Venomous Wolf

Chapter 77 Ask the Sky

Who is bloodthirsty? Of course, it's your master, son of man. Did you forget your book so soon?" The smiling old man didn't want to think about it and blurted out directly. It felt like a wolf asking a very stupid question.

Master? Do you mean old bastard? Wolf felt that things were getting more and more complicated. In the past, he also doubted the identity of the old bastard, but the other party never mentioned it, and he was busy with all kinds of perverted training every day, and he had no time to pay special attention to it. Now listening to the old man opposite tell the identity of the old bastard, even if he is indifferent by nature, he can't help but be curious about the people who raised himself since childhood.


"Kid, how can you say that about your master?" The smiling old man stretched out his hand and knocked on the wolf's head. The boy was so ignorant that he didn't even respect the master who raised him. If it weren't for his weakness, I would really like to pull him up and beat him up.

"Oh!" The old man knocked on the head, and the wolf did not react excessively. Although he knows that the other party has misunderstood, he is not disrespecting the so-called master, but he has always called himself an "old bastard", and he has been used to it for so many years. Moreover, he doesn't know his name at all. What's his name?

"Forget, it's different from you. Do you know why we want to save you? Cough... Well, I've decided to ask you, boy, it's another 'oh'. I still want to live a few more years!" Obviously, the smiling old man is already afraid of the wolf's unique way of speaking, and it's good to say less to him.

The old man no longer paid attention to the wolf's reaction and stood up gently from the chair. The smile on his face that had been hanging since he entered the room had already faded, followed by a faint sadness. The old man slowly walked to the window, turned his back to the wolf, and slowly told a dusty past for many years...

"In those years, our two brothers did not achieve great martial arts, but they were just two ordinary members of the Dragon Group of the National Security Bureau, hey...

I remember that the dragon group was just established at that time, but it was already full of talents! Various families, various births and hidden sects have sent their own proud people or disciples to join the newly established organizations in this country. At that time, their ideas were very simple. If the country wanted to take off and the nation wanted to rise, they must contribute their own strength. The so-called rise and fall of the world is responsible for it. Hey hey... It can be said that the people who joined the dragon group at that time all held the heart of boxing to serve the country.

Because of this, the chairman gave the organization huge power to express his gratitude, so that the newly established organization was directly appointed by the top leader of the country and above all departments. To put it badly, as long as the people of the dragon group come out to handle the case, all departments of the state must cooperate unconditionally. Except for not being able to dispatch troops, all resources from other countries can be used.

By the saying, the first person in charge of the dragon group was Xiang Wentian, a disciple of Shaolin, who was only about 30 years old. This person is not only skillful and the first in the dragon group, but also has both virtue and virtue. Think about it, at that time, the dragon group was just established, and the person who could be sent to serve by the family or sect was not the one with superior eyes and superior strength? But even so, everyone is still very convinced of Xiang Wentian and voluntarily follows him as the boss.

It's really amazing to say this. That is to say, in the YN war, which just passed, he was only a sharp knife company commander of a main attack unit of Z country at that time. When he led the troops to seize a strategic stronghold with the M* army, because the intelligence was intercepted by the other party, the whole company he led was besieged in a small valley, and the whole army was about to be destroyed. At that time, their company as an advance team was of great significance to the whole army.

At that time, the main force did not know that the information had been leaked. If they could not spread the news in time, the main force would repeat the same mistake and continue to step into the trap of the M army.

Just when the situation was so urgent that the lives of the whole company were on the line, Xiang Wentian did an amazing move that no one could think of.

That night, Xiang Wentian lurked into the M military camp alone. With a dagger in his hand, he slaughtered a total of 1,500 people from the other three battalions overnight. It was not until he killed the last enemy that there was a gunshot in the M military camp.

In the morning, when Xiang Wentian dragged his tired body soaked with blood back to the company, everyone could hardly recognize him. The company commander, who had always been strong, was so embarrassed that his military uniform was fragmented, and his young face was covered with dry blood stains, as if he had put on a mask made of blood.

Just as everyone took off Xiang Wentian's clothes and wanted to wash it, a group of people couldn't stop falling into hot tears. At this time, Xiang Wentian's whole body was full of knife marks and bruises from blunt devices. The dense wound like spider silk covered every inch of his whole body, with The scar has become scab, but more scars can't stop bleeding out.

Seeing everyone's sad expression, Xiang Tian comforted him with a smile: 'It's okay, hehe... I met an old M... a special... company, otherwise I... how could I be hurt by those stupid bears? Ha ha... it's all... it's all skin trauma...'

