The wicked have their own wicked grinding

033 Robber

"No, even if Liyun hates me for the rest of her life, the child in her belly can't stay."

As expected by Lin Yarong, when Sun Jingbang knew Lang Yunling's true identity, Sun Jingbang cursed angrily and did not agree to let Lang take Sun Liyun away.

Lin Yarong is also in a dilemma. If it is an ordinary Jianghu person, it is okay to say that Lang Yunling's name has even been heard of as a small maid of honor. It can be imagine how famous Lang Yunling is.

The so-called Jianghu people have their own set of principles. Lang Yunling debuted at the age of 15 and became famous in 18 years. In the past 20 years, there have killed countless people who want Lang Yunling's head. It's hard to say, which makes Sun Liyun follow Lang Yunling afraid that he will die faster.

Lin Yarong can't help sighing. According to some boring people, Sun Liyun is a disaster of beauty. You see, Wei Anjie and Lang Yunling, all of them don't live long.


After thinking about it, Lin Yarong still persuaded him, "Although Lang Yunling is a troublesome person, who can kill him in the past 20 years? Instead of letting Liyun go back to Moxi, it's better to gamble.

Sun Jingbang snorted coldly, "Do you really think I'm afraid?"

Hearing the dissatisfaction in his tone, Lin Yarong knew that Sun Jingbang was unhappy, but she still had to say something: "Yes, you are not afraid, but if someone talks about your mother-in-law, Liyun and Song Ge'er, are you afraid? Don't say that you are cold-blooded. If you are really a cold-blooded person, I'm afraid that many things would not have happened in those years.

Lin Yarong also knows that this is not good, but she is just thinking about Sun Jingbang. Yes, take out his identity as the Marquis of Zhen. Who dares to touch him except Liao and several people in the whole imperial dynasty? But now that there are one after another, not to mention that they don't know the current changes in Beijing, that is, Sun Jingbang really can't protect his family's peace.

With a sigh secretly, Lin Yarong said, "I know you don't like to listen to what I say, but in the long run, it is not only good for Liyun and everyone in the whole house. When Ye Qiunan left, he told me that Wei Anjie had been secretly escorted back to Beijing by the prince. The prince was a cruel man who brought Wei Anjie to Beijing thousands of miles away, I'm afraid it was not just for the so-called crime of treason. We don't know anything about the current situation in Beijing now. Guan Sheng didn't come late, but he arrived at Tiliang at this time. I'm just worried that if something really happens, our family won't be able to run away.

Lin Yarong's words are a little exaggerated. How can Sun Jingbang not understand what she can understand? It's just that she is used to thinking deeply about things, and if there is a change, she won't be in a hurry.

Sun Jingbang's gloomy face did not speak, but his face had not changed. He must have had an idea in his heart.

Seeing that Sun Jingbang did not let go, Lin Yarong also knew that her persuasion was completely ineffective.

Without the headache, Lin Yarong said in a soft voice, "If you really don't want Lang Yunling to take over Li Yun, I think it's better to arrange Li Yun to live in the countryside earlier, that is, you can avoid his mother's questioning or take the opportunity to break Lang Yunling's thoughts. The woman I mentioned last time is very good at taking care of people. Liyun lives with her and nothing will be fine.

Sun Jingbang looked at her and said nothing. Lin Yarong knew that Sun Jingbang was already a little unhappy with her at this time. Maybe Sun Jingbang secretly doubted her, but Lin Yarong didn't think so. Anyway, she only had one idea to protect the man in front of her.

The next day, Lin Yarong invited people to Sun's house.

"Mother, this is Yuan Yu."

Mrs. Sun took a closer look. Yuan Yan's appearance was about 50 years old. If it hadn't been for the half-white hair, she would have said that some people would believe it at the age of 30.

After looking at it for a while, the old lady politely invited Yuan Yu to sit down for tea.

