Devil's Amnesty

Chapter 186: "Tube"

Since the end of the "battle" with Cui Shilei, people around him have always looked here inadvertently. Although Liu Cheqing and others, who are used to the attention of thousands of people, have no feelings, Mu Hongxue is somewhat uncomfortable.

At this time, Ye Ning's eyes took Mu Hongxue back to the backyard as soon as he finished the birthday banquet. According to the customs of Shennai Kingdom, it was very rude to go back at this time, but Yu Lu firstly loved her granddaughter. Second, she knew more or less about Ye Ning's temper, so she did not put this matter in her heart, but fell into the eyes of the eyes of the people around her. But it has another meaning.

One is to think that Ye Ning's eyes are of low quality and they leave in this environment. The second is that the boy in front of him is so arrogant that even his grandmother dares to ignore them. Of course, Ye Ning's eyes will not care about these people' views!

Ye, who returned to the backyard, looked at the time and found a servant and said, "Help me find Yu Li, and say that there is something I want to ask her for help. It will take half an hour."

The servant obviously knew the identity of Ye Ning's eyes, so it didn't take much time to bring Yu Wei. Although Ye Ning's eyes left too many bad memories for her in the Fire Dance Building, Yu Ning's eyes were not afraid of Ye. Of course, to a large extent, this is the strength of vaguely staring at night. Girls, especially girls born in noble families, will more or less worship the strong, whether it is this strong man or her own cousin...

"Cousin, what can I do for you?"

"Gun Mengde, can you tell me his general information?" After Ye Ning finished speaking, he saw that Yu Wei's face was a little... It should be a little embarrassing. "Is there anything bad to say?" After Ye Ning's eyes and asked a tentative question, Yu Yu quickly shook his head and said, "No, Guan Mengde is about the same age as us, but... I have a shallow impression of him. I only know that his parents died a few years ago..."

"The death of both parents? This... Do you know who knows where he lives? After hearing the words, Yu Ning quickly smiled and said, "If you want to find him, I can call him right away. He is in the front hall now. By the way, he is my brother's follower."

Ye Ning's eyes also smiled when he heard this, "Can that cousin take me to ask him a question and then ask the servant to send the message?"

"Of course it's no problem, but why didn't my cousin call him over and ask again?"

Ye Ning smiled mysteriously and then was silent for a few seconds and said, "Because I don't want him to know that this is what I asked. My cousin helped me ask him what he thought about me leaving the banquet directly at the birthday banquet just now."

Although Yu Wei was not very clear about the meaning of the meaning of Ye Ning's eyes, he could roughly guess that it should be a test or something. More than ten minutes later, a servant came to help Yu Wei spread the message: After hearing this sentence, Guan Mengde immediately replied that Mrs. Yu had no opinion. How could an outsider have an opinion?

After hearing this, Ye Ning turned to Mu Hongxue and said, "Xueer, you can rest here. I'll go out." After saying that, he asked the servant, "Do you know who else is in Guan Mengde's family?"

The servant said with a little embarrassment when he heard the words, "Young master, I only heard that he only has one sister left. Since the death of the young master's parents, their two brothers and sisters have depend on each other and don't even care about their relatives."

"Do you know anyone from the Yu family who knows where his family is?"

"Young master, the chief manager must know, but..." The servant was very embarrassed, and the meaning he showed was also obvious. At this time, the general manager of the Yu family must be very busy. Besides, although you are the grandson of Mrs. Yu, you have no relationship with the Yu family. Second, the young master of the Yu family was abolished when you meet for the first time. If you really let the general manager lead the way, you'd better talk about it yourself.

Ye Ning, who immediately guessed the servant's mind, also smiled and said, "Just help me and the housekeeper bring a word. I have something urgent to ask him to come here. If he wants to shirk it... No, I don't think he is too stupid to be important. Speaking of this, the servant opposite unconsciously felt a pressure. This strength is not the kind of pride that has been in a high position for a long time, but more like the madness of desperado.

Sure enough, the housekeeper still came. Although he said that there were still many things to solve by himself as soon as they met, after being coldly glanced at by Ye Ning's eyes, the nonsense was swallowed into his stomach. Take me to Meng De's house and come back to work with you. Don't tell me that I can't take this time just at noon.

The housekeeper didn't talk any more nonsense. He personally asked the servant to drive the carriage and took Ye Ning's eyes to the door of Guan Mengde's house happily. "Young Master Ye, the Yu family..."

"Let's go. I can go back by myself." After saying that, the housekeeper went back in a carriage, leaving only the night's eyes standing quietly in front of a mansion. Is this the housekeeper of a big family? Don't you even understand the so-called forbearance? Originally, I was going to add a talent to the Yu family, but now...

The mansion was closed from the inside. Although Ye Ning's eyes were a little puzzled, he knocked on the door and did not respond... I knocked several times, but there was still no response. The door was indeed inserted from the inside! But no one came to open the door at all!

Ye stared and hesitated for a few seconds, then jumped directly into the wall, but after seeing the inside of the courtyard... There was no one in such a large yard, and there was indeed no one. No wonder he knocked on the door and did not respond! In addition, the front yard of the mansion seems to have been uninhabited for many years. After opening a door, you can actually see a thin layer of dust on the ground, and nothing in the room!

Not to mention furniture, there is not even a mirror. After coming out, I stared at night and went straight to the backyard. No different from the front yard, there were no decorations in the backyard, but the floor was very clean, and I knew it had been cleaned in the morning.

And when I stared at the backyard at night, I suddenly heard..." Excuse me, you are..."

The speaker is a woman in her twenties. Her ordinary appearance but calm look on her face always makes people unconsciously want to look more. I... Ye Ning's eyes wanted to see Guan Mengde's family and his home.

The woman whispered, "Now there are only me and the young master and the lady in this house. Today, the young master went to attend Mrs. Yu's birthday banquet and can't come back in the evening."

After listening to the woman's words, Ye Ning looked around the yard and said, "Can I see his sister?"

"This... I need to ask Miss, Mr. Ye, can you wait a moment?

This time, Ye Ning's eyes are really interested in this housekeeper. If an ordinary servant sees him, it shouldn't be such a reaction, right? After all, I jumped into the wall!

You don't know what I have to do with Guan Mengde, and you don't know the real purpose of my coming here, and I said to see your young lady. Not only did you have any embarrassment, but left a question to the young lady... This... It's really a little difficult to accept!

It didn't take long for the maid to come back and said, "Mr. Ye, please..." So he led the way in front of him. After Ye Ning followed the maid into a room, he saw a girl sitting quietly in a wheelchair and looking at herself.

The first feeling after seeing this girl is that her eyes are so clean, without fear, suspicion, curiosity, and not as ruthless as Li. Your body..."

Although this question is very rude, Ye Ning still asked directly. The girl whispered when she heard the words, "I encountered some accidents when I was a child, which made me lose an arm and two legs, but I have been used to it for so many years."

Ye Ning's eyes found that when the girl said these words, there was no painful look on her face. "Miss, can I ask your name?"

"Gun Lingyin, you can call me Lingyin."

"I... Ye Ning's eyes, if your brother didn't hide it, you wouldn't be unfamiliar with this name, would you?

"I did hear about the incident at the Fire Dance Tower yesterday, so I'm really not unfamiliar with this name." When Guan Lingyin spoke, there was still no emotional fluctuation on his face, as if Guan Mengde had nothing to do with him....

After Ye Ning saw here, he directly pulled the remaining chair and sat down and said, "Today, the first thing is to see Meng De's family, and the second thing is to confirm something. Have your relatives really cut off contact with you?"