Venomous Wolf

Chapter 99 About 10 Tricks 2

"Zombies, get out with your useless brothers!" Ignoring the fighting spirit of Alang and being locked by the other party's air, Hao San said calmly to the zombies standing not far away.

"Unfathomable, I can still be calm after the air machine is locked by me. It seems that I must do my best not to give him a chance to return." Wolf's eyes were like torches. Originally, he deliberately exuded a strong sense of war, just to put pressure on Hao San, but the other party taught him a lesson like nothing. It seems that these ten moves will not be as easy as imagined.

"Ha ha, I'm sorry, Brother Wolf, we must remove some obstacles before the hand has been fought. Ha, it's all right now. No one is disturbing. Are you ready?" Hao San said lightly, with the intention of killing the spirit of the wolf in the war.

He reached out and held the glasses on the bridge of his nose. A pale face showed a trace of blush, but it was not ordinary people's white and red, but red and white, which looked very strange.

"Anytime!" A Lang stood still, and his dark eyes burst out. He carefully paid attention to Hao San and did not let go of any of his subtle movements. He knew that since the blush on the other party's face, he had been secretly prepared, but he just pretended to be ordinary on his face.

There is no basis for this. It is purely the intuition of the wolf. It is the intuition that he has exercised after countless battles and hundreds of times on the edge of life and death.

Wolf never doubts his intuition.

"Ha, then I will..." Nothing. He didn't continue to say anything, but saw Hao San casually raise his hand to straighten the skirt of his suit, showing incomparable self-confidence and extreme conceit that he did not pay attention to his opponent.

Suddenly, Hao San crossed his hands and his legs curved. His whole body rushed towards the wolf like an arrow. On the way, his hands kept making all kinds of strange gestures. As he completed his strange postures one by one, there were crackling sonouns around him.

"Hmm!" Wolf snorted coldly and saw that the other party was coming fiercely, and his movements were even more strange, but he did not panic at all. From the beginning, he noticed the other party's every move. Although he did not feel any pressure from Hao San, he instinctively put the other party in a high position. When the other party crossed his hands and attacked him like an arrow, the wolf was already ready to go.

He raised his hands like lightning and turned his hands into claws. Wolf did not advance but retreated. Facing Hao's thunderous attack, he kicked the ground with one foot, and a deep footprint appeared on the solid bar floor with a "bang".

It came out as fast as a river bursting its claws. Before the brain could react, it broke up and leaned into its lower abdomen and throat. The wolf's claws were fierce, and the speed was about to break through the speed of sound. From the two claws, there was a sharp sound around the body, which was scratched fingertips rubbing against the air to produce the sound effect.

The next second, the four-handed handover is exactly the wolf's lower abdomen and throat. Just now, as long as he slows down for a few seconds, it will inevitably end up with a broken intestines.

Wolf's ten fingers were tightly fastened, intending to lock Hao San's hands. Unexpectedly, the other party's hands turned into fingers, just pointing to the palms of his paws.

Suddenly, the wolf only felt that his hands were struck by lightning, and his arms were sore and numb. Not to mention locking Hao San's hands, it was difficult to keep his claws.

Hao Sanzhi was unforgiving. Seeing his two fingers, his hands separated from the wolf's claws like a slippery loach, and his fingertips made an uncomfortable sound like a sharp object rubbing glass, and took the wolf's eyes straight.

Wolf was the first to lose a move, and his arms were abnormally sore. Seeing the other party's powerful fingering, it was too late to avoid it. In a hurry, his arms bent and blocked the other party's two fingers with his elbows.

"Childish!" Hao San smiled, as if he was very unconverted to Alang's behavior. Seeing the lightning, he changed his finger to a fist, and his two punches took Wanjun's strength to fight for the two elbows from the front.


Two loud noises followed the two of them falling back and retreating.

The wolf involuntarily retreated more than ten steps before stopping. Wherever he passed, the hard cement floor left a series of regular and profound footprints.

In contrast, Hao San took only two or three steps back, and then looked like a man with his hands behind his back, but the red tide on his pale face had faded, showing a more pale and more frightening pale than before. But the ground under his feet was neat and smooth, and he did not step on his footprints like the wolf.

A Wolf left a series of footprints that seemed to be powerful and shocking, but in fact, he could not stand Hao San's strength. Using his body as a medium, he introduced the force from the other party's attack to the ground to form such an effect.

Hao San is obviously not only superior in skill. He not only accepted A Lang's strength, but also seemed to be very relaxed.

"Haha, happy, but I seem to have made a mistake. You are more powerful than I thought. Ha, no one has ever picked me up without getting hurt. With this, Brother Wolf, you are proud enough, haha!" Habitually holding the frame on his face, Hao San laughed for a burst of time.

"Hmm! No one has ever been hit hard by me and can survive. A wolf felt a burst of blood rolling in his body, but the words in his mouth were not inferior. He knew that the other party wanted to deliberately disintegrate his mind, so that he could leave an invincible mark in his heart. As long as he had a discouraged idea, there was no need to fight this battle.

"I didn't expect the ideas to be so hard, and my mood was as solid as a rock. The damn group of intelligence group grew up eating shit. They said that he couldn't even beat Tianqing. I think it's strange that Tianqing was not beaten by him all over the ground." Hao San thought to himself that he had just made a short fight with Wolf. He seemed to win easily, but in fact, only he knew that he had used eight points of strength. Originally, he thought it was very easy to knock down the other party, but he didn't expect that he didn't know until he really fought. The other party was not only strong, but also not even faster. How slow are you?

