Devil's Amnesty

Chapter 207: Survival Competition

When speaking, the jackal suddenly paused and said, "Wang Zhong's situation is more special, and it can't be said that it's special, but I feel a little incredible. Phoenix's blood flowed with phoenix's blood, my blood flowed with wolf's blood, and Wang Zhong's blood flowed with dragon's blood. Of course, the dragon is not the legendary oriental dragon, but a dragon who hopes to have wings.

Ye Ning's eyes were a little puzzled when he heard the words, "Is there anything incredible about this? It's normal to have the blood of a dragon, right?"

Phoenix explained after staring at night, "There is indeed no difference on the surface. After all, if the rarity of blood, the dragon can't be compared with Phoenix at all. If a phoenix appears in the War Academy, there can naturally be another dragon, but the problem is that his name is Wang Zhong!"

"Although I don't know if anyone in the world has the blood of the Oriental Dragon, there are many people with the blood of the Western Dragon, and there is even a huge family! There are even more than 3,000 people, but everyone who has this kind of blood must be from this family, and their family's surnames are Shemite, and their names are all Western names.

After the cataclysm, the distinction between the East and the West is still obvious, but due to the unification of language and the reorganization of the country, coupled with the appearance of mutants, the original estrangement has long disappeared, but the surname is still retained for inheritance.

The name Wang Zhong is definitely not his pseudonym, and even said that the dragon people are absolutely not allowed to have a second name, because their names are given by their elders and are not allowed to be changed or abandoned.

After saying this, Phoenix continued to explain: "After every dragon is born, the dragon stone in the dragon clan can be premonished, that is to say, the dragon clan also knows the existence of Wang Zhong, but in this case, he still uses the name Wang Zhong..."

The jackal continued after Phoenix said, "In fact, there is also a dragon man named Carl Semite! If I guess correctly, it should be the first teenager in the dragon clan. When it is close to the college, it ranks seventh, higher than Phoenix! However, he turned a blind eye to the existence of Wang Zhong, which is worth considering. As for the family of Chen Zhenghua... Although it is not weak, it is not worth it compared with the dragon clan, and their family has always been interests first, and it is impossible to turn against Wang Zhong and the dragon clan..."

After thinking about it, the jackal still waved his hand and said, "Forget it, anyway, Wang Zhong's relationship with us is just classmates. Even if there is really a problem, it should be Chen Zhenghua to consider. Let's talk about the power of Wang Zhong. With the blood of the dragon clan, he has strong recovery ability and defense. After becoming a dragon, he can also spit out dragon inflammation. His combat effectiveness is very strong. He belongs to the green dragon among the five-color dragons! However, what is puzzling is that he has the corrosion ability of the black dragon. No matter how serious it is, although I am sure to kill him, time will never stop!"

Can people with wolf blood defeat people with dragon blood? If ordinary people hear this sentence, they must think it's a joke, but you should know that there are many kinds of blood, and the blood of the jackal is the rarest red wolf, with the power to create miracles.

The team competition is still some time away from Ye Ning's eyes, so Ye Ning's eyes and Phoenix are not very worried. In the personal competition, Ye Geyan is also easily promoted. The space transfer is already very powerful. Not to mention that he still has the ability to devour other people's power. As long as you don't meet a pervert like a jackal, Ye Geyan is relatively relaxed. Chen Aiyang also came back in the evening. After dinner, a group of people rested and prepared to meet the challenge of the next day.

On the third day of the class competition, the 24 round robin officially began, and the participants of Class 2 were naturally the little princess of the Southern League! If it will be more difficult to play after participating in the individual competition to the top 16, then the 24-day round robin is a game in the eyes of Yue Fenwu, and there are few business skills in the whole SAARC that can compare with her, let alone the War Academy.

So Yue Fenwu directly ordered the order and went to watch the game. The next day was also mostly a preliminary competition. The final of the first command game at night was tomorrow, and the competition event was a rush! After quickly solving his own competition, Ye Ning took Mu Hongxue to the square, looked at the big screen made of crystal in the middle and said, "Xue, this is the first final, survival battle!"

Only jackals participate in the survival battle in Class 2, which is not because others have no idea, but because there are too many projects, but not everyone can stick to it, so many times everyone will be scattered.

