Venomous Wolf

Chapter 39 Recuperation

Because it is very close to the foot of the mountain, the small village gives people the first feeling of hiding in the shadow of the towering peak. It looks quite hidden here, but it is very suitable for rest and healing. Wu Yang thought to himself, and his haggard face lit up unconsciously, as if he had seen hope. He carried the wolf on his back and accelerated his pace.

In the evening, the air in the village is pure and a little cool. Under the light ink night, several hazy lights reflect from the windows of the residents, making the village present a peaceful atmosphere of sunrise and sunset.

Wu Yang's footsteps shocked the dog of unknown family. Therefore, in the silence, a few dog barking suddenly came, which surprised the defenseless Wu Yang. He thought that a dog was rushing at him, and his eyes subconsciously swept around quickly. He found that there was no dog. He couldn't help laughing at how he became so timid?

"What's there to shout!" Wu Yang scolded in the direction of barking the dog, as if he was saving some face for his gaffe just now. After saying that, he said to himself, "Although Wu Yang is a killer, he is a caring animal protector. Otherwise, with my skills, even if I can't see you, I will make you disappear invisible." Wu Yang said, but his footsteps did not stop.

Soon, he came to the door of the innermost family in the village. The door was made of a fence, and the yard was also surrounded by a fence. The fence was wrapped with some beans and honeysuckle vines. In the development of more and more urbanization, this kind of unique pastoral farmyard has become more and less common.

However, the long flight behind the back of the wolf made Wu Yang have no time to enjoy this rare scenery. Although the fence door was closed, it was unlocked. Only a wooden stick was used to support it. Obviously, it was not people, but some beasts or something. Wu Yang reached into the gap in the fence, took the wooden stick aside, and then pushed it open the fence door and walked in.

The yard was not big, and some vegetables were planted. Seeing the vegetables, Wu Yang suddenly felt hungry and remembered that he and the wolf had not eaten for a day. After a few steps to the door, Wu Yang tentatively pushed the door. His years of killer career made him accustomed to being cautious about a strange place.

The door was bolted from the inside by the owner. Wu Yang pushed it twice and did not open it, but the door creaked under the push. Immediately, a question came out in the room: "Who?" As he asked, Wu Yang heard the footsteps coming to the door. Before he could answer, the door opened from the inside. Through the light in the room, Wu Yang saw the face of a simple middle-aged man about 50 years old and was looking at him with surprise.

"Uncle," Wu Yang smiled at the middle-aged man and said the draft he had made in his heart. "We came to the mountains to play, but my friend accidentally fell off the cliff," the wolf said, fingered the wolf on his back, and pretended to be a pitiful request. "I hope the uncle will take us in for a few days and we will recover from our injuries. We will leave, uncle's great kindness, we must remember it in our hearts and repay each other.

"What's the report? Come in quickly." The middle-aged man said enthusiastically and helped Wu Yang drag the wolf on his back. At this time, another middle-aged woman came out of the inner room with a very simple face and a gentle smile. It could be seen that she and the middle-aged man should be a couple.

The furnishings in the inner room are very simple, and there is almost no furniture except for a bed. At the bedside, Wu Yang put the wolf in **, and he sat down to ** all of a sudden. The middle-aged woman stepped forward and pulled the quilt to cover the wolf. Suddenly, she found that the wolf was covered with blood. She immediately exclaimed and stopped halfway with her hand holding the quilt. A trace of fear flashed on the middle-aged man's face, but it soon calmed down and immediately comforted the middle-aged woman, "Don't be afraid! I'll clean it up for him and it'll be fine."

Wu Yang hurriedly apologized, "I'm so sorry that my aunt was shocked."

The middle-aged woman stabilized and asked worriedly, "Is he seriously injured? Won't you die?"

"No." Wu Yang said in a light tone, "He is just a skin injury. He will definitely recover for a few days."

"Hmm! His heart is still beating. The middle-aged man touched the position of the wolf's heart with his hand, said with relief, and ordered the middle-aged woman to boil some hot water to wipe the blood stains for the wolf. The middle-aged woman answered and turned around and walked outside.

"Oh, aunt, what," Wuyang said shyly to the middle-aged woman, "Can you cook some food for me by the way? I'm starving to death."

"Okay! It will be ready soon." The middle-aged woman said kindly. During the waiting time, although Wu Yang was so hungry, he couldn't help asking the middle-aged man, where is this small village located? What's your uncle and sister-in-law's surname? What kind of uncle does he do? He kept nagging questions. When the middle-aged woman came in with a basin of hot water, Wu Yang already knew that the middle-aged man's name was Yue Cheng, and the middle-aged woman was Yue Cheng's wife, Qiu Xin.

Qiu Xin put the hot water basin in front of the bed and got up and went out again. When he came in again, Wu Yang smelled a smell of food. Qiu Xin held a plate of stir-fried dishes in one hand and a bowl of rice in the other.

"Aun aunt, you are so kind!" Wu Yang opened his eyebrows and smiled, took the rice and dishes from Qiu Xin, put them in **, and devoured them.

