Book of the Devil

238, irritability and the way out

The biggest variable can't let the ice star understand, which can be said to be extremely uncomfortable for the ice star. Like a fish bone stuck in the throat, it can't be swallowed or spit out. It's extremely uncomfortable and uncomfortable to be stuck in my throat. At the thought of this, the ice star was irritable for a while. He took a deep breath, picked up the teacup on the table and drank the tea in the teacup like a cow.

At this time, an eager knock on the door gradually sounded, and the ice star frowned slightly and said, "What's the matter? It's so hurried." At this time, a low voice sounded slightly: "Lord Ice Star, Lord Toro and the other two adults have important things to report, and there is a major decision that Lord Ice Star can make his own decision. Because it's too much of a matter, they dare not make a determination. Bingxing suddenly had a serious expression and said to himself, "I can't even decide the three of Toro. This matter is really a little big."

Ice Star hurriedly said, "Come in!" The word Ice Star had just come out of his mouth, and one of them hurriedly opened the door. He respectfully put a light red paper into Ice Star's hand, and Ice Star waved his hand at will. The man walked slowly onto the door and disappeared. In the whole silent study, even the breaths of ice stars can be heard clearly. Ice Star quickly browsed the content on the red paper when he saw the last paragraph.

You can see that the last side of the paragraph has their own signatures, the signatures of Toro and the other two. Ice Star's right finger was slightly vigorous, and an unbelievable scene happened. With the strength of a finger of the Ice Star, the original red paper seemed to be splashed with gasoline and then lit on fire. It began to burn from the lowest end, and soon the whole red paper instantly turned into a pile of ashes. Those ashes were tightly held in the palm of the hand by the ice star, and then the ice star threw them casually.

The black ashes were slowly thrown into the sky, and then a breeze blew through. Unexpectedly, it disappeared like this, and the pale face of the Ice Star became more and more ugly. Ice Star knew that there was a big problem at the beginning, and it would have taken at least a few months for a few months to have a little problem. But I didn't expect that it was only a few days later. Such a big problem is placed in front of the ice star. The ice star is deeper than Toro and the fierce man, and even the blue-haired woman is not as deep as the ice star thinks.

It's not because the blue-haired woman is not as smart as Ice Star, but because the amount of information between the two is different. Although the blue-haired woman is also a strong man with more than ten stars, she gets the information and everything about the starlight meeting. Compared with Ice Star, it can't be compared at all. It can be said that Ice Star is the person who knows the stars best over the years, and Ice Star is more deeply concerned about this news than anyone else. Bingxing said to himself, "Is the strong man in the third realm above ten stars, the Hirant family, unfathomable?"

For the third strongest person above ten stars, Toro, the fierce man and the blue-haired woman all have different views. All the opinions and the final opinions are neatly written on the red paper. Naturally, I have finished watching all the ice stars, and I have finished all of them without saying a word. For the views of these strong people in the third realm of more than ten stars, Ice Star is only interested in the views of fierce men. Because among the three, the fierce man is the strongest.

And he is also the most stable man, according to what the man said. I have to make the ice star feel uneasy for a while. The starlight will not be a strong man without more than ten stars in the third realm. Except for those on the surface, those are well known. Can't move, just like the blue-haired woman said. Although the ice star is very powerful enough to deal with great trouble. But the power of the ice star is not easy to expose, and the last card of the starlight can not be so easily exposed.

The leader of this Xingman Club is not the most powerful responsibility, with quite strict deletion and testing. Things like Tok can be said to be an extreme exception, and the strong on the surface can't use it. The dark side can't be used, and some extremely dirty things are used by these strong people to deal with. But according to the fierce man, the third-level strongman of the Hirant family is not an ordinary strong man and is likely to do something bad for them.

