Favorite wife

Chapter 334 Past

Gu Yiheng is not stupid. He didn't do anything wrong. Why did he have to sleep in the study?

While Yaya was unprepared, she fell directly **.

A look like I won't leave and resolutely won't sleep in the study, looking at the girl with her lips and smiling.

"Okay, honey, you laughed. You can't chase me anymore."

Ya stared at him, "I'll sleep with you."

Okay, he's sleeping.

Gu Yiheng obediently closed his eyes, and his wife can't be provoked now.

The next morning, Yaya sent the two treasures to the kindergarten and repeatedly told them not to fight with their children again. At the same time, Yaya was a little curious about Wang Yunyun, who could let their two brothers maintain together.

What kind of girl is she to keep her two sons?

Just thinking about it, I heard Xiaobao's cheering in my ear, "Yunyun, Wang Yunyun, here, my brother and I are here."

"Dabao, Xiaobao." A little girl with a ponytail, a princess dress and a smile ran towards the two of them. When she came to them, she looked at Yaya. The little girl grinned, "Auntie, hello."

"Okay, you are Yunyun. You look so beautiful."

"Thank you for your praise."

The girl's soft voice sounds like a piece of candy in the girl's heart.

Sweet and greasy.

At this moment, Yaya felt that she could fully understand Gu Yiheng's thoughts.

Who doesn't want to have such a little daughter?

"Mommy, we're in. Goodbye, Mommy."

Wang Yunyun also bent his eyebrows and smiled sweetly, "Goodbye, auntie."

Two treasures took Wang Yunyun's small hand in one hand and walked to the kindergarten one by one. Behind them, the girl hanging in the ground watched the three of them meet the teacher with a smile. She was about to turn around and leave. A voice sounded beside her, "Gu, Mrs. Gu, is that you?"

Yaya turned around and turned to a decadent and thin figure.

subconsciously took two steps back, "Who are you?"

"Mrs. Gu, hello, my surname is Zhou, and I am the former shareholder of Zhou." Zhou Wei'an regretted death. If he had known that the two children were from the ancient family, he would have had nothing to say, let alone met his son and really beat his boy.

"Mr. Zhou, what can I do for you?"

"Mrs. Gu, I beg you, please tell Mr. Gu that it was all my fault before. Please let him go of me this time and return the Zhou family to me." Zhou Wei'an almost knelt down in front of Yaya and begged for mercy. He was so embarrassed that he didn't dare to raise his head.

Why is he so unlucky?

against the ancient family?

Yaya sighed and retreated quietly, "Sorry, I can't meet your request. Or, you can make another request, and I'll try my best to help you. Yaya is Gu Yiheng's wife and the mother of the two treasures. Naturally, she will not say that Gu Yiheng did something wrong.

Looking at Mr. Zhou in front of her, she just wanted to make up for something in her own way.

"Mrs. Gu, please help me talk to Mr. Gu and ask him to return the Zhou family to me."

"This is impossible."

Ya turned around and left. It seemed that her kindness was useless.

When she got home, Yaya looked at Gu Yiheng and smiled.

In the end, nothing was said.

What kind of good is her man going to do in order to protect their son?

Besides, the Zhou family is not a complete failure.

Gu Yiheng can use normal means.

And it's basically a market acquisition...

It's that simple to become a king and defeat a bandit.

When Gu Yiheng went to find her at noon, he saw that something was wrong and found that something was wrong with her. He helped her pour a cup of tea. The two sat on the sofa. Gu Yiheng raised his left eyebrows and said, "What's wrong? What's wrong?"

"No, I've told you everything about the company. You really don't have to come here at noon. I promised you to have a good meal." Really, do you regard her as two treasures?

Gu Yiheng smiled and said, "I'm free recently."

That means that if you don't have time in the future, you will naturally not come.

Yaya can only nod when she hears it and let him go.

"Have you decided what to eat for lunch today?"

Yaya rubbed her eyebrows and looked at Gu Yiheng with some distress, "Why don't you make up your mind? I really can't think of it." During this period, she went out for lunch every day. In the past, she was too lazy to move alone. It was enough for a secretary to order a takeaway, but now there are more people.

Where to eat?

has really become a problem.

Gu Yiheng looked at Yaya and smiled, "Shall we go eat dumplings?"

Two days ago, Yaya once said at home that the dumplings at home didn't seem to taste good. I had to find a few delicious dumpling restaurants to try. I didn't expect him to get into his heart so soon. Yaya raised her eyebrows and said, "That ones are quite far away from here. I won't go."

And there is nothing delicious. She has eaten it many times.

"There is a new restaurant on the other side of Shanghuan Road. I went to see it yesterday. The environment and color dishes are very good, and it's not far from here. It's only 40 minutes away. It won't delay you or anything. Let's go. It's Northeast cuisine. Aren't your favorite?"