Yue Cheng took a look at Wu Yang's eating appearance and smiled generously. Wet the towel in hot water, then unscrew it, then untie the wolf's clothes and help him wipe off the blood stains on his body. Qiu Xin seemed to have lingering palpitation for blood. Looking aside, his face could not hide his paleness.

Wu Yang only lowered his head and swept the remnants of the clouds to destroy the food. Suddenly, he heard Yue Cheng's low "huh" scream. Wu Yang quickly looked up. Qiu Xin obviously heard Yue Cheng's scream and also looked over. Seeing Yue Cheng staring at the wolf's chest, Wu Yang took a closer look. It turned out that there was a light red mole on the wolf's chest. The mole was the size of rice and shaped like a sword. If you don't look closely, it is not very obvious.

"What's wrong?" Qiu Xin asked carefully and looked forward at the wolf's chest. When she saw the mole, she was also excited, and then rushed to the bed and looked at the wolf in a coma with complicated eyes.

Wu Yang looked at the two people puzzledly, suddenly patted their foreheads, and suddenly shouted, "Hey! Look at you, isn't the wolf your son?"

"Why do you say that?" Yue Cheng and Qiu Xin asked almost at the same time.

"Because this is said in film and television dramas and many novels! When someone sees that the protagonist has a special mole or birthmark, which may be an ornament or something, there is no need to ask, the protagonist is sure that he must be the person's son. What's more, Wolf happened to be an orphan since he was a child. According to what is written in the novel, Wolf was abducted, or you lost him carelessly. Am I right?" As soon as Wu Yang opened his mouth, his words were endless like a flood, and there was no hindrance at all.

When Yue Cheng and Qiu Xin listened, their eyes never left the wolf. After listening to Wu Yang's words, the two looked at each other. Yue Cheng said lightly, "We don't have children at all. I'm just surprised that his mole is more special."

Wu Yang looked at the two in disbelief, and his mind still stayed in the passages of some novels. He learned the words in the novel and asked, "You don't want to admit that Wolf is your son. Is there any pain?"

Yue Cheng shook his head and said affirmatively, "We are ordinary villagers. What can we do? I wish I had a son."

Wu Yang felt that what Yue Cheng said was really reasonable, so he said regretfully, "It's a pity that the wolf can't catch up with such a coincidence?" After saying that, Wu Yang's interest turned to dinner again.

A Wolf was unconscious until Yue Cheng wiped his blood and then covered him with a quilt. He was not aware of it at all. After eating, Wu Yang suddenly thought that although the wolf was asleep, he also needed to replenish his physical strength, which would be beneficial to his physical recovery. Therefore, Wu Yang brazenly asked Qiu Xin to make some food for the wolf. In fact, there is no need to say that Qiu Xin is already doing it. After a while, a bowl of fragrant millet porridge was brought to the wolf.

Wu Yang thanked him repeatedly and watched Qiu Xin gently feed a spoonful of rice porridge into the wolf's mouth, looking like a mother treating her child.

Time passed quietly in Alang's coma, but it did not feel slow. Unconsciously, it has been ten days since Wu Yang and Alang lived at Yue Cheng's house.

Yue Cheng and his wife treated them very well. Wu Yang was slightly injured and recovered in a few days. A Lang used amputation technique when fighting with Tianqing, and the trauma was very serious. It was not until the third day that he woke up from a coma.

"Wolf boss, you finally woke up!" Wu Yang shouted in surprise when he saw the moment when the wolf opened his eyes. He is really surprised. In addition to recuperating every day, he hopes that the wolf will recover as soon as possible. Therefore, he often sits next to the wolf, hoping that the wolf can find it as soon as he wakes up.

A Wolf saw Wu Yang, "Oh" and moved his arm before asking Wu Yang, "You saved me?" After saying that, he wanted to sit up, but immediately felt a sharp pain. It seemed that the previous injury had not recovered.

Wu Yang quickly pressed the wolf and blamed him, "My legs on your back were about to break, and my lungs were about to burst, so I rescued you. Couldn't you please take care of it completely before moving?"

"Oh!" A Lang said, but his tone was a little touching. Suddenly, he said anxiously, "I don't know what happened to Zhang Qian?"

"You can rest assured about this. I dare to use my personality to guarantee that Zhang Qian won't be fine." After saying that, Wu Yang analyzed, "As long as they don't get the potion from you, they won't do anything to Zhang Qian."

"Alas!" A Lang sighed, "But that Tianqing said that someone in Genesis fell in her."

"Haha, so you're worried about this!" Wu Yang smiled and said, "No wonder Zhang Qian is such a lovely girl that anyone will like her. As the saying goes, a fair lady, a gentleman is good, except for me, Wu Yang." Wu Yang only cared about what he said endlessly, but he didn't notice that the wolf's face was already dim.

"But then again," Wu Yang continued, "so that Zhang Qian will not be in danger. The person who like him will not help protecting her."

"No! I'm going to save Zhang Qian." Wolf said coldly and struggled to sit up, but felt dizzy and fainted again.

"Hey! Wolf boss!" Wu Yang called and saw that the wolf did not respond. He sighed sadly, "What is the love in the world? It's just life and death!" After Wu Yang finished speaking, a butterfly suddenly appeared in his mind.