The wicked have their own wicked grinding

001 or lose money or get married

The big sailboat went all the way from the capital to the south and went up to Chuzhou to the west against the Qingjiang River, but it arrived in three days.

When Lin Yarong got off the boat, she saw the continuous mountains next to each other. From afar, it looked like a good ink painting. In the far distance, it was thick green and cyan. Along the top of the mountain, it changed from thick to light. At the foot of the mountain, there was a light blue, with a trace of coolness.

Carrying not much luggage, Lin Yarong stood on the dock, heard the bright call of the boatman, and looked at the pedestrians back and forth on the dock. Lin Yarong sighed with emotion in her heart. She really wanted to shake her arms and come back with a shout.

Looking around, but she didn't see her mother and sister-in-law. Lin Yarong couldn't help but feel surprised. Two months ago, I specially sent someone to bring a letter back from the palace and agreed to return home today. It is reasonable that my mother should arrive early, but...

Lin Yarong waited for a quarter of an hour, but no one came. Then he called the carriage, said the address, and drove all the way home.

Her family lives in Lin'an Village outside Tiliang City, and it's only about an hour away by horse-drawn carriage. At the entrance of the village, Lin Yarong jumped out of the carriage and paid 20 copper coins and walked home with the package.

Compared with ten years ago, Lin'an Village has expanded a lot, and the houses in black soil are next to each other. Lin Yarong was a little confused after only a few steps. After leaving her hometown for ten years, she couldn't remember the way home. She only remembered that there was a big pine tree at the entrance of the village, and her home was to the south.

At this time, it was the end of autumn. After receiving the autumn grain, every family took the opportunity to rest at home, and there was basically no one in the field. Lin Yarong walked along the hengling, and her head shoes embroidered with apricot flowers were stained with some soil, but Lin Yarong looked at it and felt comfortable.

At this time, there was a faint noise from a distance. Lin Yarong looked up and couldn't help seeing someone running to a yard in the south. She was curious, and she couldn't help but feel a little faster under her feet.

A small quadrangle courtyard, three floors and three floors are full of people. No matter how many voices there are, it is difficult to hide the sharp sound from the courtyard well.

"I said, if it weren't for the good-heartedness of my man, I would have been taking care of your family, old and young in recent years. Why don't Brother Zhu and Niu be so good? Now that you are getting weaker and weaker, and the live pillar brothers and girls in the field can't help. Why don't you sell the land to us? Will a relative lose you? Naturally, there will be a case before and after this year, which is a matter of enjoying happiness.

"Big cow daughter-in-law, that's the reason, but the price you gave..."

Before the old voice finished speaking, he was interrupted: "Aunuch, this price is not low. Besides, over the years, you have borrowed my cattle, and my man has said nothing to help plant seedlings and drying the grain. Aunt, I didn't say that I have an example for you every year, and I will never let your mother suffer.

As soon as he finished saying this, the crowd outside the hospital laughed, and some quick-mouthed people have scolded: "The mother-in-law of the big cow family has always relied on his sharp teeth for small advantages. She obviously wants to coax the Guizhu family to sell the two acres of paddy field while the cow is sick."

Someone interrupted: "I heard that it was not for his own family, saying that it was the idea of his mother's family. Who doesn't know that Wang Xi's family is next to the Guizhu family, and he used to take advantage of Guizhu's family. Now when he heard that something had happened to the Guizhu family, he took the opportunity to send the girl to ask for benefits. This woman turned her arm out, which is really bullying.

Everyone talked about it, and Lin Yarong stood behind and generally understood it.

"Excuse me, please make way." Lin Yarong opened her mouth softly. Although her voice was not loud, the words came to her ears. When the man in front of her turned his head, she nodded slightly, and her face was light.

The man turned around and was stunned. When will there be such a woman in Lin'an Village? A collar-like narrow-sleeved coat, faintly visible in the white interior under the collar, combed with a hundred flowers and Xiao buns, and there is no extra fancy on the head, but at a glance, it looks clean and dignified.

