Capture love and favor: husband, keep a low profile

163: Wow, so much money

"Have you had enough? Don't you think it's embarrassing enough?"

Ling Feng pointed to the door where Sheng Tianling walked out and suddenly shouted at Ling Lin.

"How crazy are you going? Your pride, your self-esteem, and your shame are all gone, right?

Ling Feng scolded angrily, which was the first time in history that he scolded Ling Lin so cruelly.

is also the first time I have been so angry with Ling Lin.

But Ling Lin can't listen to these words.

She looked at Sheng Tianling who disappeared at the door, and the tears of her life seemed to be dry at this time.

She dares not take another step because she doesn't want to die.

Even if she is going to die, she wants Sheng Tianling to see the tragic situation of her death with her own eyes. She will remember it all her life and can't forget it all her life.

Now that Sheng Tianling has left, what's the point of her jumping off the building?

I can't even get Sheng Tianling's sympathy.

Although Ling Feng was angry and sad, he still stepped forward and pulled Ling Lin down from the bay window sill.

"Ling Lin, shall we leave here and live somewhere else? Or go abroad to settle down. You should have adapted to the life outside over the years. Brother will accompany you and go with you, okay?

Ling Feng couldn't see his sister being so wronged and indifferent.

This is the only person he depends on for his life. Now, Ling Lin almost jumped off the building for Sheng Tianling.

Although Ling Feng also knew that Ling Lin didn't really want to jump down. But even if she stood there, Ling Feng's heart trembled.

If you love someone, whether you are true or lying, will hurt your heart.

If you don't love, you will be indifferent and make a calm judgment.

Sheng Tianling really doesn't love Ling Lin, so he can accurately judge Ling Lin's thoughts.

Knowing that she was just threatening, she didn't really want to jump off the building.

Ling Feng is different. He is afraid. He is really afraid. In case such a thing happens again. In case Linglin really jumps down, she is not afraid of 10,000, just in case.

In that case, no matter what he does, he can't get Ling Lin back.

Ling Lin, who came down from the bay window sill, has cried and her eyes turned red.

However, no one else will feel distressed except Ling Feng.

She didn't say a word, just cried.

No matter what Ling Feng said, she refused to answer.

Ling Feng supported Ling Lin, because she had just come down from above, and Ling Lin's legs were still a little weak.

Maybe, I'm not happy and I'm not feeling well.

"Ling Lin, promise brother that no matter what happens in the future, you can't joke about your life again."

Ling Lin did not answer Ling Feng's words.

Ling Feng is heartbroken.

Helping Ling Lin out of the president's office, many staff outside watched all this.

Some people said that it was because Ling Lin was dismissed by the president that she made a scene with Sheng Tianling.

Because Ling Lin was brought into the company by Mr. Sheng, as soon as the old man could not afford to get sick, Sheng Tianling was the first to take Ling Lin first.

Ling Lin didn't do it, so she almost jumped off the building.

And some people say that Ling Lin is a grand president. The confession was rejected, of course, because of the dismissal.

It's a pity that a top sea turtle student is useless in Shengshi Group.

And more people are sorry for Ling Feng.

On the one hand, there is a good brother president with kindness, and on the other hand, it is his own sister.

It's really stuck in the middle. It's pitiful.

However, Ling Feng could not care about these rumors at all. He helped Ling Lin go directly to the president's special elevator and went directly to the parking lot on the second basement.

Because Ling Lin's emotional instability, Ling Feng did not dare to relax at all. Directly ask Sheng Tianling for a week's leave, ready to accompany Ling Lin all the time and take care of her.

On the other side, Dong Qingcheng and Lan Weiwei drove to the DB laboratory after lunch. I don't know at all what happened between Ling Lin and Sheng Tianling during their lunch break.

DB laboratory has been renovated, and the experimental materials needed by Ye Baiyi and Lan Weiwei have also arrived one after another. The experiment can start immediately, which is also a happy thing for Dong Qingcheng.

"Qingcheng, I will be busy in the future. If that woman dares to harass you again, you can call Sheng Tianling."

When they all walked to the door of the laboratory, Lan Weiwei remembered Ling Lin and did not forget to tell Dong Qingcheng.

"Don't worry, even if you don't come, isn't there still a bodyguard around me?"

"How can a bodyguard be as clever as I am?"

"Yes, yes, you are the smartest, otherwise, you can't coax all the night white clothes into your hands. By the way, when are you going to have a baby, and when are you going to have a banquet?

Dong Qingcheng asked with gossip.

"Miss, isn't this waiting for you? Hello, everyone. When you have a wedding together, I still want to ask my god son to bring me a wedding dress. Oh, hey, what a loving picture that is.

With that, Lan Weiwei herself got drunk first.

"Don't be careless with me. Even if my son wants to tie the wedding dress, he will still lead me. If you like it, give birth to yourself. If you don't mind, have twins or triplets. Then lend me another wedding dress."

Dong Qingcheng said happily and did not notice a trace of loneliness in Lan Weiwei's eyes.

However, Lan Weiwei only had a trace of loneliness, and then her whole body looked brilliant again.

As soon as they entered the DB laboratory, Dong Qingcheng and Lan Weiwei first entered the disinfection room, changed their clothes and put on masks. Even Lan Weiwei specially prepared a protective suit for Dong Qingcheng. Now there are many medicinal materials and equipment piled up in the laboratory.

