The wicked have their own wicked grinding

035 will believe it?

Liang City has been a little unharmed in recent months. A few days ago, there was an accident in Pingshengfang. Although several streets were blocked on the day of the incident, there was still a rumor that the two gangs of the underworld were fighting, and countless deaths and injuries were on the streets were stained with blood. Once rumors came out, several gangsters in Liangcheng did not I wonder when there are two more powerful gangs in this city? Fortunately, the two tigers are fighting for death and injury, but they have not touched the foundation of those gangsters.

But the most controversial thing was the flower picking thieves in Tiliang City, but in one night, the flower picking thieves broke into several large families one after another and abduction of the young princes and ladies in those families. Therefore, it is rumored in Tiliang City that the men and women of flower pickers are not afraid, and all good-looking people can escape the clutches of flower pickers.

When Lin Yarong heard these rumors, it had just been three hours since Sun Liyun disappeared.

Only then did the sky shine a glimmer of light, and I heard some servants outside replying that Xu Ming had just entered the house. Sun Jingbang didn't see it all night. At this time, there was a faint red silk in his eyes. As soon as he heard Xu Ming come back, he quickly called him into the green garden.

"General Hui, little incompetence, didn't catch anyone." Xu Ming's words were also simple. He ran around all night, and there was still dry morning dew on his hair.

Hearing this, Sun Jingbang's face changed slightly. Last night, Guan Sheng sent people into the house and shook the clouds on Sun Liyun's head to Sun Jingbang. He said that at about three o'clock last night, someone drove a carriage into the gatekeeper. After injuring more than a dozen guards, the thief successfully escaped from Tiliang City in a carriage. After the incident, someone found a branch of Yunbuyao at the scene. As identified by the owner of the jewelry store on Jinping Street, it was said that Miss Sun Fu bought jewelry in their store the day before yesterday. Guan Sheng thought of the identity of Sun Lin and quickly sent someone to the house to upload the message. Within an hour, people came to report to the officials one after another. Only then did Guan Sheng know that there were flower pickers in Tiliang City.

After getting Yunbuyao, Sun Jingbang suspected that Sun Liyun might be in the carriage that escaped from Tiliang City. According to the information provided by Guan Sheng, he sent Xu Ming south and sent the housekeeper to take more than half of the family's nursing home to the west to look for it. However, after listening to Xu Ming's words at this time, Sun Jingbang's mood for the night was a little worse. Now he only hopes that the housekeeper who has not yet returned can bring some good news.

Send Xu Ming down to rest first. Lin Yarong turned to look at Sun Jingbang and said with a little worry, "husband, you haven't slept all night. Go to the inner room to rest for a while. I'm guarding here. As long as the housekeeper turns back, I will inform you immediately.

Sun Jingbang shook his head to show that he was not tired. He rubbed his eyebrows and whispered, "I'm fine. You can go and see how your mother is doing later."

Lin Yarong saw that Sun Jingbang did not want to rest and knew that he was worried, so she had to hum softly and ordered Green Lan to bring some hot porridge to wait on Sun Jingbang to eat a bowl. After cleaning up a little, she went to Qinyuan.

The old lady ate the calming soup opened by the doctor last night and was not shocked all night. She woke up at dawn. But when the old lady saw Lin Yarong, her tears couldn't stop flowing down. The old lady stared straight at Lin Yarong, and her face was pale, and she couldn't tell whether she was resentment or sad.

Before she came, Lin Yarong made up her mind. No matter what the old lady said, she didn't reply a word and let the old lady scold her. But at this time, seeing the old lady's resentful look, Lin Yarong was slightly stunned and secretly sent the green butterfly to the empty garden to invite Sun Jingsong. Yesterday, so many things happened at home. Sun Jingsong seemed to have nothing to do with it. He locked himself in the empty garden reading and sleeping, with a look of not disturbing. But today, the old lady slept in **. No matter how reluctant Sun Jingsong was, he had to follow the green butterfly into Qinyuan.

asked Sun Jingsong to comfort the old lady. Lin Yarong saw that the old lady was in better spirits today and only sat for a quarter of an hour, and then she left the room. When she went out, she heard a faint sigh from the old lady behind her.

At this time, Green Butterfly came forward and asked in a low voice, "Madam, do you want me to go to the west of the city again?"

Lin Yarong thought for a moment and said, "No, no matter how much you do at this time, I don't think I can help the master. If the person who came out of the city last night is really Lang Yunling, I'm afraid he has gone a long way at this hour, and the master can't catch up with him.

Green Butterfly nodded and asked, "The master asked later, did the maidservant pretend not to know?"

Do you want to pretend not to know? Lin Yarong had some difficulties for a while. In fact, Sun Liyun would disappear. Her factor was that she secretly informed Lang Yunling and told Lang Yunling that Yuan Yan would go from the south of the city, but she never thought that Lang Yunling would deliberately run to Sun's mansion to make trouble after seeing Sun Liyun. Compared with Sun Jingbang's worries, Lin Yarong can't rest assured of Lang Yunling's injury now. After leaving Tiliang City, can Lang Yunling guarantee Sun Liyun's safety?