Lin Yarong didn't care about the eyes of others. She separated the crowd and squeezed to the front before stepping into the yard. With a bang, a copper basin hit in front of her.

Looking up, a little girl in the corner pointed to a 20-year-old woman in the courtyard and scolded, "You bitch, you have the ability to pull Brother Niu to talk about things. Don't come to my mother's advantage when my brother is not at home. It sounds good. Every time we go to your house to borrow cattle, we give enough money, cut meat and make cakes. I'm afraid that others will say that we are not. Naturally, you won't say anything if you get benefits. You don't touch your conscience and talk about it. Over the years, you have talked about building a house and repairing the stove for a while. When did you come to our house and ask for money, we didn't give it? What kind of relatives do you have now? Are there any relatives like you who have fallen into the well?

Hearing this, Lin Yarong shouted hello in her heart. Seeing that the woman had been cut off her face by a child and looked like she wanted to reach out to hit someone, Lin Yarong quickly raised her voice and said, "Sh on."

Several people in the courtyard looked over. For a long time, they saw a woman coming forward from behind with tears in her eyes, excited and hesitant. After looking at Lin Yarong for a long time, she choked and called out: "Big girl."

Lin Yarong has a lot of feelings in her heart. After ten years of separation, now looking at her mother, her temples are white and her body is thin. How can she have any impression in her memory? Tobear the surging excitement in her heart, Lin Yarong politely came forward and saluted: "Mom, I'm back."

Then, she turned to look at the 20-year-old woman and raised her eyebrows slightly: "Taochun, I haven't seen you for many days. How's my big brother Niu?"

The woman named Taochun opened her mouth wide at this time, opened her eyes, and looked unbelievable. She pointed to Lin Yarong and said in a trembling voice, "Ya...Lin Yarong, you... why did you come back?"

Lin Yarong ignored Taochun, but looked at the little girl behind her mother and laughed: "Are you Qingwei? I have grown into a big girl. I remember that when I left, my mother was still pregnant with you, and now she has grown so tall.

Lin Qingwei stared at Lin Yarong curiously with her big black-and-white eyes. Suddenly, her face turned red. She hid behind her mother, leaned out half of her head, and shouted softly, "Sister."

Seeing that no one paid attention to her, Taochun stood aside awkwardly, her face pale and pale. Looking at Lin Yarong's profile, her mood was complicated. With a slight cough, Taochun squeezed out a smile on her face and took a step forward to reach out to pull Lin Yarong's hand. Unexpectedly, she didn't have time to touch the corners of her clothes. As soon as she raised her eyes, she was hitting Lin Yarong's eyes. Taochun's unexplained body was cold, as if she had fallen into a cold hole on several cold days, and her body rubbed straight and cold. Her heart was jumping, and Taochun didn't know why she didn't dare to make a sound, so she had to stand aside.

Seeing Taochun's dodging eyes, Lin Yarong became more and more unhappy, but his face was pale: "Mom, you go back to the house with Qingwei first, and I'll say a few words with Da Niu's daughter-in-law."

Qin looked at his eldest daughter and Taochun, and hesitated for a moment. On the contrary, Lin Qingwei is a clever child. As soon as she saw Lin Yarong's calm and comfortable look, she took Qin's hand and helped Lin Yarong take her luggage back to the house first.

Seeing Qin and his little sister enter the house, Lin Yarong turned her head and looked at Tao Chun and whispered, "I heard that Brother Niu was sick and lying **. It was cold and dry. Brother Niu wanted to drink hot water, but there was no one to wait in front of this bed. It's really pitiful."

