Venomous Wolf

Chapter 148 Fierce Battle in the Forest

"Flying Eagle!"

Fly Eagle's face jumped. I don't know if this crazy man who doesn't play cards according to common sense is ready to go crazy. With his eyesight, he can naturally see that Wolf has just entered a situation of going crazy, just because he can see that his heart is even more panicked.

Stopping ten meters away from the flying eagle, the wolf looked at each other coldly and said in a gentle tone, "Is your words credible?"

"Damn, this damn son of a bitch," his heart cursed, and the stone hanging on the flying eagle finally fell to the ground. Although the boy in front of him is now very white and scary, at least his mind has returned to normal, so that he will not do anything stupid as a madman.

"Ky, although I am regarded as conscienceless by the world, I never tell lies." I don't know when the already drunk red wine glass in the flying eagle's hand was injected with a new bright red**, shaking the goblet of only three-quarters of the red wine, and the flying eagle's expression returned to its previous kindness.

The so-called barefoot is not afraid to wear shoes. Awolf is obviously the barefoot. He, the old man who wears the most expensive shoes in the world, can't afford to touch the mold.

"Where has Zhang Qian gone?" The pupils that had not completely faded their blood stared at the flying eagle, staring at his only remaining one eye. Although his eyes were sharp, he still couldn't see anything from the old fox's eyes.

"Ha ha... Men when they were young, especially men with a little ability, always think they are affectionate. In fact, they don't know that women are floating clouds..." After taking a sip of red wine, the flying eagle made a look of emotion, and then said, "Well, it's okay to tell you. Zhang Qian has already gone abroad. In the second month when she came to us, the teacher personally sent the message asking us to send people to the headquarters. Hey hey, so if you want to see her, you are afraid you have to go to Europe by yourself..."

Europe? Headquarters? Master?"

Several words flashed in the wolf's mind in an instant. It was not the first time that the wolf heard of the creator who saw no end of the dragon. He had also heard of it in the old man Xiaoming's mouth before. It can be said that he was a legendary figure, which seemed to be more remote than the eagle taking off.

"What does he want Zhang Qian to do in Europe?" After saying that, A Lang knew that this problem was stupid. Since it was the will of the Creator, who knows the real reason?

Sure enough, the flying eagle's answer immediately confirmed the idea in his heart, "Who knows what the master thinks? Also, boy, don't take an inch. Don't ask me where the European headquarters of Genesis is. It's useless to ask. It's not that I don't tell you, but that I don't know. Believe it or not.

Looking deeply at the flying eagle, the old fox had a faint smile on his face. An old man like him, who has been precipitated over the years and is almost perfect. If he is still happy and angry in his appearance, he will have a ghost. If he can really see something from his face, it is even more suspicious.

"You can leave. In terms of Xiang Wentian's face, I won't make it difficult for you today." The hand holding the wine glass made a gesture of invitation outside the hall, and the flying eagle said with a faint smile.

"Let's go." Without debunking the hypocrisy and toughness of the flying eagle, let alone continuing to dwell on the European headquarters of Genesis or the mysterious master, A Lang greeted Wu Yang beside him and walked straight out of the hall.

Flying Eagle has been standing still watching the two wolf disappear in the hall, with a faint smile on their faces and without saying anything, but just taking a sip of the glass of red wine in his hand that seems to be endless.

"Old Eagle, is it so cheap for the two of them?" I don't know when Xiaowei, a thick and straight middle-aged man, has appeared beside the flying eagle, always standing upright and always humble.

"Ha ha, Xiaowei, do you think this young man looks like this?" Without answering Xiaowei's questions, Flying Eagle adheres to its consistent habit and always confuses the asked questions.

The middle-aged man Xiaowei was shocked and followed the old man for decades, but the old man's character has never been touched. Just like now, he tried his best to invite the two and watched each other leave so easily. He really didn't know what medicine he was selling in his gourd.

"Wonderful, courageous and resourceful, indeed rare talents." Straighten his body, Xiaowei tried his best to have a flat tone without a trace of personal emotion.

