Devil's Capital

Chapter 56 Holy War 15: Turn

The business of Weapon Home has always been booming. With new technology, they bought several stores near the original storefront in Sufei, the sunset city, and expanded the workshop. The original manpower had not been enough for a long time. After Hank and A San left, Su Fei couldn't find a trusted man for a while. Later, with the help of Ferans, they found a logistics demon to support the scene. The corresponding Su Fei also generously handed over the steel smelting process to Ferens and brought back the sickle magic collar.

Now the business of the workshop is on the right track, and Su Fei has nothing special to do there. Except for Miss Eveline coming to help watch the progress every day, the rest of the time is spent on sorting out the materials sent by Yulin. Of course, after knowing that the Dodge Chamber of Commerce had a bad heart, he was still a little careful about Evelyn Sufei. After all, he had to be defensive. He didn't want to be smelted by this human girl and patted his buttocks and left. It's a pity that he hasn't recovered yet, otherwise it would be a big waste not to use such a good resource.

"Miss Eveney, why have you been so diligent recently?" In recent days, Eveney has come to visit the class very frequently. She comes on time almost every morning. First, she goes to the account room to check the daily entry details, and then goes to the warehouse to collect the orders of the Dodge Chamber of Commerce. Originally, the Dodge Chamber of Commerce had a special person in charge of this work, but Evelyn came too often these two days and took over the work by the way.

Seeing Su Fei sitting in the lobby, Eveney came over and said with a smile, "I have nothing to do in the sunset city these days. My father is usually responsible for the business of the Chamber of Commerce. I want to come and have a look when I'm free."

"I really don't understand what you women think. Won't you go to see the book embroidery when you are free?" Su Fei muttered in his heart, thinking that this was also one of the initial shareholders, and it was also proper to come to inspect, so he had to put down the things in his hand and take Evelyn to inspect the progress of the workshop.

After spending some time with these demons, Evene felt that these demons in front of her were very different from the legendary demons. Take Su Fei in front of her. Evelyn has never seen such a humble and polite demon as him. Every day when she comes to the Weapon Home, she will warmly receive herself, take her to visit the workshop, and take herself to experience new products and estimate the price by the way. Most of the legendary demons are bloody and cruel existence, and this has nothing to do with wisdom. The higher the level of the record, the greater the evil in the heart of the demons, and the more irritable and irritable. Although the sickle demons have several demons before and after, they are only slightly better than other races.

With her contact with demons, Evelyn knows more and more about them. But just as she was about to accept Su Fei, his father suddenly changed his mind and did not go to Sinjid, which put Evelyn in a dilemma. As a girl, even if she has a good impression in her heart, she is embarrassed to express it to her face, but recently, the Dodge Chamber of Commerce needs to go to Shenen City temporarily because of a new trading partner, thinking about leaving the sunset city, and Evelyn has been more diligent recently.

"Well, that, Su Fei." Following Su Fei, she was not in the mood to see those new work workshops at this time. She hesitated. Eveny felt that she should tell Su Fei first. Seeing that Su Fei stopped, she continued: "I will leave the sunset city with the Chamber of Commerce to go to Shenen City in two days, and I should not come to the workshop later. However, the business of the weapons store has always been very good, and I can rest assured that I give it to you. Don't hack my share income! Otherwise, I will never forgive you when I come back, hum!"

A child was stuck by Evelyn, a little adult, all day long. Hearing Evelyn say that she would not come in the future, Su Fei suddenly felt the haze in her heart and regained her vitality in the sunshine. Amused by the threatening words of Eveni waving her little fist behind her, Su Fei lowered her head with her little hands behind her back and suppressed her smile and said with a reluctant expression, "Is this going to leave? I thought you were going to stay for a while. The business of the weapons store is so good that no one will take care of it if the shareholders run away. Do you want to stay here and continue to help us with the business of the weapons store? Just leave the affairs of Shenen City to the people of your Chamber of Commerce to do it!"

"God's City is definitely going. My father said he was going to meet a big customer and asked me to recognize his life. However, for the sake of your sincere retention, I will come back soon after finishing my work over there. During this period, I must take good care of our common property, little devil!" Eveney was still immersed in the sadness of leaving, but now she was not sad when she heard Su Fei's words. She came to pat Su Fei's head and said her next plan.

