Favorite wife

Chapter 330 Want a Daughter

Mr. Chen looked at Gu Yiheng and smiled, "Spring breeze is proud? Have you been doing well recently? Looking at the spring between the eyebrows, the cat is about to catch up with the spring. Gu Yiheng should know that the man in front of him compares him to a cat and will definitely turn his face.

But he didn't know. He just raised his eyebrows and glanced at Mr. Chen.

"What did you call me here for?" Although it was his painstaking efforts to deal with this person at that time, he did not want to go back on afterwards. After all, Qiu Mingji is a legend of another era. Now he is not abroad, and many things are inconvenient.

It would be great if you could cooperate with the person in front of you.

Mr. Chen nodded, "I gave you a gift. Let's see if you like it or not.


Gu Yiheng subconsciously wanted to refuse, but then he laughed.

The etiquette said by this person will not be a normal gift.

He leaned against the chair and quietly looked out of the door. Then, I saw a person pushed and pushed forward. He was tied up. Previously, he was still arrogant and angry. At the moment he saw Gu Yiheng, he jumped up directly.

"Aheng, why are you here?"

Gu Yiheng did not make a sound and turned his head to Mr. Chen.

He called himself here just to let him see this person?

There is such a number in my memory.

There are too many people in the Gu family, and his acquaintance is limited. In his mind, this person seems to be a cousin in several rooms? He didn't say anything, looked at the bound person and quietly waited for Mr. Chen to explain.

"Didn't you ask me to check the abduction group some time ago? You think it's a little strange. Originally, I thought you made a fuss, but it was just a coincidence, but for a moment, I was bored and followed your words to check it. Didn't you catch a big fish?"

"You mean he dictated it?"

"No, no, no, Ah Heng, you have to believe in me. How can I hurt your child? It's really not me." The people who were tied were scared to pee in their pants. He really didn't have the courage. He looked at Gu Yiheng and said, "Aheng, believe me."

glanced at him, and Gu Yiheng turned his head and raised his eyebrows at Mr. Chen.

Is it really him?

Mr. Chen smiled and clapped his hands, "B bring people in."

It turned out to be a woman who was brought in this time.

Gu Yiheng recognized it at a glance as the wife of the previous cousin.

Both husband and wife screamed. The woman turned her head and saw Gu Yiheng and was overjoyed, "Aheng, you are here to save me and your brother. This man is really hateful. He actually caught me and your brother. What is our Gu family? Clean him up quickly."

Mr. Chen smiled leisurely, and there was a coldness in Peach Blossom's eyes, "You asked Gu Yiheng to deal with me? You said that if Gu Yiheng knew about the things you did, would he take you into pieces?

"What are you talking about? I, where did I do anything?" The woman looked at Gu Yiheng with a frightened face and said, "Aheng, don't believe him. He is alienating our relationship. Your sister-in-law and your brother usually treat you very well."

Gu Yiheng just glanced at her and made no sound.

The cousin next to him felt scared.

This look...

He had seen Gu Yiheng clean up his cousin at home once before.

What happened to that time?

Oh, he remembered that it was the cousin who insulted Yaya in front of someone.

Then, the cousin still dares not go back to China!

But this time, I really didn't do it.

No matter how stupid he is, no matter how unhappy he is, he will not take action against the two children. Besides, this child is the flesh and blood of their ancient family.

They are all a family, breaking the bones and connecting the tendons.

Is it good to let the blood of the ancient family flow out and be bullied at will?

He just wanted to talk to Gu Yiheng, but an idea in his mind came to his mind like a thunderbolt and really blew him up. He suddenly thought of what the man just now seemed to say to his wife?

Is it...

Gu Yiheng looked up and just looked at him with shocked eyes.

Unexpectedly, he smiled comfortingly at him, "Don't worry, cousin. My friend and I won't wrong a good person at will." The implication is that as long as you really did this, then no one can escape!

My cousin Gu suddenly collapsed underground.

Looking at the woman next to her, she still looks righteous.

I can't wait to jump on her and beat her.

You stupid woman!

Mr. Chen has evidence, otherwise, he will not easily touch the ancient family.

When the witnesses were brought up one by one, the flesh and blood looked, and the old cousin turned her eyes and fainted directly. Gu Yiheng smiled and looked at his cousin, "Isn't there anything else? I'll take you home?"

"But, but--" After all, she has been a couple for many years. Even if they have no children and often quarrel, it's really happened that time. As soon as such a thing happened, she was caught. Thinking of his cousin's nature, Gu Tang's legs were a little weak.

"A, Heng, at least save her life."

