The wicked have their own wicked grinding

055 relatives, outsiders

"What...what's going on?" Lin Yarong was completely confused.

But no one paid attention to her.

Sun Jingbang gently put the person in his arms into **, and then turned around and looked for a while in the box they brought. Seeing the anxiety on his face, Lin Yarong looked at the woman lying in ** with her tight robe.

At this look, she was shocked that she couldn't say a word for a long time.

"It's very similar, isn't it?" I don't know when Sun Jingsong appeared quietly behind her like a ghost, "Do you think this woman looks like Mu Yunyan?"

Ignoring the bad intentions in Sun Jingsong's tone, Lin Yarong looked at **'s pink face like hibiscus flowers.

The eyebrows, eyes, nose and mouth are exactly the same as Mu Yunyan in memory, just like the beauty who came out of the picture scroll in Yunyan Pavilion, pale, slender and weak.

For a while, Lin Yarong turned her head and looked at Sun Jingsong and asked, "What's going on?"

Sun Jingsong's eyes hit her face, then shrugged his shoulders and said, "We went to the top of the mountain first. After looking at the clouds and fog, we followed the mountain path back. Then we met this woman halfway. Originally, she didn't pay attention to what she looked like, because at that time, she walked in front of us, but she just saw Huajue Temple. Suddenly, a mountain stone rolled down from the golden roof of the hall. The woman was hit by a stone, and then..." Sun Jingsong suddenly laughed, "Then my brother became a magic barrier."

Lin Yarong suppressed her inner anger and looked up at Sun Jingbang, who had not seen her since she entered the house. Indeed, this man was a magic barrier. The gentleness in his eyes that Lin Yarong had never seen before. The worry on his face was unconcealed, which made people look at, inexplicably sad.

Taking a deep breath, Lin Yarong ordered to Lulan, "Go to the hall and ask, is there a master who knows medicine in the temple? If not, ask the housekeeper to go to the nearest town and hire a doctor.

Green Lan answered randomly, looked deeply at Lin Yarong, and hurriedly went out of the house to find the housekeeper.

After a while, Xu Ming came in with a basin of hot water. Lin Yarong reached out and took it and whispered, "I'll do it."

Sun Jingsong laughed twice: "Yo, sister-in-law, what are you doing? Don't you see that my brother doesn't have your place?

"Get out!"

Lin Yarong couldn't help shouting at Sun Jingsong, why is this naughty child so annoying?

Seeing this, the green butterfly who had just entered the room quickly came forward and said that the old lady was talking to the second master, and Sun Jingsong reluctantly left the house.

"Madam, let me do it."

Lvdie stretched out her hand to take hot water from Lin Yarong's hand, but Lin Yarong shook her head, walked to the bedside with water, and whispered to Sun Jingbang, "Husband, I'll clean up this girl first to avoid staining the wound for a while."

Sun Jingbang took out a bottle of golden medicine from the box before and was hesitating where to start. Hearing Lin Yarong's words, he got up and slightly moved a little.

Lin Yarong was unhappy and endured for a while. She tried to calm her voice down. She said, "husband, it's better for you to go out and wait?" He implicitly reminded Sun Jingbang that he didn't want to. Sun Jingbang shook his head and opened his mouth and said, "No, I'm watching here." His tone was firm and persistent, and his eyes kept staring at the woman.

His heart suddenly seemed to be pricked by something. Lin Yarong panicked inexplicably. Does Sun Jingbang know what he means? She shook her body and almost couldn't stand.

The green butterfly, who had been paying attention to her, hurried forward to hold her from behind, then silently took the basin and knelt in front of the bed to clean the woman's wound.

However, Lin Yarong has been looking at Sun Jingbang, but no matter how long he looks at it, the man's eyes have never turned a little.

The hand covered by the sleeves was tightly twisted, and Lin Yarong felt that her chest was pressed by something, unable to breathe and could not breathe.


She called weakly and gently, but Sun Jingbang didn't seem to hear it.

With his eyes down, Lin Yarong sighed secretly, turned around and quietly walked out.

The top of Siming Mountain is cloudy all year round, and you can't see what is hidden in the deepest part of the clouds. Lin Yarong looked up. The sun hid behind the clouds, and the air was cold and dry. Lin Yarong was very confused.

I don't know how long it took for Lin Yarong to hear the voice of Green Lan. Turning her head, Green Lan and the two monks hurried into the yard.

"Madam, Master Qingyue said that these two masters knew medical skills, but the housekeeper still sent someone to the foot of the mountain to invite a doctor." Green Lan whispered.

Lin Yarong hummed and suppressed the bitterness in her heart. She said, "Someone has just been injured on the mountain and is lying in the room. Please take a closer look."

"Amitabha, don't worry, the poor monk should do his best." The monk saluted politely and strangely.

Lin Yarong didn't want to enter the house, so she sent Lulan to lead the two masters in.

A gust of wind made the bamboo leaves rustle on the withered bamboo. When the wind stopped, the withered bamboo leaves fell gently, as if she were in her mood at this time.


The green butterfly stood behind Lin Yarong and put the fur on her hands.

"Are you awake?" It took a long time for Lin Yarong to ask.

"I woke up for a while, but soon fell asleep again."

"Where is the injury?"

After hesitating for a while, Green Butterfly whispered, "Thighs, and waist."

Lin Yarong's eyebrows tightened, so...

She asked astringently, "Dir, did you see it?"