Yaya was aroused a little interest by what he said. He took his hand with a smile. The couple got up and walked out. When they waited for the elevator at the door, they bumped into the secretary who went out to eat. Yaya smiled, "How about it, together?"

The secretary shook his head like a rattle, "No, boss, Mr. Gu, please go quickly. Don't pull me to be a light bulb. My light bulb is not bright enough. I don't have the courage."

Yaya raised her eyebrows funnyly, "Do you also have times when you dare?"

As far as she knows, her secretary is very bold and broke up with her boyfriend. It is said that it is very bad. The house where the two are going to get married was originally a down payment from her, but the other party wanted to take it for themselves. Her secretary directly put the kitchen knife and gasoline together.

In a word, you can kill me if you have the ability.

Or we will die together.

House? That's mine, and it has nothing to do with you!

Who dares to rob her when it's so noisy?

This is really in response to that sentence, hard and afraid of being stunned.

The horizontal one is afraid of death.

She asked the secretary afterwards why she didn't come to her?

The secretary laughed at that time. She said that the other party did not dare to really make trouble with her.

Yaya laughed at that time, and she felt that her secretary was really bold.

He has his opinions and acts fiercely but decisively.

This has been used for several years, and the cooperation between the two is basically pleasant.

The secretary waved his hand quickly, "Boss, please forgive me. The elevator is coming. Boss, please, Mr. Gu, please." Watching her make a flattering and exaggerated gesture, Yaya couldn't help laughing, glanced at her with beautiful eyes, took Gu Yiheng's hand and walked into the elevator.

The elevator slowly closed, and the secretary straightened up and breathed a long sigh of relief.

What are you kidding? Lunch is the time for her to relax.

It's okay to be poisoned by the boss at work.

It's time to get off work. If you come to the boss, you won't be comfortable.

In the car, Gu Yiheng glanced at Yaya and frowned slightly.

Yaya looked at him, "What's wrong?"

Gu Yiheng made no sound, but bent down to fasten her seat belt.

When the car drove out, Gu Yiheng's light eyes swept at her, "You are in the company and don't wear a seat belt when you usually go out?"

Yaya quickly shook her head, "No, I forgot just now." Even if it is true, this matter cannot be admitted. Gu Yiheng is very serious about this kind of thing. Every time the whole family goes out, whoever does not wear a seat belt will be read by him for a long time.

She leaned against the chair and smiled slightly.

"I'm a little tired. Let me take a break. Call me when you get there."

Gu Yiheng naturally knew that she wanted to avoid the topic, but looking at her slightly blue eyes, his wife was distressed. She just changed the music in front of her to a soft tone, turned her head and looked at Yaya, and her eyebrows were full of smiles.

As soon as the car stopped, Yaya sat up straight, "Are you there?"

"Well, here we are. Do you want to sleep a while?"

Ya gave him an angry look, "I'm hungry."

It is indeed a Northeast dish, and it is an authentic Northeast family. Gu Yiheng parked the car. The couple entered together and went straight into the private room. Gu Yiheng glanced at Yaya, "What do you want to eat?"

"Please order it for me."

After so many years of husband and wife, it is naturally clear what kind of taste Yaya has.

Many times, even Biya knows her taste.

Gu Yiheng nodded and ordered a few Yaya's favorite dishes. Finally, he ordered two dumplings with cabbage and leeks. Gu Yiheng looked at Yaya, "Don't you want to eat yet?"

"Enough, I'll eat and go back early." The company still has something to do.

When the two eat, Gu Yiheng looks at Yaya from time to time.

She took an extra bite of which dish she didn't like.

All adjustments are made in time.

After a meal, Yaya felt that she could walk out with the wall.

Gu Yiheng smiled and said, "It's okay. You eat less staple food, mostly vegetables and soup. If you go out and walk more, you will naturally digest almost."

Yaya stared at him. The car came and went. Where can she digest it?

Gu Yiheng settled the bill. The two sat for a while and then got up and walked out. The car stopped in the distance. Gu Yiheng wanted to drive by himself, but Yaya smiled and held her hand. "Didn't you tell me to walk more? I'll go with you."

"Okay, let's go."

When getting into the car, Gu Yiheng helped Yaya fasten his seat belt and looked solemnly, "You must fasten your seat belt when you go out in the future, you know?"

Gu Yiheng's solemn look and serious eyes are distressed.

In an instant, she remembered a rumor in the past. An elder of the Gu family who loved Gu Yiheng the most died in a premeditated car accident, and he did not wear a seat belt at that time. Of course, even if he wears a seat belt, he can't change the result.

But the young Gu Yiheng stubbornly believed that he did not let the elder wear a seat belt, so when the car accident happened, the elder who loved him the most was directly knocked out.

Yes, Gu Yiheng drove the car in the car accident at that time.

She took a deep breath and smiled, "Okay, I wrote it down."