In the final analysis, he still didn't grasp his own intelligence well and mistakenly used the Wolf's previous strength to measure him now. However, he did not know that he had grown to such a smart level.

"Brother Wolf, I just passed a move. Are you confident that you can stop me? Ha!" Seeing the wolf gasping slightly, Hao San did not let go of any opportunity to hit him.

"Hey, white-faced boy, my master is awesome. Didn't you see that he stepped on the ground? It's up to you. How long have you been playing? What's the white face like?" Sally didn't see the reason for the relationship just now, mainly because the two moved too fast. When the two separated, she only saw the wolf stepping on many deep concave footprints on the ground, coupled with preconceived elements. She intuitively thought that the wolf was powerful, and she felt very sarcasm about Hao San.

"Ha, beautiful Miss Sally, do you really think the Wolf Brothers can survive Hao's ten moves? No, I only used 20% of my strength just now, ha..." Hao San was full of smile and his tone was very gentle. He just wanted to try not to offend Sally, and the conceited expression he had just been replaced by a touch of tenderness. It's hard to imagine that a man can change his face like a book. If he is allowed to act, I guess he is the best actor.

"Are you all right, Wolf..." Xu Fen approached Wolf and asked with a concerned face.

"It's okay. It's useless to say more. Hao San, do you still fight or not?" He replied faintly, and then looked up at Hao San. As expected, although this man was strong, he had not reached a terrible point. If he was still in the state before the competition with Tianqing, then he could not resist even one move, not to mention ten moves. But now, hum, it would not be so easy for him to beat himself.

"The poisonous wolf is a poisonous wolf. Even if you know it's death, don't move forward. Ha, Brother Wolf, don't blame me for not reminding you. If you fight again, I can't guarantee your life or death." In the face of Wolf's cry, Hao San sneered. The speed of this man's growth was too amazing. In time, it was estimated that he was not even his opponent. It seemed that he would have to do his best and kill him.

"Killing? Does he want to kill me? Wolf's heart tightened and felt the faint murderous atmosphere emanating from Hao San's body. Although it was very weak, his five senses were twice that of ordinary people, so he felt it at the first time.

Maybe even Hao San himself did not expect that a trace of murderousness when he had the idea of murder would be felt by the other party, but even if he knew it, he would not mind. He had made up his mind to kill the wolf with all his strength later.

"I have taken the lead just now. You can make a move!" Hao San's performance is very large.

"Oh!" At the sound, A Lang stepped forward quickly and tried his best to maximize his speed.

But in the blink of an eye, A Lang had approached Hao San. He clenched his fist and directly hit the other party's chest with a straight fist, which was extremely simple.

Wolf knows that the simplest is the most effective, and no move is fast and powerful without a straight punch.

Hao Sanchu sneered at the corners of his mouth, thinking that the other party's donkey was exhausted and even used the fighting moves of ordinary people, but when the punch became closer and closer, his expression suddenly froze. This simple punch seemed to contain supreme principles, blocking all his subsequent changes. He only felt that no matter how he dealt with it, he could not be separated from the range of the other party's fist. There was no other way but to punch harden him.

Hao Sanzhi hated his gums so much that he also punched and met the wolf's simple and direct fist at a super speed.

A sharp light flashed from the corners of the wolf's eyes, and he had already calculated that the other party would respond in this way.

As the two fists approached, the wolf's lightning moved sideways, turned his fist into claws with one hand, brushed Hao Sanquan's face, and his body jumped aside and attacked the opponent's lower yin at an impossible angle.

An incredible expression flashed in Hao San's eyes. The other party could punch with all his strength. When he used his strength to change his old enemy, not to mention that he controlled the operation route of qi and blood in his body, how could his arm muscles stand it?

But he didn't know that after A Lang got the true energy of Xiao Ming, not only greatly enhanced his strength, but also the flexibility of the muscle tissue was far more comparable, so he could do many actions that others thought were incredible.

Feeling the strong legs of Alang, Hao San is not afraid of danger. Since his debut, he has rarely talked about hundreds of battles, and has encountered dozens of more dangerous scenes than the current situation. At this critical moment, he jumped up with his feet and jumped up, just avoiding the wolf's sinister leg.

Seeing that Hao and the three of them were in mid-air and lost their borrowing power, A Lang was unwilling to let go of this good opportunity, so he tried his best to grab the other party's ankle. As long as the other party's ankle was locked, he was fully sure that he would hurt the other party at the moment of bending down and attack, or kill the other party.

"Hmm!" Hao San shouted, and his legs kicked the two hands grasped by Wolf in the air, and jumped up by the moment of contact with each other's hands.

The wolf is extremely fast, and his hands wave their claws like a windmill, and follow Hao's tripod like a metatarsal maggot.

Although Hao San was in mid-air, his eyesight was very accurate. His legs were kicked out in series. Whenever Alang's claws approached, his toes could always reach the right point at the other party's fingertips. When the other party wanted to grasp the real time, he almost jumped away.

In just over ten seconds, Wolf and Hao three have exchanged dozens of moves, and the sneer in the air is endless, which makes Xu Fei and Sally, who are watching the battle around, amazed.