Su Fei regretted it after saying that. He was familiar with him and full of enthusiasm and vitality anytime and anywhere. Wouldn't it be better if he didn't come back? You have to keep him cheaply. That's good. I don't think this Bodhisattva can be invited. Thinking of this terrible consequence, Su Fei suddenly lost the desire to talk to each other and took Evelyn to visit the workshop according to the daily process. No matter how beautiful people are, it is very common to see more times, and if you have that mind but physiologically do not meet the minimum requirements, Su Fei's thoughts on Ephne are even lighter and can't be seen. Oh, what a painful understanding this is! In this way, seeing Eveni more often, Su Fei's grief slowly began to deepen, and he couldn't stand the enthusiasm of the other party, and then gradually became cold to Eveney.

After a period of rectification, the security in the sunset city has become much better. In order to defend against human counterattacks, the sunset city is now mainly focused on military work. So Sinjid sat back in the office and sent Calondo to command the demon army to set up the defense. He did the easy things by himself, and the complicated work was handed over to his subordinates, but it just suffered our Calon.

"I'm a hard-working old scalper. There's nothing wrong with me!" Calondo didn't mention how sad it was. Because the war did not really start, the army was not very busy, so the task of training new soldiers to run in with veterans was left to him again. These days, he stays in the army almost every day, synchronizing his daily schedule with the soldiers, and has established a high prestige in the eyes of the recruits.

Not to mention Calondo, who was aggrieved but still nestled in the army, Sinjid took Yulin to the weapons store the next day to find Su Fei. Just that day, Evelyn was busy with the Chamber of Commerce and was about to evacuate from Sunset City. The Dodge Chamber of Commerce was rushing to hand over unfinished contracts and orders, so she didn't have time to come to the weapons store.

Su Fei is an alien in the eyes of the devil. His own strength is barely weak, but he has a good relationship with the demon's high-level. First, he was taken care of by Ference and Yulin, and then even Lord Sinjid was polite to Su Fei, which was more or less incredible in the eyes of demons who advocated strength. But who called him special? The identity of the pure-blooded sickle demon made him full of mystery in the eyes of outsiders. While receiving the attention of the sickle demons, Su Fei also entered the eyes of the gods.

As soon as Sinjid and Yulin walked into the door, Su Fei immediately sat up straight. He thought that Ephne was coming again. Originally, Su Fei was glad that the other party didn't come. Now he saw a person appear in front of the gate. No, two people, and it can't be Eve Niha. Recently, I have been busy delivering orders from various large and small forces. The weapons sold in the store were sold out in a few days. In the following days, the weapons store were all empty, and there was no weapons hanging out on the surface. Seeing that it was not Eveny, Su Fei felt relaxed and got up and went out to meet the two.

"I haven't seen you two for a long time. Have you been busy lately? And how has the war been going recently? After the last small battle, there was no big conflict, so I thought that 1.8 million human troops came out for military drills!" Seeing the two of them for a rare time, Su Fei asked the question he was most concerned about.

As soon as he entered the door and saw Su Fei, Sinjid didn't say anything because he didn't know how to speak about it. At this time, when he heard Su Fei's military drill, he didn't understand it for a moment and asked doubtfully, "What military drill are you talking about?"

"It is to send elite troops to arrange troops around the enemy's forces, do wartime exercises, and show their military strength to intimidate the enemy." Su Fei thought of how many military exercises the small R country on earth relied on a small island. Of course, the effect was not obvious that only he knew.

"Oh, this is called a military exercise, right?" After listening to Su Fei's explanation, Sinjid secretly remembered this military term in his heart. There was no special feeling in his heart as to why Su Fei came up with some strange words and sentences that gave him the ancient inheritance he got. Thinking about the business this time, Sinjid followed Su Fei's words and said, "The war can't be fought recently. It is estimated that there will be a very important battle to be fought in a few days. Yulin and I came to you this time specifically for the battle in a few days."

"Is there anything I can do for you?" Seeing Sinjid's solemn look, Su Fei couldn't help but pay attention to it. He sat up straight, held his breath, and looked forward to Sinjid's answer. The other party came to him because of the war, which made him nervous and a little inexplicably excited.

Seeing that Su Fei had no other reaction, Sinjid was relieved and did not dare to consult Yulin, who looked stiff beside him. Sinjid said to himself, "Since the last visit between the two sides, we seem to have a tacit understanding with human beings. Both sides have calmed down and the human side extinguished. Although it is not clear what the reason is, it is in line with our idea of fighting a protracted war. Later, after a while, when we reconfirmed the authenticity of the news of the Giant Deer Chamber of Commerce and the Tilian Chamber of Commerce, we knew that the envoys of the Alliance of the Gods had almost arrived at the continent of Noland. I'm sorry that we didn't tell you this as soon as possible.