Hey... How heroic is this? Needless to say, due to Xiang Wentian's personal heroic behavior, the already desperate mission was miraculously completed, and the subsequent main force also avoided a big casualty due to the timely transmission of their intelligence.

Later, the supreme commander stationed in Y personally awarded Xiang Wentian the Medal of Honor. I remember that at that time, when Xiang came to the stage to receive the award, his whole body was tied like a mummy. Ha ha, it's ridiculous now!

After that, as a country successively developed nuclear bombs, the world entered a superficial peace. However, the world has not really calmed down because of this. The struggle between major states has never stopped, but the battle has shifted from the open battle to the dark.

Because countries start early, especially some countries in Europe, they all have their own secret organizations. And the whole country of Z has been fragmented because of the devastation of more than ten years. After the country is back on track, many aspects are waiting to be revived. Therefore, in the secret confrontation with foreign countries, it is always frustrated due to the lack of professional talents in all aspects, especially that Country Z does not have its own special organization. At that time, Z Huadi was simply defenseless for foreign countries, such as ninjas of small R people, knights of Y country, genetic warriors of M country, etc. Anyone can come to China to arbitrarily obtain intelligence, assassinate dignitaries, destroy major national projects, etc.

In that situation, the central government realized the seriousness of the problem. If the trend continues, what secrets and dignity are there in this country? Imagine that you have worked hard to research a project nationwide, but immediately, you will find that the project you have developed has detailed information in many other countries, and it is more complete than you have mastered. The most terrible thing is that even some important researchers will die inexplicably. If you go on like this How can the country make progress?

Therefore, the leaders at that time proposed to form their own unique organization, a secret force with the characteristics of Z country, so that the ancient people that have been passed down for thousands of years will no longer suffer mute losses.

Xiang Wentian, who has the dual status of military and martial arts, is undoubtedly designated as the person in charge.

Facing the expectations of his superiors, Xiang Wentian, who was already a major general at that time, did not refuse. The day after receiving the secret order, he took two servicemen to the capital alone. With the full support of the country, a high-quality secret agent force was formed in less than two months. This organization is now famous all over the world - the dragon group. Hey hey, at that time, the dragon group was all composed of ancient warriors. At that time, there were no power.

Since the establishment of the Dragon Group, Boss Xiang did not disappoint the country. In that year, he led his men to fight ninjas, fight genetics, and kill the Knights Corps... With our Z Huayuan, he was not inferior to foreign ancient martial arts, which greatly attacked the arrogance of those foreign secret organizations.

Not only that, they also went abroad and secretly protected many patriotic researchers to return home. Professor QXS personally escorted people back to China to the boss, hey... Since then, those secret personnel abroad no longer dare to step into Country Z as easily as before, let alone destroy China's important scientific research projects at will.

Oh... Thinking of that exciting era, I can't stop being excited now..."

Recalling this, the smiling old man paused and his breathing became rapid. I guess it was psychological excitement that made him unable to talk any more. After about two or three minutes of calming down, the old man's breathing returned to normal, and then his vicissitudes sounded again...

"If there were no powers that appeared later, hey, then I'm afraid things won't be what it is today...

Just as everything was on the right track and the country was booming, the dragon group welcomed a new member. This person is the first in the organization and the only one.

In fact, many places in China had found many different existences from ordinary people at that time, but because people were relatively ignorant at that time, they often couldn't help but put them in a mental hospital when they met such people. To put it bluntly, it is just that there is no precedent. At that time, Z country strongly advocated atheism for fear that those powers were ominous, so they couldn't wait to deal with it roughly.

And those who have just awakened have not undergone systematic and professional targeted training at the beginning, and their strength is not strong. Moreover, while they find themselves different from ordinary people, they will instinctively feel that they are monsters and panic. For various reasons, these lives that should belong to the precious resources of the country have been buried.

But if it is gold, even if it is temporarily buried, there will always be a day when the lead will be washed away.

The turnaround of things came from Xiang Wentian.

Xiang Wentian once met a genetic warrior of country M in XZ. This genetic person secretly sneaked into country Z to contact the local Z independent.

There was nothing to say. With his skills, it was easy to take down the other party.

But after fighting with Xiang Wentian for a long time, he found that the other party is not an ordinary genetically modified warrior. He not only has all the characteristics of a genetic warrior, such as fast speed, high body cell regeneration ability, strong muscle tissue, etc., but also can control the soil within a radius of 10 meters.

Although he felt abrupt when he encountered such a magical method, Xiang Wentian, who was so powerful, finally killed the other party. Of course, he was also injured.