Book of the Devil

57, obsession and reward

After finishing all this, the head will not walk to the simple house where he is located. As soon as he returned to his house, he lay down and closed his eyes. I don't know why I killed people for the first time. I was not afraid at all, and I didn't feel the nausea of ordinary people killing people. Ming felt like killing a warcraft, and there was no sense of guilt.

At this time, Dith asked Ming, "Bad guy, how does it feel to kill for the first time? Will you be scared? Tess has never killed anyone. Ming didn't know what he was thinking. After a long time, he slowly said, "Are you afraid? I don't feel this way. Anyway, this guy is also a scumbag, and there is no need to live at all. There are many people to kill in the future, people who dare to stop me from moving forward and preventing me from revenge, whether they are good or bad people. I will kill them without hesitation, which is just the first step. If I am afraid now, how can I go in the future? Even if God dares to stop it, I dare to slaughter God!"

And Dith couldn't help sighing and said, "Bad guy, I can't stop you. Because everyone or demon has their own future and their own path. No one has the right to stop it. Tess knows the great harm your mother's death has caused you. But I still want to say, don't lose yourself in the killing. In the demon world, Tess has read many books, and some people have fallen into madness because of endless killing. The whole city was slaughtered without any consciousness, and millions of demons were killed by him. Lost in the killing, he can't wake up, either being killed or killing all the time. He only has these two choices, and killing is addictive. Sister Alice once told me that once she was addicted, she couldn't quit. It will get deeper and deeper, until it falls into real madness and endless killing.

He said with a faint smile, "Additive? Who knows what will happen in the future? If I was really addicted at that time, remember to stay away from me. Maybe I didn't even know you at that time, but if I exchanged my madness for Farrow's life, maybe I won't have any hesitation to fall into madness. This is my obsession. I will kill Faro's obsession in my life and will never give up. It's late at night. Go to bed, Tess. There will be a lot of excitement in Tris City tomorrow. After all, Camodi will not let go of the murderer who killed his son.

At this time, Ming has already put on the blood-red mask on his face. At this time, Ming is about to drive the power of the mask. 30 seconds passed quickly, and strong side effects invaded again. This time, the side effect is bite, which feels like there are countless small bugs in the body. Although the worms are small, their teeth are extremely sharp, and those insects bite the body crazily. The feeling was painful and itchy, but Ming didn't shout.

But silently endured the pain caused by this mask, although it is very tired today. But Ming dared not forget that he once said that he must use this mask once a day. You have to adapt to this strong side effect in order to be powerful in 30 seconds. Ming didn't know if this would make him endure the side effects of half an hour, but he had to insist. One day, he will always adapt and have strong side effects. At that time, he will have one more card in his hand.

In order to kill Farrow and destroy the Hilante family. No matter what the price is, even if it is his own life. Especially everything he saw in the howling canyon, the scene when his father abandoned his mother. Ming will always remember in his heart, and Fello's ruthless eyes will always be remembered. Ming never forgot one day. Thinking of his mother's kindness, he felt the anger in his heart.

Ming even wanted to rush to the Hilant family and destroy the Hilant family. Then he tortured Farrow fiercely and let him know the price he would pay for abandoning his mother. Whenever I think of my mother's expression when she was abandoned by Farrow, this endless side effect is forced to endure. Pain! It hurts! But Ming gritted his teeth and persisted for the obsession in his heart! Even if the sky wants to stop me, what if I kill it this day? The obsession in his heart made Ming persist, and at this time, Ming, who endured side effects, tried to move his body.

Because if there is no enemy who will give you time to rest during the battle, Ming can only endure this strong side effect. The strength of 30 seconds of this mask is the real card of Ming. But Dith didn't sleep, and there was a sad expression in her eyes, but Dith muttered in her heart, "Bad guy, you idiot! Stupid! If your mother sees you like this, she won't be happy. Maybe your mother has no idea of revenge. All she wants is for you to grow up strong and healthily. But at this time, I'm afraid you can't accept it, and I can't say it. It's because I gave you the hope of revenge, so no matter how difficult the road ahead is, I will go with you.

