The wicked have their own wicked grinding

040 shouldn't be difficult, right?

"Are you really going to let Brother Song become a soldier?"

Before going to bed at night, sitting on the edge of the bed, Lin Yarong asked uncertainly.

Sun Jingbang spread his hair and turned to look at Lin Yarong: "What? Don't you think it's appropriate?"

After hesitation, Lin Yarong whispered, "But the old lady doesn't seem to be happy!" In the afternoon, the old lady completely stormed away. She looked at Sun Jingbang's forehead carefully. Lin Yarong added, "On the conditions of Brother Song, she will be able to go to high school in the spring exam. This is a matter of being a soldier..."

"A prince who can't even distinguish between Mencius and Analects, how much knowledge do you think he is? Do you really think I don't know what Jing Song did in the county school? Sun Jingbang's tone was not good, so he went to the table and poured a glass of water.

Lin Yarong remembered that the day after she entered the door, Sun Jingbang once asked Sun Jingsong what it meant by "human life is straight, and life is also lucky to avoid". She remembered that Sun Jingsong could not say a complete word for a long time. If Sun Jingsong really went to participate in the spring examination with such knowledge, I'm afraid he would have been brushed off the first round.

"Jingsong has made progress in his studies recently, but it is far from enough. The key is that Jing Song has been spoiled over the years, and right and wrong have blurred the line for him. I'm afraid that he is so impety that he will not be able to distinguish priorities in the future, and then he will only miss himself.

Sun Jingbang naturally saw Sun Jingsong's problem more clearly than Lin Yarong. The old lady's unhappiness is the old lady's problem, but it is because the old lady spoils Sun Jingsong too much, which makes Sun Jingson learn the bad habits at a young age.

Lin Yarong thought for a moment and said, "Mom, I will persuade you again. All this is for Brother Song's good. After a while, my mother will naturally understand your painstaking efforts.

Sun Jingbang did not say anything. Thinking of the old lady's teacup in the afternoon, Sun Jingbang could only sigh secretly.

"In the afternoon... you didn't get hurt, did you?" Lin Yarong asked with concern. Of course, with Sun Jingbang's skills, even if the old lady throws ten tea cups, I'm afraid it won't hurt Sun Jingbang.

After a while, Sun Jingbang said, "It's okay. Go to bed."

Seeing that he didn't seem to want to say more, Lin Yarong hummed, made the bed, and the two went to bed. In the middle of the night, Lin Yarong suddenly woke up and only heard a slight sigh beside him. This night was finally sleepless for Sun Jingbang.

Before dawn the next day, Sun Jingbang left Tiliang City. Lin Yarong also got up early, cleaned up a little and went to Qinyuan.

"Mom, I cooked fresh fish porridge in the kitchen today, which is the most appetizing with Huizhou sprouts. Please eat more." Seeing the old lady's sad face, Lin Yarong put a bowl of hot porridge and gently put it in front of the old lady.

Looking into the bowl, the old lady shook her head and motioned the girl to put down the bowl: "Where'er?"

"Brother Song hasn't got up yet, mother, are you going to call Brother Song?" Seeing that the old lady was not very interested, Lin Yarong pecked in her heart and persuaded the old lady how to speak.

Hearing that Sun Jingsong hadn't got up yet, the old lady sighed quietly: "Let him sleep. Even if he has a good temper, he will panic when he encounters this. It's not easy for the child."

Is it not easy for Sun Jingsong? In the whole city of Tiliang, Sun Jingsong is also a strange person among his brother. He is proficient in eating, drinking, whoring and gambling. Which eye did the old lady see Sun Jingsong's grievance?

"Well, don't think I don't know. Didn't you come today to persuade me to agree to Songer to join the army? Let me tell you the truth, no. Go back and tell your man, don't think of a way to drive Brother Song out of this house. As long as I live, I will never let Songer be bullied.

Lin Yarong has always wondered why the old lady is so estranged from Sun Jingbang. The two are not like mother and son, but more like enemies. Is there any misunderstanding between Sun Jingbang and the old lady?

Seeing that the old lady put on a look of oil and salt, Lin Yarong would not find herself bored. She said, "Mom, you are out of your words. They are all a family. How can we not catch up? This family is also Song Ge'er's house. No one can drive Song Ge'er away. At this time, Lin Yarong could only follow the old lady's wishes. She didn't want to make things more complicated, let alone tell the old lady Sun Jingbang's evaluation of Sun Jingsong last night, so as to avoid the old lady's deeper misunderstanding of Sun Jingbang.

After thinking about it, you still need to ring the bell. The old lady has no final say, and Sun Jingbang does not count. The key is Sun Jingsong.

The old lady obviously didn't want to see her. She ate a little, and the old lady drove Lin Yarong out of Qinyuan.

"Madam, do you want to go back to the green garden?" Knowing that Lin Yarong was afraid of the cold, the green butterfly put a long cloak on her.

Shaking his head, Lin Yarong said, "Go to the empty garden." She sent Green Butterfly and Green Orchid back to the green garden first, and Lin Yarong went to find Sun Jingsong by herself.

Kongyuan, hearing that Lin Yarong was coming, Sun Jingbang came out of the inner room with only a middle coat: "Sister-in-law is here." Sun Jingsong spoke lazily.

Knowing Sun Jingsong's stinky temperament, Lin Yarong looked flat. It seemed that she didn't care about those so-called ethics.

After looked up and down at Sun Jingsong for a while, Lin Yarong said, "Brother Song is not worried at all!"

It seemed that he felt the bad intentions in Lin Yarong's eyes. Sun Jing loosened up his clothes, thought about it, and took out the robe he threw aside yesterday and put it on his body.

"Should I be worried? Auntie, I don't understand what you said.

