The wicked have their own wicked grinding

004 Marry

Qin said nearly a night with Lin Kuishan that night. At dawn, Qin called Lin Yarong to him. Seeing the red silk in her mother's white face and eyes, Lin Yarong was quite uncomfortable.

Qin took her hand and looked carefully. Although her fingers were thin and white, there were thick cocoons in her abdomen and palms. It could be seen that her eldest daughter had also suffered a lot in the palace in the past ten years. When Qin's thought of this, her eyes gradually turned red.

"Mother!" Lin Yarong didn't see the love and pity in Qin's eyes, but she hadn't seen her mother speak for a long time. She was afraid that something was on her mind, so she couldn't help calling softly.

Qin blinked without a trace and forced the tears that were about to overflow from the corners of his eyes back. Then he looked up at Lin Yarong and said, "Your father went early. I still remember that you were just a fourteenth little girl at that time. Shao Teng was only three years old. The most pitiful thing was the little sister. At that time, she was still in my stomach and didn't even look like her father. I know. That year, the county master came to our village to pick a beautiful girl, and every family did not want to send her daughter to the cannibal place, but you went to the county master alone without telling me. Because of your blessing, the county master gave us 20 taels of silver. The family felt sorry for our orphans and widows and deliberately divided two mu of paddy fields to our family. In the past ten years, you I entrust people to bring money from the palace to honor me every year, and my family has the ability to let Shaoteng go to school. Big girl, I don't have the ability to suffer from you. Don't blame me. Speaking later, Qin couldn't help crying.

Lin Yarong thought that she had forgotten these old things for a long time. Now as soon as her mother mentioned it, her careful life in the past ten years of humiliation and burdens in the palace flashed in front of her eyes like watching flowers. Back, Lin Yarong's eyes couldn't help blush.

"Mother, I eat well and dress well in the palace, and the waiter is also a generous and caring master. I have learned a lot in the palace. Now I stand well in front of you, which shows that I have not been suffering in the palace for the past ten years. In addition, filial respect for your younger brother and sister is what I should do as an elder sister. Mother, don't say that.

Qin wiped her eyes and smiled, "I'm confused. What the girl said is that as long as you return to your mother, there is nothing better than this. Big girl..." Qin touched her head lovingly. "You have more insight and ideas than your mother. Since you have decided to marry the Sun family, you must have discussed it with me. With your nature, you will not suffer losses when you marry. There is nothing to worry about it."

Lin Yarong couldn't help but be shocked by Qin's last words. Although she knew that Qin would not object in the end, she also thought that she would nod and agree after a struggle. Now seeing that Qin's face was not at all reluctantly embarrassed, Lin Yarong realized that her mother must be worried that she was afraid of her sadness. I nodded.

I couldn't help jumping into my mother's arms. Lin Yarong had thousands of words to say in her heart, but in the end, she could only choke and whisper, "Mom, thank you."

"Stupid child!" Taking Lin Yarong in his arms, Qin patted her on the back as he did when he was a child.

"Guizhu Niang, big girl, are you in the room?" Suddenly, Lin Kuishan's voice came from outside the house, "Guizhu Niang, come out quickly. The Sun family came to propose marriage."


October 30, Wuxu month, Wuwu day. It is appropriate to sacrifice, enter the population, marry, and install a bed.

Although the Sun family married and filled the house, they did not wrong Lin Yarong. There were many three books and six gifts. Therefore, when Lin Yarong got married, the Qin family took almost all the bride price as a dowry and asked Lin Yarong to take it to the Sun family.

Opening her face, crying to marry, sending marriage, receiving marriage, carrying the bride, sitting in a sedan chair, crossing the saddle, and finally being sent to the bridal chamber. Lin Yarong has been working hard for a day. After Xi Niang left the new house and there was only one left in the room, she breathed a long sigh of relief.

The phoenix crown on her head made her neck hurt, but she didn't dare to take it off. She had to reach out and slightly loosen the bun behind her head before she felt more comfortable.

