Venomous Wolf

Chapter 131 Enemy Reunion

No wonder there was no chaser for a period of time when he drove first. It turned out that it took time to arrange. Although he didn't look back, A Lang felt a familiar figure from the vehicle chasing behind him - Li Tiejun, the man who hated himself so much because of Xu Fen.

I didn't expect that Snow Wolf did not call ordinary police, but an army, or an army led by Li Tiejun himself.

"Damn, Brother Wolf, this fun is a big deal. I didn't expect it to be the army, hey..." The big scene did not scare Wu Yang, and there was still a very embarrassing smile on his face.

Ah? Are we... dead this time?" Even if she has seen a dead person, after all, she has never killed anyone, and because of a woman, Lin Meina is not as relaxed as Wuyang at all, and her words reveal an inexplicable fear.

"It's very possible." The faint words are an answer. Wolf has no intention of comforting him. In the face of such a big battle, no one dares to say that he will live unless he is a fairy.


turned another corner. Although the body was also bumped, the people in the car did not complain anymore this time, but silently endured it. Lin Meina even hoped that the Wolf could hurry up, although the speed of the Land Rover had been played to the extreme at this moment, and the following motorcade was also dragged away.

"Brother Wolf, something's wrong. Why didn't they shoot directly?" After a long time, Wu Yang rubbed the painful scalp. Although the following teams always kept a certain distance and had a tendency to lose, he did not believe that things would end so simply.

"Wait, they are waiting." In a simple answer, Wolf has found Li Tiejun's mind without any thinking.

"How do you know? They have so many people. What else do they need to wait for? Lin Meina is not as eye-catching as the wolf, and the wolf deliberately cut off half of her speech, so that people only know it and don't know why.

"Ha ha, you don't understand this, do you? Look around? Although they don't know what means they used to drive away no pedestrians and vehicles on the street, people and cars can be removed, but buildings can't be moved. If they do it here, it will inevitably cause great damage. After all, GZ is at least an international metropolis. If the matter is big, it will not have an impact on the official OK," Wu Yang was kind and explained everything carefully to Lin Meina, and I'm afraid he was the only one in the world who could understand the meaning of the wolf.

So they want to wait until they get on the highway? I have been here, and there is no branch road next to me. At the end, I will go straight to the highway... And..." After receiving Wu Yang's words, Lin Meina understood, but after understanding it, she was even more afraid. "Moreover, if I think it's good, we will get on the highway soon. What should we do?"

After all, it is a woman. The usual small scenes can survive with the complex experience of life, but when they really encounter such a big scene, they still panic.

Maybe Lin Meina is not afraid of death, but waiting for a period of time before death is the real reason why he is afraid.

"Oh... There's nothing we can do. Just get on the highway. If they want to chase us, we have to escape." Wu Yang still looks indifferent. Anyway, he doesn't even have a gun on him now, and he can't do anything even if he wants to fight back.

"Brother Wolf, do you have a gun on your body?" Suddenly realized that the wolf had been fighting with the snow wolf and might have grabbed the gun. Wu Yang asked with a glimmer of hope.

"No." A wolf really didn't have it. A gun that was originally robbed was also shot into pieces when resisting Wang Gang's bullet.

At that time, he deliberately moved the gun to three inches below the Adam's apple. The idea was to harden the bullet with the hardness of the gun itself and the thickness of the bulletproof vest, otherwise maybe the wolf might be dead now.

During the time when several people spoke, the car had driven not far from the toll station. As long as they crossed the toll station, they would officially enter the highway.

Without hesitation, although there was a long row of roadblocks in front of the toll station at this moment, the wolf stepped on the accelerator, and the Land Rover body roared and drove straight towards the roadblock.


The off-road body is really strong, but the long iron bars in front of the toll station are knocked into the sky and fly high. Of course, a deep dent in the front of the car will inevitably appear.

"Damn, they caught up." Wu Yang finally restrained his smiling face, and his tone became a little more serious.

"What should we do?" Lin Meina seemed more anxious. She obviously had no experience of being chased by the army.

