Devil's Amnesty

Chapter 250: Unexpected Gain

There was no accident. Chunlian only hesitated for a few seconds and then agreed to Le Hongyi's request, and even said that in order to ensure that Lehongyi would not be an accident, Chunlian also let Xingyao go with him... Xingyao just nodded after hearing the news without any objection. Obviously, Chunlian still occupies an unshakable position in her heart.

It should be said that not only Xingyao, but also Qiu Fengwu is obedient to pure lotus. Pure lotus has long surpassed the meaning of teachers for them, and it is not an overd to say that the master is not at all. After solving this problem, Ye Ning's eyes found Ye Chunyin again. What surprised him was that Ye Chunyin did not hesitate at all after hearing this request, even if he agreed.

There is only one guess about Ye Ning's eyes, that is, the intervention of the ghost. I'm afraid that only when the ghost opens his mouth can Ye Chunyin so simply agree to the request that is not good for her. As for why the ghost guessed the scene in front of him... Even Le Hongyi has guessed more. You can be relieved when you think about it, right?

It's reasonable, and naturally there are also unexpected things. Ye Chunyin promised Ye Ning's eyes to go to the Liu family together, which may be the intervention of ghosts. Ye Chunchen also ran out to join in the fun, which made Ye Ning's eyes completely confused. After all, Ye Chunchen's identity is too **. In a sense, she can completely represent the attitude of the Snow Night Empire...

The Snow Night Empire is the first empire on this interface, and the Liu family is an absolute first-class family. The overall strength in the interface is not much worse than that of the first-class empire, but if the two sides go to war... I'm afraid that ten Liu families will also be disabled by the Snowy Night Empire!

From military strength to talents in all aspects, to the economy and network, the Snow Night Empire is really too strong! In the past, Qiu Yun didn't pay attention to the Snow Night Empire. In addition to the strength of the "enemy" itself, the main thing is that the two sides are too far away, and the possibility of starting a war is basically zero. If you put the "enemy" next to the Snow Night Empire...

Of course, Ye Chunchen's behavior must have been recognized by the royal family. Before his uncle came back, Ye Chunchen's "bodyguard" had arrived. But what's more interesting is that as the most favored little princess in the Snowy Night Empire... Unexpectedly, I don't know my "bodyguard"...

Ye Chunchen was so shocked that he almost shouted out when he first saw the "guardian", but the surprised look on his face after contact was gradually replaced by suspicion. And the "guardian" is also dressed in a black robe, and his face is not only hidden under his hat, but also wearing a mask...

Not to mention that Ye Chunchen was shocked to see that person, mainly because the figure, voice, and even the feeling was too similar to the man in black that appeared in the last "Ye Chunyin Incident"! But Ye Ning's eyes and Ye Chunchen knew that the man in black who appeared last time was the Snowy Night Emperor Ye Mingshuang! Of course, after a short contact, Ye Chunchen found that this person was definitely not his father. Thinking about it, he was relieved how the emperor of the Snow Night Empire could casually leave the imperial capital.

In fact, the first person to find that this mysterious "guardian" is definitely not Ye Mingshuang. Naturally, the reason is that she has ever worked with Ye Mingshuang. After the first meeting, the mysterious "guardian" never appeared again, and he could still feel his existence more or less. In this way, after another night, he finally waited for his uncle Ye Yan!

"Uncle, where are the others?" Looking at Ye Yan, who was alone, Ye stared and asked puzzledly.

Ye Yan smiled bitterly and said, "Your father went to Fengyue. After finding it, he will go to Liuyun's house as soon as possible. The wolf has already gone to that interface, so I'm the only one who came back. I'm really tired these two days!"

This is not Ye Yan's complaint. When Ye stared at the war academy, he was a carriage for a spirit beast. He ran five days at full speed, but it took Ye Yan to run back from the war academy and came back from Ye's house in less than a day and a half. It can be imagined whether it was the consumption of physical strength or mental strength.

For the addition of Ye Chunchen and others, Ye Yan just shrugged his shoulders and said nothing, but what surprised everyone was that Ye Yan knew the mysterious "guardian". What was more interesting was that the "guardian" not only knew Ye Yan, but also the first sentence of meeting turned out to be the short...

Because of Le Hongyi's physical problems, he just entered the sphere of influence of the Liuyun family on the third day after completing the interface jump. When Ye Ning and others arrived at Liuyunzong's family, Ye Xin and others naturally had been waiting for a long time. After Ye Ning's eyes, who knew the truth, did not have the imaginary tit-for-tat, let alone the dog-blooded tears. The two just looked at each other and focused on the problem in front of them.

"If you haven't come up with any good ideas now, please sort out all the power you can use first. This is what I think needs to be done most at present." After saying that, Ye stared and changed the topic and continued, "My friend is here. He is in poor health. I hope you can prepare a better environment and the best place for no one to disturbs."