"Yes." Green Butterfly looked at Lin Yarong, looking like she wanted to say but didn't dare to say.

"I'm fine." Lin Yarong suddenly said, "Don't worry about me. Go and see where the old lady is?"

Green Butterfly didn't seem to want to leave Lin Yarong, but when she saw Lin Yarong's look, Green Butterfly didn't know what to say, so she had to retreat gently.

When everything calmed down, Lin Yarong closed her eyes. She didn't want anyone to see the fragility and helplessness in her eyes at this time, but the sourness and bitterness surging in the bottom of her heart made her very painful.

She raised her hand and covered her chest. She touched the jade pendant under her collar and touched it carefully with her fingers. Through a layer of clothes, something was reminding her.

He took a long breath and opened his eyes again. Lin Yarong whispered to herself, "That's not Mu Yunyan, that's not."

There was a slight cough behind her and turned her head. Lin Yarong saw the old lady standing behind her with a strange look.


"Sun Jingbang came back with a woman?"


"I heard from Green Butterfly that when cleaning up the wound, Sun Jingbang did not avoid it."

"Yes." A sour taste spreads in the mouth.

The old lady asked again, "Is that his idea?"

After a while, Lin Yarong said, "That woman dressed as a girl. I asked him, but..."

The old lady stared at Lin Yarong: "Do you know what it means?"

Lin Yarong didn't say anything. Why didn't she know? A man was responsible when he saw a woman's body, and Sun Jingbang would not be able to hear what she meant at that time. But what did he say? He said he would stay, so is he responsible for the girl?

Seeing that she hadn't spoken for a long time, the old lady said faintly, "I'll go to see the child."

Wait for the old lady to enter the room, Lin Yarong then said, "Green butterfly, you can also go in. There must be someone to wait around the master."

"But..." Green Butterfly suddenly burst into tears, "Madam, aren't you sad?"

How can you not be sad? How can you not be sad? But is sadness useful? Is sadness useful? Lin Yarong looked at the green butterfly, and then reached out and gently touched the little girl's face. She whispered, "You're still young. You don't understand."

"Madam, it's clear that the master did..."

interrupting the green butterfly's words, Lin Yarong reluctantly squeezed out a smile on her face: "The master has his own plan, and you will understand in the future. Hurry in. Only Green Lan is in it. I'm worried.

Sending the green butterfly into the room, Lin Yarong lowered her eyes and sighed softly. The sound of chanting from afar made her subconsciously walk to the hall.

"If I smell it. For a while, the Buddha lived in the mountain of the king's house. It was the Buddha who swam in the infinitely deep Dharma Buddhas. The practice of the bodhisattvas is pure. It is the golden light, the king of the scriptures, if you hear it; if you hear it, you can think, supremely subtle, deep meaning; such as the classics, often for the four Buddhas; the protection, the Oriental Ayu, the southern treasure; the infinite longevity in the west, the subtle sound of the north, I should say it today; repentance and other methods, the merits, the merits, are supreme..."

The monks read the Golden Light Sutra in unison on one side of the hall. Looking at the believers coming and going in the hall and the three Buddhas of the past, present and future surrounded by fireworks, Lin Yarong suddenly felt funny and laughed at the world.

She still can't be normal.

After taking a long deep breath, she turned around and strode to the courtyard. How could she easily admit defeat before fighting this battle? That person is not Mu Yunyan. Even if Sun Jingbang is confused everywhere, she is the only one who can stand behind that man in the name of his wife.

Lin Yarong couldn't help blaming herself as she walked. How could she be so gaffe just now? It's obviously not her style to lose her measure in front of a woman who doesn't know her origin. Moreover, the woman appeared so coincidentally. The mountain road behind Huajue Temple has always been sparsely populated. How could a woman who looked like Sun Jingbang's dead ex-wife appear in that place? Did you get injured in front of Sun Jingbang again? All of this makes people feel unreasonable.

Sun Jingbang can't understand, Sun Jingsong can't understand, and the old lady can't understand, but it doesn't mean that Lin Yarong can't understand. No, she has to put away her worthless self-pity. Didn't she promise that man to protect Sun Jingbang? And this is the time when Sun Jingbang needs her, and she can't mess up first.

Make up her mind that Lin Yarong is refreshed, and the woman who suddenly emerged is indeed suspicious.

Returning to the wing, the housekeeper was talking to the two masters before. When he saw Lin Yarong, a trace of surprise flashed in the housekeeper's eyes, but soon, the housekeeper regained his composure and whispered, "Madam, the doctor is here."

"Is it in there? How is that girl?

"The two masters have just seen it. The girl only suffered some skin injuries and did not hurt the inside. Because I happened to hire a female doctor, the master asked the doctor to take a closer look.

Lin Yarong nodded and asked the housekeeper to thank the two masters. She gently walked to the inner room.

I don't know when there was a screen in the room. Sun Jingbang stood at the end of the screen with a solemn expression. Hearing the noise, Sun Jingbang turned his head and saw Lin Yarong.

"I asked someone to move a few red stoves. It's too cold in this room. I'm afraid the girl can't stand it." Before he could speak, Lin Yarong said first.

A trace of embarrassment flashed on Sun Jingbang's face. After a while, he said, "Yarong, thank you."

Lin Yarong looked at him: "Thank you, we are husband and wife!" She said the last two words very seriously, and she knew that Sun Jingbang understood what she meant.

She and he are relatives, but that woman is just an outsider.