Favorite wife

Chapter 352 Fresh Ancient Mother-in-law Released

Not to mention that she didn't feel much about it. When Gu Yiheng mentioned it, Yaya suddenly felt that she was really hungry, and her stomach seemed to be purring. She seemed to shake her head. How could it be so exaggerated?

But she still said, "I'll change my clothes and wait for you downstairs."

Yaya's shoes are mainly comfortable now. She wore a thick dress, took her handbag in her hand, and packed everything up. After sitting downstairs for about ten minutes, Gu Yiheng came in with a smile, "What does my wife want to eat?"

"Let's eat porridge, okay?"

Gu Yiheng smiled and said, "Okay."

When the two went out, Mrs. Zhang followed the door anxiously and kept saying that she should wear more clothes and drive carefully. Even those words that she couldn't eat, she had a headache and quickly drove her into the room.

"Msister Zhang, I'm afraid that the two babies will wake up. Can you help me go and have a look?"

Although she knew that Yaya's words meant to drive her away, Mrs. Zhang was also really afraid that the two children would not find anyone after waking up. She said a few words to Gu Yiheng and turned around and ran to the room.

Gu Yiheng smiled, and Mrs. Zhang was only able to control it.

Knowing that Yaya's porridge was the kind of Chaoshan porridge, Gu Yiheng drove the car directly to Li Ji's private dish. This is Cantonese cuisine. Pay attention to health care, and there are cooks from the south. Both of them are old customers and walked in with a waiter.

"What would Mr. Gu and Mrs. Gu want to eat today?"

"Casserole porridge." Gu Yiheng paused for a moment and turned his head to look at Yaya. "I've checked that shrimp can be eaten. Just get some of this, and then order two of your favorite dishes, okay?"

"Okay, it's up to you."

Yaya smiled. In front of outsiders, she has always given enough face. As for what happened after the two went home, it was about the husband and wife, even if she rode on Gu Yiheng's head to poop, which was related to other people's affairs?

The waiter added tea, and Gu Yiheng directly put away the teacup beside Yaya and raised his eyebrows. "Help her change a glass of boiled water."

"Okay, Mr. Gu and Mrs. Gu, please wait a moment."

About 20 minutes, a pot of porridge was quickly served. The side dishes were coriander, shredded pickled vegetables, some oil-pressed soybeans, boiled peanuts, and the sauce prepared by the store. Throw coriander and shredded pickled vegetables into the porridge and stir them back and forth.

The heat of the porridge is scattered, fragrant and steaming.

Yaya feels appetizing just by looking at it!

She drank three small bowls in one go. Looking up and seeing Gu Yiheng's smile, Yaya couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed. Under the shadow of the lamp, there was a rare delicateness that belonged to the youngest daughter. "I seem to be hungry quickly."

"Of course, you are now eating for two people."

The couple ate slowly, and time passed slowly.

Twelve o'clock in a blink of an eye.

Yaya patted her round stomach, which was a little funny. "Gu Yiheng, this child seems to like porridge very much. Look, I've been sitting here for so long and haven't vomited much." At home, she has to go to the bathroom halfway through her meal.

Gu Yiheng also raised his eyebrows when he heard it, but isn't that the case?

"If you still want to eat in the future, let's come here to eat." Gu Yiheng immediately made a final shot. As long as Yaya loved to eat and would not vomit after eating, even if he was asked to go abroad to air transport immediately, he would never blink his eyes!

At 12:30 a.m., the couple went home.

Sister Zhang sat on the sofa and dozed off, but she didn't watch the TV a few times.

That ear just keeps listening to the outside.

From time to time, I took a look at the wall clock next to me with a little worry in my eyes.

It looks like it's going to be a little bit. Why haven't you come back yet?

Until the sound of the car sounded outside, Mrs. Zhang stood up.

It seems to be full of blood in an instant.

Seeing the couple walking in laughing, Mrs. Zhang finally put down her heart that had been lifting for most of the night. "You are back. It's cold outside. Go up and take a shower and go to bed."

"Well, Sister Zhang, you can also go to rest."

Watching the two go upstairs, Zhang's sister-in-law opened her mouth behind her back and made no sound.

Some things are really hard to say.

The host's family respects you a little, and you are shameless.

If the host thinks you are too careless and unmeasured, isn't it a matter of minutes to dismiss you? For these, Mrs. Zhang is really clear about these. However, she is also really worried about Yaya and her two children, otherwise she won't say more words.

There was no dream all night. The next morning, Gu Yiheng got up first and washed well. Yaya also sat up with a little sleepy. She covered her lips with her hand and yawned. Gu Yiheng sat over with some distressedly. "If you are sleepy, you can sleep. It's still early."

"No, I don't want to sleep." Fearing that Gu Yiheng would worry about her, Yaya quickly explained, "You really don't have to worry about me. If I feel sleepy, I can sleep at any time, and I can also sleep at noon."

Gu Yiheng reached out and nodded her nose without saying anything.

Is she still not sure about her nature?

It is said that she is sleepy and wants to sleep. It's strange that she is willing to sleep as soon as she works!