"It's still a young man after all, and his bones haven't grown." Lin Yarong suddenly said such a sentence, which made Sun Jingsong's face white.

Seeing that Sun Jingsong understood what she meant, Lin Yarong simply did not circle and sat aside. She said, "I know you hate it, but your eldest brother is also for your own good."

"For my good?" Sun Jingsong snorted coldly and leaned in the chair without sitting at all. He looked sideways at Lin Yarong, "I didn't see that he was for my good at all? If it's good for me, why should I go to the army? It's also a good name to say what I plan for the future. Even if you don't become an official, why not be a free prince?

Is Sun Jingsong's argument that if you don't enjoy happiness, you are a fool? Lin Yarong is funny and angry. Did her brother-in-law really not grow up or was he emptied by wine and sex too early, so he was not sensible at all?

"I used to hear people say that as long as you have money to spend, you are an uncle, but Brother Song has a deep understanding of this. However, Brother Song thought that the money you spend now is your eldest brother's. If..."

"Are you going to say that if my eldest brother doesn't give me money, what I just said is all bullshit?" Interrupting Lin Yarong's words, Sun Jingsong looked indifferent.

Seeing that Sun Jingsong didn't know her intention at all, Lin Yarong had to sigh gently: "Is it nonsense, Brother Song, we can gamble."

"What?" Sun Jingsong was stunned and turned his head to look at Lin Yarong. He didn't understand what she meant, but it was just a blink of an eye. Sun Jingsong shook his head repeatedly and said, "I won't bet with you." He didn't forget the last bet with Lin Yarong, and he paid a very "heavy" price.

Seeing that Sun Jingsong was not fooled, Lin Yarong was not angry. She smiled and said, "Yes, anyway, Brother Song also knows in his heart that even if your eldest brother doesn't give you money, isn't there still a mother-in-law? My mother-in-law loves you so much that she will not give you money. But ten years later, 20 years later, a hundred years after waiting for my mother-in-law, I don't know who Song will ask for money?

Sun Jingsong's face changed slightly. After a while, he said, "You don't have to use any exciting methods against me. It's useless. Even if my mother is gone, I still have this business, and I can't starve to death.

"House business? Brother Song, are you really stupid or fake? Lin Yarong rudely laughed at Sun Jingsong, "If it hadn't been for your eldest brother's dedicated care, do you really think that the Sun family has a golden mountain or a silver mountain?" After entering the door for more than a month, although the old lady did not leave the family affairs to Lin Yarong to take care of, even if she was not in the position of the mother, Lin Yarong also saw that Sun Jingbang was actually taking care of everything in this house. If she really relied on the old lady and Sun Jingsong, I'm afraid that Sun's house would have been defeated early as she said.

Sun Jingsong's eyes were full of sparks, and his tone was not as natural as before: "Sister-in-law, what are you going to do when you come to my empty garden today?"

Seeing that Sun Jingsong was angry, Lin Yarong still looked indifferent: "What I mean, hasn't Brother Song understood since I entered the empty garden? To put it bluntly, Brother Song believes that with your current ability, can you get along in the officialdom in the future? Yes, you have many friends and many famous sons among your classmates, but when it comes to real skills, how much do you think of Brother Song? Those people make friends with you, just for the sake of the wealth of the Sun family, and just for the sake of your eldest brother's sake. If you are penniless and have no background, how many people do you think will really help you?

Sun Jingsong didn't say anything, but his face was already blue at this time, and his eyes were burning with anger.

But Lin Yarong did not intend to give up and did not give Sun Jingsong any opportunity to refute. She continued, "Is this angry? Then Brother Song, let's make a bet."

"No gambling." Although he was very angry, Sun Jingsong admitted that he was not a fool.

"Don't you dare?"

"It's not a matter of whether you dare or not." He is really not a fool.

"You just don't dare."

"I've said, it's not a matter of dare."

"You just don't dare."

"I'm too lazy to talk to you." Sun Jingsong insisted on not letting himself be fooled.

"Then you just dare not. You are a coward." Lin Yarong did not hide the contempt on her face.

Sun Jingsong really wants to hit people, resist anger and calm down. He said, "It's not a matter of daring or not."

"What's the problem?"

"..." For a while, Sun Jingsong didn't know what to say.

"Then you just don't dare."

"This is not..."

"You just don't dare."

"No." Ah, Sun Jingsong feels like he is going crazy.

"You're not afraid."


"Well, good, that is to say, you dare, you are not a coward."


Wait a minute, Sun Jingsong was stunned and suddenly realized what he said. Ah, ah, he was fooled. How could it be like this again? Last time it was like this, why was it so easily fooled this time? Crazy, it's really crazy. Sun Jingsong felt that he was going to collapse. He was a fool.

staring at Lin Yarong with hatred, Sun Jingsong suppressed the impulse to beat people: "Sister-in-law, don't you think you are shameless to me like this?"

Lin Yarong smiled and said, "As long as you are willing to gamble, shameless and shameless doesn't matter to me. Anyway, if you say that you are not a coward and not a useless person, then prove it to me and prove it to your brother. Don't you want to join the army? This is an opportunity. Only if you prove that you are a useful person, your eldest brother will naturally not force you.

Sun Jingsong couldn't say a word for a long time. He looked at Lin Yarong strangely and couldn't wait to bite her.

Irenoying Sun Jingsong's murderous eyes, Lin Yarong whispered, "Three days, earn ten taels of silver with your own ability. As long as you earn money before sunset, I have many ways for your eldest brother not to send you to be a soldier."

Sun Jingsong frowned and looked hesitant.

"seven days, I want seven days." Sun Jingsong finally said that it should not be difficult to earn ten taels of silver in seven days, right?

Shouldn't it be difficult???



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