do you?

A big bed, mother and son sleep together.

Yaya gently sounded with a clear voice, "What story do you want to hear? Mommy will tell you. OK, do you want to hear Snow White? Ha ha, okay, you two lie down. Mommy told you that in the past, there was a country..."

The two children listened to the story over and over again.

Ask Yaya, one question after another.

Yaya felt that she was about to collapse when she was asked by these two kids. Fortunately, when she was about to roar at the two treasures, the two children yawned separately, and then slowly fell asleep. Looking at their quiet sleeping face, Yaya felt relieved.

Fortunately, I fell asleep, which is more tired than her day's work!

Thinking of what Liangbao said before, she quickly shook her head. In the future, it would be better to leave the storytelling to Gu Yiheng. She would go crazy if she was asked several times by these two 100,000 like sons.

Gu Yiheng was not here. Yaya looked at ** alone with her notebook in her hand. Some of the company's contracts and emails were handled. Yaya looked up. At 12:30, everything was almost done, so she turned off the computer and went to sleep. It's just a pity that I didn't sleep for a long time.

Roll over at a large ** of more than two meters.

In the past, when Gu Yiheng was there, she always shouted how comfortable it was to sleep alone.

But now, she really let her sleep alone, but Yaya feels that she can't sleep well.

The person around me is not here, and I can't sleep soundly!

Yaya sat up directly from ** after rolling N times.

She won't sleep, okay?

She is so angry!

I just turned on the computer and wanted to make a clue about tomorrow's work. My mobile phone rang. I just glanced at Yaya and smiled. When I picked it up, the voice over there came with gentleness, "Is it so late yet?"

"Well, you didn't sleep either?" Yaya smiled. Hearing this voice, she felt that she had been bored for a long time and slowly became at ease. If there is a person who can only hear a voice that can make herself feel at ease and sound, then it must be love.

The two were tired of being on the phone for a while. Finally, Gu Yiheng sounded in a slightly low voice, "Go to bed, it's more than one o'clock. I have to get up early tomorrow."

Ah, is it a little more so soon?

Yaya looked up at the time and couldn't help laughing with some embarrassment.

She thinks it's only half an hour. Why is it more than an hour at once? Thinking that Gu Yiheng would definitely get up early tomorrow, she nodded quickly. Jier thought that the other party could not see it, so she said, "Okay, I'll close it. You go to bed early and don't work anymore."

"Well, let's sleep together."

Gu Yiheng's habit is to let her hang up the phone first. Yaya directly pressed the phone in her hand without his urging. Then, she read the email, as if she couldn't sleep just now and just waited for his phone call. After lying in **, she was sleepy for a while.

The next morning, Yaya got up from ** at 6:30. Walking downstairs, Zhang's sister-in-law was making breakfast. Seeing Yaya coming down, Zhang's sister-in-law smiled, "Why don't you sleep for a while?"

"No, I'll bake some bread."

Zhang sister-in-law didn't care about her. She cooked red bean and millet porridge by herself, and then looked at the time. She knew that the two babies were going to get up. She warmed the steamed buns they had made before and fried two poached eggs. The girl over there made the bread and ran up to wake them up.

Xiaobao's belly turned over, kicked aside the quilt, and drooled.

Yaya couldn't help smiling and pinched Xiaobao's nose. The little guy woke up and couldn't help grinning at her mother at a glance, "Mommy."

"Get up, there are your favorite bean paste buns below." Yaya coaxed the two little ones. When Dabao saw his brother being dragged up by Yaya, he turned over and rolled into the bed, closed his eyes, and muttered, "I'm going to sleep a little longer. Mommy Dabao needs to feel--"

Ya just ignored him and directly put on her little clothes. Looking back, she saw Dabao hide her whole body in the quilt and pretending to be an ostrich-like. Yaya is funny and angry, this boy!

The bathroom crowed, and the girl looked at them with a smile, "Good boy, mommy, let's see who brushes it first. Hey, Dabao, you squeezed too much toothpaste. Look at you, it has fallen to the ground. Did the teacher tell you that waste is a bad habit?"

"Mommy, I was careless."

Xiaobao put the toothbrush directly into his mouth, three left and three right, then spit two mouthfuls of water, wiped two handfuls of water on his face, and grinned at Yaya, "Mommy, I've washed it, hee hee, I'm faster than my brother."