After a long time, she said, "Don't worry about it. Lang Yunling is not a fool. There was such a big noise at the gate last night. No matter what the reason Lang Yunling made, I think it must be a plan to ensure the safety of him and Sun Liyun. We will never You can let go."

Green Butterfly gave a hum, but there was still hesitation on her face. Lin Yarong saw Green Butterfly's worried face, and she smiled gently: "Silly girl, don't worry. Even if the master finds out, he won't blame you. You don't have to worry."

Leddie shook her head: "Madam, I'm not worried about this. I'm just wondering if Grandman and Miss Lang will be fine?"

Will Sun Liyun and Lang Yunling be okay? Lin Yarong really dares not come to a conclusion too early. If Sun Jingbang blindly chases him, he will catch up with Lang Yunling sooner or later. After all, Sun Liyun is now a big belly, and Lang Yunling has to take care that she won't go too fast. However, from the heart, Lin Yarong does not want Sun Jingbang to find Sun Liyun. The simplest reason is that she does not want Sun Jingbang to be hurt.

Lin Yarong actually just wanted to show Guan Sheng for such a big move. Although Lang Yunling's unreasonable move made her a little worried yesterday, at present, Lang Yunling did better than she thought, which not only made Guan Sheng unable to doubt Sun Liyun, but also made the current situation a subtle change.

After thinking about it for a while, Lin Yarong asked Lvdie, "Has the housekeeper come back?"

"The news hasn't come back yet. It seems that the housekeeper has found it all the way on the western line, otherwise he won't send someone back to talk about it at this hour."

Lin Yarong frowned, which means that Lang Yunling and Sun Liyun really went west? Seeing that winter is coming soon, the west has always been cold. I don't know that Sun Liyun can't stand the strong west wind now.

With a sigh, although she set up this situation early in the morning, the development of the matter completely exceeded her expectations, and she was not sure whether Lang Yunling would really be as she expected.

After thinking for a while, Lin Yarong was worried about Sun Jingbang and turned back to the green garden with the green butterfly. After the hour, the housekeeper sent someone to return to Sun's house with a letter.

The letter was written by Sun Liyun. The idea was nothing more than to report her safety to Sun Jingbang, saying that she was now with Lang Yunling. The two decided to find a small village with beautiful mountains and rivers. After three or four years, they would return to Liangcheng. This is a elopement letter. Sun Liyun blindly said that this was her idea and told Sun Jingbang not to blame Lang Yunling.

After reading the letter, Sun Jingbang wanted to tear the letter several times, but as soon as he raised his hand and thought about it, he reluctantly put down his hand. Finally, he hummed heavily and ordered, "Put away the letter for me. It's better not to let me see the letter again."

Lin Yarong suppressed her smile and quickly picked up the letter and turned into the inner room. A while, she approached Sun Jingbang and whispered, "Anyway, Liyun is safe now. Although Lang Yunling did something wrong, Liyun's safety is the most important thing at present.

Sun Jingbang snorted again and thought for a while. He turned his head to look at Lin Yarong and asked, "Do you really don't know about this?"

Lin Yarong raised her eyebrows and looked at Sun Jingbang inexperablely: "Father, what do you think I should know?"

Looking at her strangely, Sun Jingbang said, "Although Liyun's incident happened suddenly, it was too coincidental that everything happened, as if someone had set up a bureau, but the means were not clever and the handle was exposed everywhere, which made people have to doubt it."

Lin Yarong listened to him calmly and then smiled gently: "If I do this, with your understanding of me, will I set such a 'mistakes' plan by my means? It's too insulting to me."

Sun Jingbang still doesn't seem to believe it. No matter how he thinks about it, Lang Yunling and Sun Liyun can successfully elope. As he said, looking at Lin Yarong, Sun Jingbang still doesn't want to believe that she really did nothing.

With a sigh, Lin Yarong was also a little helpless: "Yes, I introduced Yuan Yuen, and then Liyun happened to Yuan Yu. No matter how you look at it, it seems to have nothing to do with me, but this does not mean that I designed all this. Husband, if you have time to doubt me, why don't you think about how we should deal with Guan Sheng next?

Sun Jingbang was stunned: "What do you mean?"

"Do you think Guan Sheng will really believe in the flower picking thief?"

Sun Jingbang didn't say anything for a moment. Guan Sheng believed or didn't believe it. Originally, it had nothing to do with him, but after Lin Yarong's mention, Sun Jingbang naturally understood what she meant. A flower picker suddenly appeared in Tiliang City, who had always been safe, and picked the second lady of Sun's mansion. Sun Jingbang did not believe it himself. I'm afraid Guan Sheng doesn't believe it anymore.

Wu Yin's rebellion besieged Sun Fufang only heard some rumors, but as the largest officer in Tiliang City, Guan Sheng knew all the inside information. Sometimes, what happened was too coincidentally, which made people suspicious.

Sun Jingbang frowned and thought for a long time, and suddenly said, "If I go to chase, I'm afraid Guan Sheng will definitely believe it."

What? Is he going to chase? Lin Yarong didn't react for a moment. What is he going to pursue?



Whenever I see an increase in the collection in the background, I will always be happy.

Collect me by reading by the way.

Hold you shyly.