Devil's Amnesty

Chapter 106: Ambush

Moon Dance did not take out the original flying skateboard, but a horn. After a horn sounded, a white tiger unexpectedly appeared in front of Moon Dance! This white tiger is naturally a spiritual beast, but.....

"Sealed, the white tiger was sealed in the horn, but the art of sealing has been lost for hundreds of years, and the horn has a history." After saying that, Le Hongyi called out a palm crystal from the space ring. After the crystal appeared, it emitted a dazzling light. After the light faded, a jeep appeared in front of everyone!

"Jeep..." After saying that, Qiu Fengwu walked to the side of the car and glanced at it and smiled, "I thought it was a jeep before the cataclystrophe!" It turns out that there is only an empty shelf, which is powered by crystals! But it's really cool!"

After Qiu Fengwu said that, several people went to their own spirit beasts. After an order, 48 people "killed" out of the war academy vigorously. The jackal always feels a little uncomfortable sitting on the jeep, and even the Phoenix. The feeling of night staring down is even stronger, but the autumn wind and fog that is about to rise are excited!

"I can't stand it when I go down." After saying that, the jackal jumped directly down from the jeep. At the same time, Phoenix and Ye Ning's eyes also jumped down together. The three of them didn't know why they were a little uncomfortable sitting in the car. Le Hongyi looked at the three people running below, and a smile rose at the corners of his mouth. Teacher... You are so bad!

Running 500 miles? Night's eyes can naturally be done, but the jackal and the phoenix are empty. The two did not talk nonsense. Phoenix jumped on the spirit beast of Emperor Lei, and the jackal jumped on the spirit beast of an alchemist. The alchemist is called Zhang He, a very common name. Although he was born in a large family, he is simple because he is dedicated to alchemy.

Speaking of which, it was also a friend that Phoenix and they met in Class 2. Ye Ning was too lazy to talk about the situation. He directly stopped and took out the map to look at it, and then he almost ran away to the ancient city of Qingzhou. Hey, should the night be all right? He..."

Qiu Fengwu waved to Chen Aiyang and said, "Well, it would be strange if he had something to do. I didn't expect that taking a jeep was more exciting than I thought, yo throat!" Le Hongyi sat in the back and looked sideways at the fading scenery. There was a touch of sadness. The passage of time was cruel and beautiful, but he had to face it, but did he still have a chance to say that this time?

At 11 o'clock, Phoenix and Lei Di had been left far behind. "I have a problem!"

Before Phoenix finished speaking, Lei Di said feebly, "Don't ask, the load capacity of the one-horned horse we sit on is too poor, and the spirit beast Zhang He sits on is usually not fast, but it is strong in carrying weight, so it's not strange to fall behind."

"It's not this problem. We should be far behind, right? So... Only 44 people walked in front of us, plus the two of us and the demons who took the shortcut, and one behind us!"

"What!" After saying that, Lei Di directly pulled the sitting unicorn, turned around and looked at the road without any shadow and was surprised, "Do you think there is still someone behind us? Isn't it?"

After saying that, Phoenix jumped directly off the horse and looked behind. Then he looked ahead and opened the map and glanced at it a few times and said, "There is another problem. If the shortcut of the demon has far exceeded us at this moment. According to the location indicated on the map, the demon will definitely pass by here, but there is no mark left by him on the ground. ."

Lei Di also jumped off the horse and looked at the ground and shrugged his shoulders and said, "It's normal that Yezi's weight has not left footprints..." Before he finished saying this sentence, Lei Di found something wrong. There was a huge stone not far in front of the bridge, engraved with "Wolf, night?" Words!

"The above words were left by the jackal. According to normal circumstances, the speed of the demon arrived here absolutely earlier than the wolf, and when the wolf appeared here, he did not find the smell left by the demon after leaving, so he left those two words! The mark is not only footprints, but also the smell..." After Phoenix finished speaking, Lei Di could only shrug his shoulders to show great pressure.

The two waited in the same place for more than 30 minutes. This time, even Lei Di couldn't sit still. "Phoenix, you said that only 44 people surpassed us just now? Does that mean there is another person in the back? Haven't you kept up?"

"Yes, there is another person! There is another person! No matter how slow it is, it should arrive, unless he doesn't pass here!"

"But this is the only way to the ancient city of Qingzhou, and it is impossible not to pass! I asked the one-horned colt to bring a letter, and we went back to look for it. After all, he is a classmate, and senior Qiu is really good. He doesn't care at all!"

After saying that, Lei Di carved a line of words from a stone, and then let the one-horned cub run in the direction of the ancient city of Qingzhou. Phoenix flew in the air and looked down at the earth, glanced around and said, "There are too many trees around, and you can't see clearly at all."

"What should I do? You can't look for a needle in a haystack, right? By the way, do you have any way to contact Yezi?

Phoenix spread his hands and said, "Yes, but the range is within 50 miles, so... But if I guess correctly, according to the demon's style, it should be... Come with me!"

After saying that, Phoenix took Lei Di into the woods. On the other hand, Ye Jing's eyes and a woman were hiding in the tree. The woman just looked down quietly without a nervous look on her face. Ye Ning looked at the girl's situation and tilted her head and didn't say anything. Just now, she was delayed for a period of time because she looked at the map, but after making the plan, she found that there was something wrong with the map!

In this way, they were left behind by other students. When they caught up here, they found the last girl. Of course, there were more than 20 thieves behind her! Mountain thieves? Ye Ning's eyes believe that there are mountain thieves in such a place, but the mountain thieves at home are so blind that they dare to rob the awakened?

Well, even so, although Ye Ning's eyes are not a good person, the girl is the girl with lily fragrance. It's too unnatural to come out in the face of this situation, so take action when it's time to take action! But..... I have seen the so-called elite mountain thief, but I have never seen such an elite mountain thief. After starting to do it, I can feel that these people are not only have strong personal ability, but also have good cooperation. Ye stared and said that if this is a mountain thief, he will eat!

That's why I didn't have a chance to speak, so I pulled the girl with lily fragrance and rushed into the woods...

"Who are they? It seems to be aimed at you, right?

"Well, I wasn't there on the day of my introduction. I'm sorry I don't know your name. My name is Ye Ningm..."

"Lanrui, they should have caught me."


"Don't you ask why they arrested me?"

"I'm not interested. Although their combat effectiveness is good, it's a pity that there are no people who are good at reconnaissance, otherwise it would be really troublesome."

"They didn't expect you to appear, so they didn't send anyone who was good at reconnaissance."

"It's a pity that even if they want to remedy it at this time... There may be a murder later. Is there any problem?"

“...... No..... I... I didn't... I have never killed anyone." The girl's face still maintains the original calmness, but it is obvious that her mind is definitely not as calm as it seems.

Both of them spoke in a low voice. At this time, a man came this way. The trees here are very large and thick, which can completely cover the people above. When the man below walked to the tree where Ye Ning's eyes were, he looked up but found nothing. Just after the man walked out only 20 meters, Ye Ning's eyes faintly heard another person's footsteps.

One person per kilometer, so that even if Ye gaze grasps the gap, it is impossible to break it one by one. After thinking about a few breaths, Ye's eyes whispered, "Are you a combat department?"


"Keep up with me later!"

After saying that, Ye's eyes had fallen to the ground, and the dagger thin into the cicada's wings quietly appeared in his hand...