"Old lady, relax. Since I entered the palace at the age of ten, I have also served three queens. I know what to say and what not to say. Earlier, I was a maid in Tai Hospital, and I am not unfamiliar with pharmacologicals. I know what to do best for women. The old lady is relieved. The second lady will be fine with me. Yuan Yanyu is a generous person. As soon as he comes up, he points out his words and avoids unnecessary misunderstandings.

Hearing these straightforward words, Mrs. Sun was still a little worried, but now she feels that Yuan Yan is a good woman and a woman who knows how to advance and retreat. A flying ticket of ten taels of silver was stuffed into Yuan Yu's hand. The old lady whispered, "Yuan is a person who has seen a big scene. This kind of thing happened at home is really shameless. The little girl gave it to Yuan Yu. I hope Yuan Yu will pay more attention to everything and thank you in the future."

After talking, Lin Yarong saw that her mother-in-law was very satisfied with Yuan Yan, so she said, "Mom, I'll take Yuan Yu to see Li Yun first. If Li Yun is fine, I plan to let Li Yun and Yuan Yu go to the countryside together today."

The old lady was stunned and subconsciously asked, "Are you leaving today?"

"Yes, the sooner the better. My husband seems to have noticed something, so I'm afraid..."

At this time, she carried Sun Jingbang out and pulled the flag. Lin Yarong's face did not blush and her heart beat. As soon as the old lady heard that Sun Jingbang knew about Sun Liyun, she suddenly looked bad and hurriedly said, "Then go to Baiyuan quickly. No matter what Liyun says, it's my idea. Let her go to the countryside with Yuanyu today."

Seeing the old lady nodding, Lin Yarong raised the corners of her mouth and had a quarrel in her heart.

As soon as she arrived at the gate of Baiyuan, Lin Yarong said to Yuanyu, "I'm afraid it will be harder these days. This is the prescription and the soup that Liyun used to eat. Her body is a little weak. When taking care of her, try not to use He Shouwu. You know that if the medicine is not well prepared, it will have three points of toxicity."

Yuanyu smiled and said, "Don't worry, I understand that I won't delay your business." Lin Yarong smiled and quietly stuffed a silver ticket into Yuan Yan's hand.

As soon as she heard that she could leave Sun's house, Sun Liyun didn't say anything. She casually packed up a few clothes and went out of the house with Yuan Yanyu. Lin Yarong sent them all the way to the door. She took Sun Liyun's hand and said, "Sister, be careful when she goes to the countryside this time. We will pick you up after we have everything."

Sun Liyun nodded: "Don't worry, sister-in-law, I won't save any harm in it."

Lin Yarong took a fur coat from the green butterfly's hand, tied it carefully for Sun Liyun, and then whispered, "What do you have for the hero? Because the matter between my sister and Langxia can only be done secretly, so in order to avoid others making trouble, my sister had better give me a token, and it is also convenient for Lang to pick you up in the future.

Sun Liyun heard it, thought for a moment, took out a small jade pendant from her arms and handed it to Lin Yarong: "Sister-in-law, this is a small object I brought with me when I was young. If you give it to that person, he... he will understand."

Quickly received the jade pendant in her arms. Lin Yarong helped Sun Liyun get into the carriage and ordered a few more words before sending Sun Liyun out of the alley. When the carriage traveled far away and finally disappeared at the corner of the street, Lin Yarong took out the small square jade pendant and handed it to the green butterfly.

"Do what you were just told to do carefully. Remember not to leave any handle."

The green butterfly nodded and went out from the other end of the alley with a jade pendant.

Lin Yarong sighed, and suddenly felt a little uneasy, but she calmed down. She tightened her collar to prevent the sudden north wind from blowing into her clothes. She thought, no matter what happened in the future, the key is not to let Sun Jingbang have an accident. As for Sun Liyun... Let's discuss it again.

Sun Jingbang went to the suburbs early this morning. When he came back, it was almost dark. When he learned that Sun Liyun had gone to the countryside, his face couldn't help sink.

Looking at him, Mrs. Sun said in a stiff tone, "You also know that Liyun is in a bad mood these days. It's going to be winter for the Spring Festival, and the whole house will be neat. I'm afraid that Liyun will stay in the house and let her go to the countryside for a few days. You don't have to worry."

