Favorite wife

Chapter 380 Daughter

Early in the morning, Yaya was sent to the hospital, which was selected in advance. Dr. Ma went to the battle in person. These were arranged before, and because Yaya was a second child and had the experience of two treasures, Yaya was not too nervous.

The previous inspections were very good.

Dr. Ma comforted Yaya, "Don't worry, Mrs. Gu. Your health is not big, and the child is not big. You can have a natural labor. Don't worry, I will be with you at that time. If it really doesn't work, I will give you a choice whether to have a caesarean section."

Yaya still has the heart to laugh with her, "Okay, if my daughter is too naughty to get out of my mother's stomach earlier, you can cut her out with a knife."

Gu Yiheng personally sent millet porridge, eggs, etc. to Yaya, but he looked nervous, "Dr. Ma, can these things be eaten? Will it be all right? Didn't you say that you gave birth today? Why hasn't there been any movement?

Dr. Ma laughed, "Mrs. Gu has begun to have a slight contraction. It should be very soon. Let's eat something first. Don't be too taboo-"

"Wife, I'll feed you." After saying Gu Yiheng's words, his mobile phone rang.

Gu Yiheng didn't hear it. He is now thinking about Yaya and his soon-to-born daughter. Yes, it's his daughter. As early as a few months ago, during the pregnancy test, Dr. Ma made it clear to the couple that she was a daughter.

The couple made it clear to Dr. Ma at that time.

They will be very happy if it is a daughter.

Of course, his son's words will not be unhappy. After all, he is his own child.

Gu Yiheng told Dr. Ma directly that we wanted it for our daughter.

Dr. Ma looked at the two and thought it was fun.

The richer such a couple are, the less they will dislike their sons.

But how can such a family want a daughter?

And when it comes to her daughter's smiling face, she has not met too many people, but she can't even tell whether others are really happy or pretend to be happy. Therefore, when she can check the gender, Dr. Ma told the couple directly.

Sure enough, the happy appearance of these two people every time they come to the pregnancy test makes her feel envious. How can a woman succeed like this? She has a successful career and a happy family. Marrying a husband spoils her like a pearl?

Dr. Ma thinks that if he lives like this.

She is willing to die.

Of course, I just want to think that Dr. Ma would definitely not be happy if she really exchanged her death for a life like Yaya. It's better to live than to die. Besides, although her current living standard is not as good as those of Yaya.

You can be a private obstetrician and gynecologist as an expert director.

Her salary is still considerable.

The living standard of the family is less than the above, but it is more than enough.

She cherishes her life now.

smiled and Dr. Ma, who helped Yaya finish the last test, looked up at Gu Yiheng and shook his head with a smile. "Mr. Gu, your mobile phone is ringing."

"Ah, okay, thank you." Gu Yiheng was helping Yaya make white porridge. There were two small dishes on the side, both of which were Yaya's favorite food. He was posing outside. When he saw Yaya half sitting up, he smiled and said, "Wife, help me pick it up."

Both of them have no secrets on their mobile phones.

Gu Yiheng said this, and Yaya also picked it up and gently fed it. Opposite, a woman was as gentle as water and sounded with a little hesitation, "Excuse me, isn't the owner of this phone Mr. Gu?"

"You mean Gu Yiheng? He's here. Wait a minute.

The woman's voice on the opposite paused, hummed gently, and said thank you, but there was no movement. She seemed to be quietly waiting for Gu Yiheng. Yaya raised her eyebrows and handed her mobile phone to Gu Yiheng. Her voice was calm, "Your phone is a woman."

Dr. Ma just walked to the door, and his eyelids jumped.

Is there a woman calling from this voice?

Gu Yiheng didn't care directly, "Who, ask her what's the matter? If it's okay, let her hang up." He doesn't have time to answer the phone now, waiting for the birth of his baby daughter. Everything else is free.

Yayan smiled and asked again. She looked at Gu Yiheng, "The other party said her surname is Cheng. Does it seem to be in a hurry?

Surname Cheng? Gu Yiheng wanted to say that he didn't know him. Really, when he didn't call? What's there to call at this time? Where did he know Cheng or Cheng? He wanted Ya to hang up the phone. He suddenly remembered something.

"Wife, wait, give me your mobile phone."

Gu Yiheng took the mobile phone, suppressed his impatience, and lowered his voice, "Is it Cheng Lin? What can I do for you?"

Gu Yiheng's mobile phone is the latest Apple 6. The sound effect is very good. Gu Yiheng listened to the mobile phone on Yaya's side, and Yaya could almost hear all the other party's movements. The woman just now was crying, crying breathlessly, very sad.

Ya frowned slightly. Who is the other party?

Gu Yiheng's eyebrows have been twisted into a cross, but he is still listening to the other party patiently. Yaya even heard the other party's excited crying on the phone...