"There is no choice but to speed up the car." In a cold answer, A Lang could not see any panic. He only stepped on the accelerator, but did not know that a good off-road vehicle was driven by him as a sports car. The rising speed pointer and the unbearable "wail" sound from the engine all foreshadowed that the car had reached its limit. No matter how fast it was, it would only There is a waste of time.


The long-lost gunfire finally came from behind. First, there was a sound like fried beans, followed by a series of dense gunshots of rain hitting bananas, and a net of bullets intertwined by machine guns. I'm afraid that mosquitoes can't escape their lives.

The car body was constantly hit by fast bullets. Some weak areas were penetrated by bullets, making the three people in the car have to move left and right to avoid the attack of bullets.

And Wu Yang had already climbed from the co-pilot's seat to the back seat. If it hadn't been for his help, Lin Meina himself would have died for a long time.

"Damn, Brother Wolf, it's not a way to go on like this. Think of a way." At the critical moment of life and death, Wu Yang could no longer put on that indifferent expression on his face and said to Wolf in a hurry.

"You drive the car," the wolf roared in a low voice and avoided a bullet that penetrated the rear of the car. "I want to fight back."

did not ask the wolf how to fight back. Wu Yang braved the bullets that flew from time to time and quickly exchanged a position with the wolf.

Driven by Wuyang, the speed of the car can't help but decrease a little. Although he also learns from the wolf accelerator to the end, the car is like knowing the owner. How can he speed up? He always can't catch up with the speed when Alang drove earlier, which makes him sigh. This is really a monster. Even the car listens to him.

Press Lin Meina's body as low as possible with one hand, making her whole body almost close to the bottom of the car. Wolf said calmly to Wu Yang, "Lower the speed of the car by one gear."

"A? Boss, aren't you looking for death?" He seemed to say something protesting, but what he did was what the wolf ordered.

Although the car is still driving at a speed of nearly 200 yards, it is much slower than before. The consequence of slowing down the speed is that the car behind it is getting closer and closer, and the bullets hitting the Land Rover body are getting more and more dense.

"No matter what happens, keep climbing under the car and don't move, do you understand?" Squatting beside Lin Meina with bent legs, the wolf whispered.

"Hmm." Sure enough, as Alang ordered, Lin Meina lay motionless. Although she was still scared, somehow, when she heard the man's words, she seemed to have gained great courage, which made her involuntarily believe that Wolf would not lie to her, let alone harm her.

Looking for a gap, A Lang looked at the car behind him, then turned his eyes and said to the front, "Wu Yang, lower another gear."

Ah? Brother Wolf, do you really want to die? If we lower the speed, we will hang up..."

"Don't talk nonsense." The bullets were getting worse and worse, and several of them even flew by rubbing their bodies. Wolf didn't have time to explain everything to Wu Yang.

Wu Yang was also bold. He stepped on the clutch and forced himself to descend, while the pointer on the tachometer shifted rapidly to the left because of his not-large action.

"Maybe you are playing a big game of chess, but since you are a brother, I will play with you..." He thought to himself. When the speed slowed down, Wu Yang smiled bitterly.

He is ready to be penetrated by bullets at any time.

Irrelying Wu Yang's thoughts, A Lang grasped the short opportunity and waved his hand back fiercely.


As the wolf waved his hand, several black spots flew towards the first car that followed at an unrecognizable speed. The next second, the camouflage warrior who stood on the jeep and shot with a machine gun fell down...

Li Tiejun, who was sitting on the co-pilot, was terrified when he saw this scene. Earlier, I got reliable information to prove that the other party had no weapons. I thought it should be very safe to pursue this time, but I never thought that this damn wolf used the warhead fired by his side as a hidden weapon. What's more, he didn't expect that he could shoot so accurately in a high-speed car.

"Speed up and follow him. I'm going to kill him with my own hands." Li Tiejun was also cruel to the only driver beside him.

"Don't you know how to shoot a hidden weapon? I'll let you shoot enough. Humph, let's see if the speed of shooting the hidden weapon is faster than the gun in my hand. After all, Li Tiejun is also a "practice". He was not scared by the wolf's tricks, but aroused the fierceness in his chest.