Favorite wife

Chapter 315 Aircraft Horror

The mother and son had dinner. It was too late. Yaya let Liangbao play for a while. After eating, she immediately threw the person into the bathtub, took a shower, and then let the two treasures go to bed. Naturally, she had to tell a story. It was not easy to fall asleep and came out.

Back to my room, there are two new email prompts.

She clicked and glanced at it. It was tomorrow's itinerary that the assistant replied.

I replied well. Yaya opened her notebook and got busy again.

In the meantime, Zhang's sister-in-law brought her ginseng tea twice. Looking at Yaya's busyness, Zhang's sister-in-law sighed downstairs. What do you think you want to do with such wealth? Every day, no husband and wife are idle.

People outside think that Yaya is busy.

Gu Yiheng is a man who is a soft-lifer and lives on Yaya.

But only Mrs. Zhang, the old men of the ancient family, know that in fact, Gu Yiheng's real job is no less than Yaya, but in order to accommodate Yaya, he can only bring a lot of work home to sit down. It is not easy for a woman to survive until now.

For the sake of family and son, Gu Yiheng can only try his best to do more.

Therefore, it directly created the image of a strong girl.

Mr. Zhang saw it thoroughly, so she felt sorry for the couple.

In her opinion, Yaya, you are a woman, your job is right, but you don't have to work so hard, regardless of your family and your husband and children, right? But Gu Yiheng put up with it, admitted it, and always helped Yaya deal with the aftermath.

As for Gu Yiheng...

Sister Zhang used to have some opinions about him.

She even felt that the man was eating in the pot and looking at the bowl.

Anyway, it's a common problem for men.

For this sister-in-law, she also quarreled with Gu Yiheng and was almost fired.

But now, Zhang's sister-in-law has to admit that Gu Yiheng really loves Yaya.

General men, especially such men with big men's ideas, first-class family backgrounds, and good careers, who will pick up and drop off children, even play with children, hold parent-teacher meetings and other things for a woman?

Gu Yiheng, the boss, did it.


Is it just because he loves Yaya and loves Yaya?

Lao Wang patted Mrs. Zhang on the shoulder and said, "Well, don't think too much about it. Mr. Gu can come back tomorrow. He and his wife have a good relationship. The two young men are safe and healthy. The family is fine, and we will be happy."

Sister Zhang also laughed, isn't that right?

In the bedroom on the second floor, Yaya's mobile phone rang, which was Gu Yiheng's.

She smiled, "What, are you done?"

"No, I'm having a celebration meeting, but I secretly called you."

Yaya squeezed her lips and smiled. She knew that she was afraid of being worried and wanted to call her safety. Yaya urged him, "It's all for you. Hurry up. Don't talk about it here. If you have anything, come back tomorrow and I'll pick you up at noon."

"Okay, I'll text you before I get on the plane."

"Well, okay."

Because there was a banquet over there, the couple hung up after talking for a while.

A little bit, Yaya closed her notebook and lay comfortably**.

turned over two bodies, thinking that she would see Gu Yiheng tomorrow, and there was a slight joy in her heart. In the darkness, her eyebrows bent. After turning over a few times, her eyelids were a little heavy, and she didn't know when she would slowly fall asleep.

The next morning, Yaya arranged not to go to the company.

After breakfast, Yaya looked at the two treasures, "Go get the schoolbag and mommy will give it to you."

"Okay, okay, mommy sent it." Xiaobao ran to the hall a few steps, pulled out his schoolbag, and pulled one with the other hand, which was Dabao's. The two brothers carried the schoolbag in the yard, straightened the collar, and looked at Yaya, "Mommy, we've packed it up."

Yaya's requirement for them is that they don't have to deliberately change new clothes when they go out, but they must be neat, competitive, and well-dressed. They are not allowed to have curled edges, folds and other behaviors. As for the turning of the collar and other situations, it is absolutely not allowed.

The mother and son got on the car, and Yaya drove in person and sent them to the kindergarten. Looking at the time, Gu Yiheng's plane landed at 11 noon, and it was only nine o'clock now. She didn't have to go there so soon. It was early at 9:30.

After thinking about it, Yaya went to her favorite cake shop to buy a cake and took two bottles of milk. She was worried that Gu Yiheng would not eat the things on the plane, and there was nothing delicious near the airport, and Gu Yiheng was not used to eating there.

The car turned in the center of the street and set off for the airport.

At 10:30, Yaya's car stopped at the airport.

Entering the waiting room and arriving at Exit B, Yaya couldn't take her eyes off it.

Ten minutes, five minutes. Two minutes.

Seeing that the time has been more than ten minutes, there is no news about the plane.

Is it a delayed flight?

I just thought about it. The sweet voice of the airport broadcaster came from the broadcast, and the plane was delayed.

Yaya rubbed her eyebrows, and there was a trace of worry in her eyes.

It's a good day. How can it be extended?