The ice star was thinking crazily. The ice star had been busy for so long. The brain cells are almost used up, and I still want to have a good rest. But this red paper was sent, and there was no time for the ice star to breathe. The busy life began again, the whole study. No, it shouldn't be called a study. It can be said to be a huge library, and the ice star immediately faces the countless bookshelves. I don't know when I stopped and found a huge book.

The Ice Star slowly opened this huge book, and the content of this book can be said to be extremely boring. Because of the content of this book, there are detailed divisions of how many books there are in this study. For example, the region, such as the content, etc., if you want to read that book. As long as you touch the huge book with your finger, the huge book will emit a strong light. Follow this strong route, and you can find the book you want to read.

The ice star turned pages crazily, as if looking for something. As the Ice Star turned over the huge book, he muttered, "According to the description, the Hilant family also had several third-level strongmen with more than ten stars during this period, which were not as strong as described. And these strong men have died a long time ago, so who is the new ten-star third-level strongman of the Hirant family?

This huge study is like a huge library. The books placed are extremely huge. Even the ice star will take a lot of time to see what they want to see. Ice Star's forehead was covered with beads of sweat, and Ice Star said, "I remember, if I remember correctly, it should be that book. But on that page, I can't remember it. Damn it.

There is a sentence that is really good to say. If you intend to plant flowers, you don't mean to plant willows. The ice star himself didn't know how long he had turned over this huge book, but it was just when he was about to give up. He already said, "Well, turn to the last page again. If I can't find it, I have to give up. After all, my time can't be wasted on this. I still have a lot of things to do. As the leader and boss of the Starlight Society, the status of Ice Star can be said to be above 10,000 people.

But as the boss and leader, it can be said to be the busiest. At this time, the ice star flipped casually, which was also the last page he said. The ice star, who had a bitter face, immediately smiled and said, "Finally, I found it. It's really troublesome." Ice Star's right hand pressed directly on somewhere in the huge book, and suddenly a strong light suddenly shot out. The ice star was not idle, walking slowly along the route made by the strong light lock.

Soon the Ice Star stopped in a bookshelf, and then slowly took down a book that was a little yellow or even smelly. Then the left hand is the fulcrum, and the right hand flips quickly. However, the face of the ice star changed rapidly during the watching process. Time passed like running water, and finally Ice Star put the book back in place. He sighed slightly and said, "Thanks to you, I didn't give up, if I really gave up. If I don't see this book, I will really regret it for the rest of my life.

Speaking of this, Bingxing looked helplessly at the white ceiling and muttered to himself, "Why is there such a big problem at this jux? What a Hilant family. All the people are small, and the old one. I didn't expect you not to die, the most ambitious guy. It can be said that the most ambitious guy in the whole Hilant family is not dead. Is the Hillant family really going to take advantage of the situation? Ancient magic, ancient magic, how much have you mastered? When your death is just an illusion, it is for this ancient magic. What a deep plan, what a long-term plan.

After reading the book, Ice Star can be said to have quickly confirmed the identity of that guy. According to his rapid association of identity, Ice Star also got a correct answer of more than 90%. Although I figured it out, the ice star fell into silence. Even if two third-level strong men with more than ten stars are sent, Ice Star is not sure that it can deal with this guy. And Ice Star also vaguely felt what this guy wanted, and what was this old undead ambition?

Almost this immortal ambition can be compared with itself, and even more than it. Ancient magic, that's really a troublesome thing. People on the bright and dark can't**, and they really don't have much confidence in **. The ice star walked back and forth, and the footsteps became more and more rapid.

I don't know how long it took, and the Ice Star sat slightly on a lounge chair. He slowly closed his eyes and muttered, "For the sake of ancient magic, you are really desperate. I'm afraid that with your old scheming, you probably guess what I'm going to do. You are really fearless, but do you really think I'm afraid of you? You are forcing me."

If you want to save this defeat, all you can do is release the madman Tok. After all, other ice stars are really not sure that they can deal with the old immortal, and although they can deal with it, they can't leave the headquarters of Xingman. After thinking about it, Tok is the only way out.