Book of the Devil

163, dark core and plane

There is still one person's turn, and there is no hurry. If you can't get that map, it will only be delayed for a while. What the light man in the Nebula Hall said about obtaining the qualification a month and a half later is the most important thing. After all, I am still very curious about the nebula hall, especially that I can rely on the star sand to go back and forth between the forbidden place and the nebula hall at any time.

This is the reason why the underworld must obtain that qualification. After all, it can go back and forth between the forbidden place and the Nebula Hall. And the remaining spiritual objects needed in the underworld are only the same as the "Yanling", and there are so many forbidden places in the Nebula Hall. Maybe there is a Yanling there. And with this star sand, you can go back and forth without worrying about danger. But you must also get that qualification, because you can't tell how long you will stay in the forbidden place. If you had stayed for a month, you might not have been a student of the Nagel School of Witchcraft and Wizardry when you came out.

It's not that the teachers of the college are not good at teaching, but that this Nebula Hall is too ** for students. However, Ming has never had any interest in what these teachers teach, because when he became a magician from the beginning. It's completely self-study, which is the most helpful to him. Maybe it was the deceased Grandpa Cosway who taught a lot of secret magic. Many of them are life-saving magic, so in addition to his mother, he also has the deepest feelings for Grandpa Cosway.

No one has been so good to him, which is why. He will bear the revenge of the destruction of Grandpa Cosway's family. And many students at the Nangel School of Witchcraft and Wizardry are interested in getting qualified for a month and a half. It's not that they don't want to listen to the lectures of the college teachers. After all, the lectures of these teachers are very helpful to them. But I'm afraid in case, in case the time is delayed in the forbidden place. It's not good to be expelled from the college, so every time it comes to obtaining qualifications, almost all students will strive for this little qualification.

Then it's a lot easier to go to the forbidden place through Xingsha, and I'm not afraid of being expelled from the college because of accidents. And Ming is also for that qualification, but Ming also intends to get a detailed map to divide the major forces of the imperial capital. Then rely on this detailed map to hunt and hunt the souls of major forces. The Hilant family will be the most hunted, which is called an sworn enemy. Collect many souls and rely on taboo soul magic to bring Silin back to life.

Then a series of plans can be implemented, and the underworld is a small four-star magician. Relying on the star sand to find Yanling and the saliva of the moon spirit rabbit with the identity on the surface, this magic liquid cannot be wasted. After all, it is extremely precious, if you don't get this detailed map. Maybe there will be some danger on the way, which will only be delayed for a period of time. After all, once your identity is discovered, you can't do anything.

Safety is the most important thing nowadays. If you are 80% sure, you can still bet on it. Because I believe in the taboo magic, the power of soul magic. As long as Silin successfully survives, this is the first force formed by the underworld. The dark forces that cannot appear in the sun cannot be established on the surface with their current strength. As for why she chose Silin as her first pawn, it was because First, Sileen was abandoned by the Hilant family, and she didn't have to hate the Hilant family for a long time.

Second, Silin's understanding of the Shirant family alone is enough to make good use of her. Third, Silin will not betray, if she dares to betray. Part of her soul was in her own hands, and she controlled Silin in an extremely strange way. Once betrayed, let her die whenever she dies, and it can make her die at any time! The pain of the soul is much more painful than the pain of the body, and it is also for the sake of safety.

Although Silin hates the Hirant family very much, once she gains strong power. It doesn't mean that you will always listen to yourself. Once betrayed, your plan will be completely disrupted. At the same time, Ming's spiritual power weakly entered the inside of the mask through the blood-red mask. But Silin's soul has become much weaker. At this time, the spirit of the underworld turned into an indifferent voice and asked, "Silin! Silin! Silin!"

Ming called her name three times in a row, and Silin replied after a long time, "Your Excellency, I can't stand it anymore. Soul, the soul is disappearing little by little. Ming asked directly, "How long can it last?" Silin reluctantly said, "It's no more than a month at most. One month is my limit. At that time, my soul will disappear directly and will not exist in this world.

