Devil's Amnesty

Chapter 4: Those Past

The cause of floating life finally becomes empty

A dream of meeting is too hurried

Blood-stained sword spirit is like a long rainbow

The sky sobbed and sighed

The beacon smoke rises everywhere like bean yellow sand

Who understood the feelings at that time

A few degrees of peach streams are like flowers and spring

How many times to show your appearance

Taikoo reopened the war

The wind rises from the ground

A special beauty among the flowers

Tears and turbid wine splashed with jade

Thousands of words

How can I help it?

Send to the West Building alone and look at the red

Wine against the sky

The snow melted

A few winters in the morning and evening

Who knows in this life

Looking up to the sky and saying no words

A few times of fairy sound overlooking the acacia

A few degrees of smoke lock, cold and frost

Iron Horse Jin Ge Exhibition

A glass of wine and hugging each other

The banner is full of grandeur and magnificent wind from the dragon

The world is empty in June

Blood stained with yellow sand

But ask who will be with you in this life

Walking through the vicissitudes of life

Cold Moon Drunk Red Makeup

The Qiang flute plays thousands of miles away from home

The plain silver snow hates the vastness

Long elegy

Only sigh that the marriage is like smoke and tears

Don't ask the world to forget

Drips in the heart

How can a wisp of lonely soul break the flood

And don't laugh for a lifetime

Watch from the air

Who says it after getting drunk and being frivolous today

Ye stared and sat in front of the tombstone, singing this song softly, which is my mother's favorite song, singing it to him.

Every time the night stares and sings this song, Qi Dongcao's heart is stung. Every time she holds the night's eyes tightly, because she is afraid of losing him forever.

I don't know when or why. Every time I saw her, I would sing this song and sing this sad and crazy song.

Qi Dongcao held the night and stared his eyes tightly, as if as long as his hand was released, the boy in front of him would leave forever. Ye Ning touched the back of her hand and touched her "heart" and said softly, "I'm going to leave tonight."

"Then when will you come back?"

"within seven years"

"Then where can I find you?"

"War Academy."

"Can you stop singing this song next time we meet? I don't want to listen to it. I really don't want to."

Ye Ning slowly turned around and looked at Qi Dongcao's flawless cheek and nodded and said, "Okay, this is the last time I sing this song. Don't worry about me or worry about me. I believe I will take good care of myself, I promise."


"Definite!" After Ye Ning finished speaking, he quietly hugged Qi Dongcao and held him all afternoon until the sun set in the west until the sun set.

"Go back."

"Well, don't forget what you promised me." After saying that, Qi Dongcao gently kissed Ye Ning's eyes and left. She liked Ye Ning's eyes, her eyes, and everything about him...

Looking at Qi Dongcao, which is gradually disappearing, the memory of the past has gradually become nothing with the passage of time. That year, the cowardly girl, the girl who would only hide behind her, and the girl who always had tears in the corners of her eyes grew up.

Qi Dongcao is the fiancee who stared at night. It was the marriage that Ye Xin booked for him when he was five years old, but at that time, Qi Dongcao was as dry and weak as the winter grass.

Or, if the Qi family could guess that the dry grass would grow to today's snow lotus, how could they marry the unfavored night gaze?

Qi Dongcao fell in love with this night staring staring always standing in front of him. Is all this fate or a destiny?

Qi Dongcao likes night's eyes, which should be said to be love and deep love. Ye's eyes like Qi Dongcao's family affection that although it is not love, it absolutely does not belong to the sister and brother. Perhaps if it hadn't been for the difference, this feeling would have been sublimated into real love...

Fateful and tricky! Looking at Qi Dongcao, who has disappeared in his eyes, this is the first girl to move her and the girl who is most likely to become her wife, but...

After a self-deprecating smile, Ye stood up and looked at the sky and turned into the room. Tonight, he was ready to leave this home where he had lived for 16 years. The day after tomorrow is a family test, but the protagonist of the test is ready to escape from the test. Is this ridiculous?

It's not funny. At least those who really know Ye Ning's eyes won't laugh, but how many people in the world really know him? His teacher is one, his mother is one, and maybe Ye Xin is also one!

The sparrow came, and he came to see him off.

After night staring at the sparrow, he said, "There is still something to do when it's dark. Wait a minute."

The sparrow nodded and didn't say anything, but just sat there quietly. He was not worried about the night's eyes, because strictly speaking, he was half a person who knew the night's eyes and knew his horror and vulnerability. Of course, the most important thing is to know that he is the most reliable brother! Time ticked, and the night got darker.

"Let's go." After saying that, Ye Ning stood up and picked up a self-made shovel and walked out of the room, and the sparrow followed him out.

"I want to take my mother to her hometown, which is a mother's last wish, a promise that her son will fulfill, and a promise to himself." After saying that, Ye Ning knocked three heads in front of the tomb and said to the sparrow, "Brother, you can also kowtow four heads."

