Devil's Capital

Chapter 50 Deviated from the historical trajectory

"I will ignite the divine fire and recast the kingdom of God. As my first believer, you will sprinkle my glory on the earth. I give you the name: Ikalander, you will become my messenger on earth as a saint and spread my faith! When I ascend the throne, it will be the day you return to the kingdom of God!"

"Thank you for your kindness. My Lord's will is the will of Icaranda. I will try my best to sprinkle the glory of my Lord on every corner of the crimson!" The girl got her real name, Caparon. Icaranda. He slowly stood up from the ground, leaned slightly, and kissed the ring finger of Odys. Then he stretched out his hands, put on white clothes, and jumped gently to the pond in front of him. His toes stepped on the surface of the water and walked south step by step.

Oz was stunned and waited for the beauty in front of him to move away until he walked out of the temple and could no longer see him. Oz can't speculate about the strength of his master now. His voice trembled with a trace. Oz asked excitedly, "Your Excellency, what step have you taken?" No wonder Oz is so nervous and excited. The whole scarlet plane has not given birth to a god for more than 3,000 years since the fall of the main god of Kazate. At the beginning, in order to prevent the crimson secret from falling into the hands of the devil, the Lord God of Kazate attracted the crimson will hidden in the depths of the plane, causing the will of the crimson plane itself to be severely damaged and once collapsed. Today, the crimson plane has not revealed a trace of rules. These peak legends have stopped here and cannot be further. Step.

seemed to confirm Oz's speculation. Oddis did not directly answer his confidant, but continued to look at the pond in front of him. Reaching out with a move, twelve red carp jumped out of the water and prayed, "I am the god of hope. I will give you eternal life, wisdom and angelic form. You will guard the kingdom of God for me!"

Oz stayed quietly and watched. The divine language used by Odis this time was not an object. At the same time, the use of divine language for twelve creatures was extremely consumed. Even Odis, who had been standing at the peak of the legend for many years, was still a little unbearable. In the end, the power of the divine language gradually disappeared, but the twelve red carp in front of him did not succeed in turning into angels, and Odis was also sweating profusely at this time. Taking the scarf handkerchief handed over by Oz, Odys wiped the sweat on his forehead and shook the handkerchief back and forth. The twelve red carp were full of brilliance because of the impure power of the divine language. After struggling in the air for a few times, they burst one after another, and the fallen glory flew into the air and disappeared.

"I have understood the field of God, but crimson is a plane with incomplete rules, so at present I can only equate those demigods who ignite the divine fire but have not completed the rules." Oddis seems to have made many attempts before, and there is no loss in the failure of the transformation angel, but the previous success of Icaranda's transformation gave him other ideas.

"Lord, you shine like the sun hanging in the sky. Your body is so magnificent that your glory will last forever." Oz is really excited at this time. Odis has been re-elected for three terms. After the fall of Kazat, the temple has not established a pope. The highest head of the temple is collectively known as the lord of the temple. Odis has been in the position of the palace for 300 years, but Oz is the only cronin who served him. At the same time, Oz Ben He is also a fanatical admirer of Odis. Once Odis ascended the throne, he would definitely have his own place in the kingdom of God. Oz began to feel hot when he thought of this.

"It's not so easy for Crimson to be immortal. Forget it, just point it out that it refers to you. Let me tell you about the crimson in the eyes of our group of people standing above the top of the world." When Odis heard Oz's constant compliment for hundreds of years, he couldn't help laughing and thought that he still needed to rely on this cronin to run around for his mission. Odis said the secret of the scarlet plane: "In those years, the Lord God of Kazate united with the plane will to block the devil. That battle was the most difficult battle in the history of Crimson. In the First World War, because the power of the devil's domination of Jerusalem was too strong, not only did the Lord God of Kazate fall, but also the plane's will was severely damaged, and from then on, he fell into a long sleep.

"So that's why Crimson has been declining for thousands of years." Oz had a clear understanding in his heart, and then listened to Odes continue to say:

Not only that, the plane will almost collapsed, and the plane rules are all hidden in the depths of the plane until we can no longer feel even a complete rule. After losing the main god of Gaddat, our temple was abandoned by the alliance of the gods. Fortunately, the god of knowledge had several friends who held important positions in the alliance of the gods, so although the scarlet plane was separated from the alliance of gods, each temple owner can leave for the alliance of gods when he arrived to ignite the divine fire. Continue to promote."

What Odis is saying now is almost the current situation of the crimson plane temple in the past thousand years, but he did not expect that after those temple owners retired, they did not live in seclusion, but left for the Alliance of Gods, the wider world! Thinking of this, Oz suddenly had doubts in his heart. Why didn't Lord Odis go to the Alliance of the Gods? Compared with crimson, shouldn't it be easy to go to the outside world to promote the divine position?