"Don't worry, cousin, my friend is a decent person."

Gu Tang almost fainted. Is your friend still a serious person?

What's that?

But I only dare to think about this in my heart. The car went out and walked around the street. Gu Yiheng looked at Gu Tangge, "Cousin, let's go abroad tomorrow. It won't take too long to choose a place by yourself, five years."

"Okay, I'll leave tomorrow. No, no, I'll leave in a moment."

Gu Tangge is a little smart. Listening to Gu Yiheng's words, he knew that he was not going to pursue himself. Although he really didn't know, the woman's nature would definitely bite her after waking up.

In case my cousin believes that woman.

It is not cost-effective to treat yourself as an enemy at that time.

So, he immediately decided in his heart and left quickly!

The farther you go, the better.

Gu Yiheng smiled and nodded, "Then I wish my cousin a safe journey."

"Thank you very much." Wiping the cold sweat and sending away Gu Yiheng's car, Gutang Station kicked two feet on the wall in the street. It's not that he is not depressed. You said that he has a good career in China. It's not as good as Gu Yiheng. He doesn't have to worry about food and clothing. He has a car and a house. How good is it?

It can be cool once in a while.

If you go abroad, you are not familiar with the place.

However, he still calculated the gains and losses. He immediately went home to get a protective photo, left a divorce agreement for the lawyer, and directly took a taxi to the airport...

Gu Yiheng sent the person away. Looking at the time, it was still early. Before the time to pick up his son, a mobile phone rang next to him. It was Mr. Chen. On the phone, Mr. Chen still smiled a little lazily, "Send him away?"

"Well, what can I do for you?"

"Tut, it's really a weakness, women should die?"

This means that Gu Yiheng sent his own cousin away, but left such a woman to take responsibility. In Mr. Chen's eyes, even if this matter really has nothing to do with the man surnamed Gu, he is responsible.

If his wife did something wrong, how could he be fine?

Gu Yiheng smiled and said, "I'll hang up if it's okay."

He disdains to explain this kind of thing, and it is unnecessary.

Opposite, Mr. Gu curled his lips and said, "That woman recruited, but she bit her. Several of your ancient family, hehe, what do you can do?" If you want to investigate, you will definitely have to follow what this woman said and bring people here to ask.

Don't investigate, is it really like this?

What if those people really have something to do with it?

Mr. Chen thought about this, and Gu Yiheng naturally thought of it. He just smiled faintly, "If you let her bite, you can take whoever she bites, and then you tell the family of those people in front of her that she provided it."

Mr. Chen was silent for a moment, "You are cruel enough."

Yes, that woman has no children, and her husband was also released by Gu Yiheng. It seems that there is nothing to threaten her, but she has a family. Even if a person from the ancient family gets married, that family will never be ordinary.

Unless she doesn't care about her mother or her parents at all.

You confessed, but you still don't let them turn around to deal with your parents?

This is what Gu Yiheng wants now.

Aren't you afraid, do you want to say? Yes, just say it!

Sure enough, the woman's face suddenly changed. She looked at Mr. Chen fiercely. In the end, she really gritted her teeth. It was her own idea. No one instructed her behind her back. The reason was that she hated Yaya mother and son.

Well, women's hatred is so capricious.

Mr. Chen expressed his understanding and finally handed over the people directly to his subordinates.

Gu Yiheng said, you don't need to put it, you can deal with it as you like.

Brothers, it's okay to have a good time.

This matter was solved. Although he knew that the Gu family might have been wronged, Gu Yiheng directly warned each other by thunderous means. Finally, all the people obediently closed their voices.

and Gu Yiheng?

Few people in the Gu family can beat him now!

Gu Yiheng did these things without Yaya's knowledge.

He just wants his wife to be happy. Usually, this is enough for her to be busy with work. In addition, if she is worried about these things, his husband will be a dereliction of duty. In the evening, he took his son home and bought some of Yaya's favorite dishes by the way.

When she got home and handed over the dishes to Mrs. Zhang, the eyes of Mrs. Zhang looked at Gu Yiheng were a little entangled.

Is Mr. this going to rob her of her job?

At eight o'clock in the evening, the family had dinner. There was nothing she could do. Yaya had come back as early as possible, but eight o'clock was early for her, but it was a little late for Liang Baolai, and the two little guys shouted that they had to wait for her to eat.

Yaya can only remind herself to come back as soon as possible in the future.

At night, the two babies slept, and Gu Yiheng picked up Yaya and said, "Let's have another child. I want a daughter who looks like you, okay?"

Yaya was stunned and wanted another daughter?