Sun Jingbang looked at Lin Yarong first and was silent for a moment before saying to the old lady, "Recently, the countryside has been busy with autumn and winter planting. Since my sister is not in good health, I'm afraid it's inconvenient to take care of her when she goes to the countryside. I think it's better to pick it back."

Sun Jingbang didn't say anything, but as soon as he said this, the old lady's face became worse and worse. She snorted heavily. The old lady said in a bad tone, "Since you care so much about Liyun, you should also write to inform the Wei family to pick up Li Yun. Even if you don't want people to know your identity as the Marquis of Zhenguo, this Liyun was married to Wei Anjie in a sedan chair. Now she has been wronged in Moxi. It's reasonable. What should you do?

The old lady only knows what happened to the Wei family, and she doesn't know what's outstanding is. According to the old lady, even if she knows that Wei Anjie abused Sun Liyun, no matter how distressed she is, Sun Liyun is still the mother of the Wei family, and the crown is still the surname of the Wei family.

Sun Jingbang's face changed slightly. He has always had nothing to do with the old lady, but today, when the old lady heard this, it made him uncomfortable.

With a sigh secretly, Sun Jingbang said, "I wrote down my mother's words. Anyway, it's serious to bring Liyun back first."

Seeing that Sun Jingbang was going to take Sun Liyun back, the old lady immediately believed that Sun Jingbang knew the inside story, and she felt a little uneasy and couldn't help looking at Lin Yarong, who had not spoken for a long time.

Lin Yarong has been looking at Sun Jingbang. When she spoke before, she saw that Sun Jingbang's face was stiff and uncomfortable. She knew that the old lady spoke seriously today. At this time, seeing the old lady's eyes for help, Lin Yarong wink at the old lady and whispered, "This Liyun has been gone for almost three hours. It really takes some time to go here and there. We all know that Liyun is not in good health, but it is inconvenient for her when she is very quiet. How about this? Let's pick up Liyun tomorrow and let Liyun rest at Yuanyu's place today.

The old lady saw that Sun Jingbang looked unhappy and thought about it. The old lady said, "Just do as my daughter-in-law said. I'm exhausted. You all go back. I don't want you to wait here. I'm afraid the old lady didn't want to make any more trouble and hurriedly sent Sun Jingbang and Lin Yarong away.

The couple left Qinyuan one after another. Until they returned to Qingyuan, Sun Jingbang did not say a word to Lin Yarong.

"What did you do?"

Returning to the bedroom, before Lin Yarong could sit down, Sun Jingbang turned around and stared at her closely, opened his mouth and asked.

In his heart, Lin Yarong raised his eyebrows and asked him, "What does your husband mean?"

Looking at her for a long time, he seemed to want to see something wrong on her face. Sun Jingbang said, "Isn't it an idea to send Liyun out of the house?"

Lin Yarong's eyes turned red and she said softly dissatisfiedly, "Is my husband blaming me? I told you yesterday about Yuanyu's visit to home today. As for Liyun, her mother-in-law meant that the weather was not good today and it was suitable for travel, so she decided to let Liyun go with Yuanyu.

Lin Yarong was not polite at all to carry her mother-in-law out to deal with Sun Jingbang.

Hearing what the old lady meant, Sun Jingbang was skeptical. Of course, he still didn't want to believe it. Even if he didn't get married for a long time, he knew something about his new daughter-in-law.

Just as he was about to open his mouth, he suddenly heard Xu Ming shouting angrily from outside the hospital: "Who is it?"

Then Lin Yarong heard bursts of loud laughter, and then a clear voice came into the green garden: "Baili Xuelang Yunling paid a visit to the general of the town."

Sun Jingbang's eyes tightened and rushed out.

Lang went to Ling and shouted, "General, I'm here to rob people today."

Lin Yarong was happy. It was really interesting for people to do things in the world.



Happy Yuanxiao Festival, everyone has a big kiss.

Love you.

Today is Monday, you know what I want.