Favorite wife

Chapter 401

Invous snakes...

The other party was silent for a moment and said, "Don't worry about these things. You have come to this far now. Don't touch it again." With such a sentence, the other party hung up the phone directly and listened to the busy sound inside. Gu Yiheng was silent.

For Yaya, for this family, he has no regrets all the way.

Apart from former comrades-in-arms, brothers and brothers.

is just a woman.

At the beginning, he knew that someone would be disappointed by his behavior.

But now, he still has no hesitation.

He leaned against the chair behind him. Gu Yiheng turned the signature pen in his hand and his eyes were pale. Only the persistence and persistence in the depths of his eyes made it clear that he would never regret his mood at this moment.

Only he knows that time goes back, even if it comes back again, his choice is still the same, no regrets!

Although nine deaths have no regrets.

Up to now, friends blame him and blame him. He said he was sorry, but he really didn't understand and felt that he was a fool.

Give up everything and start from the beginning.

In a man's twenties, looking at the age of 30, starting from scratch.

is just a woman.

Is this really worth it?

Along the way, the husband and wife went on the same road, quarreled, quarreled, and even made a lot of noise. Yaya had also left home, but in the end, they still firmly held each other's hands.

Is that enough?

Gu Yiheng smiled and his eyes slid across the crystal frame in the corner of the desk. A family of four, no, it should be five. Xiao Yiyi was being left in a stroller on one side by his mother to drink milk, and the two babies grinned.

Gu Yiheng's expression is excited. It's really good. It's a family photo.

Yama is the most calm one.

Gentle eyes are inseparable from several children and him.

The corners of his mouth quietly stood up, and Gu Yiheng's eyes were full of smiles.

Who says it's not worth it?

It is heaven to talk to him on such a day.

No, heaven is more beautiful than here.

At least, there will be no Yaya in heaven, and there will be no home he wants.

What's the like?

In the middle of the night, Gu Yiheng received a phone call. He turned over and sat up and woke up Yaya on one side. She seemed to be sleeping. Yaya reached out and grabbed him, "What's wrong? Whose phone number?"

"Someone touched it in the hospital, but was caught." Speaking of this, Gu Yiheng's eyes flashed, thinking of killing him while he was ill? Want his life? Ha ha, that's good. Come on.

Yaya became energetic when she heard this and sat up with him. "Is there a result? Is it the person you are waiting for? This matter ended early, and she lost a worry, so that she didn't have to worry about it every day.

"Well, there is a result, but there should be more than a group of people, and it is estimated that not all the people will take action."

"Do you have to wait any longer?" Yaya was a little disappointed and didn't end.

Gu Yiheng saw Yaya's disappointment, but it was difficult to say. He could only comfort him softly, "Don't worry, when did your husband and I make a mistake?"

"You just stink."

The couple talked for a while, and Yaya finally fell asleep first. Gu Yiheng gently patted her face, with a tenderness in his eyes. Just for her in his arms, she must have nothing to do.

It's not okay at all.

Several turbulences are similar to a major earthquake. Of course, there is no difference in the attack of a major earthquake. It is different from the region, and this time it is aimed at a certain level.

Yaya could not experience this invisible bloody storm. She just became more and more cold on Gu Yiheng's body, and her worries formed the most direct worry. In the end, she wanted to directly hold Gu Yiheng to ask.

What the hell happened?

But it's okay. This feeling only lasted for three days.

On the fourth day, Gu Yiheng's mood eased down. On this day, after sending the two treasures to the kindergarten, falling asleep one by one and giving them to the little aunt, Gu Yiheng personally drove to Yaya's company, which was the time for lunch.

Secretary Li saw that he almost choked on water, "Mr. Gu, how are you?"

Gu Yiheng didn't show up during this period. Yaya seemed to work normally, but who didn't know that his boss was in a bad mood in that tense look?

It's the same. Can it be done?

My man was injured like that, lying in the hospital and couldn't wake up.

If you are a wife, your face will be full of spring breeze and eyebrows will fly.

That can only mean that his husband is too failed.

Make his wife want him to die immediately.

The relationship between Yaya and his wife is obvious to the whole company.

Now that Gu Yiheng has an accident, it's strange that Yaya is not sad.

During this period, many people in Yaya's company were scolded. If they were not careful, they had to be scolded by Yaya. The whole company was scared for fear that they would take a wrong step and be called to the boss's room to be scolded.

Secretary Li has been in a dilemma all this time.

She is a pie sandwiched in the middle, pressed up and squeezed down.