Survival battle is to use the simulated battlefield to arrange the contestants between the mountains and forests. No matter what means and methods are used, the one who survives to the end is the champion. Because the higher the simulation degree of the battlefield, the rarer it is, so it can only be used in the finals. After all, it is too joke to compare with a personal match in a 50% simulation battlefield.

There were a total of 180 people in the survival battle final. Ten huge crystal screens reflect a picture. Although the square is large, there are more spectators, and there are not enough seats at all, so many places have been arranged to broadcast. The biggest difference between the broadcast and the live broadcast is the atmosphere, and the second is the commentary.

Because of my identity, I stared at night and sat directly in the teacher's seat, while people like Phoenix with flying ability...

The jackal in the mountain forest lies quietly on the tree. If the jackal really fights with him without using all his strength, there are many people who can fight with him. This premise is to fight head-on. If it is in the mountains and forests, even Phoenix has no choice but to say that he is definitely not an opponent.

When the picture was cut to the jackal, the explanation was quite funny: "This player is called the jackal. Speaking of which, he has created the most in previous years, because he only killed one in the preliminaries, but got the ticket to barely enter the finals. He is the person who has made the fewest shots in the preliminaries in previous years. Come on, let's look forward to his performance in the finals!"

When the commentator joked, there was also a bloody storm in the simulated battlefield, because there was no need to consider casualties at all, so everyone can give full play to their strength perfectly. In such a short time, four-fifths of the people disappeared, but the jackal still lay quietly on the tree, but to everyone's surprise, six or seven people passed by him. He did not take action, and those people were not aware of its existence.

Ye stared at Mu Hongxue's big doubtful eyes and smiled, "This is a wolf's ability and a perfect fusion with nature. In this case, it is difficult for those people to detect his existence. Look, except for the top three in the survival battle, the remaining places are ranked according to the number of people killed and the time of death. The wolf did so because he was completely sure of winning the championship.

Although survival is not a competition in the combat department, because it is the first final of the War Academy, it has a high degree of attention. It really takes courage to do things like jackals. After another half an hour, the number of people has plummeted to 100, and the jackal is still lying quietly on the tree without any movement. At this time, the commentary often cuts the picture to him, and everyone's psychology is secretly looking forward to the moment when the jackal takes action.

After half an hour, 12 more contestants disappeared. It can be said that all of them are the elites of the War Academy, and everyone's goals are also aimed at the champion, so they are much more cautious when they fight again. In this half an hour, three pairs did not take action after meeting, but left with a very tacit understanding. Now killing one person means that their ranking will be greatly improved, and even killing five in a row ensures the top ten, but what if they die?

At this time, the wolf moved. Just as a contestant passed by, the wolf quietly went down the tree and appeared behind him under the cover of the woods, and then...

Maybe it was because of the excessive tension of the other party, but the second time the wolf appeared behind him, the player suddenly turned around and jumped back, but this not flaw was enough in the wolf's eyes. His body also jumped to follow up. When the player stretched out his hands, he suddenly felt a pain in his back, and a wolf paw pierced his lower abdomen...

And the ghost wolf that was hidden from the beginning of entering the simulated battlefield also appeared in the eyes of everyone, taking advantage of the other party's excessively nervous nerves, but the ghost wolf easily completed the sneak attack, and the jackal fought easily in the first battle.

"Oh, I want to say... I just want to say that the battle of the jackal was so beautiful. When the ghostly jackal appeared behind You Zhisong, although the energetic player You Zhisong jumped away at the first time, it was also because his spirit was so nervous that he realized that he put all his energy on the jackal player. On his body, he did not feel the ghost wolf summoned by the jackal from the beginning, which is how he ended his game.

"Then, will there be such a means behind the jackal... Oh, no, the jackal player seems to be tired of waiting. Is he going to take the initiative now?

After the host finished speaking, Ye stared and touched his cheek and whispered, "It's not boring. It's at this time that everyone is careful to move in a small area that they think is safe, so it doesn't make sense to wait. This mountain forest is the home of jackals, so he will tell everyone that he is the master here..."

After staring at night, the two ghost wolves really explored the way in front like ghosts, while the jackals walked behind slowly. However, in three or two minutes, the ghost wolf suddenly stopped, and the jackal suddenly disappeared in front of everyone...