Yaya looked around, and several people were waiting for the same flight as her, all of whom were talking about it. Yaya smiled, sat on one side, asked someone to send someone a cup of coffee, and directly opened her notebook at the airport to deal with business.

Time passes little by little, and an hour passes in a blink of an eye.

There is no news about the plane yet, and Yaya finally can't sit still.

It was just said that it was delayed by half an hour. Why hasn't there been any movement yet?

Sitting here, I don't have much time to look at the screen.

Yaya closed her notebook and turned to a place not far away to ask the police.

The results obtained by

are also ambiguous.

An hour and a half, two hours.

Yaya finally became really panicked. At the same time, several people next to pick up the plane also shouted. Yaya looked at the ground staff who rushed to maintain order and frowned. "What's going on with the plane? We have the right to know the truth."

"Yes, how can you turn around and fly well? That's my family of three."

"I'm very sorry. We received the message that we missed the plane. Don't worry. We are contacting the other party's plane, and we will get a result soon."

Listening to the answers of these official methods, Yaya felt that her scalp was numb.

There was an invisible panic spreading over her.

How can there be no news?

At 2 p.m., Gu Yiheng had not appeared, and the plane was still fruitless.

Yaya was in a hurry, and she was about to die.

God, if you play like this, you will scare people to death.

Why is there no news?

She can't wait to rush to the airport duty room and have a good look.

At four o'clock, Yaya's mobile phone rang desperately, and the company urged her to go back.

But she doesn't have the heart to care about this now.

Finally, I turned off the phone directly. But when she was worried that Gu Yiheng couldn't find her, she quickly opened it. Yaya wanted to use the relationship between the Gu family and thoroughly checked what was going on with the plane. Someone not far away cried.

"Oh, my God, it's terrible. There was an accident with the plane.

"I heard that one of the people above is not alive. It's terrible."

Ya shook her body twice. That's what she said. Then, she was almost mechanical. She saw the middle-aged woman who had inquired with her before and even said a few words and cried with a pale face, and she was directly paralyzed underground.

Is it this plane made by Gu Yiheng?

No, it won't be his plane.

Definitely not.

Yaya refused to think about it, and she would never admit it.

She is still waiting for Gu Yiheng to come back. How can something happen?

It's just a plane. Gu Yiheng will be fine.

Definitely not.

Trying to calm herself down, Yaya slammed Gu Yiheng's phone with her mobile phone.

Shut down, shut down, still shut down.

Yaya felt that her legs and feet were soft, as if she had stepped on cotton.

Listening to the crying on the side of her ear, she couldn't wait to roar.

Why are you crying? I didn't cry well but you didn't cry well.

But Yaya didn't say anything in the end.

But she didn't lose hope.

Isn't there no final official report yet?

In case it's just a rumor, Gu Yiheng's plane will land in a while.

When these people cry, she doesn't cry.

She must be able to wait until Gu Yiheng comes home.

At this time, some people of the Gu family, the people of Yaya Company, and the people of Gu Yiheng Company got some information. Although it was vague, no one could feel at ease when such news came out. Yaya looked at the Gu family laughing, "He will definitely come back."

Everyone looks at such a girl and feels sorry for her.

Gu Yiheng had an accident, is she the saddest person?

"Don't worry, Ah Heng has a big life. He will definitely be fine."

"I also think so. It will be fine."

At 5 p.m., official news confirmed that when the plane was turning in the middle, it encountered a steam storm vortex and crashed, and more than 100 people on the plane survived. Finally, special reminder that the list of the deceased is under final verification and will be sent out for confirmation as soon as possible.

Ya held on and stared at the red billboard of the airport without saying a word.

has begun to publish some lists of the dead.

is confirmed from the place of origin, and then sent back to China to confirm and send.

Ya stared, her eyes wide.

No, there will be no Gu Yiheng.

Unfortunately, God didn't hear her voice. In the list sent back for the third time, the first line, the first one, the three big red characters, looked at the girl's heart palpitated, and the pain of **, Gu Yiheng, Gu Yiheng!!

Yaya rolled her eyes and fainted directly.

The whole ancient family exploded, and the company was even more sad.

There was a doctor at the airport. Yaya woke up and insisted on not going back. Her delicate body was a little lonely, but she stood there firmly and persistently. She looked at the people in the airport fixedly, "I won't go back. I'm going to watch here. I'm going to wait for my husband to come back."

"Ya, Yiheng, he is gone."

"No, he promised me that he would come back safely. My child and I are waiting for him. He will never break his promise with me." Yaya looked at the crowd calmly and directly refused to persuade her to go home to rest. "Go back. I'll wait for him here."

"He will definitely come back."

It's not so much to listen to others as that Yaya is talking to herself.

The hands were tightly together, and Yaya bit her lips tightly.

The eyes are burning and shockingly bright.

"Gu Yiheng, if you dare not come back, I will take your son to remarry. I will marry. Yes, I will marry Qiu Mingji. I will ask both Bao to call him father. If you dare not come back and try, I will get married tomorrow." Yaya's voice was soft, but with shocking pain.