Favorite wife

Chapter 340 I have a cold

The two treasures really think they are smart, rolling around in **.

From time to time, I have a headache.

The Yaya on one side was angry with her two sons.

Do you really have a headache?

You can know at a glance that it's not true. Is this purely to stay in bed, okay?

A fire surged in Yaya's heart.

The teacher teaches you that you don't want to go to school and lie to your parents?

Or is it taught by me as a mother or your father?

She was really angry, but she pressed and pressed, pulled the corners of her mouth and squeezed out a smile, but her face was not good. "You two really have a headache and a cold?"

"Uh-huh, we had a wind last night, which gave us a headache."

"Where is the wind blowing?"

"That's right, when taking a shower--

"It's when you go for a walk after dinner--

What the two treasures said were completely different. After saying that, you look at me, I'll look at you, and then look back at Ya. The two treasures suddenly felt bad, and their little faces came with a few smiles, "Well, Mommy, we really have a headache."

Yaya is really angry this time.

Now, she is still coaxing her with headaches and colds.

If you don't want to go to school, you can tell her directly that it's a kindergarten now, and you don't have to go every day. Occasionally, it's okay to go every other day, but now, these two actually lie to her...

took a deep breath, and Yaya got up in a calm tone. "If you two are sick, I'll go and ask your teacher for leave now, and then you can rest at home."

Ah, is it so easy for mommy to agree?

The two treasures jumped involuntarily. Look at me, I look at you, with a little uneasiness in their little eyes. Finally, the two treasures squeezed their lips and their eyes flashed. Why don't we go to school?

However, they were still thinking carefully, but Yaya had already turned around and walked out. She heard a bang at the door, and the two treasures sat up. Xiaobao's little face was full of anxiety and uneasiness, "Brother, shall we go to school?"

"Then go?"

The two treasures got up spontaneously, and this time it was not bad for the bed. They directly put on their clothes and jumped on the ground. After wearing their shoes, they wanted to run out. At the door, Mrs. Zhang pushed the door and walked in and was very surprised to see the two treasures standing underground.

"Oh, big baby, what's wrong with you two?"

"The two of us are going to school."

Sister Zhang frowned, "This is not possible. My wife specially told me just now that you two had a cold and headache last night. Maybe you will have a fever for a while. You can't be careless. Your wife just called Dr. Li to come over and take your temperature."

"No, Mrs. Zhang, we will be fine now."

"Yes, yes, we're going to talk to Mommy."

Walking downstairs, Liangbao looked at the empty living room and was a little dumbfounded.

Where's Mommy and Dad?

Sister Zhang came down nervously from upstairs, "The two little princes, my wife and husband just went out. It seems that there is something urgent. You two just stay at home. Dr. Li will come later. If you don't have a fever, ask him to prescribe some medicine first."

"Ah, I don't want to take medicine."

"Why not, it's a must."

Sister Zhang looked at Xiaobao and thought that he was suffering from the medicine. She quickly advised him softly, "Xiaobao, don't worry, Mrs. Zhang will ask Dr. Li to prescribe some medicine that is not bitter. Let's eat sugar. We will be fine tomorrow."

"Msister Zhang, we don't have a headache. Let's go to school now." Dabao also shook his head violently. He didn't want to eat. He didn't have a headache at all, so he didn't want to take medicine!

Xiaobao took Mrs. Zhang's hand and said, "Sister Zhang, please take us to kindergarten."

In the past, Gu Yiheng and his wife were not at home, which was also sent by Zhang's sister-in-law.

Dabao also nodded, "I'm going to get my schoolbag."

Two Bao turned around and wanted to run away, but was stopped by Mrs. Zhang. "This can't be done. As my wife told me, you two must see a doctor and take medicine. Just now, my wife called the two of you two in person to ask for leave. There will be no problem with kindergarten."

"Moreover, the driver is not at home. They are all out."

Sister Zhang looked at the two treasures and was very gratified.

Look at this child, what a good child.

It's really happy to be sick and not forget to go to kindergarten.

The two treasures are going to cry. How can this happen?

Sister Zhang ignored their thoughts and took the two treasures to the table. She smiled and pressed the two treasures and sat down. "This is the white porridge specially cooked by your mother. Your mother said that you should eat lighter for colds and headaches."

"But we don't like white porridge."

Xiaobao also nodded. He and his brother didn't want to eat white porridge at all.

Because the two treasures are twins, many things are the same. Their appreciation vision and some tastes are almost the same. For example, in terms of preferences, they must like one thing, and vice versa.

For white porridge, two people don't like it very much when they are young.

Generally, Yaya will cook some millet red date porridge or something for them, and the two of them like to drink soy milk, especially grain soy milk. Yaya will cook with her own hands every morning.

Today, looking at two bowls of white porridge, the two treasures broke down their little faces.

"Zhang, can you not drink it?"