The time in the fantasy is the same as that in the outside, but there is a difference in the season, but the sun has set in the fantasy at about six o'clock, and the dusk is the hunter's favorite time.

The jackal uses the ghost of the ghost wolf to find the trace of its opponents, and everyone else also shows their own abilities. In this environment, if someone unconsciously gets close to it, it is easy to be killed. Just like... A contestant carefully wandered within the range he identified as safe, preparing to hunt the unprotected players, but when he approached a tree, he suddenly felt paralyzed, and then his eyes darkened... Damn it!

Although the person concerned was not clear, the audience outside clearly saw that when the contestant approached the tree, a very ordinary little spider quietly climbed on his armor and then took a gentle bite on his ankle. The venom instantly paralyzed him, and at the same time A small spider hung directly from the tree with spider silk to the back of his neck, and then made him completely unconscious.

In this environment, coma represents death, and the advantages of animals and insects in the mountains and forests, especially at night, will be infinitely magnified. If it is a hard battle, perhaps this player will not be worse than the person who sneaked on him. The cruel reality tells him that he has been defeated without even being aware of the other party's figure. This is the advantage of the terrain.

A battle is not about a simple confrontation of power. Terrain advantages, ability restraint, and even understanding of each other may make the outcome of a battle unpredictable.

Ye stared at the changes in the battlefield and whispered, "Xueer, you should pay close attention to it. In an unfamiliar environment, if you can't adapt to the environment, find a way to transform the environment."

"Change the environment? How will the environment change if my brother participates in this game?

Ye Ning thought and smiled and said, "The simplest and craziest way is to set fire. Here, once the fire rises, it is difficult to extinguish the forest, so the probability of being attacked will be infinitely reduced. However, if it is realistic, unless your life is in danger, you will generally not do this kind of excessive behavior.

Fire? This may not be the best solution, but it can definitely reverse your unfavorable situation, at least it will not die like this. With the passage of time, the night is getting deeper and deeper, and the advantages brought by some people's awakening power are also reflected at this time. Wolves with dark green eyes, bats flying in the mountains and forests, spiders all over the mountains and forests, storm bears waiting on the mountains, and those who use this time to arrange traps and wait for their prey to come to door. .

The jackal still walked between the mountains and forests in a hurry. His green eyes were very eye-catching at this time, but he didn't seem to care at all. In just half an hour, the number of people who died in him has exceeded double digits, and this result is indeed too dazzling at this point.

At about 7 o'clock, there were only 12 contestants left, and these 12 can be said to be very proficient in mountain and forest warfare, so the sneak attack has gradually lost its effect. Not long ago, a bat and a bear met, and the two sides only fought for one round and separated tacitly. At this time, whoever made himself bruised all over the body first was doomed to be eliminated.

The jackal went under a tree, jumped to the trunk, broke a tree branch and smiled, "I'm afraid those who are still alive are waiting for people to make mistakes. Although the wolf's most important thing is patience, unfortunately the wolf has no time, because my brothers still have a game tomorrow. If the game is not over quickly, If so, it will affect their rest.

After the wolf finished speaking, there was a smile directly in the woods opposite, "You mean I'm going to have an operation? But aren't you worried that we will lose both sides and then benefit from being fisherman?

When he spoke, a sharp arrow shot directly at the jackal, brushing the tip of his temples and nailed it to the trunk behind him. At this time, a blue-haired girl also jumped down from the tree and looked at the wolf with a smile.

Since the catastrophe, the color of human hair has changed due to radiation, but the blue and pink hair colors are still rare. Blue hair, it's you, Anya, the daughter of nature, right?

As the jackal spoke, Anya pointed at him with a smile and said, "Since I know it's me, does this battle still need to continue? Although I can't guarantee that I can kill you, it doesn't seem difficult to hurt you, does it?

"Let's show the two ghost wolves behind me. They can't hide them from my eyes in the forest." Just as Anya finished speaking, the two ghost wolves behind him rushed directly to Anya, and the jackal disappeared again.

Seeing this, Anya snorted coldly, turned around and nailed the ghost wolf directly to the ground with two consecutive arrows, and then shot an arrow directly at the big tree on her left. The arrow passed through the tree trunk and flew close to the cheek of the jackal. If the arrow was a few centimeters away, it could even shoot directly into the jackal's temple!

