The wicked have their own wicked grinding

070 Holy Edict to

Lin Yarong now finally knows why Guan Sheng suddenly invited for no reason. It turned out to be for Tian Zuoyuan.

"Mrs. Tian, long time no see!"

Mrs. Tian's maiden name is Xiying, and she was also from a large family in Wuzhou. Unfortunately, after marrying Tian Zuoyuan, she gave birth to two girls. Without a son, not only her husband's family is not happy, but also her mother's family is not happy. Over the years, she has watched Tian Zuoyuan's aunt carry one by one aunt to her home. Mrs. Tian not only can't complain, but also has to make those concubines go early. Some give birth to a son. As a big house of the Tian family, there is only one advantage. For example, if the concubine has a son that day, she will always be sent to her to raise it and call her mother.

Mrs Tian just said that. Which woman in this room is not from a big family. Let's talk about her, which is also better than this house full of women. After all, her mother's family is the richest man in Wuzhou, and her husband is a third-ranking official. It may be nothing to put in Beijing, but in this small city of Tiliang, she is still respected anyway. But Lin Yarong came, Mrs. Marquis, Mrs. Zheng Yipin, and this grade is two levels higher than her. It doesn't matter if it's someone else, but Mrs. Tian knows that the marquis in front of her is just a maid of honor. Even if she is the first female official in the palace, she is not a servant.

"I haven't seen my wife for many days. My wife is so beautiful today. If this is sent back to Beijing, I think the eunuch friends who used to be in the palace must be happy."

Women's jealousy has always been terrible. One sentence can't kill you, so I'll say a few words.

Since Sun Jingbang's identity as the marquis of the town was exposed in Tiliang City, Lin Yarong has also been well known by the people of Tiliang City. However, as soon as Mrs. Tian's words came out, she still made several ladies on the side a little dissatisfied. Not to mention anything else, in their eyes, Lin Yarong was also a person from Liangcheng, and it was not for outsiders to say that she was wrong.

How could Lin Yarong not hear Mrs. Tian's words? She smiled and said, "Yes, I think my friends will be happy for me. It's always a good thing to get married. After a year or two, a son will be born. This woman is also perfect. By the way, I'm really happy to hear that your fifth aunt is pregnant. I hope Lord Tian can win a good job this time.

Beat the snake seven inches, knowing that Mrs. Tian couldn't mention who had another son, but Lin Yarong wanted to mention it.

There is no reason for you to respond to me in vain.

The smile on Lin Yarong's face is kind and gentle. In contrast, the fake smile on Mrs. Tian's face looks very unnatural.

Aunt Tian in Guansheng's room quickly came out to make room: "There has been no snow in the past two days, but it's dry. I asked my servants to cook mung bean lily soup, and all the ladies will drink a bowl."

Lin Yarong remembered that Aunt Tian was Mrs. Tian's distant niece. No wonder she had just entered the house and saw Mrs. Tian sitting in the main position.

Too lazy to pay attention to Mrs. Tian, Lin Yarong went to talk to several wives who were quite familiar with her, but she didn't understand more or less. According to say, it was also a big deal for Tian Zuoyuan to Tiliang City. Why didn't she and Sun Jingbang hear any news?

The flowers bloom at two ends, one branch each.

After Sun Jingbang entered the main hall and saw Tian Zuoyuan, he was also a little puzzled. In the past, he had never met Tian Zuoyuan in the court, but a few days ago, Sun Jingsong's incident was more or less a hatred between Sun Fu and the Tian family. Thinking of Lin Yarong's previous evaluation of Tian Zuoyuan, Sun Jingbang was on guard.

"Xiaoguan Tian Zuoyuan has met the Marquis of Zhenguo."

Although Tian Zuoyuan is in his early fifties, he is also well maintained. His skin is white and he is only 40 years old at a glance. Today, Tian Zuoyuan wore a plain long-sleeved Hanfu, which was a little elegant.

"Lord Tian, please get up. I didn't expect to see Lord Tian today, which makes people feel surprised and cordial. When will you arrive in Tiliang City?" Even if Sun Jingbang is a military master, he is not unfamiliar with this officialdom. With this familiar tone, people who do not know think how deep he has a friendship with Tian Zuoyuan.

"I only arrived this afternoon. I should have gone to the house to visit the marquis first, but I learned that Guan Sheng invited the marquis to visit the house today. I just borrowed flowers to offer Buddhas to get his light. I hope the marquis will not be surprised."

Tian Zuoyuan is too calculating and biased. Over the years, he has also offended many people in public and secretly. Otherwise, his generous attitude as an official could have been taken to another level.

Sun Jingbang laughed and said, "Today is Lord Guan's family banquet. We don't mention the set in the officialdom and don't talk about those false gifts. If we want to say some men's romantic words."

This was really bold, which made everyone behind him laugh.

Although Tian Zuoyuan's face was also smiling, his eyes were a little dark.


At night, on the carriage back home, Sun Jingbang closed his eyes and half lay on the cushion. He asked, "What do you think Tian Zuoyuan suddenly appeared in Tiliang City?"

Lin Yarong saw that he drank a lot, his face was red and hot, and raised a corner of the car curtain slightly: "Tian Zuoyuan is from King An. He suddenly appeared here. First, it's for you, and second, I'm afraid it's for this year's spring."

Sun Jingbang opened his eyes and said, "What do you say?"