Ye Ning's eyes, who was about to leave, couldn't help telling Ye Chunyin's personality: "Although it's a little rude, I still want to remind that another friend in white has a bad temper. If someone provokes her... I'm afraid there will be an ending that everyone doesn't see.

Ye Ning's words are indeed very rude, but he is really afraid that if something happens, it can't be covered by rudeness. Ye Chunyin, the god-killing Shura, really dares to do anything. Although the current Liu family's masters are endless, he really started to estimate that all the buildings with a radius of ten miles will be destroyed, and the innocents will be affected countless.

In fact, in Ye Ning's eyes, although Ye Chunyin's strength is perverted, it is more or less acceptable. What makes him feel most puzzled is the ghost behind Ye Chunyin. If you don't understand the past night of this "ghost" and don't feel much, it's really scary and unbelievable when you know his past.

Looking at Ye Ning's departure, an elder of the Liuyun family snorted dissatisfiedly, "Hey, Ye Xin, your son is too rude!"

The man with a pair of faint green pupils in the corner laughed when he heard the words. The old man was even more dissatisfied when he saw the situation and said, "Wolf! Pay attention to your attitude, this is Liuyun, not..."

"What is not? Not to mention that this is the Liuyun family, even if it is hell and the devil's cave, my wolf still has this attitude. And what my nephew said just now is not enough. Be sure to tell the dboys in your family not to provoke the killing god, otherwise there is no place for you to cry!"

"By the way, the killer named Ye Chunyin is a wandering princess of the Snow Night Empire for many years. She was only found by the Snow Night Royal Family two months ago. However, she killed a prince and a noble concubine in less than a week after returning to the imperial capital. If Ye Mingshuang hadn't come forward, I'm afraid the noble concubine's family would have been directly destroyed.

"Finally... Let me tell you again... The princess, who should be no more than 20 years old, is actually not weak. More importantly, the space folding of the royal family on a snowy night, has you Liuyun family also heard of it?

After the wolf finished speaking, the old man's face had completely changed, and Liu Yun Tingxue's face beside him was also not good-looking. At this time, they were praying secretly. Those scum in the family should not provoke this killer. If Ye Xin's time stopped in a single confrontation belongs to BUG-like ability, but the space Folding is really a divine skill in terms of slaughter.

The ability of space jump and space folding is somewhat similar, but the former is far more mobile than the latter, but it has lost the ability to kill, but the self-contained ability of both sides is not to say. Just like Ye Yan, if you don't want to die, even five Fengyue may not be able to kill him. Of course, if you really want to run away... Even if you add five more phoenix months, you can't stop it...

Of course, thinking about the three phoenix months can stop or even kill Ye Chunyin, but at the same time, Ye Chunyin can also suffer a devastating blow within ten miles in the process of resistance...

Ye Ning's eyes when he returned to the apse saw Ye Chunyin next to the flower bed. He may be respectful and timid of the killing god, but Ye Ning's eyes had never had such an idea. The dangerous person is not because she has the power to cause destruction at that time, but whether the person has the idea of hurting himself...

If Ye Ning's eyes can feel a trace of murder in the ghost's eyes, there is only a sense of indifference in Ye Chun's eyes. The murderous cold-blooded Shura can even cut flowers. If this kind of thing spreads out, I'm afraid it will surprise many people, right?

Ye Chunyin didn't even raise his head when he heard the words, and still put all his energy on the flowers in front of him, with no intention of replying at all. Ye Chunyin's skill of trimming flowers is very good, which can definitely be called professional. The ability to use space folding does not require scissors at all. The gentle sliding of slender fingers is like painting out of thin air, which is dazzling.

The passage of time did not cause any embarrassment for the two. At the moment when Ye Chunyin stopped, countless branches and leaves scattered on the ground, and the already beautiful and elegant flower bed completely turned into a different appearance in just a few seconds. The "Lanzhi" used to set off the "purple charm" in the middle were all cut off, while the "Lanhui" on the other side of the flower bed and wanted to take care of the "purple charm" was directly transferred to the "purple charm" by Ye Chunyin's ability to use space cutting, forming two competing beautiful scenery.

"I didn't expect you to talk to me with such boring words. What's the matter with me?"

"Can't I come to talk to you if it's okay? It seems that I don't have a good impression on you!"

Ye Chunyin's eyes still stayed on the two flowers that had been transferred to the center of the flower bed: "It's not bad, but extremely bad. Didn't you take advantage of me after you saw me that time? Do you like flowers?"

Hearing Ye Chunyin's sudden question, Ye's eyes were also a little stunned, but without any hesitation, he replied, "I don't like it, carnation may be an exception... It carries too many memories.