Yaya washed well and went downstairs. The two babies got up early. Seeing the two of them coming down from upstairs, the two rushed over with a cheer and smile, "Good morning, Mommy."

"Good morning, have you washed your face?"

"I washed it."

Sister Zhang also smiled on one side, "I washed it. I still wear my own clothes today. Ha ha, both of them have grown up and are sensible." He said that he was wearing clothes, but he was crooked, and several buttons were wrong.

The sweater was worn directly before and after.

Of course, Mrs. Zhang will never think there is any problem.

How old is a baby? He can wear it by himself. If he is willing to wear it himself, that's good!

A family of four sat on the table for breakfast. Yaya can't get any oily smell now, and she feels like she can't smell it these two days. Zhang's sister-in-law is afraid that she will feel uncomfortable early in the morning, and there are no deep-fried dough sticks on the table!

Two babies love millet porridge, and soy milk is also fine.

Grab a steamed bun and eat it by yourself. Gu Yiheng occasionally wipes the corners of their mouth and reminds them to drink porridge. At eight o'clock, the whole family put down the bowls and chopsticks, and the two treasures quickly carried their schoolbags. "Daddy, Mommy, you can go."

"Okay, let's go."

Yah took one hand, and the mother and son got on the car. Gu Yiheng was the driver. The family went out. According to the usual practice, Gu Yiheng's car drove to the kindergarten first and handed over the two treasures to the teacher. The car dropped its head and went straight to Yaya's company.

At nine o'clock, the car stopped in front of Yaya's company on time.

Gu Yiheng smiled and helped her open the car door and helped her down in a gentle tone, "Don't be too busy, take care of yourself." After helping Yaya take care of a wisp of broken hair on her forehead, Gu Yiheng paused and looked at Yaya, "Why don't I send you upstairs?"

"How can I be so delicate? Do I need someone to accompany me in just a few steps?" Yaya smiled and looked at him, reached out and pushed him, "Get in the car quickly and go back quickly. I still have security guards and front desk here. What are you worried about?"

One or two meters in front is the company's gate, with security guards and front desk.

I really don't know what he is worried about.

"Get in the car quickly and leave quickly."

Gu Yiheng was teased by her childish drive, and patted her gently, "Don't push me. Go in first. I'll watch you enter the building before getting in the car. Don't talk about terms. Hurry up."

"Okay, then I'll go, Grandma Gu."

Gu Yiheng pulled the corners of his mouth, Gu's mother-in-law...

After a few steps, Yaya quickly walked over. A security guard from afar saluted her and opened the door. "Good morning, boss." Yaya nodded with a smile, said hello, turned her head, and raised her eyebrows at Gu Yiheng's smile, which meant to leave quickly.

Gu Yiheng smiled at her and waved his hand.

Knowing that he won't leave if he doesn't walk in.

Ya smiled and turned into the company building. The front desk greeted her with a smile. Yaya just glanced, nodded and walked directly into the special elevator beside her. Thinking about Gu Yiheng's appearance just now, the corners of her mouth unconsciously rose.

She thought that she was lucky to marry Gu Yiheng in her life.

Of course, Gu Yiheng is lucky to marry himself.

She entered the office with a smile. The secretary quickly helped her soak a glass of honey water and came in. Seeing her look, Secretary Li raised his eyebrows and smiled, "The boss seems to be in a good mood today."

"Can you see it?"

"That's, look at you, with a smile on the corners of your eyebrows and eyes."

"Well, I hope you can make me laugh later."

When Yaya said this, Secretary Li's face collapsed in an instant when she thought of something. After a while, I guess what she wanted to say would really make the boss feel bad...

"Oi, you go out first."

I sent Secretary Li and Yaya to deal with the documents in front of the case. After processing ten lines at a glance, Yaya rubbed her eyebrows and looked up at the time. Unconsciously, an hour had passed?

Pressing the inside line, Yaya told Secretary Li, "Notify all departments to have a meeting in half an hour." Outside, Secretary Li closed her eyes and came. After a while, she was probably scolded.

But stretch out your head and shrink your head. Die early and escape early.

She can't be blamed, but she is indirectly responsible.

You can only admit your bad luck.

I hope the boss will save some face for her old face in a while.

Gu Yiheng's car didn't drive far. Yang Zixuan called in, "Where are you?"

"On the way, what's wrong?" Gu Yiheng's voice was calm, not like a sick person at all. There was a red light in front of him. He stopped, leaned back, listened to Yang Zixuan's words, and frowned slightly, "Let me go there now?"

"Well, I found something. Come here quickly."

"Okay, half an hour."

It can be said that Yang Zixuan is one of the few people he has no choice.

Although this ranking depends on the comparison.

Er, it should be said that he will be at the end, but it can't be denied that Yang Zixuan is a life-and-death friend in his heart. He can entrust his life and completely give his back to the other party's fateful friend.

Half an hour later, Gu Yiheng appeared in front of Yang Zixuan and looked at his solemn face. Gu Yiheng sat on the sofa casually and raised his eyebrows like the other party's appearance. "Why are you so anxious to come here?"