Favorite wife

Chapter 392 Rehabilitation

Gu Yiheng was stunned and didn't know what to say.

To be honest, what is he going to tell her?

Kai's things were hidden from beginning to end, and he, an outsider, was not qualified to say anything to her on behalf of Kai. He just paused for a moment. He said directly, "Miss Cheng, I'm sorry, I really don't know where Kai is."

"Impossible, you lied to me, you know, you must know."

Why don't you know? Kai entrusted their mother and daughter to him.

If it is not a close relationship, how can you believe in Gu Yiheng?

Cheng Lin is simple and doesn't like the world, but she is not stupid.

Now she really doesn't believe Gu Yiheng's words. All she can think of is that Gu Yiheng is hiding it from her and doesn't want her to know. She can only choose to beg, "Mr. Gu, I beg you, tell me."

If Kai really doesn't want them, how can she live in the future?

There is also a newer, she is still so small.

So, she must know Kai's current situation.

If it's Kai...

She went back and begged him until he changed his mind.

Even if he really has someone else in his heart, he will forgive him. As long as a man plays outside, as long as he doesn't forget this family and forgets himself and his new son, she will be very grateful.

Cheng Lin's face was sad, and her voice was full of helplessness.

Gu Yiheng spent more than half an hour dealing with her phone call.

And there are mostly cries on the phone.

He cried for the first two.

In the end, he had a hidden headache from crying. Fortunately, in the end, Cheng Lin seemed to have woken up or something. She was called away and hung up her mobile phone. Gu Yiheng breathed a long breath.

It's really uncomfortable to listen to a woman crying for so long.

However, it is not a way to drag it like this.

The longer it takes, the greater Cheng Lin's suspicion will be. In the end, she will definitely have more and more doubts in her heart. Can't Kai hide it from her all the time? Gu Yiheng frowned, and he also felt that Kai was a little wrong with this matter.

Although I know that Kai wants to protect Cheng Lin.

In fact, Gu Yiheng's idea is also right. He just feels that there is trouble and there is little meaning in concealing it, but he also knows in his heart that if he changes himself, he will also choose to hide it.

How can you make your family afraid of yourself?

So, these men are all male chauvinism.

If Yaya knew these things, she would definitely say so.

But the problem is that the current Yaya has also been hidden to death by Gu Yiheng.

There were two indirect phone calls. Gu Yiheng became serious and locked himself in the office without knowing what he had said to the other party. When he came out, his face became solemn until he picked up the two treasures and went home, and his face was not much better.

After dinner, Gu Yiheng looked at Yaya and whispered, "I'll go out." Yaya looked at him and nodded, "Go early and come back early. Don't walk at night. Drive carefully at night."

"Don't worry, I'll be back soon."

Gu Yiheng hugged Yaya, bowed his head and kissed Xiaoyi's face, smiled at Liangbao, and turned around and walked out.

Sitting in the study, Yaya frowned slightly.

Gu Yiheng went out at this time...

She doesn't have any intention to be jealous now. All she is worried about is Gu Yiheng.

He knows more or less about what he used to do.

As for his friends, saying unpleasant words, although he is a young man of the ancient family, he is in the army when he is a teenager. He really hasn't been infected with the habits of the so-called children of rich families, and the friends he has made are even more important.

But even Yaya have to admit that these friends are really sincere to Gu Yiheng. They are all born and death brothers, but on the other hand, if they have something to do, Gu Yiheng can also give up his life.

Yaya's eyebrows are full of sadness.

Looking at Gu Yiheng's car going out, she held the mobile phone in her hand, and her fingertips were blue and white, holding it tightly. Several times she raised her hand, and she had to call out. If she called, Gu Yiheng would definitely stay at home.

No matter how difficult he is, he will listen to her.

But what about the result?

In response to a sentence, keep his people and his heart?

Yaya felt a little funny, but she actually remembered this sentence.

In the end, she still didn't make this call.

Like Gu Yiheng thinking about her everywhere and making her happy.

In the same way, Yaya doesn't want him to be embarrassed because of herself.

That's it.

Gu Yiheng arrived home at two o'clock in the middle of the night.

Yaya didn't sleep and had been waiting for him. When she heard his car enter the house, she went straight back to the bedroom, lying quietly and closing her eyes.

Wash and brush your teeth.

After changing his nightgown, Gu Yiheng gently returned to the bedroom.

Yaya on his side had fallen asleep. He lay ** and felt Yaya's light breath. He breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, Yaya fell asleep.

Although Yaya's worries were not mentioned, she wrote them all in her eyes.

Don't want Yaya to worry, but don't care about Kai's affairs?