It seemed to see Oz's doubts, and Odis said to himself softly, "I'd rather be a chicken head than a phoenix's tail. In Crimson, I can look down on the whole land and have everything I want, but after I go out, I am nothing! The outside world is more wonderful, but my Odis can't stand this servile days. In the secret of the temple, I found a way to capture the will of the plane. As long as I ascend the throne of Crimson, I can become the crimson plane master and surpass the main god of the Kazate to gain powerful divine power in one fell swoop!"

After the Holy War, Odys completely disappeared on the crimson plane. During this period, Sinjid went to Stiding and Capunoch the Great to force the Protestants to hold a grand prayer ceremony, trying to lure Odys out with the power of faith. Unexpectedly, there was no news at all after the whole ceremony was held for three days. Disappointed, Sinjid and others also turned their minds away and ignored it.

But they all forgot one particularly important thing, that is, the space passage from the scarlet plane to the demon world is in a state of emptiness without defense at this moment. Because of the great victory, Sinjid rewarded the three armies, and I was also busy signing a new peaceful coexistence agreement between the three emperors, so I neglected to arrange for Swat Xiong. Guards. No matter how stupid they are, Odys will not run to the nest of the devil world, because it is undoubtedly a sheep into the mouth of a tiger. Although the strength of Odys, who is blessed with the will in the crimson plane, is comparable to a powerful demigod, when it comes to the demon world, the legendary hand that can kill him alone can't be counted, which is subconsciously Hingid. The omitted incident also caused the bloodshed in June*!

Let's continue to read the next story:

Saras was originally a plane wanderer, no, to be precise, a plane wandering snake. When he opened his eyes, he was already on the crimson plane, and the elder of the Tuke tribe took him in. No, this also needs to be corrected. At that time, it was the elder of the Tuke tribe who found the weak water, and then found Salas lying on the stone platform when he left with the weak water.

With pity for all the weak creatures, Suggs, the Great Tuke Elder at that time, took Salas back to the tribe to take care of him. However, it's hard to say whether it's because he took other people's things and was embarrassed to watch Salas starve to death on the street. In a word, in a word, Salas' childhood memory has no color at all. Following Sugs, he can eat raw meat in one step, but can't soak a beautiful snake. Salas lives a dark life.

Saras ate and slept all day, and completely became Sugus' dead pet, and he himself enjoyed this pig-like life. Every morning, I get up to eat some vegetarian dishes, eat some cooked meat, bask in the sun, chat with the dog outside the yard, catch a mouse and play with it for a few days before I am willing to eat. Of course, after eating, I quickly go to the river to rinse my mouth, so that Sugs can't find the mouse hair on the corners of his mouth.

Sarahs forgot when he ate the mouse last time, but he remembered that he was found by the elder Sugus and locked in the basement for three days. Finally, the hungry Salas made his first vow after he came out that he would never eat mice again in his life. However, this vow only lasts for three months, and then experience is not a big deal.

Saras's body is getting bigger day by day. From the beginning, half of Elder Sugus's meal to more than a dozen of Elder Sugus's meal now. But because of the high status of the elders in the Tuq tribe, Salas has been eating free food until now.

Salas saw that the functions in Suggs' body were decreasing day by day. He thought that he had eaten too much, and his master didn't have enough to eat. Later, one day, he desperately restrained his appetite and ate only one meal, leaving the remaining dozens of meals for his master, but at night, he found that the master still only ate one meal.

Adhering to the principle of not wasting, Salas eliminated the remaining dozens of meals. After the meal, he felt that he must eat while it was hot. It was really not delicious to eat it when the food was cold. Looking at Sugus's aging day by day, Salas suddenly had a reluctance to leave his feelings for this owner, but the years were a pig-killing knife. Of course, Saras was much stronger than the pigs waiting to be slaughtered, but he still couldn't stop the erosion of Sugus by the years.

Thinking that the next elder will still take care of himself after the death of his master, after a long time, he gradually became insensitive to Sugels's aging Saras. Life is still so monotonous and boring, without the smell of shredded chicken with green peppers. Salas began to miss that only on his birthday (that is, the day Suggs picked him up), the elders would ask him for ten servings of shredded chicken with green peppers, or live a good life!

There is no superfluous memory. Salas, who grew up slowly, learned to think, showing that Sugers would call the boys and girls in the tribe into his hut every other day or two. In the past, Salas was still a simple and ignorant snake and never cared about the movement in that hut, although from The boys and girls who came out of it always looked depressed, and whenever Sugs came out with a haggard face, Salas knew that he could have an extra meal today.