This is not a light or heavy thing, but Taochun heard it clearly. Lin Yarong secretly scolded her for not being at home to wait on the sick man, but had time to come and make trouble. Taochun didn't like to play with Lin Yarong when she was a child, and the two had no good friendship. If Taochun hadn't married Lin Daniel and become a relative with Lin Yarong, I'm afraid that Taochun would have met him on the road and would not have said hello. After ten years of absence, Taochun is only sure of one thing. She hates Lin Yarong more than before.

Lin Yarong didn't want to embarrass Taochun in front of everyone. She was about to send Taochun home. Unexpectedly, someone suddenly shouted outside the house: "The village head is coming!"

At this time, a 50-year-old man, dressed in a cyan cloth, carrying a cigarette bag in his hand, went straight into the yard, but when he saw Lin Yarong, his feet were stagnant. After a long time, he asked with doubt, "Big...big girl? Child, why did you come back early?

The person who came was Lin Kuishan, the village head of Lin'an Village, who was the uncle of Lin Yarong's family. At this time, he looked surprised and looked at Lin Yarong and couldn't believe it.

"Duncle, I'm back." Although it was strange why the uncle talked like this, Lin Yarong still came forward to say hello.

Lin Kuishan was busy with something in his heart and couldn't care about anything. He turned his eyes, but saw Taochun standing in the courtyard well with a gloomy face and unhappy face. Lin Kuishan remembered the gossip he had just heard on the road and couldn't help slapped his face and said to Taochun, "Da Niu's, why are you still here? I just saw a little mud at the entrance of the village. I'm afraid I'm looking for you. Da Niu is still sick at home. Go back quickly.

When Taochun saw the village head talking, she didn't dare to say anything more. She glanced at Lin Yarong, lowered her head and hurried home in a hurry.

Lin Kuishan stood at the gate of the courtyard, coaxed the people around the courtyard, closed the door of the courtyard, and looked back at Lin Yarong and couldn't help sighing: "Big girl, something has happened to your pillar."

Lin Yarong couldn't help but be stunned. Something in her mind suddenly broke, and subconsciously looked back at the room where Qin was located.

"Big uncle, sit down first. Take your time and say, what's wrong with Guizhu?" Although Lin Yarong was anxious, she invited Lin Kuishan to the kitchen first. Seeing that there was hot water on the stove, she grabbed some tea and put it in the bowl, poured hot water and brought it to Lin Kuishan.

Lin Kuishan didn't care about the heat. He took the tea bowl and took a sip of water to moisten his throat before he said, "I didn't know until a few days ago that I had made a marriage for you before your father died, but later you went to the palace to serve your majesty. Because your mother didn't know it before, no one told you about it. But ten days ago, the Sun family sent someone to come home and said that they would marry you after you came home. Naturally, your mother disagreed. You should know that when you got married, your father and the Sun family were just a verbal agreement. It has been many years, and it's meaningless to say this now. Most importantly, the Sun family wants you to marry their lame.

Lin Yarong listened for a long time, and every word was about her, but what about Guizhu? On second thought, Lin Yarong probably had a feeling in her heart. I'm afraid that this noble Zhuer's accident had something to do with the Sun family.

Lin Yarong said, "Did the Sun family do anything to Gui Zhuer?"

Lin Kuishan sighed: "Big girl, don't blame Guizhuer. That child is also worthless for you, so he went to trouble with the Sun family. He heard the second boy of the Sun family talking about you behind his back in the college. He couldn't suppress his fire and went up to fight with the second son of the Sun family. He not only injured the other party but also destroyed things. The Sun family is now making a fuss to ask the college to remove your Zhuer from his academic name.

Lin Yarong couldn't help frowning. Although the fight was wrong, the Sun family's approach was also inappropriate. After thinking for a while, she asked in a low voice, "Didn't the Sun family say anything?" Although I don't know the details of the Sun family, it doesn't seem to be a good family.

Lin Kuishan's face darkened and it took him a long time to say, "The Sun family said that if you don't lose money, you can get married."

Lin Yarong pressed down the corners of his mouth: "How much do you lose?"

"Three thousand taels of silver."

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