He can't do either.

Therefore, he could only pretend that he didn't see the worry in Yaya's eyes.

So, he can only make himself safe.

Peaceful, accompany Yaya to the white head.

For a few days in a row, Gu Yiheng went out early and returned late, but Fortunately, he could basically stay home at about 12 o'clock. Although Yaya was worried, she watched people come back every day, and Yaya didn't say anything.

Just come back.

A month later, after Xin'er's operation, Cheng Lin blushed with her little face and obviously gained a lot of weight. She was really happy and cried. At this moment, she even felt that she had got the most precious jewelry in the world.

Everything else was forgotten, and only the existence of a new child was left in her eyes.

Although Mr. Cheng feels that this woman with the same surname is a little dissatisfied, what will she do? I can't do anything but cry. Didn't I mean to take care of my daughter in person? I don't even know that my daughter has been tamped with.

I really don't know what the man who is willing to marry her looks like.

curled his mouth, and Mr. Cheng raised his eyebrows at Cheng Lin. "She is now completely back to normal and will not have a fever in the future, but you have to pay attention to it within a year or two. This is not her own blood. I'm afraid the hematopoietic function will be hindered."

"What will happen?" Cheng Lin panicked all of a sudden. Didn't she say that the operation was successful? How could there be sequelae? She hugged Xin'er tightly and looked up at Mr. Cheng with tears on her face. "What will happen to Xin'er?"

Mr. Cheng was speechless.

Don't you think you can speak well? Why are you crying?

But he has nothing to say. After all, this is a stranger who has nothing to do with him. He smiled. Out of respect for his new father and his ability as a doctor, he raised his eyebrows and smiled proudly.

"Don't worry, there won't be any big trouble. I just said that you should pay more attention in the last year or two, and I didn't say that the little girl would be fine.

Cheng Lin understood that she was nervous as soon as she heard this.

She smiled shyly, "Thank you, Mr. Cheng."

Xin'er was discharged from the hospital. As Gu Yiheng's first assistant, Li Ji naturally did it himself. His face was haggard and his eyes were dull. When the driver was driving, he sat in the co-pilot's seat. When he saw Cheng Lin carrying the child on the car, Li Ji's eyelids moved.

"Is it out? Then go home. The driver drives.

When the car drove, Li Ji closed his eyes directly.

If it hadn't been for Gu Yiheng, he wouldn't have wanted to see this woman now.

If it weren't for her, how could she have been tossed like this?

Think about the life he lived during this period, is that a person?

It's so miserable.

Until now, his queen hasn't forgiven her.

What are they doing?

I'm busy going on blind dates and looking for someone to get married.

Listen, what's the matter?

Li Ji was so angry that he got internal injuries, but he roared at Song Yanhua?

How can he have the courage now?

He is sure to say that now Song Yanhua is three points angry and angry, and the other four points or one point is he feels hesitant and thinking about not to separate, but if he sprinkles a handful of oil again...

Song Yanhua will definitely turn against herself immediately and let herself get out of here.

He doesn't want to have those houses and so on.

The worst thing is to make money again.

But he can't bear Song Yanhua.

From the beginning to now, the two have been together for four or five years. He is the most promising person who is reluctant to give up others. He is the rare woman.

Looking at this woman, he felt a smile and his heart was in full bloom.

What can he do?

If Song Yanhua leaves him, his innocence will step on it.

The outsider will find it funny when they look at it. What is this and what it is? But only he knows in his heart that he really can't live without Song Yanhua. But now Song Yanhua is now clear that she wants to quarrel with him.

I'm just not happy now. If you don't like it, break up.

Of course, it's the same sentence. There are components of gas blockage.

But ask Li Ji, does he dare to block it?

The family is so noisy that Li Ji doesn't have any intention to deal with others? Whether you are the boss's woman or not, what's your identity? I'm almost kicked out of the house for you.

If he can still deal with others, how much will he have?

On one side, Cheng Lin is a little uneasy. She is always like this.

Strictly speaking, Cheng Lin is not bad.

Soft-hearted and confused, always thinking about other people's thoughts.

I think I have done something wrong here.

As soon as she felt uneasy, she quickly apologized to Li Ji, "It's all my fault that caused Mr. Li's wife to misunderstand you. Why don't you tell me Mrs. Li's phone number and I can explain it for you?"

It was because of her, and she helped explain that it was right.

Li Ji heard it and waved his hand quickly.

Don't. If she makes peace with her again, I guess he and Song Yanhua will really be finished. Because they are kind, Li Ji squeezed a smiling face, "Miss Cheng, don't be too careful. We are two very good. It's really okay."