It's not easy to be a secretary.

Last night, she also prayed at home. God opened his eyes and quickly let her boss recover. After the rain, it would be sunny. Otherwise, if the boss didn't drive her, I guess she would have to be driven crazy and sent to the lunatic asylum first.

Now, Secretary Li stared at Gu Yiheng and almost cried.

She couldn't wait to jump over and hold Gu Yiheng and laugh a few times.

"Secretary Li, what's your expression?"

"Cough, cough, nothing, hello, Mr. Gu, good to come." Secretary Li now wants to hold Gu Yiheng and kiss a few times, even if there is the excitement on his face, "Mr. Gu, the boss is inside. Are you coming in now?"

"There's no one in there. I'll go in and find her now."

Secretary Li looked at Gu Yiheng's tall figure and pinched herself. If she had known that she had gone to buy lottery yesterday, she would have seen how lucky she was.

just said casually, and the person who couldn't wake up for many days woke up directly. And he also appeared vividly in front of himself, looking at the look and movement. Which one looks like a patient?

Yaya was swearing on the phone, and finally hung up the phone. The more she thought about it, the more angry she became. Why are so many people without brains recently? Who said that they must do that now?

Don't know what is a work-in?

Yaya sat on the chair angrily. Because of gasping, her chest was heaving violently, and her little face was a little ruddy, and Gu Yiheng's heart was slightly hot.

Do you really love this little woman?

Feeling the two hot eyes on her body, the girl was slightly annoyed.

It's really bold. This is her office!

But when she looked up, Yaya's face immediately turned cloudy, and it was very sunny. "Honey, why are you here? Is..." is that over? Otherwise, I'm afraid Gu Yiheng won't make such a dignified appearance.

"Well, I'll pick you up for lunch."

The girl was happy, but she stared at Gu Yiheng anly, "What do you eat? I've been losing weight these days. I won't eat it." During this period, he took a lot of heart for his affairs. He couldn't eat well and sleep well, but he didn't say anything.

It's so difficult to give her an explanation. Will there be less meat?

"Well, it's all my fault, just think I'll accompany you, okay?" Gu Yiheng gently coaxed Yaya, with a sincere tone and focused and gentle eyes. "It was my fault some time ago. I'm sorry to worry you about my business."

"Well, as long as you know."

Although he went to eat this meal, Yaya made up his mind that he couldn't forgive him like this. It's important for husband and wife to be honest. How can he not tell himself about such a big thing?

It's good that he doesn't want to worry about himself.

But I didn't think about it from my own standpoint.

The wind and rain are not just words.

The car drove in the heart of the street, and Gu Yiheng looked at Yaya, "What do you want to eat?"

Yaya raised her eyebrows slightly, "KFC."

In the past, Gu Yiheng hated these so-called Western food the most. Unless it was necessary, he would rather be hungry than enter. Today, Yaya was embarrassed for him and directly raised her eyebrows at him, "I'm going to the Bund, the biggest one."

Gu Yiheng laughed, and his wife's anger has not subsided.

He nodded, "Okay, let's go to KFC." There is no need to think about what he doesn't like to eat and accompany his wife.

The latter is directly important!

The two went directly to KFC, which was the closest to the company. There were a lot of people. Yaya found an empty table by the window on the second floor. It was a table for four people. Yaya sat down and Gu Yiheng went to order.

Yaya sat here alone, and someone came over.

Her voice is very gentle. She is a woman with a child. "Hello, miss, are you alone? My daughter and I really can't find a seat. Can we sit here and share a table with you?"

Yaya raised her eyebrows and smiled, "You can do whatever you want."

The other party held a plate with good food, including French fries and Chinese pot. The other hand was holding a little girl, but two or three years old, with a pair of big eyes turning black, wearing a pink princess dress, which looked very cute.

Yaya looked at the girl putting the plate on the table, and she bent down to pick up the little girl on the ground and put it on the girl's side. "This is your daughter. She looks very cute."

The other party smiled and said, "Yes, I think it's cute too."

The mother and daughter are exactly the same, and their eyebrows are slender, giving people a jasper-like posture of the little daughter next door. Looking at the little girl in front of them, the girl can't help thinking of the daughter of the family. Will the little girl be so cute in two years?

Gu Yiheng came over from afar and smiled, "Wife, I ordered your favorite spicy chicken wings, as well as flavored chicken nuggets, and shrimp balls..." Gu Yiheng stopped here, looked at the other party, and frowned, "Why are you?"