Dis is not the hippie smile of the past, but is extremely mature. Dith witnessed the growing little by little, and no matter how painful it is, she has to stick to it. Not only is she growing, but she is also growing little by little. The night is already deep, but Ming, who has endured the side effects, muttered, "My arm can finally move. It seems that my approach is not wrong. As long as I insist on this side effect one day, it doesn't have any effect on me at all.

I was very tired today, and I soon fell into a deep sleep. When she saw that Ming fell into a deep sleep, she slowly closed her eyes. At this moment, a ray of sunlight slowly sprinkled on Ming's face, and Ming's sleepy eyes opened slightly. The sun shone harshly on Ming's eyes, and then Ming stretched out and began to wash. At this time, Ming found that Dith was lying on his body. He couldn't help smiling bitterly and said, "It's really wronged to live in this place, but now the reward can also be taken."

At this time, Ming's right hand was gently afraid of Dith's back, and Dith woke up. Dith opened her eyes wide and stared fiercely, and the expression seemed to say, "Well, Dith is sleeping in. Why bother me?" At this time, Dith said viciously, "Bad guy, you'd better give me a reason to wake me up. Otherwise, hum, you look good." However, the vicious expression of Di Si showed, but Ming felt really cute.

At this time, Ming said, "Don't you want to live in another place? If you don't want to, just continue to sleep in here. No one will stop you. However, Ming saw that Dith's eyes seemed to shine. It seemed that Dith could no longer stand the dilapidated house. Dith quickly left the dangerous bed and washed at a very fast speed. Just as Ming was about to start washing up, Diss shouted, "Bad guy, what are you doing? Slow down. By the way, remember to buy candy after getting paid!"

When Ming finished washing, Ming took Dith's little hand and walked towards the "bloody shadow". After a while, a magnificent building appeared in the eyes of the underworld. However, although the building is extremely gorgeous, it is unnatural to feel a trace of danger. At this time, Ming said to Dith, "Tess, hide it in my hair. You can't let people see me when you get paid." And Tiss didn't say anything, and hid in the dark hair in an instant.

At this time, Ming also took out the black robe from the blood-red mask and slowly put the blood-red mask on his face. At this time, Ming had entered the magnificent building, and at this time, Ming heard the orderly lines. Ming took a look and found that there were a total of nine teams side by side. Looking up, each team is arranged by star rating. There is one star from the left. In turn, it is two stars to nine stars.

but there is no ten-star level, while there are few 9-star teams. The 1~6-star team is the most crowded. When he sees this scene, he will naturally know what's going on. Immediately, Ming lined up a long line in the four-star line. Time passed like running water, and Ming waited for a long time and finally waited for himself. At this time, a beautiful woman with long light blue hair appeared in front of Ming, and the woman said faintly, "What task? Choose it yourself."

At this time, a light curtain appeared in front of Ming, and Ming's right hand quickly touched the light curtain a few times. At this time, the beautiful woman said lightly, "The four-star assassination mission, the person who released the mission this morning has confirmed that the mission has been completed. And put the reward in the shadow of blood, a total of 800,000 amethyst coins. After saying that, the beautiful woman took out eight pieces of amethyst paper and handed it to Ming. Ming didn't say anything and took the 8 pieces of amethyst paper directly from the beautiful woman's hand.

At this time, the beautiful woman seemed to inadvertently glance at the task, and the surprise in the beautiful woman's eyes flashed away. But Ming noticed the strangeness of the beautiful woman at that moment. At this time, Ming said in a cold voice, "You shouldn't have known. Forget everything. Otherwise, your head may also hang on the gate tomorrow. Don't blame me at that time. After saying that, Ming left the "Blood Shadow" without looking at the woman.

At this time, Ming scolded in his heart, "Oh, this woman really has nothing to do with the task. What should I do? If I had enough strength, I would definitely kill her directly. It would be a tragedy if this woman let me die. Ming thought of killing people in an instant, but Ming knew that he was looking for death in this "bloody shadow". Because in the "Shadow of Blood" faintly felt several extremely powerful energy fluctuations, and the beautiful woman was completely shocked by what Ming said!

Although this beautiful woman did not see the appearance of the underworld, she was dressed in a black robe and a mask. It is not difficult to think that he is the mysterious person who made Charin lose face, and if he continues to investigate like this, he can't guarantee that he will not be found.