Gu Yiheng's face was a little entangled and said a few words to the other party. Finally, he hung up the phone, looked up, and looked at Yaya's thoughtful eyes. He smiled, "It's a friend. Something happened. You want me to go over and have a look."

The girl nodded and blinked, "Would you like to go and have a look?"

"No, what are you going to? No one is more important than my daughter now."

Ya stared at him, "I'm not as important as your daughter?"

"My wife is the first, and my daughter is second."

The husband and wife laughed here. Yaya unconsciously drank a bowl of porridge and ate something else. Her stomach stopped for a while without pain, so she felt relieved and began to hurt again.

"Ah, Gu Yiheng, it hurts me so much." Yaya was about to cry. Why did it hurt so much? At that time, she remembered that it didn't hurt like this when she gave birth to two babies. Sweat, she completely forgot that it would be because they were twins. After the couple discussed, they had a direct cesarean section.

After a knife in the stomach, the two treasures came out.

Where is there such a thing as now that you have to wait for contractions?

Gu Yiheng persuaded softly on one side and coaxed.

I can't help it. This is my wife, who is helping him give birth to a daughter.

Don't say a few words, just really bite him.

He has to say with a smile, good bite!

Women are the biggest at this time.

Dr. Ma came to patrol the room half an hour later and smiled when he saw the couple, "Mr. Gu really loves Mrs. Gu." To be honest, there are many people accompanying mothers in the hospital, but it is rare to be so tolerant.

Ya rolled her eyes and said, "He is now thinking about having a daughter. Isn't my mother still useful for my child now? Naturally, I have to be careful to coax her, otherwise I will be unhappy and won't give birth to him."

Dr. Ma laughed. At this time, he didn't give birth?

It's not someone else who suffers, it's only your own.

Gu Yiheng just doesn't care what Yaya says, he is smiling on one side and coaxing you. Everything you say is right. Even if you will ask for the stars in the sky, I will move the ladder first without saying anything.

It's one thing whether it's enough or not, but the attitude is the most important thing.

Yaya stayed in the hospital for a day and one night. The next morning, at dawn, Gu Yiheng and Yaya's precious daughter officially announced her existence to the world with a very loud cry.

Gu Yiyi.

This is the name given by Gu Yiheng to his daughter.

Originally, I wanted to use the name of ancient pearls, but I was directly slapped to death by Yaya and returned pearls. Why did I sound similar to the fish's eyes? Then, Gu Yiheng thought again and thought of an ancient one.

In the end, Yaya laughed angrily and directly patted Gu Yiheng to one side. With a powerful wave of her big hand, she called Gu Yiyi.

The only one in the ancient family.

Gu Yiheng planned and understood it in this way.

In an instant, she was as docile as a kitten. As soon as she patted the table, her wife was well-learned, with a good name, depth, ability, and... Finally, she was blown over by a few eye knives of Yaya and swung.

The man immediately lost his voice.

However, as the only little princess of the ancient family, Gu Yiyi's name was given by her parents. Gu Yiyi, Liangbao thought the name was good, one by one by one, how smooth it was.

Even the two treasures ran to Gu Yiheng and shouted that they wanted to change their names.

Gu Yiheng asked them, what should be changed?

Two treasures scramble to raise their hands first, Gu Er, Gu San.

Gu Yiheng threw his two sons directly outside the door.

It's enough, there's no need to change it.

Because it was a natural delivery, Yaya could move two days after giving birth, but her whole body was still sore. Walking one step seemed to work hard, and it was also very painful to go to bed. Gu Yiheng didn't do anything now, so he stayed in the hospital to work for both mother and daughter.

Eat and drink, breastfeed your daughter, and make confinement for Yaya.

It's all done by him.

Although the maternity matron has been decided before, and this kind of hospital also has special confinement packages and so on, Gu Yiheng will definitely not make the meals, but in addition to these, he can do all the things he can do himself.

In his words, he is not sure of others!

However, in just a month, Yaya was discharged from the hospital. She was directly in confinement in the hospital. The family has this condition, and there is no shortage of money, and there is no one to help her go home. Although there are sister-in-law Zhang and others, she is not as professional as the hospital.

In a month, Gu Yiheng actually lost a lot of weight.

On the day he was discharged from the hospital, he drove to pick up their mother and daughter home. Zhang's sister-in-law hugged one by one, and Gu Yiheng helped Yaya get on the car. Looking at Gu Yiheng in the driver's seat, Yaya suddenly laughed and was in a good mood.

The phone call on the day of birth was originally a little hazy in her heart. What kind of friend would make another woman cry so imageless to a male friend?

Does Yaya have any thoughts in her mind?

It's not possible.

But looking at Gu Yiheng, Yaya suddenly felt relieved.

There are some things that she believes in Gu Yiheng.