"No, you must finish it."

The two treasures really pinched their noses and drank more than half a bowl. Finally, Xiaobao squeezed a small face into a bitter gourd and looked up at Mrs. Zhang pitifully, "Xiaobao can't drink it anymore."

Although my wife said that she must drink a bowl per person, looking at the small half bowl in it, and then looking at the two treasures staring at herself, as if the puppy was flattering the owner, Mrs. Zhang's heart was directly softened.

If you don't drink, don't drink.

The two treasures almost ran to the living room and sat on the sofa. Two identical little faces looked at each other, almost like looking in the mirror. They could see the feeling of wanting to cry from each other's little faces.

Dabao looked at Xiaobao, "Do we really want to take medicine later?"

Xiaobao curled his lips and said, "This is still good. What if the doctor gives us an injection later? Do you really want to fight?"

The two treasures sat there with their little faces collapsed and sighed.

Why did you lie to your mother's illness in the morning?

Ten o'clock. Liangbao was relieved all morning, thinking that the doctor should not come. The doorbell rang, and Mrs. Zhang went out to open the door. After a while, she brought a doctor in and walked to Liangbao's small study. "Are the two sick?"

Two treasures gave a sound and ran away.

They don't want injections.

But he was pulled by Zhang's sister-in-law one by one. "Dabao Xiaobao is not allowed to be naughty. Let the doctor take his temperature. Let's just listen. It doesn't hurt, good boy."

Two babies work hard to earn, woo, they are not sick!

Sister Zhang really thought that the two of them were sick. When Yaya left, she deliberately told him to cook white porridge. After a while, the doctor would come over and listen to the doctor's advice. Zhang's sister-in-law watched the two babies grow up. When she heard that the two babies were sick, it was strange that she was not nervous.

If possible, I would like to replace it.

The doctor looked at Liangbao struggling and smiling like a big gray wolf who coaxed Little Red Riding Hood. "You two should be obedient. Uncle just took a look. If we are not sick, we will eat and get injections."


"Of course it's true. Uncle won't give people an injection easily."

"Then we are not sick. There is no need to fight."

"Yes, uncle, our head doesn't hurt at all. You don't have to look at it. You can go back, really. Uncle, take your time." Xiaobao squeezed a smile and couldn't wait to drive away the family doctor in front of him.

The doctor's heart is funny. These two are really ghosts!

Before he said anything, Mrs. Zhang was not happy. "What are you talking about? How can you not read it? If you are sick, you will definitely see it. If you two don't listen to the doctor obediently, I will call your mommy."

"Zhang, we are really fine."

The doctor stopped Zhang's sister-in-law with a smile, put on a big smile, and waved to the two treasures, "Come on, let's not have injections. You know this, just listen to the heart and lungs, and then take your temperature, okay?"

"Is that it?"

"Yes, just like your kindergarten physical examination."

The two babies looked at each other, shook their heads, and nodded again. Xiaobao was still a little uncertain, "Brother, do you remember the physical examination and injection?"

Dabao frowned, "It seems that there is no?"

"Then, shall we show him?"

Dabao nodded and stepped forward two steps, "I don't want an injection."

The doctor took the stethoscope, pretended to listen to the front and back of the heart and lungs, and then took a body temperature agent for the two to test their body temperature. Listening to a beep, Liangbao looked at the doctor who took back the body temperature agent and was careful to jump.

They definitely don't have a fever!

Sister-in-law next to her also stared at the doctor. She couldn't wait to grab the body temperature agent in the doctor's hand and look at herself. She was still muttering in her heart. Really, it's just a body temperature agent. Why does it take so long to look at it?

Finally, Mrs. Zhang couldn't help saying, "Doctor, they don't have a fever, do they?"

"I have a low fever. It looks like I need to get an injection."

As soon as Liangbao heard this, he jumped up, "We are not sick. Don't get an injection."

Sister Zhang was also shocked. Did she really have a fever?

The low fever seems to be more serious than the high fever.

Looking at Liangbao shrinking back with a white face, Mrs. Zhang was a little distressed, "Why don't you take some medicine first?" These two children are really afraid of injections. They are afraid of injections when they are young. Every time they are injected, they have to coax them for a long time, as if they want to kill them both.

"Recently, the flu, the two of them will accidentally become pneumonia. At that time, they will be infected with other diseases more serious, and injections may not be cured in time." The doctor shook his head and was already turning over the medicine box.

It didn't take a while to turn out the needle from the medicine box...

"First get an injection for each person, and then take some medicine. It should be all right." The doctor smiled comfortingly at Liangbao and showed his white teeth. "Don't be afraid, uncle's injection is very fast. It doesn't hurt at all, really."

"Wow, no, I don't want an injection."

"I don't want to get an injection, Mommy, ah, don't get an injection--"

Two babies opened their voices and cried, and ran out of the door.