Ming's spiritual power slowly receded, but he muttered in his heart, "Debt, if you can get a detailed map of this imperial capital. Then you can start hunting, and half a month is enough to get a lot of souls. After all, I can rely on the special ability of my magic source to control a total of ten three-star magicians, three four-star magicians and one five-star magician. That is to say, there are 14 more hitters out of thin air, and these 14 hitters are enough to do a lot of things. And with the energy of using this mask, I can maintain the power of the six-star strongman for 30 seconds. Although this force is not much, what I want to kill is not a strong guy. It's just the forces at the bottom of the major forces, which are enough.

The biggest card of Ming is not the strength of the 30-second six-star strongman, but the special ability "illusion!" in the source of his magic. As long as this ability is used well, collecting a large number of souls is not a problem at all. But there must be a detailed map and a lot of information. And at this time, the middle-aged man took a slight look. The pupils couldn't help shrinking, but no one noticed the strangeness of the middle-aged man.

But the middle-aged man muttered in his heart, "How can this thing be in this man's hand? It's a little interesting. What is the purpose of talking to a weak soul just now? Finally, something interesting came." Ming didn't know his secret behavior at all, and he was clearly seen by this middle-aged man. However, all this is unknown.

And the man in front of Ming at this time was a good-dressed man in a white robe with a folding fan in his hand. There are also two servants beside him, who seem to be the young man's servants. At this time, the man in white robe asked faintly, "Do you know where the wolf of the underworld is?" The middle-aged man couldn't help laughing and said, "You are a little interesting. What you want should be the dark core in the head of the wolf."

The man in white robe smiled and said, "You are really powerful, even know the dark core. But do you know where the wolf of the underworld is? I've been looking for it for a long time. I heard from people that there is an all-knowing person. I came to visit from far away. The middle-aged man waved his hand and said, "It seems that you also know the role of the dark core in an ancient book, but don't you know where this ghost wolf existed at the beginning?"

The man in white robe showed a puzzled expression, and then the middle-aged man said indifferently, "Sit down and listen to me talk to you." At this time, the middle-aged man looked at Ming and said slowly, "The three of you have also sat down, but I'm a little interested in you." The man in white robe sat down first, and Ming and others also sat down in turn. At this time, Ming couldn't help frowning and muttering, "This guy is interested in me. Did he see anything, but it's none of my business. And the wolf of the underworld, why haven't I heard of it?

The middle-aged man said lightly, "This wolf does not belong to this world. The world has not only one plane, but also countless planes. There are all kinds of planes, and the wolf of the underworld is one of the unique creatures in the formal mysterious plane. And it has human-like wisdom and unparalleled attack power. Speaking of this, Ming and the man in white robe already showed an unbelievable expression.

Although Ming knows this demon world, it is the first time he has heard of this mysterious position. And Dith also muttered in her heart, "Who is this man?" How can he know so much that he even knows this mysterious plane. It's not easy, it's not easy." The man in white robe coughed twice and said, "I also found an ancient book when I was looking for something in the family warehouse. At that time, the ancient book was already covered with dust and seemed to be old.

I couldn't help frowning and said, "Looking for something? It's not a family warehouse secretly, is it? The man in white robe couldn't help blushing for a while, as if he had been told the truth. The man in white robe coughed repeatedly and said, "If you still want to listen to the story, then don't expose my background." The fat man couldn't help laughing and said, " boss, you are really smart and tell the truth all of a sudden."

The man in white immediately said, "At that time, the warehouse was dark, because it was night. To be honest, I have no money. I want to get something from the family warehouse and exchange some money. However, I didn't expect that this ancient book was very unusual, and there were countless small thorns around the book. My hand just touched the little thorn, and suddenly, blood splashed everywhere. When my blood touched the ancient books, it suddenly emitted a violent golden light.

Speaking of this, the man in white couldn't help swallowing and saying, "It's so weird. I can only use these two words to describe the situation that day. It is not only golden, but also emits a burning atmosphere. In an instant, the whole warehouse turned into ashes. And there is only this ancient book and myself."

PS: Sorry, it's my fault. It means that the code always likes to drag and drag to the beginning of the code recently. Attention is always distracted. Sorry, sorry. I uploaded it first, and then corrected the typo. I'm sorry.