Lan Weiwei is just worried that Dong Qingcheng will be hurt by those children in her stomach.

It's really hard for her to be pregnant.

"Does it need to be so... so serious?"

Dong Qingcheng was wearing a heavy protective suit and was speechless.

She came to the laboratory and didn't go to the radiology department of any hospital. Is it so horrible?

Moreover, Lan Weiwei still looks nervous.

"I told you that for that experiment, Ye Baiyi got a lot of medicinal materials back. Among them are also biological medicinal materials, so be careful to sail the ship for ten thousand years.

You know, last time, those people openly attacked you and Sheng Tianling and robbed half of the secret recipe.

Isn't this afraid that they will find out what materials we need to use, so Ye Baiyi mixed a lot of irrelevant materials with useful ones.

How about it, my husband, is he smart?"

Speaking of night white clothes, Lan Weiwei's face is full of pride.

After the evidence, Lan Weiwei said. Her ability to pursue her husband is the greatest achievement in her life.

Since it is the greatest achievement, Dong Qingcheng will not hit her.

After all, the guy in Yebai is still very dark sometimes!

If he doesn't want to marry Lan Weiwei, he will naturally not let Lan Weiwei stay with him for so many years.

Actually, it is still very emotional.

It's just that this feeling is imperceptible and not easy to be detected.

"Qingcheng, are you here?"

In the office, I just got up from lunch break.

When he saw Dong Qingcheng, he came immediately.

I checked Dong Qingcheng's look and was very satisfied.

The medicine he developed before is very helpful for Dong Qingcheng to have a safe fetus.

And the most critical problem is that the baby's development has been very good in Dong Qingcheng's prenatal examination recently.

This proves that Dong Qingcheng took the wrong diet pills before, which will not affect the fetus.

"Well, am I fat again?"

Dong Qingcheng looked at Ye Baiyi staring at her figure and knew that he was observing his physical condition.

"Wearing protective clothing, I can't be sure. Have you gained any weight?

"Of course, I dare not eat more if I gain weight. Why did I gain weight so quickly at the beginning of pregnancy? If it goes on like this, won't I become a fat woman when I give birth to a baby in the future?

The fate of women is really tragic.

Why can't pregnancy be handed over to men?

God is really biased.

Obviously, women have better talent, and women have more opportunities to control the world, build society and create the future.

God is really cheap. It's okay to set up a system for women to lose blood every month, but there is no such a broken system of losing experience points as pregnancy in October.

makes every month lose blood, rest, be emotionally irritable, and then let men control the world, build society, and create the future.

It's really unfair.

The pregnancy system also brings various risks.

The risk of gaining weight during pregnancy and losing weight.

Life is dangerous during childbirth, and the postpartum figure cannot be restored, taking care of the baby...


Although women are really maternal and like babies very much.

Dong Qingcheng said depressedly, and Ye Baiyi hugged Lan Weiwei and laughed.

"Qingcheng, your physique will not grow too fat. You are gaining weight just because you are too thin. It is that the mother must store energy to avoid fetal dysplasia.

"Really, don't comfort me. I have gained a lot of weight."

Dong Qingcheng pinched the meat on her waist, and her previous trousers could no longer be worn. This belly has not been obviously bulging. What kind of situation will it be if the fetus develops to five or six months?

"Lan Weiwei, please conceive one quickly and accompany me. Everyone is your best friend. You can't just watch me gain weight. Where do you hide and laugh secretly?

Dong Qingcheng felt that the two were too unkind. Hug together and make fun of her.

Lan Weiwei flashed her face again, but Dong Qingcheng saw it this time.

However, there was nothing strange on Ye Baiyi's face, as if he didn't feel that something was wrong with what Dong Qingcheng said.

"I don't want to give birth. I'm just waiting for you to give birth and lend me two more days to play."

"Bah, my son is not a toy. How can I lend it to you?"

"Then I'll help you take care of the children, so that you can always balance your mind."

Dong Qingcheng immediately laughed when he heard it.

Thinking, when the child is born, she should also bring her parents back, right?

At that time, you can ask your parents to help take care of the children. Sun'er wrapped around his knees and let them enjoy the family and take good care of the world.

She is already familiar with the business of DB Group and is very familiar with it.

"That's all for the joke. Let's get to business."

After Ye Baiyi finished speaking, he turned around and took out a file bag from behind and handed it to Dong Qingcheng.

Dong Qingcheng took the file bag and looked up at Ye Baiyi and Lan Weiwei.

"This is the account, boss, you have to have a look. By the way, I forgot to tell you that Anya donated a sum of money to the laboratory. I wanted to ask you what you meant, but Anya said that it was a wedding gift for us.

Lan Weiwei said that she was a little embarrassed, because the money donated by Ye Anya was indeed not a small amount.

Ah, a wedding gift for you? Don't I have to thank her specifically?"

Dong Qingcheng said happily, opened the file bag and took out the account statement.

The reason why it is made into a paper account table is that it is easy to destroy.

This kind of thing must not be known to others.

After all, there is a lot of important information on it.

If the Queen's people get it, the consequences... are unimaginable.

"Wow, no wonder my father's laboratory was established and didn't continue to do it. It turned out that it burned so much money."