Then I heard a noise from the front yard.

There are too many complicated feelings in my heart. I can't tell whether it's happy or sad, but I feel that all this is like a real dream, like walking in the clouds, giving birth to a little uneasiness.

I don't know how long it took, and I saw the light projected on the ground getting darker and darker. I'm afraid it's almost dark at this time. Lin Yarong touched her stomach and felt a little sad. Fortunately, she had a good meal at home in the morning. If not, it would be really hard to have a hard time on this day.

While she was thinking nonsense, footsteps came from outside the door, from far to near, mixed. Lin Yarong was stunned and quickly sat upright and subconsciously stopped breathing.

The door was pushed open with a hoarse sound, and the noisy sound poured into the room, and then heard the bridegroom say, "Please pick up the hippa and be happy from now on."

Lin Yarong only felt that the palms under her sleeves were full of sweat, and her whole body was tight.

A happy scale appeared in front of him, slowly and steadily lifting the Xipa covering his head from the bottom up. Lin Yarong looked up and broke into the bottom of his eyes with a slightly sick face.

Sword eyebrows and star eyes, high nose and thin lips, and a slightly cold square face, everything is the same as what she saw behind hiding in Chongqing Palace that year, but... he lost weight.

First, a faint joy surged up from the bottom of his heart, and then there was a strong sadness. How could the general Zhenguo in his memory be so thin and pale?

Lin Yarong looked down, and the hem of the red wedding robe covered everything, but she knew that Sun Jingbang's left foot was mutilated by the injury, and inexplicably felt a little more sad.

When she looked up again, Xi Niang had already smiled and said, "Newcomers get married and will always be a couple. In the future, the husband and wife will love each other, and the sea will be dead and the rocks will never be separated. Since then, the Sun family, the Lin family and the two surnames will always be the best of Qin and Jin. After saying that, she picked up Lin Yarong, and then carried a basin of water. Sun Jingbang put her hands into the basin and dipped some water. Xi Niang quickly stuffed a handkerchief into Lin Yarong's hand. Lin Yarong agreed and took a step forward to wipe Sun Jingbang's hands clean. Next was Lin Yarong. She learned from Sun Jingbang and washed her hands. After Sun Jingbang helped her dry the beads of water on her hand, she took her hand and sat together until Xi**.

At this time, Xi Niang said again, "Bing Yuying vowed to bathe today. Life is a companion, and the world follows each other. After saying this, Xi Niang saluted the two of them and withdrew from the wedding room with people.

As soon as the door closed, before Lin Yarong could speak, Sun Jingbang had let go of his hand.

When his hand was empty, Lin Yarong couldn't help but look up at Sun Jingbang and subconsciously said, "Marquis, you..."

Sun Jingbang stood in front of the bed at this time and looked down at her. His tight mouth made him look a little unhappy. Lin Yarong didn't know what to say for a moment. Could it be that she didn't do something right?

I don't know how long it took before Sun Jingbang whispered, "Don't call me marquis."

What's that called? Lin Yarong had a big head for a moment. After thinking about it, she boldly shouted, "Husband...husband."

This time, Sun Jingbang did not nod or shake his head, but looked at Lin Yarong, and his face gradually showed a trace of puzzlement: "Have we seen it before?"

"Yes, I've seen it before." Lin Yarong answered honestly.

"Where is it?" Sun Jingbang seems to be very interested in this topic.

Lin Yarong hesitated for a while before whispering, "Da Nei."

Sure enough, Sun Jingbang frowned: "Are you a maid of honor?"

"Yes, I entered the palace in the 16th year of Qingde. I... The first time I saw the marquis was at the Mid-Autumn Festival banquet in the 20th year of Qingde." Somehow, when Lin Yarong said this, her tone was a little melancholy.

After a while, Sun Jingbang asked a little bitterly, "Well, you should also..."

Before he finished speaking, Lin Yarong said, "Yes, I also saw Miss Mu that night."


Why don't you collect it?


Continue to ask for everything.