Until one day, after Salas ate the eighteenth shredded chicken with green pepper, he thought he had grown up. So on a dark and windy night, Salas couldn't hold back his curiosity and secretly climbed to the roof of the hut, carefully squirming the snake and slowly moving on the roof, finding a comfortable position. Salas opened a wooden board with a snake letter and the dim light in the room. Look in.

Saras doesn't know what language to use to describe the scene inside. With his young IQ, he can only accept that he is playing a game, and it is a happy game based on the game leader:

The light reflected by the animal oil lamp can just illuminate the whole room. Sugus sat in the center, with a man and a woman standing below, and three of them bare and began the "game". Suggs seemed to be very hungry and thirsty, without superfluous*, which directly put the two people who were half squatting in front of him into a state. After a while, the three of them stuck together tightly, and the delicate animal wool carpet under them flashed crystal light under the light.

Saras looked at the two white pink bodies tightly wrapped around a dry humanoid stick. It should have been a boring thing, but Salas couldn't help but want to keep watching. Slowly, the huge snake began to roll uneasily, and then thought that it was on the top of the house. If he accidentally crushed the house hard, Suggs would definitely make himself hungry! Thinking so, Salas stopped his restless behavior and patiently looked at the triangular snake's eye at the empty hole on the board.



"Child, work harder!"

"I seem to see heaven! Ah, oh, yeah! Dear child, hurry up, hurry up, hurry up!"

With a "pung", a ** teenager fell into the room and hit the table. Suggs was at the critical moment of the final sprint. At this time, he was stimulated by the sound, his body trembled twice, and all the essence in his body spewed out. The two children are so tired that they are weak and paralyzed on the ground. They have no energy to pay attention to what just happened. Now they just want to have a good rest.

"What a perfect body!" Sugus half opened his eyes and looked carefully at the hole above the room. When he turned his eyes to Salas, he was deeply attracted by his strong body. The remaining reason in his mind prevented him from jumping on it immediately, and he had just experienced strenuous activities and could not meet his requirements physically.

"Child, who are you? Why did you appear at my house in the middle of the night? Sugus endured again and again, and finally suppressed the desire at the bottom of his heart and asked the teenager seriously.

"Father, I'm Salas!" Salas didn't know what was going on. When he just felt hot all over, his body suddenly shrank and fell down into a human figure, and when he first opened his mouth, he could actually speak human language. Salas stroked his smooth body, felt the restless breath in his body, and said to Suggs anxiously, "Father, I'm so hot in my body now. I feel so uncomfortable! I don't know what to do, father, please help me!"

"Father, help me quickly!" This sentence completely moved Sugus. He doesn't care what happened to the snake he adopted, but if such a delicious meal is delivered to him and he doesn't eat it, it will be the biggest loss in his life!

"Good boy, father, I'm here to help you! Believe me, I will make you feel very happy!" Sugers said with a greedy face, and then asked a man and a woman who were paralyzed to walk over to Salas, who was restless standing in the center.

"Ah! Oh yeah!...... Thank you, Father!"

The ecstasy night was very long, and the four people interacted tirelessly in the room. When the first sunlight came in the morning, the four finally had no strength to continue. They lay on the carpet like dead dogs, found a comfortable place and rested. But for Sugers, this was the last carnival in his life, and he never woke up this time.


After being caught by Yulin, Salas was surprisingly obedient and not noisy. After knowing that the other party was going to give him away, Salas even showed a strong reluctance. After all, it was too cruel for him to leave the beauty in front of him and be given to other demons! Yes, he should have stayed with Su Fei now to protect Su Fei's safety, but why didn't he go? This is another story.

After Uline returned to the sunset city, the war had reached a white-hot level. At that time, in order to lose the opportunity, and Yulin was not worried about the loyalty of the stinky snake, so that Yulin did not give him to Su Fei at the first time, but locked him in a pool in a large yard in the city, strictly prohibiting him from moving freely for fear of him. Scared the residents of the city.

On that day, Salas was lying in the pool and taking a quiet nap. He grew up with a scarlet snake's mouth. The snake letter swallowed from time to time, and a ball of pink gas spewed out of it, and the bottom of the water began to become turbid. Many fish and shrimp seemed to receive a great ** after smelling this smell, and rushed to run over, and then They lost consciousness, and their physical instinct directed them to swim slowly towards the snake's belly... This is what Salas learned from a powerful crocodile elder in the valley. He was old and didn't have much power, so he set a trap and waited for the prey to come automatically. Salas did even more too much. He didn't let go of his sleeping time and waited for the fish and shrimp to enter his stomach!


There are two pedestrians walking on the West Street. The eyes in front of them are actually rare purple. This kind of pure blood is naturally rarely seen in the sickle demon clan. The other is obviously a servant, and some scales can be faintly seen on his body. Naturally, this is the stage of the monster's rigid transformation.