"I repeat, if you want to play both sides, I will accompany you!"

However, just as Anya finished speaking, the ghost wolf nailed behind her actually broke free from the arrow and rushed to her again. Anya, who was a little annoyed by the jackal, jumped directly into the woods and pulled the bow directly to the jackal. The power contained in an arrow that can shoot through the century-old giant tree can definitely shoot through the wolf's head, so the jackal at this time hides directly!

But what surprised the audience was that the jackal still stood still in place, allowing the arrow to shoot through his head, and then...

"Oh, what the hell is going on?" After seeing the following scene, the host couldn't help but say excitedly, "Although I don't know much about it, you can easily guess that the jackal player knew that this arrow was just a phantom at that moment! So there is no choice to dodge at all!"

"A arrow contains twelve changes. You are better than I thought, but it's a pity that this is a single survival game. If it's a team game, I'm afraid you will give me a headache." After saying that, the jackal directly lay down and turned into a wolf, and then summoned two ghost wolves again!

The jackal's speed is very fast, but when it turns into a wolf, it is even faster than ever! As a daughter of nature, Anya can see insects a few kilometers away, sharp arrows as fast as the wind, and naturally see the movements of jackals, but her eyes can see clearly, but the movements on her body...

Anya just pulled out an arrow, and the two ghost wolves still rushed to her. At this time, if they shoot the ghost wolf, the jackal behind them can definitely seriously hurt her, but if... Just as Anya hesitated, the ghost wolf had bit her neck, and the jackal rushed to her!

Don't fight! As soon as the word flashed from Anya's mind, his body subconsciously jumped back, dodged the attack of the ghost wolf, and then shot an arrow at the jackal to delay his attack.

But the ghost wolf is still chasing. Although Anya knows that if she is not bitten by the key point by the ghost wolf at this time, she will not be hurt much, but she does not know that Anya does not dare to gamble at this time, because once she makes a mistake, it means that she really loses.

Who hasn't come to this point for the champion? After avoiding the two attacks of the jackal, Anya, who has always been elegant, couldn't help saying angrily, "What a mad dog. Do you really want to kill me if you are seriously injured? At this time, if you are seriously injured, you can only benefit others!"

"I said, I don't have time, so it's cheap, and I'm confident that I can recover from my injury as soon as possible after killing you. You know, the injured wolf is even more terrible, isn't it?" After saying that, the jackal no longer gave Anya a chance to continue to chase and fight. Originally, although Anya was a warrior, she was better at long-range blocking and belonged to a long-range face warrior, but when she met a pure, mad dog-like warrior like a jackal, she could only secretly complain.

The speed is faster than myself, and I can't pull the distance at all. The sensitive action doesn't give me time to breathe at all. The most important thing is that the jackal's speed is so fast that if you want to shoot it, you must accurately predict it, but at this time, will the jackal give her the time to predict? The unreasonable mad dog fight completely forced Anya in three or two minutes!

She knew that if she blindly hid, her form would definitely get worse and worse, and she would even be bit by the jackals. Thinking of this, he jumped directly on the branch, regardless of the ghost wolf rushing towards him. The jade-like left hand held the arrow buckle string, and a green energy quickly gathered on the bow...

At this time, Ye Ning's eyes outside also took out No. 23 and asked, "This move?"

"This is An Ya's own original skill. She named 'Sprout' to absorb the power of life in the forest on the bow, and then use the awakening power of the body to make it perfectly integrated with the arrows. This arrow does little damage, but when it approaches the target, it can quickly release the vitality in the arrow, promote the plants around the target to grow quickly, and then imprison the target!

Because of the power of life released by arrows, the fast-growing plant toughness and fire resistance have been enhanced dozens of times. Only after the vitality disappears can the cage be easily broken.

Sure enough, he carried the ghost wolf and bit his arms, and the "germination" that shot promoted the surrounding plants to grow rapidly at the moment of approaching the jackal, and unexpectedly grew into a huge cage between the two breaths, trapping the jackal in it!

Seeing the trapped jackal, Anya raised her head to make up for two arrows, but an ominous foreboding came, and the open bow could not be loosened.

Phantom Wolf? No! That feeling definitely doesn't come from the ghost wolf, that.....