"Canines?" Ye Chunyin's body suddenly trembled when he heard these three words, and then turned to look at Ye Ning's still calm cheeks, and tilted his head slightly and said, "He is the same. He doesn't like flowers... Because he often says things he doesn't need... There is no need to like it, so carnations are an exception..."

"Isn't he a ghost?"

"Ghost? It's really vivid, but I prefer the name Night Demon, because this name also carries too many memories, night staring... You are really similar to him, but completely different!"

After hearing this comment, Ye Ning's eyes were silent for a moment and said, "I don't like people to say that I'm very similar to others. My name is Ye Ning's eyes... It's just staring at night... It's not a copy of others, let alone a puppet that needs to replace someone.

After Ye Ning's eyes finished saying this, Ye Chunyin actually smiled without any sarcasm, ridicule or appreciation smile: "That's why I say that you are very similar to him, because he doesn't like to say that he is very similar to others, Ye Ning's eyes... Although I don't know why he helped you so much, I will definitely help him with everything he decides.

"Sure enough, the ghost gave you the news... I really want to know more about my brother, who is at least nominal, and what kind of past..."

"Didn't you guess it a long time ago?" Talking is Ye Chunchen, the princess of the Snowy Night Empire. She stood in front of the door of the apse before Ye stared over and quietly watched what happened in front of her.

"What you guess is not necessarily true, let's talk about it... What I guess is just a general idea, but what often changes people is just a detail... Or a lot of details... Forget it, let's talk about this kind of thing later, by the way... Ye Chunchen, do you say hello to the Liuyun family first?

"The guardian has gone... Speaking of which, there are only a few guardians of the royal family, but I have never seen this person... But he made me feel very familiar. More importantly... His voice and tone should also graduate from the War College, and it's almost the same time as your father was in school, but I checked... I can't find a qualified person at all.

Ye Ning's eyes and smiled, "This is about your Xueye royal family. Does it really matter what you say to an outsider to me?"

"Can't you ask your uncle if I don't say it? Besides, the relationship between your night family and our snowy night royal family... I believe you are not clear! What's your opinion on nonsense? This time I went to that party also meant by my father. I really can't guess what my father means. I always feel..."

"Do you always feel like you are in the dark? You don't have to think so much. The awakening power of that guardian is almost the same as mine, and it has the ability to cut space. So if nothing unexpected happens, his identity should also be a royal family. Since Ye Mingshuang asked a royal family to come here, it is obvious that he is not completely protecting you..."

Ye Chunchen has not felt the name of Ye Chunyin calling Ye Mingshuang for a long time. Now she is just calling the name directly. If she really angers Ye Chunyin, she really dares to cut even her own father! At this point, not to mention the phoenix, even the jackal feels weak...

When Ye Chunyin said this, Ye Chunchen also felt a lot. When he received the news from Ye Mingshuang before, Ye Chunchen was really confused, and he was even more at a loss when he saw the mysterious guardian again. Now it seems that I just need to represent the snowy night royal family when I come out this time, and the real thing should be done by my guardian.

As for the identity of this guardian... It's better not to think too much about this kind of thing, not to mention anything else... If her sister Ye Chunyin hadn't made too much trouble, I guess the whole royal family didn't know that there was really such a person.

As a snowy night princess, Ye Chunchen is not only stronger and smart than other princes, but more importantly, she knows more about the secrets of the royal family, so she also knows more about what to do in this kind of thing.

After three people looked at each other, they returned to their own room in turn, and Le Hongyi and others had already gathered together to wait for the return of the night staring eyes. Phoenix and others who have lived together for such a long time are very clear about the character of Ye Ning's eyes. In this case, they are still not ready to take action, which means that Ye Ning's eyes must be ready to fish in troubled waters.

"There has been discussed how to deal with the immediate trouble, but I don't think we can discuss it after discussion, but now let's wait for Liuyun's family to send the information to make a plan."

Le Hongyi also said after staring at night, "There is another thing that needs to be paid special attention to now, that is, the situation of the Liu family, and this is also a part that can affect the final result!" According to the relationship, the relationship between the Liu family and the Ye family should be good, so if they take action, there is a very important premise, that is, the Ye family will give up.

Phoenix also said: "If you want the Ye family to give up, the United Army must have overwhelming strength, so that the Ye Family will definitely not be a car, but now it seems that the strength of the United Army is indeed unresistible. According to the information sent by the Liu family before, there are at least five first-class families in the United Family, including the Liu family... First-class families all have killer strong men... In this way, the restrictions on different interface battles are significantly weaker..."

"Phoenix, you think a little too much. The killer of this battle is very important, but the effect is far lower than you think. Don't forget that if the fathers really intervene in the war, those murderous strong people will face our father..."

The jackal heard this and said, "Yes, our fathers are very fast. Although they don't have the ability to kill, the threat to the strong at the same level is too great. Among other things, the film-killing strongman who has just woken up is really approached by my father, and he can definitely bite one..."