After a pause, Sinjid said the purpose of this visit to Su Fei: "Just yesterday, the two major human empires, the Otter Empire and the Cass Empire, sent envoys to sign an alliance with us in order to resist the temple forces of Norland. Originally, I still had doubts about the alliance, but later I didn't doubt it when I read the content of the agreement. I really don't know how much hatred they have had with the temple, and they have torn each other to the point of face. The two of us came to you this time, mainly because there is a plan in the agreement signed with human forces, which involves you. We want to set a trap for the temple and the upcoming envoys, a trap that can make them fall into doom and never turn over, and the bait is you, so that they will definitely step into the abyss step by step according to the script!"

After entering the door, Sinjid was talking alone, but after Yulin came in, she looked a little dull and didn't say a word. At first, Su Fei didn't feel anything. Knowing that Sinjid had said the purpose of their trip, Su Fei felt Yulin's abnormal behavior. Knowing that it was not planned by the two, Su Fei felt happy in his heart. No one, even if he was weak, would be willing to let others regard himself as a chess piece and play with him, even if he could not use it.

Knowing that Sinjid himself has made a decision, it is just a routine to politely ask his will. Sinjid will not change his plan because of Su Fei's personal will. Yulin may, because she is a demon who values personal emotions, and she behaves more like a human in this regard. In fact, Su Fei is also very satisfied that Sinjid can ask for his opinions before implementing the plan. He can't ask for more, can he? After all, this is not a fair world, and in order to survive, Su Fei also feels that he should show more value!

"Since this plan can solve everyone's troubles once and for all, I am certainly happy to serve you!" Now that the matter came to this extent, Su Fei readily agreed and continued, "What exactly do you ask me to do next?"

Seeing Su Fei fall into deep thinking, Yulin turned her eyes and thought that if Su Fei did not want to, even if she took Su Fei back to the demon world now, she would not let Su Fei take risks. Unexpectedly, Su Fei actually agreed to Sinjid's terms next. Seeing that this was the end of the matter, Yulin had to put down her thoughts and start to participate in the discussion of the plan.

When Sinjid heard that Sufi agreed with his plan, the only concern in his heart was gone. At this time, he took the initiative to tell Sufi the detailed plan and let Sufi make a more reasonable disguise so as not to be recognized by the enemy: "Sturdin of the Otter Empire and Cappucci of the Cass Empire have agreed. With this plan, when the messenger comes to the front line, they will tell us everything. In this way, we have grasped the opportunity and waited for a suitable opportunity. We will cooperate with the empire to stage a good play, set a reasonable time for your appearance, ambush at a pre-selected place, and wait for Stiding and others to lead the people and gods of the temple into the trap. At that time, we will go out together and we will be able to catch them all. Beat it all!"

The plan is a good plan. Stiding and others have been cornered by theocracy. They can only deliver food to the temple. After the arrival of the divine envoy, the strength of the temple will be greatly enhanced, and things that they had concerns before can be done now. Moreover, their demons and empire will not be absolutely united, and there must be many concerns about each other. After all, the two sides put aside the current new hatred, and the hatred that can't be washed away in the long river of history. The new hatred and the old hatred can't be settled by a few words.

"Are the people of the empire trustworthy?" At this time, Yulin saw that the wood had become a boat and did not object, but just considered the feasibility of the plan. After all, the imperial forces in Noland are not the same person as them, so they form an alliance of interests, which requires the other party to turn against each other at that time.

Hearing Yulin's words, Sinjid immediately smiled. He could not deny Yulin's doubts: "On the day of the implementation of the plan, it is not us demons to worry about, but them. For now, we can't defeat the 1.8 million human troops outside, but as long as you give me enough supplies, I can bring less than 100,000 demon troops to mutilate them all in a year!"

Ulin and Su Fei listened to Sinjid's strong response and laughed for a moment. However, think about it, their demons are very strong whether they are fighting outside or fighting against the enemy. If the empire really wants to regret it, it is no doubt that they should be worried about it.

"Then, let's get things done like this first. When new news comes from the empire, we will inform you first when implementing the plan, and we will consider security for you. Sinjid went on to say that there are big loopholes in the plan itself for the sake of Su Fei's personal safety. For the alliance of gods, as long as the purpose is dead, even if the gods lose more, they can accept the result calmly. However, for the devil, the key to this plan is to protect Su Fei's safety. Even if the temple and the coming gods are destroyed, if there is an accident in Su Fei, they will fail no matter how much they harvest, and the gains will outweigh the losses in the end!

Night fell again. After leaving the Weapon House, Yulin was worried that she did not immediately return to the room of the temple, but walked out of the city alone. She wanted to find the two powerful hunting teams in these days, and Su Fei's safety needed to be guaranteed by them.