"Last year, it has been rumored in Beijing that after this year's spring, your majesty wants to pass the throne to the throne, which should have been a happy thing, but you know, how can the prince so easily ascend to the throne. Not to mention that King An was ready to move in the dark, even the relatives of each family had made enough strength to hope for something. This spring is originally a means for the court to attract the world's scholars. If Tian Zuoyuan becomes the chief examiner, even if the prince succeeds to the throne, he will have to carefully consider Tian Zuoyuan's position. From another side, it can also be regarded as a contribution to the security king.

Sun Jingbang sat up straight and saw that the night wind blowing in was a little cold. He picked up a coat and put it on Lin Yarong.

"Is that my idea for the charm?"

Lin Yarong looked at Sun Jingbang and smiled: "No, if this prince wants to ascend the throne, he can't be empty-handed. But in other words, if King An has your support or a military charm, it is not clear who can ascend the throne of God in the end.

Sun Jingbang sighed quietly: "Why are these days getting more and more uneasy?"

Lin Yarong was happy, but then the smile on her face slowly faded. Turning his head and looking out, the silver moonlight was stained with blue stone, and the long street seemed to be soaked in water, with a slight glow. The sound of the carriage spread far and far in the empty street. In an instant, it was quiet and beautiful.

The night breeze is cool, and with the coldness of winter, it seems to be trying to convey the warmth of spring, and there are many dark currents hidden in the earth illuminated by the night.

Sun Jingsong went out before dawn. The old lady went all the way to the gate. Lin Yarong persuaded the old lady to get into the carriage for a long time. Sun Jingsong did not cry. Although his eyes were red, he was not ashamed at this time.

Looking at the old lady, Sun Jingsong changed his past smooth tongue, said a few words to the old lady in a low voice, and then strode forward.

The old lady cried with red and swollen eyes. Lin Yarong couldn't help urging the old lady not to worry. Sun Jingbang had already arranged everything for three years at most. When she saw Sun Jingsong again, she must be a good son.

The old lady was out of breath and cried and scolded, "It will take three more years. If I unfortunately die three years later, today will be my last time with Songer."

Lin Yarong was speechless. Old lady, can you not always think about life and death?

Seeing that the old lady did not listen to advice, Lin Yarong simply closed her mouth. With leisure, she looked up and noticed that there was a small sedan chair not far away. She didn't know who was on the sedan chair, but she was afraid that the maids waiting beside her were not ordinary people.

Sun Jingsong suddenly turned around, but did not look at the old lady. Following his eyes, Lin Yarong found that Sun Jingsong's eyes finally fell on the sedan chair. Her heart moved slightly and suddenly understood.

I'm afraid the person sitting on the sedan chair is Sun Jingsong's Chunfeng Tower.

Although Lin Yarong didn't see anyone in the end, she took a quick look. What impressed her most was the green and white jade hands, with ten slender fingers and bright red nails.

When she returned home, she was afraid that the old lady would be too sad and drag her body down, Lin Yarong sent the green butterfly to the kitchen to make a bowl of calming soup to coax the old lady to drink. When the old lady fell asleep, she returned to the green garden.

Sun Jingbang did not send Sun Jingsong off today. After all, his identity is there at this time. If he goes to the gate, he is afraid that others will be more careful, especially at this time, Tian Zuoyuan is in Tiliang City.

"The old lady is asleep. Although she is sad, the old lady should calm down after a few days." Although Sun Jingbang didn't ask anything, Lin Yarong knew that he remembered the old lady in his heart.

For a long time, Sun Jingbang hummed.

In the past, the two brothers were not very good, but today, as soon as Sun Jingsong left, Sun Jingbang's face was calm, but the complex emotions in his eyes still revealed everything.

"Let's go to the farm for a few days in the afternoon." Sun Jingbang suddenly said.

Lin Yarong was stunned and then understood what he meant. Sun Jingbang intended to avoid Tian Zuoyuan. However, since they know what Tian Zuoyuan came for, they will not sit back and wait for death.

Lin Yarong smiled and said, "Okay."

But when she cleaned up everything, an imperial edict from the capital fell from the sky.

"According to the transportation of heaven, the emperor called Sun Jingbang, the marquis of the town, and immediately entered Beijing after seeing the order. There should be no mistake.

Kneeling on the ground, Lin Yarong and Sun Jingbang looked at each other, and then the two got up at the same time.

The green butterfly will hold the gold and silver goods that have been prepared for a long time.

Back to Qingyuan, Lin Yarong looked a little uneasy.

"Why did Your Majesty suddenly call you to Beijing at this time?"

After putting away the bright yellow silk brocade, Sun Jingbang turned around and looked at her and said, "What else can it be? It should be the same as you think."

Lin Yarong was silent.

Seeing her uneasiness, Sun Jingbang smiled easily and said, "Don't worry, it's better to go back to Beijing than to be passive here. Besides, my mother has wanted to go back to Beijing for a long time. In this way, at least she doesn't have to worry so much about Jing Song.

Lin Yarong barely squeezed out a smile on her face. The old lady was happy, but she was not happy at all.

When she suddenly remembered something, she quickly asked, "What about Ling Cailan?"

Sun Jingbang was stunned. Obviously, he had never thought about this problem before.

After hesitating, he said, "Let Miss Ling go to Beijing with us."