"What about those little guys than Tianqing?" The old eagle's voice is still not slow.

"It seems to be better."

"Xiaowei, you have been with me for so many years, why are you still the same? It's not just that it's better. I'm afraid that the sword group you taught can't even catch up with the horse. Do you think it? Do you dare to speak rudely to me?" He frowned slightly, and there was a trace of hidden unhappiness on the flying eagle's face.

"Yes, yes, you are always right. Your subordinates are too ignorant." Although he did not see the expression on Feiying's face, Xiaowei was almost sure that the eagle was always angry, which made the middle-aged Xiaowei very scared and didn't know what fate he would meet him next.

"You, your nature has not changed for decades, and you have always been so cautious." Naturally, he put the empty glass in front of Xiaowei, who took out a bottle of unknown red wine like magic and added bright red wine to the glass. Xiaowei raised his head slightly and asked, "Old Eagle, then the two of them..."

In the middle of the speech, he deliberately touched his neck.

"Go ahead, remember to make it clean, hehe, calculate the time, it should be a kilometer away, hehe..."

"Yes, I promise not to disappoint the Eagle." Xiaowei straightened up and made a salut to the flying eagle similar to the Nazis in those years. Then he turned around and went away, but did not go through the hall passage where the two left before. Obviously, there was more than one exit here.

"Remember to bring members of the Death Team." Xiaowei, who went away, said lightly. The old eagle shook the red wine glass in his hand, and his thin lips dyed with scarlet by red wine slightly raised. He whispered a word that only he could hear, "Qian, I'm afraid you will never have a chance to turn over in your life. Hey hey... Kill this little one, you old, aren't you? Is it time to appear?"



I don't know when the bright night sky became cloudy. The damn moon seemed to see the vicissitudes of the world. He was tired and needed to rest, so he passively hid in the clouds to rest, leaving only a few stars guarding outside.

Finally, the night is dark and the world is quiet.

But only the moon is quiet. Those human beings who are always watched by him may not be able to get a real moment of tranquility and peace even if they die.

This is an impetuous world...

He pulled Wu Yang's arm with one hand and ran wildly, desperate... There was a roaring wind around his ears. Those dead branches and leaves that brushed his cheeks and ** upper body from time to time were only able to leave a long blood mark because of speed...

"I've tried my best. I don't know if it's too late..."

The pace has not slowed down for a moment, but the anxiety in my heart is getting worse and worse. The sense of danger is not lighter because of the farther away from the villa. Instead, there is a tendency to gradually strengthen. A Lang feels that sometimes the sixth sense is not necessarily a good thing, at least that can be less worried.

The invisible enemy is the most terrible.

Wolf is now this feeling, as if he has been peeping in the dark by countless eyes. Even if he has tried his best to hide away, the damn feeling of being peeped has still not dissipated. He didn't have any luck, but because of Wuyang, this brother who was dragged down by himself, the wolf rarely appeared in his heart. With an anxious look.

It's another hurdle, a hurdle that I don't know if I can walk through.

A deep breath, the rapid pace of moving forward is steady, as quiet as a virgin, and moving as a rabbit are afraid of not being able to perfectly describe the wolf's movements. The powerful and perverted muscle tissue is not only amazing, but also flexible and comparable to a world-class yoga master. It can not only rely on many years of empathy. Repeated polishing of one action, habitual reaction of limbs.

"Cough... Brother Wolf, what's wrong?" After calming down, Wu Yang's face became solemn. He didn't think that the wolf stopped to rest because he took care of his feelings.

"I won't run." The wolf's expression could not be seen clearly in the dark forest, but his tone was very stable. It was hard to imagine that such a gentle voice could appear on a person who dragged a man and rushed at a speed of 100 meters for nearly ten minutes.

Looking around warily, but unfortunately, Wuyang is Wuyang. After all, he does not have as perverted vision as the wolf, let alone the non-human perception of the wolf. In the dark forest, except for the singing of birds and insects, the only ones that can move are the branches swaying in the wind. Everything seems so normal, but the strange thing is that he is uncomfortable. The feeling of clothing is lingering.