When the sparrow heard the words, he nodded and walked to the tomb and also knelt down and kowtopped four heads. Ye gazed to pick up the shovel and took a deep breath and began to dig his mother's tomb. This tomb was buried with his own hands...

"I'll help you." After saying that, the sparrow walked into the room and also took out a shovel. He could use his awakening ability, but he insisted on digging with him...

The coffin is very exquisite. It took three months to create the coffin, and it is also engraved with flowers engraved with my mother's favorite carnation. He remembered that he ran to the market outside when he was 11 years old. He remembered that after he gave it to his mother, his mother laughed for a day and cried all night.

The sparrow looked at the coffin in the tomb and slowly lowered his head. He couldn't imagine how Ye Ning's childhood came, but he also understood what made Ye Ning's eyes develop this deformed character.

At this time, after Ye stared and touched the lid of the coffin, his closed eyes suddenly opened, and the faint sadness on his face instantly turned into a trace of suspicion. "No! This... Sparrow, flame.

The sparrow was stunned when he heard the words, and then stretched out his hand directly. The four fire spots kept turning in his hand. The fire spots gradually became bigger and bigger and gradually took shape, four phoenixes and four lifelike phoenixes.

The fiery red phoenix seems to contain infinite vitality. At this moment, the tomb is as bright as day. Ye stared at the coffin in front of him, his eyes narrowed slightly, and his body trembled unconsciously...

The sparrow looked at the situation of Ye Ning's eyes and couldn't help asking anxiously, "Demon, what's wrong? What's wrong?"

Ye stared at the coffin in the tomb and said slowly, "There is something wrong with the coffin! The mother's body was not in the coffin, and someone moved the cemetery.

After Ye Ning finished speaking, he grabbed the coffin with both hands, and then suddenly grabbed the coffin out of the cemetery. The coffin fell to the ground without making a sound, which was more than ten thousand pounds!

Holding the coffin lid in his right hand, he didn't use any prepared tools at all. He directly flew out of the coffin lid. At this time, the sparrow came to the coffin and found that although there was no body, there was a sword-like knife in the coffin, a huge blade that was at least three meters long, 30 centimeters wide and more than three centimeters in the back of the knife.

Ye stared at the huge blade slanting in the coffin and frowned. At this time, even the sparrow felt a deep chill in his heart.

"Maybe... Maybe the mother is not dead, and... Ye Xin is likely to know the truth of this matter!"

"This, demon... What's going on?"

The sparrow looked at the knife in the coffin and narrowed his eyes. At this time, he found that the life and ability of the night's eyes were more complicated than expected. The knife was more than a thousand pounds. Looking at the carved lines on the knife, he looked at the light of * emitted a trembling breath. How could the material of this knife be so simple to find? .

"On the day my mother died, I used part of my awakening power to pull the coffin here from the top of the mountain. It rained heavily that night, and all my strength was exhausted."

"I thought I would die with my mother. Even if I didn't die, I would have an incurable injury, but when I woke up the next day, I found that there was no damage to my body except for some problems with the power of awakening."

"I slept in front of the tomb that night, but when I woke up, I did lie **. At first, I thought it was my sister or Dongcao who took me back, but now I think that even if they take me back, they will go back to their home instead of a small hut."

Ye stared to the coffin and held the handle of the huge blade and slowly raised it, but... However, a few seconds later, his eyes stared helplessly and threw the giant blade to the ground.

Looking breathlessly at the huge blade that directly smashed the ground into 30 centimeters and said, "It seems that if I don't fully wake up, I can't use this huge blade at all. At least even if I do the remaining awakening power now, I can only barely drag it and can't carry it at all."

"If I guess correctly, this huge blade is reserved for me, and the weapon has long known what the power of my awakening is, but why is all this..."

After thinking for a moment, Ye Ning looked at the sparrow helplessly and said, "Forget, if you can't think of it, you don't want to. Although Ye Xin is likely to know the beginning and end of this matter, he told me that I don't bother to ask. It seems that the plan needs to be changed. I will take the clan test the day after tomorrow. After that, I want to see Ye Xin's reaction. I will stay at Ye's house for two years in an instant, and then I will go to the War College with you.

Sparrow waved four * and all disappeared. "I don't understand, but I don't want to understand. By the way, do you want me to go to the test the day after tomorrow?"

"Go, it's a pity that I haven't fully woken up, and I've been no different from ordinary people in the past two days. The rain four years ago almost ruined my body, otherwise I don't need to be so much trouble. In the two years in the Ye family, I will repair my body and then fully wake up. Even if I encounter some troubles in the future, it will be easier to solve them.

After listening to Ye Ning's eyes, the sparrow said puzzledly, "Demon, do you mean that you can repair your injured power at any time?"

"Well, four years ago, but unlike you, I will attract the attention of countless people when repairing power, and that situation puts itself in a dangerous situation. Besides, I don't have the strength to live over the years. I'm different from jackals. I'm a demon..."

PS: The beginning is the lyrics of "Marriage Sigh", which is very good. I recommend you to listen to the ancient Chinese style and praise!