"Well, our little baby."

downstairs, Mrs. Zhang has prepared breakfast. Yaya put the two brothers on the dining chair, wrapped a small scarf, and put their breakfast away. She sat opposite and looked at the time. Yaya said directly, "You have 20 minutes to have breakfast. It's seven o'clock. Let's leave at 7:30, okay?

"Okay, but Mommy, what if I can't finish it?"

Yaya looked at Dabao and smiled, "As long as you don't talk to your brother and concentrate on eating, you will definitely finish eating." After a pause, she smiled at the two Bao Wan, "But I only give you 20 minutes. If you can't finish eating, you can only go to the kindergarten at noon."

The two treasures seem to understand, but they understand that they are not allowed to eat when the time comes.

Looking at the food in front of him, he bowed his head and struggled.

Yaya occasionally reminds you, don't worry, eat slowly.

It was not until Yaya finished eating and sat there drinking a cup of soy milk. Dabao didn't forget to look at Yaya, "Mommy, do we have time?"

"Yes, Mommy, do we eat fast?"

Yaya glanced at the time, 7:30, but the time was almost the same. She smiled and smiled, "Well, I ate very well today, and I will eat like this in kindergarten in the future, okay?"

"I know, Mommy."

Looking at the two treasures, Yaya smiled and said, "If you two know that you two are naughty, don't eat lunch, and secretly dump or bully other children, Mommy will punish you."

The two babies nodded obediently, but their big watery eyes swept with a little grievance.

Yaya directly didn't see it.

These two children, no matter if they really don't make it, they not only don't eat at noon, but also pull other children to eat. That's all. While the teacher is not paying attention, they actually run to other classes and put insects in the food of other children...

It scared other people's children to tears.

The teacher blushed when she looked at her face of embarrassment and entanglement.

Yes, the ancient family is an investor in kindergarten, which is quite large.

But the child can't do this.

Boys are naughty, but they can't be boundless.

When Liangbao saw that his mother ignored him, he knew that Yaya was really angry. He immediately changed his attitude like a villain, changed to be clever and docile, carrying a small schoolbag, changed his shoes, stood at the door and waved with Mrs. Zhang, and then turned to the car.

The Yaya in the driver's seat in the front row quietly raised the corners of her lips.

She said that her two children were extremely smart.

But because of this, my mind is too flexible. If I don't care, I will go the wrong way.

She sent the two treasures to the kindergarten and handed them over to the teacher in person. Yaya turned to the company. In the past, when Gu Yiheng was at home, she didn't seem to help much, but these days, as soon as she went out, Yaya felt busy, as if a lot of things were going to weigh on her.

Think about it, that's the only sentence. You really can't live without men at home!

As soon as the company became busy, Yaya directly forgot the time.

When I was in a meeting at 12 noon, the secretary suddenly picked up her mobile phone, "Boss, your call is from the kindergarten--"

The girl's heart jumped, "Give it to me."

The teacher will not call for no reason. Now he can only have something to do with her.

What happened to the two children's mischievousness, or something else?

Yaya took it over and heard Mr. Sun's voice ringing, "Mrs. Gu, did you invite one of your relatives to pick up the two children at noon?"

"Well, what do you mean?" Intuitively, Yaya felt that there was something wrong, but now she couldn't ask. After reacting, she immediately said, "Mr. Sun, where are the two children? My husband is not at home. I absolutely didn't have anyone pick them up at noon."

"Where are the children? Are they all right?"

Opposite, Mr. Sun sounded with a little scared voice, "Mrs. Gu, don't worry, don't worry. The child is fine. However, two wives suddenly came to the door at lunch just now. One of them said that she was your sister, the child's aunt and wanted to take the child away."

Yaya's hand trembled and almost threw her mobile phone out.

"And then? Is the child all right?

"It's okay. Don't worry, I didn't let anyone pick up the child."

Yaya could still sit at this time and signaled the secretary to end. She ran out of the conference room, got out of the elevator, drove the car in the parking lot, and Yaya went straight to the kindergarten.

Who are those two?

What's their idea? They just stare at the two children in general, and then ask for money, or the same as last time. Are they staring at her and Gu Yiheng's children? Yaya ran through several red lights all the way. When she arrived at the kindergarten and saw the two treasures, her heart was relieved.

"Mommy, why are you here at this time?"

The two treasures think it's strange that it's not time to go home from school.

Yaya smiled at the two of them, "I have something to do with your teacher. Are you two obedient?"

"Yes, we are the best." Liangbao smiled and was tired of Yaya, but Yaya looked at Mr. Sun with a solemn face, "What's going on? Those two people, I want to see your monitoring.